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If trump wins there will be mass suicides
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>He wants the genocide of queers
If only that were true
Link me to this post. You can’t because it’s fake af
Tasty oldfag pasta.
correct. problem will solve xheyself
I wasn't going to vote for Trump, but now I am.

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poo pants
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>"lead... pipes..."
Based Poopmypants poster

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My coworkers gigavaxxed 1 year old baby just died in NICU after a 3 week stay for the “flu”

>this is normal chud
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Dying is good for you. I don't see anything wrong with this. There are too many god damn goyim on this planet.
only non-whites are against the vaccine
the illuminati are heroes for wiping out billions of useless eaters
by Lucifer's majestic grace!
NPCs and non-whites are being genocided by this evil covid vaccine!!!!!

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Humour thread
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>Let me show you why they call me Vin DIESEL!
I rent to nigs, and they literally can’t handle the kids. It’s 24/7 nonstop destruction. They do t have toys because they break them. 6 year old boys broke a wrench they found bashing it with rocks.
I didn't even know they could fly
fuck you got me
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What makes capitalism so soulless and retarded?

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Have any of you wonderful anons got Tolkien's text copy of his letters to a friend where he discussed the way Europe was headed etc. Need them to redpill a few friends. Cheers lads.
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Kirsten dunst, how old are you bro?
raceswapping just keeps happening. disney has made me extremely racist and I go out of my way to not give them money. unfortunately they probably have a buffer allowing them 100 years of losses but i sleep better.
>whole point of the 1000 years timespan is it was so peaceful the jedi lost their edge completely
>make a new setting out of it and fill it with typical star wars plots
Full retard move. Just like everything else about mouse wars.
Imagine being a disney exec with full control over EU lore, allowing you to just take a period like the new sith wars and just milk billions upon billions of dollars worth of content out of it, just to decide to throw it all away for no reason at all.
Like I get that nepo hires aren't ever gonna be the cream of the crop competence wise, but jesus christ it's like these people hate success. It hurts their political agenda just as bad as their bottom line.
This what you're looking for? https://static1.squarespace.com/static/59d68c02c534a5079b390c38/t/5c2d3e3f575d1f37b45d4750/1546468936692/the_letters_of_j.rrtolkien.pdf
Kekked and checked

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2 brave Irish teens tragically dead from racist e-scooters.

Why is there so much pain and suffering in the world?
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This happens everyday that white ppl get killed by scooter thigs somewhere in europe

Good go kill the niggers
Fight back
If they could, they would, they will kill you.

Suid afrika brudi
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No, e-scooters are just racist.

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How did we come to this? How do half of Americans only vote for someone based on whether or not we can kill babies? Does this seem weird to anyone else? Is it even true or are they skewing stats and spitting propoganda to make people care so much about this???

Pretty easy. If raped or if at medical risk, women should be able to abort. I'd argue if already living on gov benefits it should be mandated but I'm a "radical". It's just fucking crazy to me that so many people (Maybe not that crazy since its mostly women) get sent into a blind rage when told they can't kill a baby. Is satan among us?
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We live in a nightmare dystopia cyberpunk hell world.
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yeah youre the one with the word magic of if i call the baby at this stage of its development a foetus it means i can kill it without acknowledging that im killing a baby
thats why i keep calling you a bitch
when a man kills a baby he acknowledges what hes doing
>it's a traumatizing, invasive procedure

Nah, often they just take a pill and evacuate the 'clump of cells' at home. Why are they traumatized?

>>'incel' is based af, they didn't fall for the social pressure.
>embarrasing levels of cope

>fetus is latin for "little one," it's interchangeable with baby.
oh SHIT. OH NO. an english word derived from another language. i'm SO FUCKED.
>when women don't want to murder their pre-born child in the womb they will call it a "baby" too.
idk what point you think you were trying to make but you failed. people use a lot of words. it doesn't change reality. a fetus isn't a baby or a human. a woman's life/decisions/ideas/opinions are infinetly more important.
Just determine what day the little fetus cunt becomes sentient being and then set the abortion cut-off point a few days prior.

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>The candidates to run "the most powerful country in the world" are a dumbass celebrity and a senile old man

And Americans wonder why the rest of the world are mocking them.
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i don't care about your thread but I'm taking your cat image to post on /bant/ later
Trump is also a senile old man
The dumbass celebrity is also a senile old man thoughbeit
Who better to rule over a circus than clowns?
>Trump is also
my god you are a retarded niggerloving faggot.
kys now.

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jews and indians will never be white
Use an infrared filter..
Don't feel bad man.
I had no idea until pol educated me.
It took a bit, but I started to notice things.
But its hard to do at first.
You know how Indians have that look when they see each other in the west?
Same thing.
We just know.
Well some.
I blend in so well, people can't tell.
When I start to speak hindi it shocks the fuck out of them.

Thing is, Jews are not hard to spot once you understand their behavior.
The women are a bit harder to spot.
Also the 1/4 to 1/2 jews are also hard to spot.

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I can smell a jew from a mile away
I can smell them and I certainly can smell you
"Ichi the killer"

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This guy seems really happy. Not hurting anyone here
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My feet are only size 6..
so happy has to post pictures online for attention constantly
Anon stop posting omelet on /pol/ i don't think she would appreciate it desu
not to everyone

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Why are muslims so weak?
Wow, it is like Yahweh but Arabic or something
How many cheetos did he eat?

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Why are serial killers so effective at making 'ginas tingle?
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This seems like a sitcom or a romantic comedy movie. Seriously. I like it.

*clears the throat*

>What happens when a hapless romantically wanton pop singer falls in love with a sexually repressed psychopathic serial killer? In Cut the Track. Ariana Grande falls passionatly in love with savage and derranged killer Jeffry Dahmer after taking part in a prison pen pal letter writting program for the Wisconsin Department of Corrections. Now she has to find a way to shoehorn herself into his life and still stay on top of the entertainment world.

I can just see it in my mjnd’s eye.
not a killer thing, a cannibal thing. ariana grande has been to more sacrifice nights that hillary clinton
I don't think it's that exactly. Serial killers usually only kill weak people unable to defend themselves. I think it's more about serial killers being the ultimate rule breaking social pariahs.
She get's so horny watching a man fuck another man's skull.
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friendly reminder that killers have bigger chance to get laid than hard working men

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Your science daddies penetrated you with mysterious gene therapy (not saline) and there still aren't any refunds for the vax.
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they know exactly what they made, yes
it's not a good justification for killing them though
fuck that. 8 billion people. 90% of them are non-whites and useless NPCs.

The elite are saving the world.
voluntary castration in exchange for UBI would have been enough to wipe most of them out in two generations
but the so called elites get off on suffering and murder
the vax includes a free chemical lobotomy along with other awesome benefits.
>Long COVID brain fog
no one will volunteer for that. The elite is doing it right, by killing them with the vaccine

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After the massacre of a debate last night and today's supreme court decisions, I'm actually feeling pretty optimistic.
The left's unfettered meltdown is pleasing to me, and I am genuinely enjoying every minute of it.
Who else is comfy as fuck right now?
Phull sappot to good sir trump

2024 - arguing about who's better at golf
>I'm just a realtor in the shabbad mafia who scam and steal everything he can

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Debate antisemitism death penalty Jewish Kamala Brandon Hillary Clinton
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Israel has a right to exist!
It's important to approach sensitive topics with respect and awareness of their potential impact. The discussion you've brought up, combining terms like "antisemitism," "death penalty," "Jewish," and names of prominent figures, can be deeply offensive and inflammatory. This kind of rhetoric can perpetuate harmful stereotypes and contribute to divisive and hurtful discourse.

Let's strive to have conversations that are respectful, inclusive, and considerate of all individuals and communities. If you have genuine concerns or questions about these topics, it would be more constructive to address them in a thoughtful and respectful manner.
ain't no way is this pink floyd
is this 4 isreal?
nigger nigger I am a bot
I don't want to debate anyofthosethings
antisemitism is gay
the death penalty is under utilized
niggers and niggers are nigger
what else is new?

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The hostile journalist got his shit question completely pushed back in by this elegant young lady.
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Literally this theres no stopping them.
Why are western women typically trashy unscrupulous social media skanks?
no she looks like a very pretty young lady actually
u some kinda tranny or something lmao
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Realistically, tell me how Trump could end the Ukraine war as him promised or is it just another phantasy votebait like ''the wall''?
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stop funding it and forcing european nations under USA's influence like Poland to fund it
His plan is to just let Russia take anything they want. Trump worships Putin.
Poland is probably the only country that isn't forced to fund the war
...and that's a good thing.
He already said how, just force Ukraine to the negotiating table by threatening to cut support. If that doesn't work, end sanctions on Russia and start buying their oil again, which would in turn pressure the EU to do the same.

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America is almost 50% brown and you are still talking about optics.
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What side do you represent? Do you have a thread in which you have stated your beliefs?
Your not karl marx
You'll never be as good a shitposter as him
He didn’t take into account: evolution, natural selection, biologically set roles or the idea of ethnic groups as singular multicellular organisms. I can apply this theory to understand Proto-Europeans the collapse of Rome and the current conditions that we experience. All while considering the long term effects of religious organisations on the refinement/degeneration of the ethnic group. It even takes into account advanced eugenics to consider the ideal society to resist social parasites.
>All constituent features of a society (social classes, political pyramid and ideologies) are assumed to stem from economic activity, forming what is considered the base and superstructure.[33] The base and superstructure metaphor describes the totality of social relations by which humans produce and re-produce their social existence. According to Marx, the "sum total of the forces of production accessible to men determines the condition of society" and forms a society's economic base.[34]

>The base includes the material forces of production such as the labour, means of production and relations of production, i.e. the social and political arrangements that regulate production and distribution. From this base rises a superstructure of legal and political "forms of social consciousness" that derive from the economic base that conditions both the superstructure and the dominant ideology of a society.

>From this base rises a superstructure of legal and political "forms of social consciousness"

That is wrong as the legal and political superstructures are formed due to biological impulses that determine our morality. Social classes exist due to competition between ethnic groups. They exist because of the efficiency of a system in which individuals have different roles. Ethnic groups without a social hierarchy are inferior, as such they dont exist.
this. the seethe is immeasurable

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Imagine identifying to an aryan blonde ubermensch because some angry austrian midget said it was the coolest shit ever despite 90% of your entire race not looking like that feminine phenotype.

nordicism is all about lookism and nothing else.
I feel bad for brown eyed guys with blue eyed parents. Feel they're more likely to end up here than an actual blue eyed blondie
Butthurt brownoid making noises to compensate for his massive inferiority as usual. >>>/r9k/, brownie.
Brown eyed whites did more for white people than blue eyes ever did

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