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The paradise that russoids think is just like the Netherlands.
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Fucking rekt again xD
Whatta shithole. Not even China or India has any city this bad
It IS a poor shithole lmao
You just have your american standards; Just because it's moscow doesn't mean it's magically 1/10th the price of US/the west in general.
And maybe even then, it may be the case. But that 1M apartment might be 10M in jew york
why no cheeky reply yet, russo-jew?

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Previous: >>472027299

▶Day: 851 - Daily battlefield assessment:https://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Dagestani muslims killed at least 9 russians and 24 injured
>South Korea to reconsider providing weapons to Ukraine
>At night, the AFU attacked the Afip, Il, Krasnodar, and Astrakhan oil refineries. Also strikes on the radar and electronic recon centers in the Bryansk region and in the Crimea, as well as Shahed storage and launch centers in Krasnodar - Ukrainian General Staff
>The US allows Ukraine to strike with its weapons anywhere in the Russian Federation, where it attacks the border, and not only near the Kharkiv region, - Pentagon spokesman Ryder
>"Ukraine must first win the war in order to join NATO", - White House representative John Kirby
>Rostov oil base still on fire more than a day after
>Oil base droned in Rostov oblast
>Ukraine's Peace Summit in Switzerland began, 92 countries attend and 8 international organisations
>Yuan to replace dollar as Russia's main foreign currency
>The yuan/ruble exchange rate will now set the trajectory for other currency pairs on the Moscow Exchange (MOEX)

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Putin said they aren't communist, which means they are
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Shelomovland is fucked up "country".
There are mobilized levies (Novorossiyan countries have total mobilization), there are former prisoners, there are various third world mercenaries.
Bro, NK isn't in the Russian sphere, it's in China's sphere
If by sphere you meant control, then sure

Father wants to watch The Beekeeper
10 minutes in … I can’t
Niggers, white scammer when it should be Indian, poor black people.

Fuck Jews.
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was meant for this
Ahem, my wife is more racist than me
i don't support just saying f the js, but yeah, it's frustrating.

The last 3 shows my kid has wanted to watch all had lesbian leads. i'm talking about legend of kora, the Apple tv godzilla show, and then we started watching star wars clone wars the other day, and it looks like they're doing the lesbian angle.

At a relatives house scrolling netflix, and they say oh lets watch brooklyn 99. it's got that one jewish snl guy. 5 minutes into episode, the black police chief needs to disclose that he's gay.

Really is tiresome. Best you can do is stick with older shit.. Even some more 'based' anime titles even. Gundam is pretty good imo. Iron blooded orphans is pretty fun and most of them have stronger male leads & cool mech battles.

I took my kid to see the latest bad boys and the only cringy shit to me was a strip club scene where the scene focuses on talking about mike eating her pussy.

But then I'd rather have that then some trans or gay bullshit I expected. In fact, I was surprised how ''unwoke'' the movie was. I think they wanted to focus on black men and one scene made me think it's military propaganda for recruiting purpose.
uh oh, we're in trouble, something's come along and it's burst our bubble.
>Lol I also watched like 10 minutes of that movie like a week ago. Turned it off because it seemed shit. Googled some 80s movies instead.
last night I watched "Airport". Pure late '60s kino

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gives me running man vibes. what a time to be alive & being hunted by a temu drone strapped with WWII surplus explosions. all shit talking aside, shouldn't he be able to raise his arms and surrounder though? seems slightly warcrimey
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>a net with few stones at the end would take care of a drone easily and costs pretty much nothing
Exactly. Make nets like picrel and launch them from a t-shirt gun. Drone propellers tangle in net, drone falls to ground
>that id
fuck you gook moot
Dropped everything. Knife, food, water flares, all ammo, grenades. You are a retard anon.
This really is the best Ukrainians have, isn't it

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Was Soviet Union really that bad?
it was tremendously bad and jewish at the start but i feel like after stalin they became rather based. kind of like america in reverse where we were based and now were jewish and bad
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The horrendous mismanagement of the soviet system by the soviet government doomed the entire operation

2 minute operation in gaza
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Old footage from week 2 of the conflict...

Their is aftermath that shows advancing forward after the dust has settled from Jews flattering your buildings.
>endless footage of Jewish terorst getting rekt
>no need for Palestinians to fake footage
>wow i just happen to have evidence that debunks my own lazy fake image
Samefag harder kike

asking for a friend
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he ordered his Allahu Snackbox at McHammud's and you are taking the order out to him in the parking lot.
>Yeah, except that the Quran is co-eternal with Allah (!) and uncreated
Kalam(speech) is an attribute of Allah. Since Allah is uncreated, His speech is uncreated. Since He existed beyond time eternally, His kalam is also eternal and is without lips and sound. This is called Kalam Nafsi.

>God's son must be another God then?
If that is true, then there'd be two Gods. Again One God can be compared to the other. Since God has a son, why not a grandson. Why do chriscucks LARPs as monotheists then?

God does not beget nor is begotten. There is nothing like him. Jesus peace ben upon him, is another prophet like Moses, Abraham, David, peace be upon them all.

COPE and SEETHE vodka man
We're #1.
Fruity as hell
can you ppl take all morocagones from here with you to build that paradise and not ever com eback here? Friendly request, eh, no bad blood.

Ewwww, I found something worse than western trannies.
Indian trannies has to be a pinnacle of being disgusting.

degenerate child molester

Stop projecting.
all criminals are black

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>Antifa Poo-tin is sending an army of pajeet streetshitters to invade white Europe
Oh no no no no no commie faggots how are you gonna explain how denazifying the whiteness out of europe using an army of poos is based now?
Pootin wants to denazify (you):
Pootin wants to ban western free speech internet such as /pol/:
Pootin = king of antifa:
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International Antifa Congress isn't antifa?
>International Antifa Congress
All of those retards are financed by NGOs or CIA dark pool money
>(CIA sells illegal drugs in US, CIA hides dark money in bank accounts that they then use later).
Russia announces first International Anti-Fascist Congress
Moscow plans event to unite global efforts to fight fascism after launching offensive partly to ‘denazify’ Ukraine
Russia announces first International Anti-Fascist Congress
Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu has announced plans to host the first International Anti-Fascist Congress.
Shoigu told reporters about the new event on Tuesday, saying it would be held in August, in conjunction with the “Army-22” international military technology forum near Moscow. The initiative is meant to “unite the efforts of the international community in the fight against the ideology of Nazism, neo-Nazism in any form of its manifestation in the modern world,” he said.
Russia is calling attention to its anti-fascism agenda at a time when it’s attacking Ukraine, which it claims is partly down to a desire to “denazify” the former Soviet republic.
How US state media rebrands Nazi collaborators as freedom fightersREAD MORE: How US state media rebrands Nazi collaborators as freedom fighters
“Your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not fight the Nazi occupiers and defend our common Motherland to allow today’s neo-Nazis to seize power in Ukraine,” President Vladimir Putin said last week, announcing the military operation against Kiev.
Russia also has there own $110 billion yearly black project budget. You don't think they do any of their own spy activities?

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This kills the Ellis Islander
Friendly reminder that If you aren't of american founding stock, meaning english, lowland scots, ulsterman, anglo irish, welsh, dutch or french huguenot then you literally aren't american and never will be
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My Mother's side came here in 1801 from Bavaria. Father's side 1898.

I'm a Native at this point. So fuck off.
Do you average the mother and father's sides if you're mixed?

Paternal side: Kingsguard for Washington
Maternal side: Ellis Islander from the Nederlands ~1945 because muh nazis
both sides of my family fought in the american revolution against the british. I got mostly scot, ulster and lowland and english dna. In fact I challenge any one in the UK to a dna test. I ain't got any brown or black in me. Neither side of my family has and they got off a boat in Maryland in 1674
Grandfather: Grade A(French)
Grandmother: Grade C(Polish)
Father: Grade D?(Puerto Rican)
Can I stay?
no you must pick france poland or puerto rico to go back to

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Revenge is sweet.
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like you needed to prove you were a street shitter to us? you've been here shitting the place up for years, everyone knows.
are you canadian? Do you think indians deserve revenge for colonizing canada and stealing it from the aboriginals?

why hide your canadian flag?
>1 billion street shitters will perish in your lifetime
unexpected whitepill
This is inaccurate because the indian isn’t using the money to buy cow shit to eat.

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Happening train has no breaks
American señors going on a field trip
Or what? He’ll go talk shit on Oprah?
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>putin's response:
Obama, aka the nigger too afraid to confront Kim Jong man to man

Radiation is the invisible killer. You wont know if food or water has been irradiated and consuming it will kill you.

>Solution: A Geiger counter
But those are giga expensive. Well apparently you can finally buy a cheap one with decent accuracy

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nbz_Nbqgehc

What else do you need to survive the coming nuclear winter /pol/ ?
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lmao stfu idiot, no we dont.

I bet you have a single computer fan sucking out air from your basement and think thats doing anything for this fucking horseshit scam.
Radiation quite literally kills you short or long term. Cancer is long term as a side effect of chronic radiation exposure. ARS or Acute Radiation Syndrome literally bursts whatever cell it touches in your body. The fast dividing cells like hair and GI affect you most. Leads to common symptoms of nausea, vomiting, burns, and hair loss. If it’s a lot radiation, it can destroy a lot of cells and you quite literally can bleed to death just like being shot by a regular bullet. The pain is also immense because there’s no way to administer pain meds - you can hold it down orally or can’t find a vein IV.
I was just checking the mapping for Radon levels for my area
>Radon level: 6 Bq/m3
apparently < 50 Bq/m3 or 0 - 1.3 pCi/L is classed as Excellent.
So im good here.

Might get one of those self test kits just to see. Cant trust Gov trannies data.
>getting your Geiger counter from aliexpress
Oh no no no
kek, me radios too.

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what's a retarded stone licking pedophile doing in sweden?
i think that had more to do with the 1400 years of cousin fucking
>Saves movie for hajj
Based,now die you filthy demon worshipping shitskins
Where and when did it happened
Any christian think kissing one certain cross at one place will take away their sins?

>>472032222 (checked)
muhammad worshiper has to go back
Checked. ALL mudslimes need to get back to the desert where they belong

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What's going on today, lads? Other than your mom's a bitch and every day with her is opposite day and you're tired of being gaslit.
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One day you too can be as lucky as me to live in a detached house by yourself where you can yell all the racial slurs you want.
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you're also lucky she left in 2nd grade unlike mine who did at 11th
"Daddy issues" are caused by a MISSING father.
"Mommy issues" are caused DIRECTLY by a mother.

If you have "daddy issues" you're a furry.

If you have "mommy issues" you're a mass murderer. Don't forget women love psychopaths for reproduction because they think it's a flex. This overwhelms the "missing father" condition.
this, it's the secret behind char's powers

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Particularly if you're in a skilled profession. While other countries in the West despise them, Australia want get all of them in an instant!
Full list:
Besides, we don't discriminate against white people here.
lmao, you're living in a land ruled by hysterical vaccine trannies
Hows the vax laws tyranny going?
That's a man
Why are there so many seething?
It's monday.

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Greece are you ok???
>Greece is moving toward a six-day workweek, while several other countries are experimenting with shorter office hours. The government hopes to make up for missing workers and fight black market labor. Can it work?
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> We are actually destroying diversity, not embracing it.
That’s what (((they))) want Jap bro. I just wish more people would see it. We need mass shooters to target these “leaders” in the streets, where they live etc. People don’t understand how terrified government is at Jan 6th. That scared (((them))) because there’s such a thin veil of “power” in their positions, people just need to see it.

I’d imagine they’re suffering from the crisis of competence plus boomer mass retirement/ deaths like every other country. Idk just my educated guess?
Surely increasing work hours will increase the amount of work done and not the exact opposite, right? Right?
Just like Ancient Athens and Rome, the West has a slave class who do all the work and get none of the benefits.
This slave class is the White NPC who slaves away from 9 to 5 in order to provide for the upkeep of unemployable Somalian women and their ten children.
These NPCs also think immigrants are somehow going to "pay for their pensions".
People don't realise yet that the pension age will soon be raised to 75 and eventually eliminated. People will work until they die.
800 million people in India are entirely useless and recieve some sort of support from the state or someone else. Immigrants like this are being brought here to sink the West by becoming more and more of a useless burden.
It's the NPCs who will be working for the upkeep of immigrants not the other way round.
>Can Greece's new six-day workweek be a model for others?

... look, the problem is, and its european one, we already pay millions of people the minimum wage, give them free healthcare, housing and money for there children, but who are not working, and on the other side we are dependend on cheap labor production in asia who producing all the shit thats to expensive to be produced in europe!

its the same in germany where the retirement age moves up every few years! currently its 67 in germany and the muppents in berlin already gazing at age of 70!

working more and longer hours while we get overrun by non europeans who we feed, house, keep healthy and pay for there kids isnt something that will work! sooner or later the whole society will break apart ...
IMO there's nothing wrong with this. Sitting on your ass for 2 entire days as an adult is pitiful. Most people under 30 don't even have kids to take care of, so what's the problem? They should go to work.

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if we strip the voting rights of everyone except for the White man?
There is no way for western nations to vote their way out of this. There is only one way to get your country back.

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>Elon Musk blames elite LA school for brainwashing his "communist" trans daughter into hating him for being rich
Elon Musk's son is a transgender communist
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OP, do you have a crush on Elon...? threads gay
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Reminder you goddamn niggers

"Elon Musk, on Rehabilitation Tour, Calls Himself ‘Aspirationally Jewish’"

"Elon Musk says he's 'Jewish by association' after Auschwitz visit, sees 'almost no antisemitism'"

sounds like a lawsuit, if you ask me.
must just needs to find the right lawyer for that.

subversion of his children
corrupting the youth
failure to deliver on a contract (proper education)
i mean, a good lawyer can find the right wording to bring a case against that school.
Don't click on the gif. The IDF embeds a script that turns your computer into part of their botnet.
Show us the script then, schizo.

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>is the sun a star
ask this question to people you know and think about how it affects their political beliefs
political beleifs need to be grounded in the fundamental nature of reality, which is heavily influenced by this simple question
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>ask this question to people you know and think about how it affects their political beliefs
Don't tell me what to do
>political beleifs need to be grounded in the fundamental nature of reality
The Sun is the portal-key for every mortal realm

Positive Polarity [+](1) (High EFV 369) Everyone burns in the "Lake of Fire" burns to the new "level"
Negative Polarity [-](0) (Low EFV 369 Everyone "burns" in the "Lake of Fire" to the old "level"

00 - Void Solipsism (Think in Levels)
1st Density - Alone (Simplex's/Complex's aka am I God are You God?)
2nd Density - Alone 2gether (Birth Contract - Soul-Mate/Destiny decided before Birth & after Death? - *Soul-Sex?*
3rd Density is Energy/Matter/Physical (Real World)

90210 - Concept reality x *Googolplex* number.

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if you dont understand the universe surrounding humanity than youll have a much harder time understanding humanity.
this was for the german guy. i was drunk and didnt respond properly.
your point is still retarded
No. It is not. Some believe it is the God himself, others believe it is the eye of a God.
Space is fake!
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>The sun is a star
That's stupid da sun is da sun
well of course not, dummy
stars only come out at night

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