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Did you know Ukraine's president, the unelected jew Zelensky, has announced plans to ethnically annihilate all Ukrainians and replace them with Africans and Arabs? It's true! Ukrainians are fighting for their own ethnic replacement.
>if you only knew how jewish things really are
Jews in Ukraine are 0.5% of the population, yet run everything. Really weird!
to the last hohol
t. keralite jew

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Hundreds of people were wounded and a few people (including kids) died in Sevastopol after an ATACMS missile's cluster warhead spread the exploding elements on a beach.
How can anyone go to a beach that is so close to the enemy's cruise missiles is a mystery. Did this attack take place because Putin went to Asia to buy some weapons?
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>nukes 2 cities
>firebombs hundreds more
>muh moral war
>muh white culture
Fuck off faggot
I'm from the Detroit area, where are these beautiful new constructions? It's still a shithole.
the eternal russian
okay. but wheres the link to your article that says so?
>The idea of a moral war, or war conducted in a moral manner, was white culture.
kek that's about as funny as thinking "war crimes" are real.

>the west takes 10 million nip girls
>the east takes 10 million white bois

Birth rate crisis solved
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Another recemixing fag
Imagine wanting to breed with disgusting subhuman asian garbage. Could never be me.
You probably didn't grow up watching anime. You'd want a Japanese school girl if you were a real white man.
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>hi dad
Cope spic

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Is it safe to assume that many countries will reform their gun laws due to 3d printed guns?
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Drones are more traceable than any gun could ever be
pepperbox pistols, harmonica rifles, and revolvers of all sizes are quite simple with electrically-ignited black powder. and diy smokeless powder isn't especially hard either
You can get an unrifled barrel legally almost anywhere.

It can't be just any type of metal but if going with something else, then pick the type used for pressurized devices and drill the hole yourself.
Why is this guy trying so hard?

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How does anyone still fall for the representative democracy meme since it clearly doesn't represent anyone? There's no reason why everyone can't just vote on every single law themselves.
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I didn't say I believe in that system (I don't). I said you're a retard.
So what system do you believe in then and whats wrong with people voting themselves.
my representative pressured congress about researching UFOs. I can say he is speaking for me on this.
the founding fathers predicted everything except americans worshipping jews
This happens in Switzerland
Direct democracy is the only system that can save us
Its too late though

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the tricep is the hardest part of the elbow. RIP.
Now i know you're not an italian because an italian would know enough football to read gazetta dello sport and see it was the scottish gk that hit vargas
>elbows are sharp
sounds like a coverup tbqh
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Are TERFS (Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists) our allies?

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend" and all that
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Why do you talk like an expert on winning hearts and minds if you can't win our hearts and minds? Do you even stop you listen to yourself? Feminists are the enemy. We get it, you don't agree with that statement. But it's still our statement.
The patriarchy of the past ~6,000 years is not the only human civilization. Even the earlier phases of these civilizations had ancient traditions of priestesses, goddesses and female power.

The issue is that women cultivate boyim to work for them, and have sex for money to survive. With onlyfans, instagram etc. they can sell zero real sex for a lot of profit.
There is no genetic pressure for men to be great, aside from penile size. There are only social and bs ones, such as the rigged economy.
Male energy is projected outwards and onto things, we are objective in a literal sense of the world, and we seek a source to pour our energy into
Female energy is harmonious and takes in things
This is why if a woman truly loves you, she will identify herself with you and your worldview, because she becomes a vessel for your energy
And it's also why homosexuality is an aberration, they can't be harmonious because it's either two men with no outlet for their energy or two women with no objectivity to ground themselves with
The vast majority of self described lesbians have had prior relationships with men, they usually end up going that route because of trauma or abuse from men rather than some innate disposition
To further clarify, women within the far right theoretically must submit to men under patriarchy & fully shed all of her indoctrinated modernist ideals and adopt that which men deem appropriate which ironically would lead to more of an embrace to femininity. This is why feminists can’t work, it’s two opposite behavior models. No amount of alliances forged around hating men in dresses can change these schools of thought. In today’s time asking that of women is essentially asking them to be Uncle Tom’s to their own gender.

>Sorry Vlodymyr, war gives me the ick. It's CREEPY and WEIRD, kinda like you. I'm flying to the west and installing tinder. I'll be back, ERM, let me guess, NEVER
t. Every breeding age Ukrainian women ever
They still won't have sex with you, chud.
dodged AIDS

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We're getting spammed. Join us, it's comfy.

> Ideogram 1.0

> Dall-E 3

> Hidden Pictures

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What's with Owen Benjamin going completely 180 on the White Genocide thing. Now he's saying it's a good thing? What's going on? Wasn't he supposed to be anti-globalist
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Instead of growing and learning like a human being, Owen got really defensive on X over childish arguments and decided to troll the alt right . thats his new grift. im not sure he even means it. but he is a half jew marreid to an asian.
The context of that speech was him referring to middle class whites getting everything they deserve for being so cowardly and white flighting.
you trusted a kike
The earth is a plane. Look it up.
Owen just fell for the basic bitch Biblical Earth grift.
Real ubermensch read about the black sun, hollow and flat earth. There is land beyond the poles. Its all a big cover up. Astrology was gobbilty goop before I read flat earth and now everything down to the fibonacci sequence makes sense.

>women are weaker and more incompetent than me-
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The way she kicks that bag.. That's how I'm going to start doing my morning jogs.
Senchai restraining himself as another woman lacks the critical understanding that he’s taking it easy on her.
Its rodtang. He's playing and he's the kind of person who would never hit a girl even in sparring. If he turned it on for one second he would break her with the first strike.

I have never met a woman stronger than me. I have never met a woman who would even wanted to be stronger than me. Strength is an irrelevant attribute for a woman.
I'm one hundred percent sure even the most fighter dyke bull like creature would want to feel vulnerable and small in a large man's arms.
This is one of the basic rules of woman psychology. That's why it is easy when you are tall and muscular, the tallest insecure girls are just as easy to handle if you see them for what they are: little girls.
That's all.
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cope harder incel

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Mostly aimed at American anons, but non-Americans are welcome too
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my dad disliked cops so i dislike cops simple as. never seen them improve a situation only delay and profit from.
In Louisiana they literally want you in prison for anything. Half the male population has been in jail by the age of 21. One roach, one traffic ticket and your looking at jail time so these kike prison officials can get paid. It’s fucking demonic
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>Veteran Cop: Fuck these Niggas...
No kike bootlicker. Cops destroy lives for anything and smile while they arrest/murder you for looking at them wrong.
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>Only poor people and criminals dislike the police.
Justify his actions I fucking dare you.

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oi anglos are u alright lads?


year 2030, british youth come to poland and romania for work
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Codename for niggers.
>*country spends more than it makes*
>"Wtf, why don't we have money???"
That's it. That's the whole video.
Return to Bog.
Why does every left wing british political tuber base their whole personality on hbomberguy?
Maybe as far as 2060 as Europes personal toilet cleaner is investing their EU gibs pretty well but there will likely be better alternatives.
Probably never

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If the nazis were so superior, how come they lost when their entire ideology was based on the strongest race surviving through strength of will?

>t-they fought the entire world, its not fair
cope, they had numerous allies and if they were so superior, why didn't they plan better?
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Hitler got a highscore so he won, I care not about who actually capitulated
Memeflaggot Has got a point.
If you call yourself a superhuman, proclaim these dudes to the east are subhumans then proceed to lose to the guys you called subhumans... wouldn't that make you the actual subhumans?
How shit do you have to be to lose to subhumans?

Superhumans would've won. Doesn't it, according to nazi "logic", make jews and slavs the actual superhumans?
Considering America's heritage of immigration, it was a German civil war. The Germans won.
Why did it take the entire western world plus Russia six years to subdue a nation the size of Texas
Numerical superiority on the battlefield.
Early on, I shit you not until Stalingrad, germans held numerical superiority over all of its opponents. Once the numbers equalized germans started losing. Simple as.
Endless swarms of soviets is a giant wehrboo meme, in reality krauts outnumbered their opponents in every way: Poland, Denmark, Norway, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Belgium, France, UK, Yugoslavia, Greece. Even the Soviets. By the beginning of Barbarossa germans invaded with circa 4 million troops against the soviet 2,5 million. Numbers became equal only after Stalingrad and guess what - instantly germans started losing.

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China has such a civilization. It has the up and down in its history. So, even tho in the recent centuries it had been poor and weak, it’s valid if it gets hegemony.
But how about india? It has been so powerful at some point of its history?
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ban liquor sales after 10:30pm
That song was hilarious because women were complaining about objectification prior, so he only had himself duplicated to make them shut up
indians will always be leechers an praising themselves for leeching everyone else history an shit, fuck i think i hate them more than jews at this point no greater slave every existed
Didn't take you long to look stupid. Japanese education, everyone.
Shakyas weren't Indians.

how will events unfold once disclosure happens? are there any books or movies that accurately depict how humanity and world governments would handle a "peaceful" alien arrival? are there declassified or leaked government documents about disclosure procedures?

This video was recorded on a $8,000 FLIR camera (Infiray HYH75W)
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>most of this board thinks the earth is flat and space isnt real.
Angels to some, demons to others. Christians call anything not described in desert manual as demonic. Religious people are retarded like that.
The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states. They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum. Unless they want to reveal themselves, that is. And no one knows for sure what the fuck they are exactly. So portraying them as "Grey dudes from outer space" is a psyop to put a lable on them that won't freak out the average normie as much.
>The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states.
>They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum.
An optic specifically made with looking via vibrational states might shed more light regarding these UAPs. add in that "banned glass", then we might see "them" without the need for "them" to intentionally show themselves.
it runs away like an eye floater

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What are the political implications?
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> What are the political implications?
You would have to do a great reset or something. Maybe reduce world population by more than 90% and genetically alter the rest to be a slave class or something.
>human auras made accessible by graphene oxide good
>more time to collect info for “digital twin” bad
It’s good work if you can get it.
Ask Somerset Maugham
I've read some studied about that shit, it's really junk science. It does help with certain factors that speed up aging and general health, but the stress of taking in foreign blood isn't studied and the markers they do point at are lower than diet and excercise.
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>This is off topic but does anyone have the name of that polish event where they took polish girls to befriend adult arabs and blacks? Euro something...


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-main character is a girl named fierer(en)
-80 years ago she was on 10 year long expedition to kill the demon lord (ww2)
-one of her friends from that time is hitter (hitler)
-her 3 companions represents the 3 countries that allied the fireren in the war
-demons are obviously jews
-frieren the slayer
-hitler was a weeaboo so hieter/fern represents japan, as fern is obviously yamato nadeshiko and hieter has squinted eyes

convinced yet? now go watch it.
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I like the part where Frieren explains that it is in the nature of demons to lie to survive in human society, they're literally invaders using humans (white peoples) laws and tolerance against them.
and the proper solution frieren shows is to kill them without mercy.
the one time they overrule her the demon proves her right - it is incapable of going against its nature
It killed the momentum and introduced way too many characters, it felt like a different show.
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Well the momentum of the Granat arc was killed by the episodes after it and before the magic exam arc. So what gives.

>It killed the momentum
there was no momentum to begin with in the episodes before the arc - it was just chilling out on the road doing side quest. If anything with the exam the show got a momentum. And it is not like that it shifts the gears for ever. It is just like in life you have times that are calm and times that are aggitative.

>introduced way too many characters
maybe, but all them have a roll or so in the story forward and for the many of them get a background so you can connect with them.

>it felt like a different show
not really especially with the continues use of flashbacks to give away why Frieren does things the Frieren way.
This part binds the dopamine fried audience that need action action action. If it weren't there they actually get bored by the pacing.

All in all it doesn't need to be there - However a big look into the magic system and how it is used to interact with the world.
I just never got into the show. I did other anime but this one was just over hyped by people I felt like
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Well it certainly was hyped. But unlike others the hype seems reasonable.

>I just never got into the show.
It certainly is not for everyone. But it kinda has something for everyone, because it mixes slice of life with action and other topics. So there eventually comes something that catches.

Also it is to question how you watch it. If you space out the first episodes it feels dragging and playing on emotional heart strings. So watching the first 4 episodes together as the prolog and as it was aired first makes the jump into it easier. But then you just can't binge watch it like since there are many things that reference previous details. Well when it premiered you had 1 week between each episode so much time to marinade in the theme.

>But we dont want you, we hate you!!
not my problem
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We'll remember this attitude when the purges begin. It'll be open season on anyone brown.
Based. We are here to make money, not friends.
> not my problem
good please come, are some of you guys by any chance male prostitutes?
>if I don’t steal your house, someone else will!
You shitskin kikes deserve death. And will get it.

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only jews need a boogeyman. Their cult is held together by fear of the other
You have to go back Ranjeet
The fact you can't imagine that someone opposed to your kike on stick religion isn't a kike themselves shows your absolute cognitive dissonance lmao.
Well the jews did fill white countries with niggers, spics, arabs, gooks, wetbacks, chinks, dinks, cholos, trannies and golliwogs. So there is plenty to pick from going forward. The management team at Racism Corporation looks forward to QoQ growth going forward, as we seek to extendify the bottomline.

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