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How are my fellow zoomoids feeling about this very possible outcome? WWIII isn't just a meme anymore. Also post your designated war song to play in the trenches.
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We could've gotten high and played vidjya. But you love jews, so do this instead
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Did your 33 yo dad teach you to swim? Bet he taught you to love nigger jews instead
Why would i want to fight a war, when even under full time employment, i can't afford a house in the rural area i grew up in?





Well, the idea is..about 60 million dead niggers out of the way would make it a lot more affordable, wouldn't it? If you're over 30 ,unvaxxed, and redpilled, stay the course. They're about to March lemmings off of a cliff. If you catch my drift

My town recently had its first youth stabbing in a park since the new Biden voters have been moving in. I noticed that the local grocery store got rid of the grocery baskets because beaners kept stealing them. God only knows why anyone would want to steal them. What level of diversity is your local town at
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them niggas shot that niggas niggas at his funeral nigga. Niggas be crazy out side nigga
we know

There you go anon. Everything you need to know is in that documentary series
>Homeless people cut through my yard constantly
>Fix the fence gate and lock it up to stop them
>They destroy the gate to continue cutting through, saving fifty feet of walking

>Have a shed
>Place a single rake in said shed, lock it up
>Someone breaks into it, steals rake, leaves a single cigarette butt and a half eaten freezie, then locks up behind them

>Old folks homes have security guards who stand watch whenever the senior citizens want to sit outside to keep the homeless from begging/stealing

>Have had five separate individuals knock on my door at night asking if this is where they can buy down in the past six months

>Population under 40k, 175 homeless. 1/200 people are homeless. Almost all of them are rez rejects. Not quite San Francisco tier, but impressive for a place with -50 windchill being a regular occurrence in winter.

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Oilfield in the Midwest always brings in tons of undesirables during the summer. They'll be gone by winter. I just have to do my grocery shopping early in the morning and spend the rest of the time on the water fishing from my boat.

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Based Allah does not tolerate talking shit about his chosen
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forgot the meme flag, moshe.
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I don't have any opinions on thoughts on this. I just want to say that this mans face looks so calm.
Crikey that's a big cock. I never realised porpoises were so immodest.
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go fuck the goats achmed

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When a political movement like the Reform Party appears to be gaining momentum, it is difficult to achieve anything by supporting it and by directly endorsing its leader, Nigel Farage. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the perceived strength and triumph of such political forces. These leaders, particularly one as degenerate and bourgeois as Farage, offer a false hope and lack any connection with higher principles. Following them will only lead to greater misery. One should not become fixated on the present and on immediate political gains, but keep in view the broader conditions that may unfold in the future.
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Communist detected, opinion disregarded
he is bourgeoise, he represents an average middle class person. it's not reactionary though because he has always been like that
It’s so funny watching Brit/pol/ teenagers get giddy over Nigel Farage kek
he is bourgeois though

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>Whore War 1
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Looks like it really is happening this time
Hope it's true, would like to look at someone feminist's bitch fat face and see horror in her eyes. Theye deserved it.
You're killing yourself today
Not tomorrow, today, there is no reason to continue on living
No one will mourn you, it's time to kill yourself now, right now
No member of the government would be this based in public.
Moreover, they're also talking about one of the demographics that's the worst at combat.
Absolutely unreal.

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Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) said Dr. Anthony Fauci “belongs in prison” for “crimes against humanity” at a conservative conference in Detroit on Saturday.

Greene gave a speech at Turning Point USA’s People’s Convention this weekend, where she dug into Democratic politicians and the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases for their handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“I’ll never forget when the Biden administration and Nancy Pelosi, as speaker of the House, brought in nearly 30,000 National Guardsmen and turned our Capitol complex into a military base,” she told the audience. “They masked schoolchildren. They shut down schools. They closed beaches. They silenced your speech.”

“They attacked the very core of our freedoms, all for a virus that they made in a lab in Wuhan, China,” she added. “And yes, Doctor Anthony Fauci should be tried for crimes against humanity.”

The crowd then broke into cheers of “Lock him up!” to which Greene responded: “I can assure you, if I have anything to do with it, we will lock him up! He belongs in prison!”

At a hearing before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic this month, Republicans accused him of funding research that started the pandemic and of covering up the “lab leak” theory—the same theory Greene referenced in her speech, which posits the virus originated from a lab in Wuhan, China. (Greene also suggested Fauci should be imprisoned at that hearing.)

“I cannot account nor can anyone account for other things that might be going on in China, which is the reason why I have always said and will say now, I keep an open mind as to what the origin is,” Fauci said at the time.

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It's not real you retard. He peddled it like it was and killed millions of people and also caused mass alcoholism and depression. He deserves to be fucking devoured by insects and left to rot in the rain.
The virus going by data, shows that it started in America. Trump never stopped funding to gain of function labs in the USA, Trump stopped funding the people who police these scientists.
So any way you look at it Trump will be in jail also.
Policies, funding, cover up and in America Trump will be connected to them.
more like Mario
>Republican promises to serve justice to a criminal
Yeah, heard that story before.
It was all a democratic ploy by dems and China, to get Trump out of office. Cause life was too good before hand.

god loves even what hates him
I love the people who hate me and pray for them
Holy and Christpilled
god hates those who steal aka everyone who works for the state.
>There are six things the LORD hates, seven that are detestable to him: 17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, 18 a heart that devises wicked schemes, feet that are quick to rush into evil, 19 a false witness who pours out lies and a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
>a man who stirs up dissension among brothers.
so a bad goy

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welfare migrants...from SPACE
it's no longer globohomo...it unihomo
well what the fuck did you think, it’s like that thing in Cuba where Castro just sent boatloads of violent criminals and drug dealers to the states straight from Cuban prisons. You think some wise space being is going to send us their equivalents of Nobel prize and Oscar winners? Or alien olympians? No, they’ll send us their dregs. If they don’t destroy our society then they’ll send a delegation to figure out what to extort us for.
Is this footage from Australia?
That was Scarface.
Now you mention it...

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>im a whore so no man would settle down with me
>i'm le nun now, teeheehee
What's the point of this post? Your retarded posts only make me become more fanatical in my belief.
I would be so funny If I rape and impregnate her ahahah so funny.
The pagan Romans also had their Vestal Virgins. This isn't a phenomenon unique to Christianity, you fucking retard. It's a type of life that some men and women are attracted to
Pajeet your tiny cock wouldn't be able to touch.
>krishna tongue my anus

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everyone worships self (lower ego) as satanists do. they worship money. they’d rather have many paryners than one good one. media glamourizes hedonism. you ae given permissiion to sin.
there are thise offering teachings to those who are put iff by church morality, they tell of a feel goid philosophy where you have yhe power, you are god
a interview where the guy who makes the videos (its a duo of guy and girl) mentioning family of gangsters and being traumatized by abuse and hiding in domestic shelter
where CIA recruits victims for mkultra

blonde on album covers also obv beta sex kitten
they host a venue on an island somewhere in upstate ny thats whrre they have sex magick ritual ceremony
the front in the video is a high priest that does the ceremony since elites aren’t adept at occult practice and need a true believer. this creates an wnergy vortex which is how they keep their position of fame and power. crazy how they dont hide anymore, even funders cult hs a youtubd and this guy teaches this luciferian freemasonoc new aget satan
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Moneys is kind of interesting worship wise. It's more useful the more you can buy with it that's why bitcoin is not taken seriously yet. The only way to be able to increase the number of things that can be purchased is if people believe enough in money's ability to purchase whatever they desire or need. So money's entire value comes from the worship it gets if everyone worships money they basically become slaves to it, and become useable by other people with more money. Conversely if people stop worshiping money and they free themselves in any meaningful number then money becomes worthless. Its indistinguishable from a pagan god.
op is based
Look at the size of her titties
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every child actor that could interact with MJ all said that he was helping them not spend time with kikes.
They don't care about us.
Real. I play with little boys all of the time. I invite them into my bedroom for sleep overs and we play all night.
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get the fuck back in the oven, boy
>all of the
I believe that Brooke Shields adds to my claim that Michael Jackson did his best to help the victims of the kike run hollywood-burbank slave trade.

kikes are still fighting over his estate to this day

Previous >>471221790

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats


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Last night at the Kaplan/Tel Aviv protests, they were talking about this next week being a week of resistance, aka antifa type action shit to bring down the Netanyahu government.

Maybe even some CIA coordination of that shit too, idk.

But right now look what's happening this morning!

Not in my name = I'm not even American, I'm a Jew/Israeli, and I promote open borders for white nations.
(((They))) don't want anyone to stop the anti-kike content, since then they won't have anything to claim victimhood about. Forcing them to go back to doing it themselves
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based rot in hell zogbots

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Why is nobody hiring right now?
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Welding robots are too stupid to completely replace you.
t.welder and welding robot operator.
>Probably shouldn’t have majored in CS
Haha he doesn't know.
couldn't hide your power level, huh?
being a welder is sort of a meme, treat it as a skill and not as a job. use it as a way to get into a career like heavy mechanic or industrial maintenance. plenty of rock quarries, copper mines or railroad track/boxcar repair will hire you just for knowing how to weld and you know how to swap parts
if you can change a alternator or brake pads on your car you’re qualified to do these jobs lol
To leave people with no option but enlisting.

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Why haven't you accepted your place as a servant of the Jewish people? Serious question. You can't change this and you unwittingly serve us even if you are bitter about it (for example, every time you buy something). The good goyim are smarter in that at least they seek to get the most out of their servitude (status, material wealth, better healthcare). This isn't about pride, God has decided on who the rulers of the Earth will be. By opposite His Will you are only making everything vastly more difficult for yourself.
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Are you scared or retarded? all fields
Because I don't have to be.
your god will come back to earth and die a second time
>God has decided on who the rulers of the Earth will
yeah and its not jews
jews broke their covenant
thats why God allowed them to be BTFO by the romans
also the lineage of King David died out intl the middle ages son
jews are actually extinct.. all you have left is some pretenders from Khazaria

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
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Kek we gave these coconuts a fucking multi million dollar piece of equipment and they fucking beached it on the maiden voyage
The charity couldn't function without the products being bought.
Think I might get a burger for goyslop today. But I am on pajeet strike, so won't get it delivered. They have to go back. I feel a bit sorry for them sometimes, they got their thing from Melbourne Polytechnic of Informations, and now they do delivery. But they shouldn't even fucking be here so tough shit.
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Sounds like bullshit, but say Colesworths runs a food charity that buys food from themselves, it could potentially be legal but it really needs to be done at arms length which doesn't seem possible if you're the Motherfucking CEO (and probably sole employee) of both.

Can I have a job?

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weird research in Finland: modified corona virus enters cancer cell and kills it


Biotherapeutics Co. CEO Akseli Pekka Hemmingway says there exist 290 different types of cancer cell we have seen so far (could be even more but its already a lot).

This means just about any type of cell inside human body can transform into cancer. Some tissues are worse than others regarding the outcome. Some cancers which have started as skin cancer but spreaded to internal organs are eventually impossible to cure if it had spreaded.

What they are doing is researching a cure for cancer that took over internal organs. A modified coronavirus enters cancer cells only, they promise. Coronavirus now has 7 different changes from original, these were genetically engineered. It searches cancer cells based on 7 markers usually found only in cancer cells.

>it should be effective against: ovary cancer, testicle cancer, skin cancer, it is not exactly known why it works mostly against these, but it does work even if a testicle cancer has taken over your stomach, which was previously an untreatable condition, removing balls will work if done in early stage of cancer but not after it colonizes the stomach

>He believes the treatment can move from research phase to being actually available in hospitals for a common cancer patient, maybe in 2030.
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two more weeks
Perfect body. Sucks about the face.
Autoimmune diseases in general (where the immune system is hyper-activated) attack all abnormal cells, eventually destroying the entire body, like the body starts eating itself. Yes, people with this conditions are less likely to get cancer, their bodies will eat the cancer before it can become a problem, but their bodies will also eat their own bones, organs, etc.
So, the solution is by getting cancer to stave off the autoimmune death? Drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, eat red 40, etc.
I mean, you could try that, keep the auto-immune disorder busy with cancer so it'll leave the rest of our body alone. Keep a log, let us know how it goes.

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I hate tourists

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Why is a corrupt, criminal, rotten shithole like Russia threatening the world with nuclear war?
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Advanced like his equipment that invaded Ukraine in his 3 day war.
>russias final warning
lol, lmao
>Russian animals invade a country to steal land and commit atrocities
>why is the invaded country fighting back?
The same reason israel is and they aren't even allowed to have nukes unlike Russia.
brutal mogging.

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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He's our first black(face) Prime Minister after all..
Fuck off, chang.
trudeau is a snake
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Luckily here in burgerland, we don't have to worry about any foreign nations interfering in our elections...

>be treasure hunter
>find what you think is the location of millions of dollars of civil war gold
>tell the FBI about it for some reason
>judge grants the FBI a search and seizure warrant that would allow them to dig between 6 AM and 10 PM
>FBI keeps the people who found the location out of the dig site
>some hunters who happened to be near the site say they saw the FBI digging at around 5 AM even though the FBI says they didn't show up until 8 AM that day
>they also saw armored trucks, one of which looked weighed down like they were carrying something
>FBI denies they found anything even though their own geophysical consultant identified an underground metallic mass weighing up to 9 tons that had the density of gold
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Bumping to keep the thread alive, because glowniggers don't like people making wealth outside their rigged systems, nor preserving history (the destruction of priceless historic relics and numismatic artifacts to fund illegitimate regimes in corrupt hellholes is a tragedy that no words can do justice).

Find gold? Call the FBI? Who drinks such potent stupid juice? Instead ..imho...find gold, make jewelry, make ingots.
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forgot pic

$55M per ton for 24 karat. Even at 2,000 per ounce, if you sold ten ounces of 24 karat jewelry or ingots on Ebay that is 20,000 and you'd still have the remainder.
Imagine being stupid enough to tell the government you found a bunch of gold XD.

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