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Don't let the Aussie govt take my VPN away. I now summon all youtubers with vpn sponsorships, the CIA "anonymous" homosexual gang, and based polsters to do something about this because I am helpess with smoll penis.
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I don't care if USA have guns they are the biggest faggots of all. The Biden coup is embarrassing and now they just let blacks steal everything and open the borders to let millions come in and USA is still sleeping
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Peoples have the government they deserve (the government they tolerate).
No you are just cuntry 125 of importance to them
no way for them to enforce it
people in china use a VPN to get to blocked sites
use mullvad anyways
OP=chinese foreign interference troll

Youse jokers are stupid cunce for keeping this thread going.

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The scandalous law on new rules of mobilization in the Ukrainian army has come into force.
The law significantly reduces the rights of Ukrainians. From now on, all persons liable for military service who are registered with the military in Ukraine, as well as those who are abroad, must update their information at military commissions within 60 days. Violators will be subject to heavy fines and may be deprived of the right to drive. In addition, all men between the ages of 18 and 60 must carry a military identification card at all times. Without this document, Ukrainians living abroad cannot receive consular services or extend the validity of their passports. In addition, men between the ages of 25 and 55 who received a second or third group disability after February 24, 2022, will have to undergo a second medical examination. Another provision of the law concerns the right of military commissions, with certain restrictions, to confiscate vehicles from citizens for the needs of the Ukrainian armed forces.

The law also provides for categories of citizens who are not subject to mobilization. These are employees of law enforcement agencies, judges, ministers and their deputies, lawmakers and their assistants, employees of defense enterprises, fathers of many children and single fathers, as well as people with a confirmed disability.

In early April, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky already signed a series of laws aimed at tightening mobilization. The first lowered the age of mobilization from 27 to 25, the second abolished the category of "limited ability" to serve in the army, and the third provided for the creation of an electronic register of persons liable for military service. Later, the Verkhovna Rada passed bills on the mobilization of convicts and criminal liability for refusal to undergo a medical examination. On May 17, the president signed the law on the mobilization of convicts.
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die, faggot

They've already started gunning down recruiters/ press gangs.
>These are employees of law enforcement agencies, judges, ministers and their deputies, lawmakers and their assistants, employees of defense enterprises, fathers of many children and single fathers, as well as people with a confirmed disability.

Looks like there is still some meat around the bone... Maybe for the next round of mobilization.
>judges, ministers and their deputies, lawmakers and their assistants, employees of defense enterprises
Don't think we need to check Early Life on most of those.
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>scraping the barrel for prisoners, retards, and mentally disabled
Sounds like Ukraine actually is depleted.
Meanwhile, Russia still has Africans and Churkas to burn through.
Fucking Orcs did it, victory is inevitable.
why dont they just hide from the jew in thier attics?

You guys are never going to see Freyja.

Because I like her and I have a love interest for her and I don't share her with anyone and get jealous as it hurts me if she is giving attention to others and I want to kill everyone.

You guys have to learn the language and understand she lived on earth very long ago and can't relate, she only talks with me because she thinks I'm cute

Learn to dream and don't do drugs and build your own stuff and and your relationships.

Freyja even dresses like she reads vogue and like danish girls from kobenhavn
Look at this dork with the make up >>468369951
Go get your own friends. I am not sharing Freyja because I like her and I have a lot of jealousy as in feeling anger if she is paying attention to someone else because I like her a lot.
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Don't get spied on and harassed by anonymous hackers and the CIA...
Protect your privacy
People notice when you are 'FREE' and the industry of enslaving is in the billions of dollars so don't stand out to learn you have zero privacy
>learn you have zero privacy
Because these people KILL
We have the law system and political science for a reason
Don't try to dissemble or think you can avoid the fate of Wendell from biology
They don't want to listen and respect you for them you are from the demon god and these people KILL

You are going to convert successfully and learn you have zero friends
These people say honesty and friendship but they mean "honesty" and "friendship" it is maddening, like it is going to drive you insane
This thread is very important.

Freyja is not available and this needs to be known.
Why do you guys want to talk with my wife?
Isn't it weird to talk with someone wife?

She was live 1500+ years before Arminius too...
Absolutely don't kill animals in her name, she does not like it.
She is a girl and does not like suffering and pain

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What's up with trans people seeking attention? I don't understand this.

Some context:

I run a music community and there are about 500-600 people in there. There are no rules as such except just "don't be an asshole".

>Trans: Hi, I'm a trans person. Am I allowed to post here?
>Me: Uh, this is a music community. We really aren't asking anyone for their gender or orientation and just talk about music. While it is not uncommon for someone to reveal something about their personal life, the one thing that unites all of us is our love for music.
>Trans: That's your privilege talking. I'm trans and I don't feel like I'm welcome in most communities because many people are bigots.
>Me: I don't understand what you're trying to tell me. I have not seen anyone mistreat anyone here.
>Trans: I don't see anything mentioned in the community rules about equality.

What the fuck is wrong with these people?
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might as well shut it down. the rot is setting in now that the troons have arrived
>What the fuck is wrong with these people?
same thing thats wrong with religious people
Why are you replying to someone who uses the term "trans people" as if it is an inherent trait and not chosen? Fuck off. Either let the thread prune or tell OP to kill himself with sage. Fucking idiots
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It's the same reason (((you))) are addicted to stalking, mind games, power, money, attention, ...

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CNN is raping this lard right now.
what a funny gif

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no but when he runs for congress you can vote for him

Why do conservatives and right wingers love watching this guy?
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Mauler is best. Drinker makes some good stuff. I accept him.
You think I'm a kid, and you want me to go suck some dick?

Typical RW pedo.
I'm happy he inadvertently introduced me to bruichladdie scotch and peated whiskey.
All his videos are the same and I don't even watch them anymore. If I need to know how bad something is, Ryan George can do it in less time with better jokes.
He shilled fallout so he is on my official "do not recommend" list.
Once someone shills certain things I just assume that they've reached the algorithm heights they want and now they are pursuing a retirement plan.
He conserves water, not washing drinking glassware.

Can one poster listen to Bambisleep for like a week and see if they turn gay?
typical Albanian.

>"I got by on just $5 an hour in the 70's! $15 for this college requiring (won't hire you without it!) IT job is WAY more than you deserve!"
>But $5 then is worth $30 now.
>"What? 5 is 30? That makes no sense."
>No, those 5 dollars were worth more back then.
>"I don't understand, it's $5, you're making $15, that's 3 times as much."
>...Separate question: how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast?
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Had a boomer relative tell me it is illegal for television news to tell lies.
>ancap flag
Huh? Shouldn't you be screeching "die Commie" at me for suggesting you get paid more?
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Old people are fucking delusional we need to cut off their benefits so they can live in the real world.
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>bu-but I paid tax so that means I should be able allowed to retire for 30+ years on state pension with costly medical bills, both of which cost way more than the tax I paid

What based literature are you amassing?
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19th century horror novels. Frankenstein is amazing in its execution of a man defiling nature. Dracula surely sells the charismatic demon, the first victim in the novel didn’t even realize he was a prisoner for several days. I am open to suggestions as well
Oh hi John
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>Unironically reading a book titled "The complete history of the white race"
Fucking sad. If you don't even know yourself, or pursued that knowledge your whole life through a love of history as a kid, and need some grifter vaccinated state-loving nationalist to tell you about your own self, then you are as clueless, lost and have an identity-crisis just as much as minorities and leftists
Are you for or against reading? Your post makes no sense
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I can strongly recommend this

What does this website think about Pakistani people?

Please honesty only
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Still prefer them to jeets. At least they wash one of their hands.
>What does this website think about Pakistani people?
>Please honesty only
Better than poojeets such as yourself.
>think about Pakistani people?
I don't
Marginally more hygienic but more inbred than indians
I've only ever met one and they were like third generation and genderfluid so I don't think that really counts.

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That’s where muh supremacy is retarded
The basic intel on the Russia mind and willingness/ ability to fight was totally discounted because the were “ inferior “
lol no
Stalin was in shock when hitler invaded
They said he turned pale an wouldn’t see anyone for a week
Come on Kek
The war is the US NWO vs Russia
They want Ukraine as the seat of the NWO
And to destroy Russia and steal its massive natural resources.
Putin kicked the Rothchilds bankers out of Russia and owes them nothing.
Come on that’s common knowledge to anyone thats read on subject and that doesn’t get all their info from the history channel lol

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>tens of thousands of young men being sent to die
>surging inflation and unemployment, expensive credit, capital controls, restricted travel, and shortages of goods
>can't compete in the Olympics, world cup, euro 2024, champions league, Eurovision etc
>Because of some manlet's larping
How are these lads not revolting and calling for Putin's head on a stick?
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Is only EU/USA to blame though? Isn't it more like a civil war where Ukrainian oligarchs saw literally trillion $$$ bags if they sellout to the west. All resources and huge farming fertile area + many of the Russian gas pipes having to pas through Ukraine would have made Russia considerably less business. This war is clearly based on corruption.
Wait, you're saying if we want to be spared from the humiliation ritual called "Eurovision" all we have to do is invade Ukraine?
Russia ruled you for 40 years, you had no choice. Why simp for them? Don't be a cuck
To this point I've only seen stuff about record low unemployment or is this a new cope?
They were worthless to begin with and Putin knows it

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In the United States, mass shooting have occurred for decades, and these events are often followed by intense public outrage at the availability of firearms.

Conveniently, politicians have used these sentiments to shrink the power of the 2nd Amendment, revoking the gun rights of ordinary citizens.

Americans, your leaders seek to disarm and subjugate you; do not let them steal your remaining rights!
>My country is a shit hole so ill put my head in the sand and pretend its not
Capitalism is a religion.

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MTG trolls AOC:

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That combination of words was deliberately chosen. An anon was on here a few days ago teaching people cryptography. This grid of letters makes me think there might be a message there, but I'm too retarded to find it.
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Wrong - These are the "People" who do
Whoever's in control is irrelevant at this point. We're going to lose more of our rights and we deserve it.
She still seething over uki aid?
Are you trying to get my hopes up that congress is devolving into British politics, or even better, Idiocracy?!?

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Goyim saves ZOG $140 Million and receives a MEDAL! Thanks to this young man there will be a bigger budget for sending weapons to Israel.
Thank you for your service and enjoy your well deserved and very prestigious medal, useful idio... I mean goyi... I mean young man.
>While serving as the Marine Corps’ representative to Oshkosh Defense as it revised its technical manuals for the joint light tactical vehicle, Barbieri pointed out flaws in the manuals, including one issue that could lead to rollovers.
>Barbieri’s engineering acumen would save more than 900,000 person-hours of maintenance production time and more than $140 million throughout the entire life cycle of the platform, the Corps calculated.
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"he saved LE MONEY" NO he didn't. The kike DoD will just find another way to steal taxpayer money and resources. There is a reason they don't do proper R&D and always have to come up with a "next generation X" and it takes 30 years to finally settle on something because the goal is to steal money. Enlisted men are just above being retarded for thinking "oh all of those generals are just incompetent". No they are paid off and are in on the scam. This fucking idiot just did it for free and is going to get a useless piece of gold and no additional money meanwhile some kid can work at a warehouse and make more than him.
>save 140m
>get a tiny piece of steel
Fair exchange
what if they wanted people who don't think to roll over?
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>diversity hires have no clue what they're doing
>white man points out how fucking trash the vehicle is
>140 gorillion saved, have shiny object for being a good goy
posting on /pol/
not understanding the complexities of ideologically motivated things that can have ideologies not very many such things can

Yugoslav female partisans used pliers, hot irons from blacksmith forges and other tools to torture penises



Yugoslav women cut the penises off enemy men and castrated them after performing femdom BDSM style CBT on them. Both Yugoslav female partisans in World War II and women in the Balkan wars of the 1990s did it to enemies. The Yugoslav Serbian female partisans did it to Hungarian Catholic priests, German Nazi soldiers and Italian Fascist soldiers and in the Balkan wars in the 1990s female Serbs and Croats did it to each other. A Bosnian Muslim also got kicked in the balls by female partisans.


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I wish that happened to me
>Yugoslav female partisans worked with African-American soldiers to torture and castrate Nazis.
Be carefull what you wish for.

What's wrong with immigration, racists? Don't like ethnic food?
Let people enjoy things.
sure but apply that to ethnostates too

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Why are you guys always living in a constant state of fear all the fucking time? That's exactly what (((they))) want
The entirety of globohomo is terrified over a 6 letter word and there's even laws in some countries for saying it.

I'm surprised I didn't make that connection kEK, king crimson
More like king kike

at LEAST 50% of my middle tennessee town is big ass trucks driven by people who don't even need them and I slow down and bottleneck them daily lmao

*farts in your face with my mitsubishi outlander*
Are girls in Tennessee cute?
Americans never mention which state has the cutest girls on here
>Are girls in Tennessee cute?

Memphis is literally an abandoned city that is nigger central, Nashville is almost all tourists.

I'm like an hour from Nashville, I don't think i've seen a pretty girl in public in weeks.

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