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Range Rover-driving couple in mask and keffiyeh is arrested at gunpoint before cops make startling discovery in their backseat as pro-Palestine mob runs wild through LA's Jewish suburb

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>as pro-Palestine mob runs wild through LA's Jewish suburb
Just wait till the Spics and Niggers decide it's Looting season. Dead Jews soon?
I look forward to Niggers home invading your house :)
Filthy Arabs. Go to Gaza if you love it so much.
kek you stupid fucking niggers dont understand, do you? you remember how the taliban fought for their home? imagine that but with people who dont fuck goats and are capable of far more advanced tactics and strategies.

if you think 100s of millions of whites are going to die to shitskins you're simply retarded which is to be expected from subhumans. what will be happening is you will all be sent back to your desert shit holes where we can slaughter juden together or people like me will blow you fucking sand nigger skull right the fuck off buy not before we ruthlessly murder your entire invader family right in front of you.

thats your choice to make. these are our lands by right of conquest or nativity and you should know better than anyone that no one fights harder than when it is for their homeland, ahmed.

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Sorry I offended you pajeet janny, youre still brown though kek
poojanny is /our/sir
Why is anti-Indian sentiment is a thing now?
They used to stay in their containment continent, but they're starting to spill out
Why does AI think this is the way shit looks like?

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His behavior started early, many such cases.
>McIntyre landed himself in trouble on January 1, 2016 when a fellow member of his Daytona Boyz rap group, Eric "Santana Sage" Johnson, shot and killed University of North Texas student Sara Mutschlechner while he was in the car.

>Tay-K was not charged in the case, but Johnson was sentenced to 44 years in prison despite his not-guilty plea.
Then it (of course) escalated to a full chimpout.
>Tay-K was among a group of seven who were arrested on capital murder charges in July 2016 for their involvement in a botched home invasion that led to the death of Ethan Walker in Mansfield, Texas (via NJ).

>Megan Holt (19) and Ariana Bharrat (20) planned to seduce 17-year-old Zachary Beloate to let Tay-K and several friends into his home to steal drugs and money. During the armed robbery, Beloate's friend Walker was shot and killed.

>Tay-K pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated robbery in the Mansfield case in July 2019 (via NBCDFW) and was ultimately found guilty by a jury of murder and one further robbery charge, as reported by Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

>Fort Worth-Star Telegram later confirmed that on July 23, 2019 McIntyre was sentenced to 55 years for murder, 30 years for one count of aggravated robbery, and 26 years for two further counts of aggravated robbery.
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This is him protesting that his accomplice is in jail unjustly.
so nothing of value was lost then?
He planned a home invasion which happened to result in the target’s death.
You can't make money off your crimes. If he does Christian rap he can make money, rapping and bragging about murdering people and selling drugs not so much.
i feel like you should let them know. he could be orchistrating monumental breakthroughs in medicine and technology. we can't have that.

Go Woke, Go Bro-
God damn it!
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>most successful movie of 2024
That's a high bar lmao
It’s the only watchable colorful goyslop in theaters right now. Deadpool and the minions movie will top this garbage for sure
Can anyone even name another 2024 movie?
Inside Out 2 is not woke and the franchise was created by a man. The sequel was directed and cowritten by a man as well.
Trying to claim IO2 box office success as some type of woke victory is the type of blatantly dishonest desperation that made wokeness an object of ridicule and rejection in the first place.
>highest grossing movie of 2024
That’s like being the winner of the retard olympics.

the nature of stake-raising between Russia and the US in the context of the Ukraine war and multipolarity-drive seems to indicate a movement towards "total confrontation" because both sides view the aftermath as of existential importance

what does this mean? It means that events that occurred in Crimea yesterday will repeat and will rise in quantity. The escalation ladder now ALLOWS terrorist acts against civilians with the use of highly-sophisticated 1st world technology.
As the US will continue leveraging Ukraine as its main heel to hold onto unipolarity, Ukraine will increasignly transform into a "permissable terrorist" state, whose goal will be to bleed Russian civilians as much as possible, even genocide will become an acceptable option in the coming years.
Russia WILL be forced to press the red button, because it will be the ONLY exit from the escalation ladder.
Those who still think about this conflict in the context of "economy" and "uppity" dynamics, don't understand at all the historical significance of today's events, at all.

Ukraine does not fully qualify for becoming a target of nukes yet. but the US will push it to a level at which getting nuked will be Ukraine's only saving grace, and this will occur within several years.
As for the Baltics... not many good trends are evolving as things stand now. We may also fall victim to the change of international orders. Will have to wait and see.

As for the donkey-democrat memeflag posting psyops shit on this board. It's about time you filter him.
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>oh no, someone splashed cum all over that fox's face.
Dude please keep your fantasies to yourself
Dude, you have Chinese nationals at your Mexican border. It would not suprise me if some individuals your CIA supported abroad ends up within your borders. The point is you have lost control of migrant flows and I assure you your enemies are taking advantage of this, especially now.

Disagree. You had the Soviet Union as a major competitor at that time. The time after the Soviet Union collapsed and China was still a third world shithole is what probably the phase of peak American empire. Right now USA is on some kind of hubris. We are talking about decades here, just like the Roman empire had its decade long phases.
Look what lukashenko is doing with the sandnigger refugees at the polish border. You fucking kike.
This is far more likely. Expect to see more russian and chinese weapons in lebanon and the houthis. Remember thouhh the ryssian government cares aboutbrussians as much as the us cares about its white population (it doesnt)

Its a good pretext to btfo israel though which i hope to god they will.
Mention the hook-nosed elephant in the room or you are a shill.

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lel dumb millenials and zoomers ackchually think they can make a diff and their options matter, lol WHATEVA
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Gen-X here (born 1968) with some truth bombs

Don't pay attention to the birth year for the dividing line, use the date about 10 years later. Kids become culturally aware about age 10 (think of the first songs you remember hearing on the radio or as background, how old were you?). Other than Baby Boomers, subsequent generations are defined by what they missed: Gen-Xers have no memories of the 1960s, Millennials won't remember the Reagan-Bush years, Zoomers have always lived in a post-9/11 world, and now Generation Alpha is growing up without experiencing W or Obama
millenials are the problem with the world
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Here is a handy-dandy way to tell the difference between a Boomer and Gen-Xer:

Ask them to finish this song lyric: "Our house...."
Boomers will always answer "Is a very very very fine house" (Crosby Stills Nash & Young) while Gen-Xers will always answer "In the middle of our street" (Madness)
My own cutoff for Gen-X/Boomer is 1961 for a very distinct reason: A person born in 1961 would be 18 in 1979--meaning they would have been legally able to go to a disco at the height of their popularity (this was in those pre-MADD days when the drinking age was still 18). Missed Disco? You're Gen-X
yes theres tons of 'boomers' in the younger generations, hideous people

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Show off how these degenerate poos are infecting Canada and spreading their backwards way of life. They're scamming all our social systems, suppressing wages, devaluing our education, shitting on our beaches, running crime rings, acting like violent monkeys, and scamming other Indians and filling houses with dozens sleeping in hallways
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Yeah, but if I KNOW someone was my cousin, even 100th cousin, I wouldn't be able to bang them. That's just too weird.
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I wish I knew what these cookeis are called
jews destroyed canada in the 70s. the only reason you didnt notice until you were swimming in shit smelling jeets is because you are retarded.
sugar cookies
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There is some kind of jam that is not raspberry or plum. Oh, during Christimas, Polish bakeries have a cake shaped like a pine tree:

What can we do to destroy the European Union?
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It’s a financial burden, nothing more. There are hundreds of millions of 100% pure whites here and always will be while tiny meme countries will cease to exist, and that’s a good thing
Wait and laugh.
We are close:

The European Central Bank said pressure on public finances across Eurozone countries required to cope with the demands of ageing populations, climate change, and higher defense spending between now and 2070 will require nations to tighten fiscally by 3% of GDP on average.

To reduce debt to the EU limit of 60% of GDP by 2070 will require nations to tighten an additional 2%. Makes it simple. 3% plus 2% equals 5% of annual fiscal tightening.

“These developments will be challenging enough in isolation, and countries will face all of them simultaneously,” admitted the ECB. “Consequently, action needs to be taken today – especially in high-debt countries facing elevated interest rates and the associated risks.”

There is literally no way Europe will make such cuts in the absence of an existential crisis. Were they to, it would almost surely cause an immediate depression and a break-up of the EU.

But still, policy makers for some odd reason feel obligated to make such statements. And on cue, Italy’s parliament approved a law paving the way for the devolution of fiscal powers to regional governments.

You see, as we approach the endgame in a multi-decade debt super cycle, all sorts of self-serving strategies will come into view, as various nations, regions, states and cities fight for survival.
The french produce nothing of value other than islamic terrorism and child rape videos.

The Germans are raped and destroyed by their "allies" the US & Israel. Oh and let's not forget the 20 million arabs that have come to Germany since 2015.

Scandinavia is a cesspool of degenerate mentally ill pseudo-intellectuals. Oh and let's not forget the arab population is 53% in Swedistan, 60% in the copenhagen area and 40% in the Oslo metro area.

The dutch are absolute mongs and deserve everything they get.

So what we have left are the gay eastern europes with average IQ's of 45 (nigger tier) so yeah we are kind of fucked (and that is a good thing)
Nothing. The bureaucrats are doing a good job doing it on their own it seems.

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Our citizens are simpletons retards without class or sophistication.
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Total idiocy
Look at that white nigger boomer. look at muh nigger hats.
Pretty sure hawk tuah is a year old now. It only became a meme over the last two weeks. The merch was already in production and everyone is getting played.
You have the same flag that I do, so why haven't you closed the border? Oh because you can't. You have the same amount of power to do that as I do. You fucking moron.
Source. Seems based

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Everything has a soul and is alive even your own thoughts and emotions. You may think that your intellect is somehow an abstract thing but it is a living soul. You can live forever if you embrace animism 100% because there will be no death because the death spirit will not touch you.

In the beginning there was just the sun and earth and all the spirits living together in peace and harmony. Then came the other planets (gods) and disturbed the harmony. Maybe the titans were all the good souls that helped us and lived in harmony with us or maybe even they were interlopers. Either way the (((Olympian gods))) came and transformed the earth into a warzone and turned the spirits against each other. The jews serve the pagan gods and enforce separation. We have to reunite with the spirits and chase away the (((gods))) anons.

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So many people are dying oy injured.
It's awful. Read the comments. It's fucked. What have they done?
Wait 5 min
Wait another min
Wait 5 min
Wtf? This site is fucked.
Along with all the other sites.
If I have to wait 5 min, then you do too.
Search jikkyleaks on Twitter. Search Dr Ah Kahn Syed.
Search very virology.
Search all the banned twitters.
If we have to wait, they all do
I dont have twitter (banned), but have a look if you do.
We're all dying of cancer

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I don't think I'm physically capable of being so hateful towards a race, religion, sexuality or anything else that I would go to a foreign nation, fight in a brutal war and risk getting my brains splattered FOR NO MONEY over it.
that's genuinely impressive, I know the meme with Muslims suicide bombing their enemies because of faith and all, but that's way less impressive. it's easy to throw your life away if you genuinely believe that heaven is waiting for you on the other side. but this, this is just pure spite in action.
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Pretty sure that's a Canadian beach.
Well, was.
Pajeet you need a cock for raping
Your 2 inches micro penis doesn't count
You c𝘢n't see this comment bec𝘢use you 𝘢re using 𝘢 Indian mobile
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There's nothing Aryan about you, shitskin shitjeet invader.

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It's fucking laughable that some people say that China could beat us in a war, they don't have any experience in the past 40 years of combat compared to us.

Countries bombed or invaded by China since 1980: 0

Countries bombed or invaded by the US since 1980:

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>Mutts seething ITT
That’s not a failed war, that’s misplaced war. US failed there by starting the war in the first place.
Progressives get hard over drones now. Apparently it's perfectly cool to kill thousands as long as it's the 'right' people. God, I hate progressives so, so, SO fucking much. No one is as hypocritically evil as they are.
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last time you fought the inferior low iq chinese zerg army in korea war and you almost lost, the only thing that saved the US were nukes.
today you would face a much smarter and technologically more advanced chinese army.

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Why is modern Germany like this?
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How is living quality in Munich overall? Except everything being overpriced
At least they're not speaking Russian.
This is so pathetic. There are "serious", "educated" men who go to work there and see nothing wrong with this. Who am I kidding though, probably 50% of the employees in a European city hall are some kind of degenerate.
The anti-christ forces are taking hold. They're mocking god by using the rainbow. Don't get sucked in by evil. Focus your mind on life, God, nature, goodness, the natural order of things.
pepole trust MSM. MSM says Israel good they nod along. MSM says trans flag important they nod along. They have been educated to let the MSM think for them while they enjoy the Biergarten and Fußball. Also vacation god people here love vacation they will do anything to not be bothered while in their vacation.

What does democracy or authoritarian state mean for those international hyenas? They don't care at all.

They are only interested in one thing:

Are you willing to be plundered? Yes or no?

Are you stupid enough to keep quite in the process? Yes or no?

And when a democracy is stupid enough not to stand up, then it is good!

But when an authoritarian state declares 'you do not plunder our people any longer, neither from the inside or outside.' Then that is bad.
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losing a few ships vs. losing your entire reich
It's a german thing called honor. Japan was the reason he declared war officially.
In a way it was foolish since Japan never joined the struggle to beat down the soviets.
He said one thing and confirmed with with two statements. Are you willing to be plundered is the one thing, complicity in the process does not alter the primary premise or create a new one. If anything AH failed to mention that the stupidity required to allow complicity is deliberately engineered.

>Get attacked by Japan
>Declare war on Germany for no reason
>WHy dId yUO aTtACK uS?
Hitler and Hirohito were both actors following orders. Hitler, Hirohito, Mussolini, FDR, Stalin, Mao, and Chiang Kai shek were all friends behind the scenes but they had to make everything look legit

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>women: “patriarchy demands we follow XYZ beauty standars to appeal to male gaze”
>man: “akshullly us guys don’t care about XYZ beauty standard”

has anyone noticed how schizoid feminist messaging is?
The beauty industry is run by homosexual men and jealous women. If you want to know what men want, look at porn, you're more likely to find natural girls there because they have categories for it.
These delicate flowers are 10/10 in bongland
Most runway models are trans. That’s victorias true secret

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((Judo)) - Christian
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>The beats system

Oh you mean kike genetics?
It's not a magical Jewish prophecy because God loves them chopping up their baby cocks and sucking them off.
It's just Jews doing genetic jew shit .

The Bible is made up Jewish trash
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Jesus told the pharisees (to which paul was one of them) that they didn't do the works of abraham, now, Christ is pointing out that aside from genetics, these people aren't even jewish from a cultural sense, they don't have faith in the God of the Old Testament, otherwise they would understand what Jesus was talking about.

They're embedded in their own religion around the law, which was never the way man was supposed to interpret God giving moses the commandments. They did this, which is why Jesus uses Paul to debunk pharisetical arguments, because he used to be one of these people.

Now in terms of race, there is neither jew nor gentile in Christ, yet in the Talmud, they differentiate and infact act on this. Jesus was crucified by these people, given the context, its not necessarily easy to dismiss him just because his ethnicity is in question, we're inevitably going to end up in the "Crazy man" or God conversation, which is what this angle always results in.
Kike hat from middle ages was worn in the 1st century by Paul?
Muslims believe in the same sandnigger fairytales as Christians, what was your point again?

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We are so sick of it. It makes no sense how a small minority can conquer half the planet and still get away with it.

Don’t ever think Asian people like you. Because that’s far from true. Don’t ever think Asian woman will date you because it’s not true. They are simply paid to do so.

But seriously life is bullshit and I want to kill myself living here. Everything revolves around Australians. I can’t do this anymore. I wish Japan fucked this place up in WW2
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If you don't like us go back to your own country. Faggots beg us to treat you as our equals then demand we are stepped on when they are let in. You're nothing but chimpanzees chestbumping and desiring our land and resources whilst inventing fancy excuses for it.
shut the fuck up fucking chink piece of shit. REEING at white people won't increase your dick size. Your women are laughing at you you pathetic commie bitch.
You are clearly unhinged and psychopathic. I bet a white person walked past you in a shop or something and you're so autistic and hateful that you assumed they were nasty to you. I'm nice to every non White I meet yet still you faggots go online and claim our women are sluts and we deserve to to be broke and dead. Go fuck yourself
Asians like white people though
Because white people made the world.

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Hungary builds new church from scratch.
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Neat. Why is the pres so kike friendly though? Why does he go to bat for russian jewish oligarchs? Why is he such a zionist? Something fishy. Not to purity spiral though. Hungary has a chance at real, National Socialism. Notice this is a rhetorical question. I know why. He is in bed with the russian jewish faction.
You are lucky to be poor. That's the whole reason the east is not as flooded with shitskins as the west. Not as many of them want to go there because they won't get the hand outs.
What is this not even half hearted shitposting?
No more shekels?
>What is this not even half hearted shitposting?
>No more shekels?
You mean why Hungary wants to buy fertilizer cheaply?
IDK, maybe we are not stupid?

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Unfortunately two retarded counties represent our entire state
bahahahaha look at the biden "crowd"...if you're gonna make a photoshoop then at least make it believable.
Ok paki
>Biden: Zoomed WAY out
>Trump: Zoomed WAY in
It's all so tiresome.. and stupid.

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