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It is given that Joe will be removed.
Hillary will be nominated.
One phone call and HorseFace Camel will be eliminated. Oops. Poof. Gone.

Hillary vs Trump

(Mark my words Americans)
Save this prediction.
Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.
Joe can’t be removed. He can only step down and that’s not going to happen.
Trump is a convicted felon.
>Trump is a convicted felon.
So who committed more crimes against America, against American people, Trump or Biden.

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Thanks for this very relevant information.
Very cool anon
its all rigged but the glowniggers dont really have a coherent plan and they are incompetent and prideful
look at the world with this mindset and everything makes sense
not sexy
but its true and you know in your heart its true
They didn't want to pull him out prior to the primaries since that would've allowed the voters to nominate someone like RFK or Bernie, now the party insiders can choose whoever they want at the convention
They needed an excuse to get Biden not to run. They are fumbling with the intent to get Trump back in the office in time to start WW3 in hopes of remoralizing the "patriots" to support gov't enough to become the meatshield. They want to send enough White men to their deaths, so the replacement can go on without a hiccup.

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who is the better golfer?
Trump called for the death penalty for all forms of antisemitism so I'm voting for biden, not a tough choice.

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Q predicted this

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> The truth is I'm the only president this century that doesn't have any, uh this decade, that doesn't have troops dying anywhere in the world like he did.
Biden went to the funerals.

> He has the largest national debt of any President in a four year period number one. Number two, he that two trillion dollar tax cut benefited the very wealthy. When I when I am going to fix the tax system. For example, we have a thousand trillionaires in America, uh a thousand billionaires in America.
Trump debt: $7.3T 4y
Bident debt $7.9T 3y

> The only terrorists who've done anything to cross the border is one that came along and killed three in his administration, killed th' al qaeda, er excuse me in his in his in his administration, killed three american soldiers, killed three american soldiers. That's the the only terrorists that's there.
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Muh interest. It won't even be close. There are 192 days left til Bide's reckless spending is done, and he will have spent another $1.2T by then at least, making for $9.1T to $7.3T.

Trump: $8,839B (121% of deficit is interest payment)
Biden: $10,716B (118% of deficit is interest payment)

2017-04-01 471.214 471.214
2017-07-01 481.457 952.671
2017-10-01 493.441 1446.112
2018-01-01 507.619 1953.731
2018-04-01 531.778 2485.509
2018-07-01 551.891 3037.4
2018-10-01 571.229 3608.629
2019-01-01 579.823 4188.452
2019-04-01 586.628 4775.08
2019-07-01 578.521 5353.601
2019-10-01 564.484 5918.085
2020-01-01 544.307 6462.392
2020-04-01 515.005 6977.397
2020-07-01 508.545 7485.942
2020-10-01 517.691 8003.633

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Ok why does this graph exist >>472463468

Where is their (Republican Committee) math wrong and your math right? Because it would behoove them to use your math.
as you can see, most people do not understand numbers

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The average person has zero common decency or manners anymore. If anything people seem to revel in being a problem for others.

Is this a knock back effect from inflation? Money worth less so people act like shitheads automatically?
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a Freemason testing a minimum wage worker by throwing candy wrappers on the ground? And the Masons will gang stalk him to death for not cleaning that shit up? Huh?

Praise G!
Just tell him to leave if he's making a mess on purpose. Kick him out the store.
No work
No taxes
No laws followed
Banning people from stores needs to be more common. The disrespectful and annoying patrons just aren't worth it.

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So just to be clear here. My options are as a 21 thin male is an obese, single mothers with body counts of at least 30? I have a 23 year old friend who is very good looking takes care of himself has an underwater welding job which is fucking crazy but pays very well. He married an obese 24 year old woman who has a Latino child and treats him like an atm. Is it really this fucking much to ask for a nonfat girlfriend in America? Insane in fucking hate his country.
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It was never like this before 1990
So wait for a cancer lawsuit payout in 10 years or so.
>When I was 21, I was fucking a new chick every week.
You thus destroyed a lot of women. A whore-maker. This should be punishable by death as well. No sex outside of marriage, for everyone.
Just outed yourself as a nigger.
>>muh dick.
this post made me chuckle
I am a latino (formerly illegal, thank you obana for documenting me) with a white wife, 2 kids with her, and 2 more kids with 2 other white women. none of whom are fat but are above average to very hot. all my exes are white
youll be okay kid, youre still young. just put yourself in more social circles

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>Would you rather get $10m, or be Ben Shapiro's servant?

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Not 'sit with this table' but the chance to bootlick it
I'd serve the table with a 4.75" Rough Rider Cocobolo revolver
I'd pay 10 million dollars to see Ben Shapiro wait this table
>If you want to buy a decent house it will be $2M
you are such a fucking fool
just ignore him. he is clearly a child whos worldview comes from where he hangs out on the internet

Countries which have generous, comprehensive fertility promotion policies don't have increased fertility rates.
It just don't work.

Scandis tried it for 30 years before finally switching to importing somalis.
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War causes Women to give birth more.
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>when you pay for other's children's bills it's not socialism
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Pay for Ngubu's five children, goy.
>scandis tried for 30 years
Remove womens right to vote, work and talk back
>problem solved.
Much like crime and immigration there is no (((democratic))) solution

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What's on your mind?
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Whats on my mind? tranny porn lots and lots of tranny porn
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We lost A-friend today.

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HAPPENING! Poland’s Foreign Minister says that electing an incompetent, corrupt, narcissistic, immoral moron like Trump will lead to the fall of America as the world’s greatest superpower
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imagine taking advice from a pole
this happens because it was already decided that trump will win behind the scenes
biden supporters are shadow cancelled by the glowniggers who act from the shadows and were lifting these talkingheads up as long as it was convenient
Pinning the decline of Rome in Commodus is a bit much, especially considering how they pulled along for another 250 years afterwards.
Why do polacks think they matter? It's so strange

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I'm currently travelling in a third-world country that barely has internet, so I won't be able to watch it until I'm back in America. But even Democrats sound like they think Biden fucked up. What specifically happened though? What specific questions/answers did Trump win on or Biden lose on?
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>this is legitimately the first debate I've ever seen where there's a clear winner

Woah you are right.
Im 40 and watched a lot of political debates in my time.
Both sides always try to claim victory by hyping up the times when their guy scored and ignoring the other sides success.

This time, they did so bad the democlaps would have looked totally stupid claiming a victory of any kind. The shills literally changed message mid debate from the normal propaganda to replacing Biden.
Ive literally never seen this happen before.
>it’s a conspiracy to suppress discussion
Reddit went down like it does frequently you dumb motherfucker
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>VPN Flag
Hey Rabbi, whatcha doin'?
It’s my actual flag turbofaggot
..do you think australia lacks jews?

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Doesn't matter since the problem with Albania has always been that it is full of Albanians.
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Islam will prevail, social democracy or whatever you call this retarded suicidal current system is rapidly deteriorating and will soon be replaced
Wait so this is country of slavic-Europeans who were also Communists as well as Muslim? This is like a country made by madlibs

Ottoman empire had a social stratification that put Europeans at the bottom but you could raise above the absolute bottom if you betrayed your European heritage and became muslim (both in faith as well as tradition etc.),and you would get some privileges. Islam strives to unite and mix all races so this was an effective mechanism to force racial and cultural mixing onto conquered provinces

Europeans who became muslim were therefore seen as traitors and hated by the rest, sort of like niggers in charge of other niggers who used their crumb of power to help enslave others.When Austria annexed Bosnia it used said system against Serbs who wanted freedom.

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The are asking Joe to step down. This was all planned. Gavin Newsom will take over. The democrats will feel relief and rally around him like you've never seen. Women will vote for him like they do with Trudeau.
>This was all planned
There's only a few months until the election.
If this was the plan, it's a shitty one.
>literal who on twitter
it will be Kamala, they can't remove her.
Biden can get the 25th amendment if he decides that he doesn't want to step down, but there is absolutely no way around Kamala.

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No it wasn't me, I'm still here.
Hé tripped on is balls and falled ..he didnt jump
>Man does flip off balcony dressed as woman
Fake and gay. Video or it didn't happen.

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>I worked 60 hours a week in the factory
>I had to walk a mile to somewhere I'd never been before to get a job
>I EARNED my pension!
>I had to do a shit job, so why don't you?
>why don't you volunteer or learn a skill, whilst I sit around watching television?
>and stop blaming foreigners, they just want a better life
How do you respond to this without sounding mad?
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Who is enslaving you, comrade?
Show your flag, Chaim
>you can't blame dead people for creating the world you now live in
>just create a product or service in an advanced economy where the market is saturated with corporations and regulations that are hostile to startups except for illicit trades
>just join the military (military uses a private recruiter with orders to cut recruitment as no wars are planned, female and brown/black candidates are allowed as it looks good and there aren't many of them)
>I'm a success, that's why I come to /pol/ every day
>Do you think about how you can get somewhere? Why are you thinking about how not to get there? Recognising routes to failure isn't how you succeed! Recognising how people succeed isn't dependent on their personal ability or choice, is wrongthink, chud! Work harder to earn the same as someone who didn't even have to work!
It's you millennials and zoomers who love foreigners so much. If we wanted them, we would have had them a long time ago. You guys vote for open borders parties, then blame us.
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Well it's good to know that 20 years from now when you've taken zero action to improve your lot in life you'll still be able to blame the children of WW2 vets.
I'm wrapping up work for the day and going to go have some lunch. Enjoy your loser circle jerk.
>tell recruiters white men don't want to serve ZOG and die for Israel
>recruiters are confused and move on to non-whites
>get mad that they aren't recruiting whites
>they make commercials to attract white males again
>tell them you won't enlist because there are too many non-whites

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If Drudge is running headlines and using photos like this, it's pretty much a done deal.
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mainstream conservatives hate Trump
because the only booming demographics that at one point voted Republican, college educated and unmarried Whites, now are solid Democrat voters. This on top of the GOP being the controlled opposition honorable loser party means now they have to actually campaign
What troon propaganda site did this come from?
Drudge Report. Swung from mostly right wing to ardently left after Drudge may or may not have sold the site. (He did. They just wanted to keep the "value" of the site.) At least when Drudge ran it the sensationalist headlines were funny. You can always tell when a leftist is at the wheel because everything they say is always mean spirited and nasty.
matt drudge is a cryptokike who uses the same entire shtick as a world war 2 era cryptokike, walter winchell. even down to the same look and mannerisms. they run the same games every couple generations because you people are moronic niggercattle and don't learn.
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Go back to the drawing board, this one falls embarrassingly flat.

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If presidents are just muppets, then how come we cannot have hot girl as the president
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I thought giving us circus and bread was enough.

Psyop is the circus. Endless immigration so you are never whole ethnically racially religiously or culturally and constant fight among yourselves is the circus anon. Endless Muslim rape shit in Europe is the circus its why they treat it with a light hand. And in the end when it runs out of time they will save you from it make themselves the heroes and start again with the new thing same as the old thing.
>mutts are so retarded they want to be ruled by a female
51% of voters are women and they hate each others, especially the hot ones.

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>the only scientifically proven thing that can help biden at this point and his party wants to ban it
im addicted, they must be poison.
why are they so jewish with flavours? they need to spice it up, wypipo can't season dey zyn

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"The Second Coming of Christ who is Yahweh, Eric Voytek Bartoli, Is White-American"
"All Jews Are Defrauding the Identity of God, Eric Voytek Bartoli for Communist Terrorism"
"Communism Is Illegal in the U.S.A."
"Red Dawn Clause - It's Legal to Kill Communists on U.S. Soil"
"All Jews Are Communists"
"United States Government Disclosure - The True Killers of U.S. President J.F.K Revealed as the State of Israel"
"Israel Falsified the Middle East Having WMD's in 2003"
"The Truth of 9/11 Revealed - It Was Mass Orchestrated in U.S. Media by Israel For Months Prior to 9/11"
"The Jews Have Stolen Eric Voytek Bartoli's SyntaX and Have Redefined the Word Sputnik For Communist Terrorism to Defecate on An Underage Jewish Girl"
"A Majority of Underage Jewish Girls in the U.S.A. Have Been Defecated On By Pedophile Terrorists Enabled By Jews Defrauding the Identity of God and the Owner of the United States Government Eric Voytek Bartoli"
"A Majority of Underage Jewish Girls on U.S. Soil have Eaten the Defecation of a Third World Homeless Pedophile Illegally On U.S. Soil"
"The Jewish Race Had Been Genocided For All Their War Crimes And Don't Have Anymore Women to Repopulate Israel - 2023"
"Millions of Third World Refugees in Israel? Why Israel NEEDS Millions of New Immigrants to Survive"
"The Truth of Dark Colored Jews and Why They are the Future of the Jewish Race"
"Hollywood In Theft of God's Junction and ID who is Eric Voytek Bartoli and the Owner of the United States Government, Is Churning Out Terrible Movies as a Conveyor Belt - Here is why you should avoid Hollywood"

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Thread theme because Eric is going to the hospital again.

I'm actually the real private owner of the United States Government and just reporting the real news

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