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Which will you go all in on, /pol/?
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Roko’s basilisk acting upon us to influence our intent and future? There are plenty of explanations for the shiny rock obsession but none of them can be proven.
I still like to promote gold and silver to make a point that they’re not a whole lot different than crypto.
They’re just fun because you can stack them like Scrooge McDuck.
You'll basically say anything won't you? But is it effective?
You are such a nerd if you didn’t want a discussion don’t make a thread faggot.
>nooooo you have to agree with me!!!

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NATO is the most successful military alliance in the history of the world
Not one attack from Russia yet, but they've already planned out all the Russian/Ukrainian mineral distribution among western billionaires.

Yes America is the ultimate global evil.

They adopted this law. Literally, a law about replacing Russians with arabs from Palestine. The masks are off.


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What in the hell is going on in Germany?
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>Russians never raped, and were shot
LMAO, nice fairy tale.

>Was hingegen mit den Besatzern im Westen?
They are the same as the Russians here let me write it out for you again (OCCUPIERS), how is it that in your retarded Worldview you always have to serve either Russia or USA.

I guess in your world having your own Country and having its own geopolitical and political goals don't exist and is a bad thing as it goes against Russia as your entire worldview is centered around being the best satellite state for Russia LMAO.

Yes the NVA had much more Military traditions from Prussia I agree 100% as they wanted to make it look like it's a pure German state and not a satellite state as it was.
Prussian "traditions" does not just simply refer to the Military but society as well which was eradicated and Russia has its hand in the same amount as does the UK and the USA in the destruction and removal of Prussia, but hey at least they can march in parade for the Occupiers in Prussian style because that is what 100% matters.

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To understand what is going on in Germany, you must always remember that it's a slave state. It is well known that jews want western states to be diversified because literally every unified society has far less infighting and will immediately recognize a malignant element within itself and root it out. However what they're facing now is that the unbridled immigration is tipping the population exactly towards that - germans are being outbred by muslims by a factor of over 6. Without stemming this development fast, germany will become a unified society and oust the jews.
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We might be back.
>believing a jew
when will you learn?

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"Dey eat da poopoo."

Interesting articles:

Tanning materials - https://skillcult.com/blog/tanningmaterials

Interesting videos:

Foraging for mussels - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CsE4KOD8mg8
Knife making - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xUeWDRnmpw4
Tanning leather - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YqiZLnJ2GGU

The Estelline Spring - https://www.redriverhistorian.com/post/the-salty-estelline-spring

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I recommend this channel, and he made me think about rabbits. He is saying chickens have a high mortality rate, rabbits not so much, and it's basically fast-fucking meat-birthing factory.
They don't need a lot of space and are tasty.

chickens are easy bro, i made my coop out of old pallets. plucking the feathers suck because it takes alot of time. moat the time i just skin them. my chickens just eat bugs and plants. i buy about 100lbs of food for them a year and they eat most of that during winter. are you gonna raise polish chickens? i raise barred rock
this pic made laugh so hard i spilled my bear
wtf with the hairstyles? lmaooo
I had no idea such thing as "Polish chicken" even exist

>raise barred rock
Anons from /out/ told me cocks are raping people's shins sometimes kek
>plucking the feathers suck because it takes alot of time.

you tried to submerge them in boiling water for a couple sec before plucking?
>submerge them in boiling water
yes, but it still takes like 5 min per bird
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Dowsed all my corn in BT already. BT and permetherin are a must have. Glad I picked some up last year, especially with the Idaho situation.

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How do we stop the boomer from loving Isreal?
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How can anyone look at this sniveling boomer and see strength and not pure fear?
it's attempting to stave off any unfriendly visits from his AIPAC handler(s)
We designate aipac as a foreign agent.
JFK tried to do it....
He literally talks like he has a gun pointed at his head and is saying what he's been told to say so he doesn't get his brains blown out.
How many times do you think this guy went to Epstein’s island?

> We wuz Japs.
> No WE wuz you racist !
Why are westerners like this ?
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>kurosawa mode
>an asian
An asian american, I'm sure. They are vile creatures and one of the testaments to why nationalism is good. They are an embarrassment to asia.
Adding a little more info, his name is Cornelius Boots


I compare him to Yo-Yo Ma because it is actually the same just opposite race and cultural instrument. It is Mutually exclusive viewpoint to like Yo-Yo Ma then hate Cornelius Boots in regards to cultural appropriation. The left just hate him because of his race. They are equivalent to rednecks that hate Yo-Yo Ma for being Asian.
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It's a black and white grain filter with sandy stereo sound with no HUD at all. I just turn it on for duel boss fights and it's amazing
This guy is some UK provocateur that has hilariously bad and deranged takes on Japan. For starters in OP's instance he's inventing an imaginary narrative for people to play along with because absolutely no one said this the only thing 'leftists' say is that he's a samurai, which honestly could go either way because Japan was subsaharan african levels of warlordism and basically anyone with a sword and a political connection could be considered a samurai. Ffs the island wasn't even unified until Nobunaga every clan was functionally not only a different country but they had their own dynasties as well and didn't speak the same languages either.

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How do we stop inflation?
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>Where does this inbred meme come from?
It's just certain lower class areas where generations of the same families have been on gibs since the 1950s. You wouldn't have visited because there's literally nothing there except rows of council houses.
tfw no chav daughter.
Why live?
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god I want to be verbally abused by little bri'ish girls
that and jews projecting the average chabad livestyle on those who openly oppose them.
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>Last place

He had 11 years to buy and didn't

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Power is out in entire Bosnia and Herzegovina, and parts of Croatia, Montenegro, Albania and Greece
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Und ich kann meine Vorfahren spätestens bis ins England des 14. Jahrhunderts zurückverfolgen. Ich kann dieses Spiel auch spielen.
Apologies. I have multiple tabs up, arguing with more than one person. That was meant for a gypsy claiming to be white.
solar storm

it's night in Europe
Was hat das denn mit seinem Post zu tun? Hast du einen Schlaganfall, oder was soll dieses zusammenhanglose Rumgeseiere?
I lived in 3 different apartments in 3 different cities in Germany over 8 years and my electricity never went out even once. Not even for 1 minute.

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Kikes? I though you guys said that the Ukrainian were Nazis. You fuckers don't make any sense. You promote Nazi ideology, then talk about Nazis in a negative context when it comes to Ukraine. Then, you say that they are Jews. You cannot have it both ways. There is no such thing as Jewish Nazis. They DO NOT EXIST.
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>there's objectively nothing wrong with this if your country is at war and nothing less than its survival and that of its people is at stake
They are not fighting a war of independence but a border dispute over Crimea and Donbas.
The war could end now, but USA wants resources.
They actually care more about their resources than human life.
I meant eu leaders, wouldn't make any sense if hohols told themselves that they have to win to get in nato, why are you malding like that kek? who's we?
Hopefully many more piggies get caught and sent to the grinder. Death to the bandera dogs
Funny thing is most of those ukies on the photo are dead now...

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Previous >>471729353

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Al-Quds Brigades: In coordination with Al-Qassam Brigades, we shelled a gathering of Zionist enemy vehicles and soldiers in Al-Shabura camp in central Rafah with a barrage of mortar shells.
>Lebanese sources: A salvo of rockets has been fired from southern Lebanon towards the “Malkia” site in western Galilee,
>Urgent: Fierce clashes and successive violent explosions in the center of #Rafah
>CNN, citing American officials, claims that #Israel informed the US administration of its readiness to attack #Lebanon by land and air.


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old man is writing fan fics
Did they legit completely abandon their hostages now? No more pretense even?
The problem with you Arabs is you view yourselves as human, when in reality you aren't, you are genetically defective, disabled at birth, unable to advance or produce anything. Arabs are subhumans and coexisting with useless sandniggers is kind of like coexisting with cockroaches.
are you still baking baker?
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can someone explain the deal with women that talk about sexual liberation and normies having casual sex being epic and how gays should be allowed to swing their cocks in kids' faces but are somehow simultaneously disgusted by sex and would prefer that everyone was chemically castrated?
it makes my brain hurt
>can someone explain the deal with women
Incel thread.
>you cannot criticize women under any circumstances
Reddit post.

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>Ukraine tells soldiers to kill themselves to avoid capture
thats what russians do because their soldiers are so poorly trained it doesn't matter if they die
Lets throw some genocide into the mix. The CIA bought the soviet stockpiles from Kiev and delivered the to UNITA in Sierra Leon (via Victor Bout) so they could frame Russia.


A Ukrainian parliamentary inquiry concluded that between 1992 and 1998, Ukraine lost $32 billion in military assets, in part through theft, discount arms sales and lack of oversight. (In comparison, Ukraine's spending on legal arms for defense in 1999 is estimated to have been $500 million.) Many of the missing weapons found their way into the hands of willing buyers in hot spots around the globe, from Sierra Leone to Croatia. And as these arms proliferated, so did evidence of international criminal networks that sold arms from Ukraine in flagrant violation of international sanctions and embargoes.

Theft and corruption in the military facilitated the flow of illegal weapons from Ukraine. It was also facilitated by forged or falsified end-user certificates, the export documents that are supposed to record the final recipient of an arms shipment. The ease with which arms shipments moved through official channels has led many observers to conclude that prominent Ukrainian officials were involved in the deals. In a 1999 report on Eastern European arms dealing, Human Rights Watch concluded that export-control authorities in the region were accepting arms brokers' documentation without question, either through "complicity or incompetence." Other observers say responsibility goes straight to the top of the Ukrainian government. Writing in The Christian Science Monitor, Ukrainian political scientist Taras Kuzio said, "High-level Ukrainian officials, if not directly dealing arms, are reportedly either smoothing the path for sales or at least looking the other way."
There are recordings of Russian officers giving order to behead and stuff. Not to mention everything else. I'd probably roll the dice if I was a zigger and got captures by UA. Other way around? Suck starting your ak-74 honestly probably the play.
Actual Ukrainians can surrender and be treated fairly. Foreign mercenaries however will get their balls chopped off
I wonder if they gave the suicide books to these old ladies?

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reminder that /pol/ was pro-ukraine before the arrival of kremlin bots
No we were not you kraut eating faggot
All fields
drop the vpn sirgay
To be fair there was always a split opinion on the matter but the zigger bots and fsb glow niggers have astroturfed the board
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Is anyone else actually pro-draft? Imagine wiping out all these retarded zoomers in one foul swoop. It is the best way to solve the most amount of societal problems all at once, by killing all the zoomers.
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Yes zooomers and millennials should have never been born in the first place.
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im against nato you retarded putin shill

>Possibly. I don't speak Russian but I also don't believe possible U.S. state department narratives.
its not a state department narrative. the state department narrative is that putin is hitler

>When that term is brought up, we are referring specifically to the international corporate conglomerate structure
thats not what khazar means. judaism itself is inherently internationalist and globalist. the khazarian empire was a medieval empire in eastern europe and the caucausus where there was some conversion to judaism. jewish shills then go online and spread bullshit about how everything bad jews ever do is because they are not real jews but actually just khazarian fake jews

>however, and that control sphere gang is what is EXTREMELY anti-Russian
left wing jews are anti russian and right wing jews are pro russian. in the end it doesnt matter because jews control both sides and whatever happens they will keep their power and in fact gain even more power

btw that law that is coming into effect in USA about it not being allowed to say that jews kill christ? they already have that law in russia
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No, you goofy looking jew
We have the largest prison population on the planet and in history. They will find their canon fodder.

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>literally half the /pol/ just pushung this or that narrative onto you.
Worship foxgirls.
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No, I'd rather be turned into an ice fairy and be a conniving shithead all day and a lazy sleepy good for nothing at night. But please send a loyal and caring fox wife to my homie, he's a good lad and deserves it.
>do you accept
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Foxgirls rock
>"she's amazing"
>"also she's beyond amazing"
>do you accept?
Nigger please. This is torture. I need a foxgirl.
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i already do, but unironically
i want my feet cut off and studied for cold resistance and my liver and soul eaten in exchange for the death in the most horrible and painful manner of powerful people

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Mods very important do not interfere. (If thread is deleted, I will make more until it is left alone and gains traction. You will not snuff this information, and it remains relevant and political.)


David Saltzman, a member of the Chabad-Lubavitch Synagogue in Brooklyn, New York, where underground tunnels were discovered earlier this year, admitted on a podcast that rituals were being performed underground.

He said the mattresses were stained because they were performing rituals on dead bodies to bring back their messiah.

"We hope the messiah's spirit comes into that"

So as you can see, it was all very innocent, and there were no nefarious deeds going on in the tunnels beneath the Chabad-Lubavitch Synagogue in Brooklyn.

What are the political implications of all of this being extremely illegal, unethical, sick, and satanic?

Do any Jewish individuals wish to chime in, and perhaps explain these deeds?
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Because it's a satirical podcast and this was a satirical interview.
cool it with the antisemitism
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>deranged q shit
2 more weeks til rfk comes back from the dead right? faggot
I announce the talmud.

>Weimar Germany was 99% white and 95% true conservative, not cuckservative and 65% white like in the modern day West

>Degeneracy was only present in the bigger cities and the entire population looked at it with disgust, whereas degeneracy is normalized and spread everywhere now

>Homosexuality was legally forbidden and rejected by the majority of the population, now it is completely normalized and accepted, gay prides and gay marriage are being promoted and fags can adopt children

>Zero white guilt, not a single normal person felt any guilt or shame for the past

>No tranny, self hate propaganda and drag shows in schools

>No mass migration at the same levels of today, mostly shitskins, they thought that it was bad enough that thousands of jews and gypsies could freely cross the borders and enjoy equal rights and said they had to pay a big price for that. Imagine the price we'll have to pay for tens of millions of niggers and other shitskins

I often hear people say that "we are reaching Weimar levels of degeneracy". The truth is, even the Weimar times were nothing compared to today, in fact, I'd actually gladly live in that time than in the present day.
People have to understand that the current situation is worse than anything in the past, we are way beyond the Weimar republic, and if whites ever get to solve this catastrophe, this era will be remembered as severely worse than Weimar or any other historical time period.
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Germans built my entire town in Texas in the early 1900s
Sick pic. I didn't know the Führer played 40k. What faction was his fave?
you're kidding, right?

take a look at this not recently updated(RIP) spread sheet. they are 100% doing the Bolshevist playbook at this very moment here in the USA and they're doing it quickly.
Read OP again, and then read your own post again.
second video is based af. so was first.

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Dear esteemed members of /pol/,

I'm writing to you today with a humble plea, a desperate cry for mercy, and a dash of environmental concern. I beg of you, I implore you, I beseech you: please, for the love of all things good and holy, do not plant Kudzu and Japanese Knotweed on Bill Gates' land.

I understand the temptation, I really do. The idea of unleashing a botanical reckoning upon the Microsoft mogul's property might seem like a deliciously mischievous act of revenge or protest. But, I beg you, consider the consequences.

Kudzu and Japanese Knotweed are two of the most invasive, destructive, and notoriously difficult-to-eradicate plant species on the planet. They can choke out native vegetation, damage infrastructure, and wreak havoc on local ecosystems. The environmental impact would be catastrophic, and the cleanup efforts would be a nightmare.

Moreover, such an act would only serve to perpetuate a cycle of vandalism and petty revenge, rather than fostering any meaningful dialogue or positive change. It would be a childish, shortsighted, and ultimately counterproductive move.

I know that /pol/ is capable of greatness, of sparking important conversations and driving real change. I beg you to channel your energies into more constructive pursuits, rather than indulging in destructive pranks.

So, I ask you, dear /pol/, to spare Bill Gates' land from the scourge of Kudzu and Japanese Knotweed. Let us strive for a higher plane of discourse, one that prioritizes reason, empathy, and environmental stewardship.

Yours sincerely,

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I must say that it would never do good!
Okayilll do it
Eco fascicide...
I'm gujna use the knotweed

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>Ukrainians and Russians
>Killing each other
>Carefully and lovingly adding each other sound tracks in Russian and Ukrainian languages, subtitles, carefully encoding and compiling multichannel to make everyone happy, sometimes even competing to be the first to become a sought-after and high-quality pirate of a new Netflix series.
>In the forum "under" of the series there is harmony and mutual help on setting up videoplayers between posters with Ukrainian and Russian flags
Sooner or later this will all come to an end, and the Westoids should start to slowly become afraid. You will receive no historical gratitude. Only accusations of criminal lies that led to the deaths of millions of Ukrainian and tens of thousands of Russian citizens. And the countries that supplied weapons will pay reparations to Russia in order to have at least some access to the energy market, the pricing of which will be able to move their impoverished economies.

Think about it while I watch the first season of the series, which I downloaded while I was writing the post for free in 4k with dubbing of my choice.
Russians are better at digital audio encoding than Ukrainians, this is known. I don't know why though.
Thanks for the compliment, bro. Encoding/decoding sound, it's a real spectral art.

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