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They are smart as fuck
It's not a hiccup
sooooooooooo are you saying oil and military over watch has nothing to do with that?

i can't even imagine what else you think you're saying, weeaboo

japan is not as great as you think. let it go and some worshiping colored people like jews told you to
More people are enjoying Japanese products than oil and military shit
Only low IQ amerimutts obsess over oil and Iraq. Keep revving that engine faggot

She does anal porn.
Should've kept anonymous
Woulda been kino

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new meme drop from nick fuentes and sneako?
post your best memes for this image
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spic fuentes is a fag
It was a hastily organized backup after the real place was cancelled by the owner a few hours before
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>he doesn't know 4th reich will be a right-wing including gays and trannies movement with techno/edm themes and ambience and lead by a hispanic white nationalist who finally rids the west of zionists and central bankers.

Get with the times anon.

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Why have women begun to larp as "trad wives"?
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>Why have women begun to larp as "trad wives"?
Because that's what Men want. Nobody wants a roastie and women have finally figured this out.
Yes this. Shes not getting approached because of the last 10-15 years of lunatic turbo-feminism and women screaming at men all thetime not to approach them and being right out fucking horrid. Now man has had enough and just "well fuck it then" - And then women complain constantly anyway.
I fucking wish porn ruined men like these retards say it did so guys would stop trying so hard or at all for mid and ugly bitches. Imagine a bunch of rape crazy jeets and other assorted third worlders breeding with these fat often middle aged feminists who age worse than probably any other women in history. Those will be some sad ugly genetically fucked kids. It will be a sad future for those people who choose to do that. But there's no reason native men should give a shit about fugly women who have been their open enemy for ages already. These women will not fuck, love or respect these men if they dropped the porn and worked for their sake. They would again spit on these men while using the energy harvested to keep being cunts. Let it fucking die already.
They’re tired of burning coal and being beaten and left with bastard children?
>has access to social media

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kekekekekek, what are the political implications of aryans dominating mlecchas in their own battlefield?
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You know why this is hilarious? Because you think and act like a jew, what you just admitted is that india is as backward as africa and only after the brits buck-broke you and exchanged your resources for a smidgeon of their civilization you started your “rise”. The same way china only became relevant once they started copying the (back then not as corrupted and judaic) west. You just admitted your kind are dirt dwelling savages who without the white man to show you his superiority remain content to live and die in your own feces. The funniest part being that despite this and your delusional ambitions and jealousy you completely miss the point of “being white” by being mentally caged by jewish financial concepts and determine your values based on those concepts.

You are poor. You act and think like a jew. You pretend you are white. You are arrogant and display no virtue. You create nothing, at most you inadequately maintain. Why must anybody take your serious? How can anybody take you serious when the people you call your brothers are kneeling on the floor shoveling poop into their gullets? It’s not even a religion thing it’s just the fact that your kind thinks it’s okay to live in chemical dumping grounds and bathe in sewage corpse water but can’t be fucked to keep your holy river clean. This is why people hate you. Oh you also smell and have the color of poop.
I spit on these niggers
>you think and act like a jew

jews pretty much created the modern world and are responsible for like half of all 'western achievements', europe became irrelevant as soon as it expelled its most racially superior and gifted demographic who then proceeded to turn america into a superpower. what on earth makes you think that being compared to a jew would be viewed as an insult by me? did not even have to read the rest of your rant.
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Even when you have money you’re weak, you’ll always be weak, we will come and take what we want of yours FOREVER because you are not just physically weak but you are defeated right down to your core from the way you treat each other.

Also you people are dogshit at cricket and can’t bowl properly.

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I'm starting to think Islam has basically destroyed everything it’s touched.

There used to be a sizeable population of Buddhists in what is now Afghanistan and Pakistan but was completely decimated during Muslim conquests.

The more I read about the history of the spread of Islam the more I begin to despise it. The amount of history practitioners of this religion has destroyed is fucking remarkable.
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Why should buddhists be in Afghanistan?
They were trying to colonize it during that era of the silk road.
>You need to read more. You don't know what Advaita is. You don't know what panpsychism is
You have no way of countering anything I am saying so instead you are attempting to discredit me. It's tiring debating online. You never really are debating with anyone who is trying to get at the truth, just retards that want to be right.
> You didn't grasp the implication of asserting that an ontological prior is the only existent reality.
I actually explained it as clear as crystal along with all of the implications and responded to every criticism you made. You simply are refusing to make your counter argument and are just attempting to discredit me with this nonsense and by repeating yourself. When you have an actual argument I will gladly respond.
> I don't know what you've read or follow, but it isn't Advaita.
It essentially is Advaita Vedanta. And if there are any differences you certainly didn't point any of them out as I countered everything you said without exception.
> Start with the Prasthanatrayi, especially the Brahma Sutras.
I've read these texts. I don't even know what you are arguing here. You made some points, I countered them, then you repeated yourself, attempt to discredit me like a little weasel, and then said "goodbye". This is faggotry. Where is you argument? What the fuck is this? Are you even making a point? how the fuck does non-dualism only lead to nihilism? it doesn't. that's why your new pivot is "well that's not real advaita vedanta". This is seriously weak shit. It doesn't reduce to nihilism and it doesn't require dualism and there is nothing in Advaita Vedanta that requires this. If there is you haven't backed up this claim with evidence...just "read these books again". Make your argument or admit you are wrong and fuck off.
> When the Afghan head council asked them to provide the money to feed the children instead of fixing the statues, they refused and said, 'No, the money is just for the statues, not for the children'. Herein, they made the decision to destroy the statues"
Seethe idolators. Fuck your stupid rocks.
No matter how much the commies stroke your little ego Ahmed you are just a low life shitskin that infests the planet with bad ideas and genetics.

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White men in usa mix more than white women.

By little, the same is right about France, Italy, UK, and some other countries.

White men mix more than white women in general.

Which is right thing to do, white women should not be allowed to mix.

Only white men can mix with brown girls, this is the way of the world.
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Racemixing beta is the worst problem for all
It’s over
Porn is propaganda.
In reality, hookup rates of interracial mixing among young white women may be higher than 2.1% but it's not really as high as degenerates wish it was.

Look up chickflixx on reddit, it's a porn sub for women. Blacked is banned and pretty much everything there involves a huwhite man.
but how many white women have mixed kids conpared to dudes?

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>”She is liberal, or is that just an act?
She's legitimately liberal? It's not an act?”-Trump
Do you think Taylor Swift is actually liberal? I have a feeling many liberals are only libtard in name because of the implications.
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She always looked evil and snobby idg the hype and never did
I know she's brilliant.

And the most beautiful woman who has ever walked the face of the Earth.

Other than that...not sure.

She somehow got hotter. Not sure how.

Hotter now.
That you Trump?
why do you care?
Nice. Anyone got fat tay? - she's so hot as a fatty.

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>Tattoos and piercings

He's missing the most important factor imo. 71.5% of American women aged 20 and over being either overweight or obese
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The men are ugly.
>Palos Verdes.
PV has been CHINKED almost as bad as Irvine. All the White people there are Boomers.
No we need to start spitting on them again
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ok i will
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Men are not supposed to be prettyboy twinks with broccoli hair. This was what a 30 something looked like in the 80s, no shit.

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Average Ukrainian soldier fighting is 40 years old at the moment so yes
I’m too old and I’m not gonna support any regime that tries to draft our boys for some bullshit wars

I’ve been registered for the Miller Genuine Draft for years… they won’t call my number because I’m too fugged up!!
in the US, you sign for 8 years. you can do one enlistment (4 years normally) and do 4 in inactive reserve (as it is now, they just have a prior service officer call you once a year or so, and check to see if your contact info has changed) or you can do 8 years (2 enlistments back to back) and then be completely done.
and you will be shot kike faggot red skull.

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What happens when a Jew is confronted with the truth by another Jew
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I didn't notice that. Do you know what led up to this moment? cause that cop was in "I don't give a fuck" mode at that moment.
the Millennials in the stock market thread has 100+ replies
Kek. Such respect for their flag.
the flat earth debate thread has 220 replies
All jews want the same world government.

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With an investment as small as $750K you could secure a passive income and never work another day in your entire life
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That was about my total expenses last year
Glad knowledgeable anons are chiming in to offer real advice. Personally, me myself, I will always be poor. But I hope other anons can break the circle and transcend.
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sure thing sweetie, whatever you say
>journalism as weapon of psychological warfare against the population
the only reasonable conclusion is that the powerful forces driving our culture are hostile to the population and seek to demoralize us so that we do not organize and attempt to change our condition of slavery
I bought PEPE, APU, Brett, Shib and Bonk all when they first released. Some are 1yr holds, some have mooned in 3-4 months.

I never have to work again.

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Throw together some changes you'd like to see. Doesn't have to be specific.

- Religions that abuse apostates lose their tax exempt status.

- Housing capacity must limit Immigration.

- Some limit on foreign property investment.

- Some incentive to prevent the rate of growth of capital assigned to investment from outstripping the rate of growth of the economy, i.e., the r>g problem. Despite the economy doing well, the size of the pie available outside speculation is reducing in size at a faster rate than the total pie is growing. Hence metrics saying the economy is strong despite the average renter suffering more.

- Would be interesting if the government produced an at cost minimum quality good for some essential product categories. For example, USSR state vodka production.

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The Russian government is zionist.

The Ukrainian government is zionist.

There is a zionist settlement project in East Ukraine.

It is for Hasidim in Palestine and by no coincidence is the contended territory.

They want to relocate the Hasidim from Palestine to this territory in East Ukraine.
The population is being systematically decimated by force of law by both governments.

If the territory is ceded, as in the peace talks, it can be handed over for this project. Much how the British "gave" Palestine to the zionists.

If the land is contended, there is further war, and if reclaimed, they can also hand it over to the zionists.
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No shit

BlackRock and JPMorgan Chase have already committed around a billion towards a reconstruction deal, buying up a lot of the war torn region. Wall Street is zionist.
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Russians have been carrying out the project to exterminate Ukrainians and replace them with Jews for more than 200 years. As you can see, we're still around. Rather, take care of your southern border; having America replaced by another leftist LatAm dictatorship is not something beneficial for us.
Someone wants to fill ukraine with semites...

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Ban lonely white men
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Its funnier that all 3 of them are kikes
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The FBI did this shooting. Just like the others.

>The suspect is 42 years old but has no previous criminal history - he is suspected to have faced some mental health challenges, said Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard. He did have at least one other gun at the Shelby Township residence where he lived with his mother, an AR-style rifle on the table.

>Three of the victims are from one family with the two youngest victims an 8-year-old boy with a wound to the head who is in critical condition, a 4-year-old shot in the thigh, and their mother, 39, with wounds to the abdomen who is in critical, according to

>The other five victims are described as:

> A 39-year-old woman with wounds to the back and arm, who is in stable condition
> A 30-year-old man with a right leg wound who is in stable
> A 78-year-old man with an abdomen wound who is in stable
> A 37-year-old woman with a hand wound in stable
> A 40-year-old man with a right knee wound who is in stable
The typical shooting in jew controlled america
Shooting occurs and then some time pass, suddenly the body of the "alleged" shooter turns up.
Never are cops, politicians, state officials targeted in these attacks.
Just regular civilians are targeted.

HMMMM, tough nut to crack bubbah.

Did any Germans actually die from Zersetzung?

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This fucking White guy stabbed a black woman in the chest in front of her child.
What the fuck?

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The same people that make ‘you won’t do shit’ threads also made this one

topkek, well played anon.
Ill make sure you "hear shit"
White boy summer. Whitey need to claim some nigger bones.

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Jesus is cool but if you think hes the only path to God you are flat out wrong
>My fiction says it is true so it must be true because no one in the history of time has ever lied or made stuff up.
There is no evidence that god(s), Jesus, etc. exist. There is only evidence that liars exist.

Yahweh was just an Arabian God of raiding, the raider caravans eventually settled in in Israel where Yahweh took on the name El Shaddai, God of the mountain, because Israel is a mountainous land. Yahweh also became a god of destructive storms due to the local flooding. Here Yahweh merged with the Canaanite culture and slowly merged with El, the king and father god of the Canaanite pantheon. Here Yahweh took on characteristics of El such as El's old age, wisdom, love, etc. Yahweh also took on characteristics of El's son, Baal, the god of fertility and rain storms (positive rainstorms for farming).

Yahweh moved from a regional god of Israel and eventually evolved and merged with other gods to become a god of everything.

The Bible, especially the oldest Biblical scriptures found in the Dead Sea Scrolls, mention the plurality of real gods that were in competition of Yahweh and even states that El was Yahweh's father. Modern Bibles also mention some of these polytheistic traits.

Yahwehism is all lies and you need to do some due diligence on the origin of the beliefs others taught you, otherwise you will unnecessarily waste your life.

There has never been a first hand account of Jesus. All the books of the bible were written decades of centuries after Jesus' supposed death. None of the people mentioned in the Bible that supposedly witnessed Jesus ever wrote about Jesus on their own accord.

It's all BULLSHIT.
Athiesm or religion is for low iq subhumans, true chads are agnostic because they know they dont know shit and unwillingly glid out of a utures. Noone actually knows shit people that think they do are retarded at best and dogmatically evil at worst
Atheism/theism are statements of belief.

Agnosticism/gnosticism is a statement of knowledge.

Most atheists are agnostic atheists.

Here's a simple test to know what you are:

Do you currently believe in god(s)? If the answer is "no", you are atheist. It doesn't matter if you know the exact nature of the god(s).

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vaxxies will end the human race

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Bet they had unprotected, vaxx sex. Or you're a faggot jew
Yeah, but doesn't a vaccine PREVENT diseases?
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My wife and I have had two kids since being vaccinated.
Yes take careful note antivaxtards: never fall for the medical Jew again. No more vaccinations or doctor visits, and no matter what happens, don't ever go inside a hospital!!
>I know one person who's had a child since the vax. That's my vaxxed boss. The child was extremely premature. Would have died without medical intervention. That being said, one or a few people is not a good data pool unless that is, you are poorly educated and do not understand how statistics work. For more information on what constitutes a good sized sample, look at the video in the OP or any of the studies granddad cites in his vids for that matter.

If NSA can literally capture "ALL electronic comms world wide", you can bet they can have web crawlers collate and vet 'anecdotal' accounts for a true picture of the bi-phasic bioweapon's gene transfection therapy. Moscow & Beijing should be scared shitless.

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Based Allah does not tolerate talking shit about his chosen
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forgot the meme flag, moshe.

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Many attendees refused to shake Zelensky hand.
Swiss government is upset and embarrassed.
Oh, no, World is turning against the most corrupt leader in the World.
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I got a 3 day ban for wondering out loud why nothing bad ever happens to the leaf prime minister,i wasn't even advocating violence, just begging the question - boom, banned for "trolling". The absolute state etc.
Well said.
How much is it offered for his head?
No one supports ukraine or russia faggot
Take meds ASAP.

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