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>Like many other baleen whales, female blue whales are generally larger than males

bros how do we cope?
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the male sperm whale is the Largest living organism on the planet
Women are fat.
Blue whales are goofy looking creatures.
the amerimutt female is larger than the male by mass too.

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has this been debunked?
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What source?

What Trump actually did boosted settlement of the West Bank. It was tacit approval. And he got the allies in that region onboard with Israeli conquest behind doors.

I'm not against Trump or Israel. I just find it funny that you think that he's some White Nationalist, anti-Israel savior. Just shows that the Jews have the upper hand when it comes to "based" Trump voters who are stuck in 2016 and Pepe memes perpetually.
no, actually you faggots gave up lol
you stopped responding
>I just find it funny that you think that he's some White Nationalist, anti-Israel savior.
I never said anything of the kind. You really do nothing but lie.
>lol you gave up responding to me when I was reduced to just calling you dumb
Imagine that.
lol no, i completely defeated you and you just decided to give up

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Will it work?
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these fuckers only work 3 hours a day if they even work at all; nothingburger
>Mindestlohn: gross nominal monthly salary of €2080 40h/week
>Apartment (1 bedroom) in City Centre 923 €
Germany: 44% of income goes to rent
Greece: 48% of income goes to rent (assuming the 400€ rent and 830€ min. salary are correct)
while there are many other factors to consider, it appears that there isn’t a significant difference.
based af.
it not meaning anything was literally the entire point of the post, you illiterate retard
I pay a bit under 400 euros a year on taxes for my 250 sqm house, rent is anywhere from 300 to like 2k a month for the bougie apartments

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I don’t even care.
Not my problem. Good luck Lebanon!
All of this is true
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>Do you know the way to Har Megiddo


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if you lazy niggers got a job we wouldn't have to import indians and spics to keep our economy going
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I have mental illnesses that people don't diagnose because I'm too good at hiding them?
No wonder twitter is a piece of shit now
Women and niggers wanted to be in charge and they are now. Why are they still complaining?
There isn't a harder working exec than Musk. The man is a machine. He is up tweeting at 3 AM.
This, it's basically America
>go to university
>get degree
>Deliver food for a living

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How many lifelong STDs are there?
Currently, there are 4 sexually transmitted infections (STIs or STDs) that are not curable: herpes (HSV), hepatitis B (HBV), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and human papillomavirus (HPV).
1 in 5 Americans have one of these STDs and is growing.
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>spiritually soul fucking the love of your life.
its a crude way to put it but yeah i know exactly what you mean. traveling through the years together is better.
>a woman supporting you
>sex every day
>female spirituality
This is ridiculous.
The year is 2024, not 1750.
Women have regressed to a state of pure short-sighted parasitism.
Gotta catch em all
HPV checking in. Got it from the only asian girl I’ve ever fucked.
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>it's the daily
>transmissible diseases really exist
>totally organic spam thread

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Greece are you ok???
>Greece is moving toward a six-day workweek, while several other countries are experimenting with shorter office hours. The government hopes to make up for missing workers and fight black market labor. Can it work?
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based reply.
It's all about the pressure.
>Eliminate most social nets (you can have private charity if you want).
>Make work week smaller.
>Lower taxes significantly.
>Stop changing market related laws every fucking month (Greece is notoriously bad at this, no stability)
>Watch productivity skyrocket
Also Greeks aren't lazy, they work more than most Europeans. There's just rampart corruption and everyone works hard and retarded, instead of smart.
>its the same in germany where the retirement age moves up every few years! currently its 67 in germany and the muppents in berlin already gazing at age of 70!
Your post reminded me of this:
>The excited spiral of Misesian-Darwinian degenerative runaway is neatly captured in the words of the world’s fluffiest Beltway libertarian, Megan McArdle, writing in core Cathedral-mouthpiece The Atlantic:
>"It is somewhat ironic that the first serious strains caused by Europe’s changing demographics are showing up in the Continent’s welfare budgets, because the pension systems themselves may well have shaped, and limited, Europe’s growth. The 20th century saw international adoption of social-security systems that promised defined benefits paid out of future tax revenue—known to pension experts as “paygo” systems, and to critics as Ponzi schemes. These systems have greatly eased fears of a destitute old age, but multiple studies show that as social-security systems become more generous (and old age more secure), people have fewer children. By one estimate, 50 to 60 percent of the difference between America’s (above-replacement) birthrate and Europe’s can be explained by the latter’s more generous systems. In other words, Europe’s pension system may have set in motion the very demographic decline that helped make that system—and some European governments—insolvent."
Greece is an economic abnormality. A “modern” European nation in which, for many years, public sector careers paid better than private ones. Not to mention the extraordinary, long-standing inefficiency of its tax system. On the plus side, it means I can nip over to Santorini or Mykonos and be treated like a god by underpaid Greek girls who look just like Ariana Grande.
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Based desu. Don’t forget your happy ending :)
There's nothing normal to the usury economy, fuck it and join the dance.

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Why is the FBI trying to control the rental market?
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You are born with nothing and happy
life takes that from you, then jews give you debt
Or tech bros invented a price fixing service.
The president doesn't print money. The Federal Reserve does.
or maybe its the only way to hold up this house of cards so it can be a controlled implosion instead we can keep speculating who got the facts?
Right, thats why its called Bidenflation by the homeschooled crowd
President is in charge, president is repsonsible
federal reserve acts at the presidents discretion

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In heaving contractions, she howled as she heaved,
Her cheeks were all cherry, and her eyes were all gleams.
She held to her belly as it ruptured asunder,
For out of her cavern thundered uproarious laughter.

She fell to the ground and succumbed to her labour,
Her bellowing hysterics slowly came to taper.
"HELP! OH BUT HELP!" she called up from the cold earth,
For she was in convulsions, about to give mirth!

And like a wooden horse through the open gates of Troy,
She had given birth to a bright little joy!
Her heart was aglow and off with the fairies,
She smiled upon the child, "I shall call him Merry."
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You have no meter. It's kind of awkward.
I like it
>In heaving contractions, she howled as she heaved, Her cheeks were all cherry, and her eyes were all gleams.
She held to her belly as it ruptured asunder, For out of her cavern thundered uproarious laughter. She fell to the ground and succumbed to her labour,
Her bellowing hysterics slowly came to taper. “HELP! OH BUT HELP!" she called up from the cold earth,
For she was in convulsions, about to give mirth! And like a wooden horse through the open gates of Troy,
She had given birth to a bright little joy!
Her heart was aglow and off with the fairies, She smiled upon the child, "I shall call him Merry.
And it's kind of archaic, the kind of verse printed in newspapers around 1910.
It shows competency but you have a long way to go.
Look into people who do jingle writing for advertising. You are at that level, if you want to get beyond it.
Troy was the city the gates led into, a Trojan is a citizen of Troy or something in Troy. What is your correction for?

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Lol. Lmao. Imagine being a wage slave! Kek! I’m going to relax at home all week and all day doing absolutely nothing but shitposting on 4chan and ordering uber eats as well as day drinking. Have fun this week wagie!
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I work from home and don't do shit but I still hate it. Not gonna lie
It's so funny to see the jews scrambling in a panic now that they know they can longer count on you to fund their plans for White genocide.
If you are born with a debt worth 30 years of annual salary you are born into slavery.
Whoa who let the negative faggot in here? Kys now loser
7000 per month BEFORE taxes you lying kike. If you made that amount, which you clearly don’t because you’re unemployed living with your mom, you would be bringing home about 5200. No more than that. Nice try though fat boy. Back to your anime.

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Even though I'm not a fag, I've tried this app called Hornet and I've already gotten like 10 guys texting me in a couple of hours (I'll delete the app anyway). And all this is possible despite me being a skinny manlet who's average-ish facially (or a bit above average at best). It's crazy how you get treated almost like a woman there.
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whore net?
OP is trans/gay
>Whatever u say gay anon
>OP is trans/gay
I'm not like this. I've just seen for myself how much easier fags have it.
getting AIDS at a gay bar was the onahole of the 1980s
That's because faggots on average have 1000+ partners. They have a mental illness which causes extreme hypersexuality, which modern medicine pretends is just totally normal because they need to be 'sex-positive'.

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What are the political implications?
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>I've read some studied about that shit, it's really junk science. It does help with certain factors that speed up aging and general health, but the stress of taking in foreign blood isn't studied and the markers they do point at are lower than diet and excercise.
does the practice have a specific name?
a summer camp for teenagers with liberal parents
It's probably an investment scam that was too obviously such. They should have attached AI to it somehow.

She has a descendant who is some wef globohomo type.
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>What are the political implications?
Akchually tests on mice have shown that old blood worked better than new blood. Dialysis seems to work too.

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You are a slave in an animal farm. Your government will kill or imprison you for any reason it sees fit. You have zero ability to take direct action in your life. Your only options are to slave your life away, buy things from corporations, and vote for puppets.
Legacy? People that think this way never addressed a single problem in this corrupt world. But they will breed like insects and claim that carnal act as being holy. You are like an unconscious animal, mindlessly following your base instincts with zero awareness. Are you gonna send kids to public school? Tell them the government is good? Tell them to trust the system? To slave their lives away and force pretend that it is so glorious? Parents are so full of shit it is embarrassing. They literally have absolutely zero accomplishments as far as bettering the world. Just mere cogs in a machine following orders and maintaining their compliance. But they will make copies of themselves, as if that is a praiseworthy accomplishment. And the funny thing is, if you ask them in rl just why did they make children, their answers are nothing short of pure selfishness (muh legacy). Its like a living meme.
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Nah i'm chilling rn. Reading Ursula Le Guin book and drinking beer.
Imagine actually being Russian lmfao
>the eternal sleep.
Its a meme. You just restart if you kys
>you should stop evolving because everyone else is consuming
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> evolving
What did he mean by that?

how will events unfold once disclosure happens? are there any books or movies that accurately depict how humanity and world governments would handle a "peaceful" alien arrival? are there declassified or leaked government documents about disclosure procedures?

This video was recorded on a $8,000 FLIR camera (Infiray HYH75W)
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>The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states.
>They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum.
An optic specifically made with looking via vibrational states might shed more light regarding these UAPs. add in that "banned glass", then we might see "them" without the need for "them" to intentionally show themselves.
it runs away like an eye floater
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I don't know, but it's going to be fucking lit when the ayylmaos drop.
That's a Chinese spy balloon.

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Donnie is NOT looking so good these days.
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lookin' rough there, Trumpstein...
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you probably demand bigger BBC in your asshole too, faggot
Your logic sucks. Please never ever serve on a jury, even if it's a jaywalking charge.
Thats a face mask for sure
they raped that little boy afterwards

If Putin hadn't invaded Crimea in 2014 Russia would have double the GDP today. Europe would still be buying Russian gas, no one would care about NATO and panicked investors wouldn't have propped up the US stock market. Hell, Ukraine might even have been sick of the EU and Banderites all by themselves. Is he a double agent for Anglo domination like Hitler?
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Then why did this "puppet government" default on 1.3 billion dollars in gas payment to Russia?

Stfu troonmerican and gayrope GEEPEEDEE is based on Monopoly money
Countries hate this simple trick to raise GDP:
>import 12 million brown and black uneducated illegal aliens
>give the housing, food, and healthcare for free
Crimea was Russian territory that the USSR transferred to Ukraine in the 50's for no reason.
double ziggerilla.

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Person I play games with is a proper Israel lover, and will defend anything the IDF does in Gaza.

Does anyone have some good statistics or even gore videos/images regarding the matter? I'm sure he'd appreciate it.
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Prefer that over a baby dick you just circumsized.
Muslims circumcise as well you should know that being swedish and all
So do most Americans in general lmfao, credits where it's due at least muslims or regular yanks give the kids herpes after doing it.
Don't give the kids herpes after doing it*

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I don't think I'm physically capable of being so hateful towards a race, religion, sexuality or anything else that I would go to a foreign nation, fight in a brutal war and risk getting my brains splattered FOR NO MONEY over it.
that's genuinely impressive, I know the meme with Muslims suicide bombing their enemies because of faith and all, but that's way less impressive. it's easy to throw your life away if you genuinely believe that heaven is waiting for you on the other side. but this, this is just pure spite in action.
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Don't they know they have to be circumcised to join the IDF (like Muslims)
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Is democracy nothing more than a baby making contest? Whatever demographic has the most kids gets to control the government? Sorry but I can't get behind that. If you wouldn't let random people off the street perform surgery on you or pilot an airplane why would you let them vote and decide a country's fate just because they're good at having sex and making lots of children (that someone else usually has to pay for)?
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>Isn't that what's currently going on you stupid tranny enabler.
No that isn't what is happening you retarded monkey.
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nice quote and ID
Huh, so shit never really changes.
If rhetoric truly mattered then Liberal politicians should get as much shit as Trump got for the things he said. They constantly shit on Americans and praise foreigners/recent immigrants. They make fun of you if you lose your job. They don't like Americans. Conservatives do the same by not even considering those people and telling them they shouldn't be working those jobs. They don't like Americans. They constantly suck off immigrants in the media. Immigrant good, American bad. They don't even hide it. They eroded our society and then praise immigrants for the things they eroded from us. Immigrants have large families and take care of each other which is seen as a good thing. When an American does it, specifically white American, they think it's bad. They want us to be individuals because it's easier to control. They want us to snitch on each other. Have you ever considered the rates of snitching on someone for saying some racist things? What group do you think does that the most? Once white people become a minority in the US, there will be no assistance. It would dumb to assume anyone would care anymore than anyone else would. Once white people are the minority, we're on our own.
>Whatever demographic has the most kids gets to control the government?
yes, that's why they're importing so many niggers and spics reliant on government programs

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> Florida rapper Foolio was shot and killed in a Tampa hotel parking lot early Sunday morning.

>Charles Jones, who went by the rap name of “Foolio,” was celebrating his 26th birthday, which was Friday, and staying at an Airbnb, according to Police.

>Police are urging the public to provide any videos or information they may have to assist with the investigation.

When will America fix its black-on-black crime spree?
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They all do it. It's just monkey see monkey do. They don't know what it means.
It's a Florida thing, the short version is they are 3rd generation Haitians.

Real Rap for you

Ah geez, not the heckin talking over drum beat nigger man. Who could possibly replace him?
I hope they all murder eachother and their entire families.

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