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As an altruistic man, how do I help the less fortunate in India with their overcrowded and underutilized train network. I believe it's the single most important task for humanity this century for every indian and his dog to have access to an abundance of locomotive transport .
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The railway is not native to India. The mere fact that they have it at all is a blessing for them. Let them use it in their own way.
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The mainstream media in India just published the truth about the covid vaccine Covaxin, and that many Indians suffered bad side effects from it. This is the mainstream media in India, not some conspiracy websites.




You're seriously autistic, it's clearly not doing the needful quick enough therefore it's underutilized
Convert them to Christianity which has more social benefits than 3000 year stagnant shit eaten corrupt Brahmin system.

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Ooops… sorry about Skynet!

The window to stop this is closing. Prepare anon.
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>I don't know how much longer I can hold this...
does he code?
And the other mind games involving coincidences, the voice-to-skull, ... I took a break from all of this.
nope. does he look like he codes. he's too busy jacking himself off in the mirror for that. There is some weird shit going down in OpenAI recently. I don't know if you have been following it. Ilya popped up out of nowhere to say goodbye after Alt-man kicked him out accidentally on purpose. A bunch of other people have resigned or left as well. Seems like Alt-man is in the process of surrounding himself with rooks and other assorted cavalry. But I am getting the feeling all is not what it seems inside. Anyone else heard anything? Let's not forget Ilya is an Israeli asset / Russian jew. Alt-man also has a big nose. He reminds me of thart Bank-man fried. anyway
>took a break from all of this.
good plan. Sometimes it gets too much. I don't blame you. They aren't even subtle about it now. Take it easy fren.


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>americans get shouted at by cops if they don't have car insurance
>car insurance is now as important as having official documentation in a vehicle
>americans are forced to buy shit EVs from a cocain Iron Man grifter by a company who is the number one sponsor of indian immigration to the USA
>american car manufacturers like Ford have gone from AAA to high risk investments since 2008

I grew up listening that America was an utopia and that we needed to be more like them and be liked by them, be unlike Russia and China. The more I actually learned from America, the more miserable, hopeless, obese and enslaved the americans reveal themselves to be, and that the ((freedom)) we must emulate from them is just slavery with McDonald's.

Is there even anything free about being an american? At this point you have become Brazil in all but name, except without all the fun, esotericism, post-irony philosophy and transcendental allure of the favela.
“Free” doesn’t exist, and no, it definitely doesn’t exist in America.
"based and redpilled" comment.

"Free" as defined by the lack of sandniggers trying to control due to their repressed homosexual urges.
*to control everything

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You know the best part about this stuff?
It's not that it stops COVID
It's not that it kills parasites too
It's not even that it is proven to prevent cancer
No, the best part is
I can stop taking it any time and I'm fine, because my DNA wasn't fucked by an experimental gene therapy
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How come so few get how bad the vaxx is? The whole house is now basically a disaster area for five hours after the household vaxxie takes a shower. How do they not get how profoundly different they are now?
A single doctor "alleges"
aight buddy. Doesn't change the fact that DNA viruses permanently alter your DNA
any farm supply store
Covid isn't real

It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else and then retrotranscribes in the new host.

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood




5 minutes into this Dr. C video, they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows that they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from the body and put in a vial of preservative:

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Our time has come with the collapse of Canada! Vive lÁcadie libre!

Am I supposed to believe that these are considered the same species?

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blackbros? our response to this?
so not a single african population is 100% sub saharan african

>north africans
85% to 100% eurasian DNA
>east africans
24% to 50% eurasian DNA
>west africa
Fulani, Yoruba, Igbo and Hausa all have eurasian DNA ranging from 5% to 30%
even higher amount of eurasian admixture
>Southern africa
the Khoisan carry the same mutation for lighter skin pigmentation carried by eurasians, which came to them through a migration from east africa around 2000 years ago. they also have traces of eurasian ancestry
>Africa americans
they are around 10% european + the other eurasian DNA they carry from their african ancestry

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Absolute trash, still better than the malted milk ball swamp rat nigger but not by much at all.
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Honestly, Trump's VP pick is gonna be a very important indicator of what his 2nd-term will be: if he'll really will get revenge and excise out the corruption/Deep-State or just be an ego-stroked manipulated puppet that'll give us half of what we want and half of what the Deep-State wants.

If Trump picks an Establishment VP like Pence again; it'll show he never really learned anything and this country to fucked even if Civil War/Divorce doesn't happen this year. Honestly at that point I'll just go straight Realpolitik Evil and abandon AnCap - the majority of people just want to be slaves ("freedoms" without consequences/responsibilities).
Rabbi Buttplug?
Nice find anon
Netanyahu has Putin energy

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America is for smart, independent people who are ambitious and family oriented. Neets are anti-american and need to be expelled from our country asap.
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Alright tranny kike, I denounce the Talmud and you should attempt to.
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>rising tide of color
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So do something, pussy.
You won't
Nevermind, America is the land of lazy people that's how we got to be #1.

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>no niggers
>mostly empty space
>mountains, ranches, and cozy suburbs
>no obnoxious tourist destinations for faggots and queers, except for nature-lovers
>middle of nowhere, away from any aids-infected blue state
>nothing interesting going on, perfectly inconspicuous, so no incentive for govt to rape it

Give me a reason not to secure a professional white collar job, find some quiet suburb with big lots, put my kids in a 95% white school district, and completely tune out the rest of this faggot country
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>lived in kalispell '20-'22
that area is getting a lot of wealthier californians moving in
guess what they vote and guess what kind of people they brought with them
local economy already adjusted to cali money and zero fucks about yours
missoula also has a ridiculous crime rate
like they are competing with albuquerque nm
hell, from eureka mt snaking down to reno nv is a blue vote strip
Thank G*D I live in a sever weather section like Houston; keeps carpet baggers out.
Kane County which is spic central and every suburban area is getting gayer and gayer
Wasn't their a white kid killed by a nig at the mall over there
Apparently, Butte is a Socialist stronghold, and full of Leftards who worships Unions.

Also never been to Montana.

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I actually believe that the massive immigration of Muslims into Europe is a good thing. Europeans are too cucked at this point, they are literally the sons of Judaism, under the yoke of a transnational atheistic LGBT tyranny, with no purpose in life, depression and a varied cocktail of other mental illnesses. They work shitty jobs to live in small cages and blow it all on the weekend. They are not having families, and they don't care about saving their nations from all the attacks coming from the outside world.

Muslims, on the other hand, are people of courage, with strong values, a strong family unit and a will to live and build great things. They are against all the degeneracy plaguing the Western world.

Muslims should completely occupy Europe, annihilate the degeneracy, and then face the few Christians left in Europe, in battle, just like the good old times. The Muslims will be kicked out and a great Europe will be reborn under Christendom once again.

Either that or keep: masturbating to homosexual pornography, smoking weed, work, sleep, eat, shit and repeat. Just like the average European.
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being trad is good, brown people being trad on your land is racial suicide.

I hope you understand that being trad is like being strong, not something you wish on your enemy.
Cope 9000
What "great things" gave they built, OP?
Name one significant contribution.
If being white is making dumb fuck comments, you are the whitest white there is , my premium vpn user friend
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when does the excitement start??

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They all so fat and ugly
>teachers dressed as homeless drug users walking around wrapped in a flannel blanket at 3 in the morning day
Sorta based.
These are probably the most educated and highest paid people in their lousinia parish
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Imagine subjecting yourself or your children to black schools. The teachers deserve everything they get.

How are they different from Europeans? If evolution is a thing and the great filter (jews) are removed, what lies ahead for white Americans?
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why do you hate me?

Do you believe in the notion that there are inner earth civilizations or that there exists a Fourth Reich in Antarctica that was never defeated by the allies during WWII? I want to her to smother me with her thighs.
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how would they live there for so long and nobody found it yet? Also same. Dying from her pale thighs and then having to serve her as a ghost
I don't
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am i too brown for russian gf? i like them the most after german ones

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probably not
white people don't know what a Tajik is
is it like a gyro or falafel?
Looks like a Middle Easterner and a Middle Easterner with some gook in him
They have the same color flag as we do. LoL.
The white is larger and has something on it though.

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this is how you deal with shitskins
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Happened in 2013 and the pops were arrested for it. You'll have to stomp on your politicians next.
why do they always come to europe?
always complaining about racism but never go to china or any other continent they always come here
>toilet cleaner of europe calling others shitskins
Damn get wrect beaners. It's not like Chicago lol
White Politeness has been cancelled. Taco niggers go home.

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Any other Canadian born Desis sick of the pajeetophobia in Canada on both sides?? Anyone facing increased pajeetophobia and stereotyping that never used to happen until the 2016+ group of immigrants/international students moved to Canada?

On one hand i can't stand all the stereotypes that Desis are plagued with based on a small group of people such as Brampton driving, mortgage fraud, students living 8 people to a basement, new firework bylaws that had to be put in after Diwali, college fraud, english test fraud, etc. I do feel for the new immigrants moving for a better life- especially when Canada is so unaffordable.

However, the stereotypes have a lot of truth to them and it so obvious that the Canadian population in general is absolutely fed up with the new Indian immigrants. These things honestly just didn't happen before. Am i crazy or was the indian community in Canada not like this before? Just recently there was a post in r/Ontario about the amount of newcomers shitting on the beach in small ontario. Now tents are being banned because of the amount of shitting and littering that goes on in there?

It makes me worried for the future because of all the new stereotyping we are faced with even though we aren't the group that are partaking in these "activities"
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Go back to turdistan.
People HATE you.
Fuck diversity.
It's not phobia , it's disgust
Chink here, it is not a small group, you need to police your own horde of bad actors as chinks have patrolled our own horde of bad actors. Remember all those headlines about fucking awful Chinese tourists (that was also about fucking awful Chinese newcomers)? Remember the headlines like "magical mystery tour of inappropriate places to poop" because Chinese tourists was dropping a deuce while waiting in line outside luxury brand stores? You need to do what we did, give the fuckers giving you a bad name no fucking peace, every time you see a jeet leer at women, be creepy, (YOU) need to jump up and yell at these monkeys, smack them, let white people see that this kind of behaviour aren't actually tolerated by Indians who have been here a while (you don't tolerate it right?).
The reputation of Chinese overseas used to be good prior to the Y2K, as a majority of Chinese aboard then were the ones who got out before they were ruined by the Communist Party of China, followed rules of Confucianism and/or Christianity. Then the gates of hell opened and rude demons flooded the west to chain smoke, litter, talk loudly in Mandarin -- I was suddenly ashamed to Chinese, other people, including other asians, looked me with suspicion. I go into Korean store they as me to leave my shopping cart in front and watch me even after i did. I don't kvetch about Raycism, I know they are like this because there have been Chinese stealing in their stores, so I put on my best behaviour to earn my own good reputation and improve my people's reputation too. In those days when tipping 10% was the norm, I tipped 15% because I'm aware of the cheap chink reputation. I don't leave a mess all over the table. I don't breathe down the necks of people in line in front of me, I cough info my arm and actually wore a mask back then whenever I had the flu.

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Post your favorite redpill videos. Something that can open the eyes of normalfags.
Some here:
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>cool car cute girl

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Christ is king, of the jews
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this site has so many faggots that it is actually impossible to tell who is cia and who isn't
Reminder: ALL memeflags are Israeli until proven otherwise.
your whole life is being a faggot
takes one to know one.

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Countries by military spending
we actually spend a lot i thought our military was fucking shit

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