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If trump wins there will be mass suicides
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Can I get an awoo for the 41%
It's hysteria. The current entity wearing the face of the thing once known as "the left wing" encourages this hysteria and relies upon it to continue its own existence. There are no more big generic non class related social dragons left to slay, so the power structures left behind by left wing politics when it was relevant have to come up with nonsense to keep people hooked and those structures propped up.
It's funny, notice any time people bring up the real issues they get accusations of populism from the left, but those issues are the real issues and the charade cannot continue
>My kind

Just move to Canada like everyone else that does when they don't like the projected winner of the whatever upcoming election is going on at the time.

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the whole "protect children from groomers crowd" sure is quiet lately
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>Photo at a convention
So you know that he buggered el creaturo how? Did it happen in your imagination?
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Yes, now git out.
P-Diddy is an old story and it isn't as funny or relevant as this streamer e celeb. Also P-Diddy is mainstream news, Disrespect isn't
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>because he is not protected class like the sodomites, therefore will actually be held accountable without need to apply public pressure.
I don’t understand why Jews are deplatforming Dr Disrespect who is not convicted, while Donald Trump still has a YouTube, and he’s basically a terrorist himself.

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>The rich and corporations have corrupted thr fabric of democracy itself;therefore, the opportunity window for peaceful democratic change has already been foreclosed. Revolution is the only option the people have now.
This. People need to start realizing that democracy is gone, and has been for some time. The rich own every level of the two party system. All we get is the illusion of choice.

Violent revolution truly is the only option left. People should just accept that revomting is the only way to fix things now. The best we can do is hope it is over fast, but we the people have been backed into a wall.

It's either violent revolution now or endless slavery to the rich for which you will die on the job and never know a second of retirement.

Until rich person blood starts running in the streets, there will be no change.

Viva La Revolucion!

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What the FUCK is wrong with the chinks?
How can they be like this?
It's like they're not even human.
Similarly people are eaten by escalators all the time and shoppers don't even blink and just continue shopping, don't even try to help.

What are the political implications of having bugs in your society?
Are they as destructive as Jews, Muslims, Niggers or Pajeets?

Maybe a tier list of destructiveness to white societies should be created of all the races?
Could be fun
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Cool VPN Amerimutt
I think i heard somewhere down below on YT comment section the reason why are they like that is tied up with the communist revolution whenever and wherever chinks act traditionally would be beaten up by the guards. Correct me if I'm wrong tho

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>Putin is a war criminal. He's killed thousands and thousands of people and he's made one thing clear – he wants to reestablish the soviet empire. He wants all of Ukraine. Do you think he's going to stop at Ukraine? What do you think happens to Poland?
100% correct. Poland is next and then the Baltic states, Moldova, Finland, Germany etc. Putin must be stopped. Trump needs to rethink his policy on the Ukraine war and NATO.
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Jesus Nigel. You talk like you already lost. If the Auslander Raus movement can't cheer you up, nothing will. Muslims live on borrowed time in Europe.
>Muslims live on borrowed time in Europe
keep coping, they're handed citizenships en masse so they ain't going anywhere

In Gulf Arab countries you can live and work for 30-40 years and never obtain citizenship. Western countries did this to ourselves, or rather our treacherous leaders
>keep coping, they're handed citizenships en masse
So fucking what? This can be undone. When the race war starts in Europe, there will be mass deportations. I lowkey want Trump to win just so he can set a precedent for mass deportation with all the illegals in America, so that Europe can follow his footsteps. But screwing Putin is higher on my priority list now so I'm ridin with Biden.
No, but you talk like I should care about the Ukraine/Russia conflict before my own people's future. Again, why should I give a fuck about our politicians' causes when they're the ones importing armies of mohammeds to replace us?
>No, but you talk like I should care about the Ukraine/Russia conflict before my own people's future.
Why not both?
>Again, why should I give a fuck about our politicians' causes when they're the ones importing armies of mohammeds to replace us?
Because Putin doesn't give a shit if you die from one of his nukes that he's saving for GB.

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What the fuck just happened?
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Biden was always worse, he just usually hides behind the MSM and bots that lie for him. But this time he had to come out into the open, and this time he actually had his own presidential record, which is worse than Trump's, and Biden wasn't allowed notes, an audience, or an advisor, so he fumbled bigly. Trump on the other hand was a better president and he's mentally 20 years younger than old man Biden is. Lol.
My friend told me here.
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Fuck the Jew York Post and fuck DRUMPF. We ridin' with Biden.

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HAPPENING! Poland’s Foreign Minister says that electing an incompetent, corrupt, narcissistic, immoral moron like Trump will lead to the fall of America as the world’s greatest superpower
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Why do polacks think they matter? It's so strange
Wow insane happening!!! Unhappy polak!!
How about he comes over to do my fix up my roof?
This guy a vegan? Because it seems he'd rather vote for a vegetable.
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>sikorski is shabbos goy
yes, hes polish we know
hes literally the foreign minister
its not just any jewess, shes a big warmonger and neojew policy advocate journo.

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Christian bros, is this real? Cant believe the jews are about to bring the end times. I guess they were the bad guys all along
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Can’t wait for it to get built so we can get past that Mayan calendar tier bullshit. Fuck evangelical death cultists
They can't build it until the Al-Aqsa mosque is destroyed.
Which will trigger a holy war in the Islamic world. Enjoy dying for Israel goyim.
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>They can't build it until


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>Which will trigger a holy war in the Islamic world.

will not. kikes shit in that place few weeks ago.. and?

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Who will grasp the hilt and lead the Heath to a NEW DAWN?!

ONLY THE RIGHTEOUS *trips or higher*


>mystery Babylon bill cooper

>Walter veith secret societies who runs the world

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Winona Ryder: Mel Gibson asked me if I was an oven dodger
Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.
Kek nice try kike
Mel Gibson is awesome. I laughed so hard when he gave it to his ex-wife about dressing like a whore and that she would get attacked by a pack of wild niggers.
Read up on his father. He was trying to redpill everyone about kikes.

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Let's just admit it - the whole point of this war is to clear Khazaria of Slavs. Otherwise we wouldn't be hamstringing the Ukrainians.
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Think the hohols will ever figure it out? They're not known for being super intelligent.
Zion 2.0
Fuck no lol. Most of the posters HERE haven't even put 2+2 together.
zelensky is a slav
Unnamed sources claim that the 4th gen f-16s will enable Ukraine to take back crimes and all the other Russian occupied territories

Want to see funny moments(like picrel) but dont want to watch 5 hours of boring content. Anybody have any good edits of the debate? Also ideally can be used with normies to pill them a bit
Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.

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If presidents are just muppets, then how come we cannot have hot girl as the president
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>mutts are so retarded they want to be ruled by a female
51% of voters are women and they hate each others, especially the hot ones.
My ideology is tits ass and tan lines so I'm down with this.
Tranny brainwashing propaganda. Just like the Ghostbusters remake. Stop turning men into women in fiction!
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>No anime about cute girls doing politics
Feels bad man

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Watching last nights debate convinced me as a European to vote Biden.

With Trump we get
>US dumping their toxic food products in our markets
>forced to pay more for NATO which only serves US interests
>ultra Zionism = more refugees to Europe

I'm Riding with Biden all the way.
Biden called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for Trump, not a tough choice.
Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.
Good. Fuck you guys.
Oh no you got beat this time guess you need to kill yourself lmao
Spencer is drunk in that picture too.

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The are asking Joe to step down. This was all planned. Gavin Newsom will take over. The democrats will feel relief and rally around him like you've never seen. Women will vote for him like they do with Trudeau.
>This was all planned
There's only a few months until the election.
If this was the plan, it's a shitty one.
>literal who on twitter
it will be Kamala, they can't remove her.
Biden can get the 25th amendment if he decides that he doesn't want to step down, but there is absolutely no way around Kamala.
The decision will be made in Tel Aviv. Way above Biden or Kamalla's head and pay grade.

They won't make the decision lightly and will take at least a few weeks of polls from their Unit 8200 polling companies.

The other factor in their decision is whether they should just flip allegiance to Donald Trump and let Biden take a McGovern in the electoral collage. This is a huge risk, because they can sense that something isn't quite right with Trump's insistence that he's Israel's greatest ally. But flipping to Trump certainly makes the getting their candidate into power part of the charade easier.

Tick tock, israeli traitors. What will your move be?

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Don't worry. This is probably the Edward that gets buck broken by way of hot poker up the arse.
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South Korean movies are awesome
The people at the top are psychopaths.
Psychopaths are mentally ill and love chaos. People mistakenly think there is some logical reason for their decisions.
They're just insane

They said Democrats would “panic”, and that’s exactly what’s happening. CNN’s John King said immediately after the debate, “high-ranking democrats are panicking.” Your response?
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The media want us to believe that every single Democrat in the nation was shocked by what they saw last night, that they never saw it coming or had any clue as to Biden's unfitness for anything, let alone high office.

Make of that what you will.

But my concern is Israel will not allow that solution, they will insert their China Golem to intervene to keep their Jew Point pipeline alive.
Oh look, a fucking pedophile Jew.
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COVID was the self replicating Q AI and the vaxx helped deliver it.
>over 70% of the worlds population has been inoculated with the [Q]uantum AI
>13.4 billion doses administered
Now we just wait for them to roll out the new technohomo system and hook up all the cattle to it along with all the IoT devices before the inevitable.
Many of the unvaxxed will line up for the boosters once UBI and other benefits are announced.
The masses will also line up for any future brain implant augmentations.
Zigbee routing
Mosaic Warfare

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This is what 99% of american women look like in 2024.

Run through

99% of american woman are not white rabbi

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This shit seems very coordinated
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>thinks this is all governed by a system rather than scheming

They don't care. The pieces are set. You won't do shit.
And the prize is the control of the American Kleptocracy. To loose to the Republicans would be bad enough, to loose to Trump means the phones stop ringing altogether. Given the fantastic charges of the lawfare against Trump, the man might actually be clean. How ridiculous is that?
You underestimate the muttmerican need for goyslop.
I believe they were kinda out into a corner, remember what the first impeachment trial was over? It was Trump asking for Biden’s corruption to be investigated (in Ukraine no less). The dems ran “trying to interfere with the presidential election”, and made every other candidate drop out. Joe went from dead last to the only candidate in about a week to justify the impeachment trial, which still didn’t even work, and landed them with Biden being the candidate. Maybe they thought they could handle it, I’m not sure. But during 2018-9 dems were on the back foot and making a lot of knee jerk decisions like that.

4 bridges have collapsed this week in one Indian state. It's only Friday, possibly more to come.
End all foreign aid and end all immigration to western nations
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>Amerimutts butthurt about the flak they got from their flooding and totally not failing dam
America = China + late stage USSR

full collapse
is that Kanatta? they use provinces, not states

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