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pol's two Black Qweens just linked up...
Need it or Keep it?

if i could only fuck one id have to go with joy
candace would be too judgemental and making me feel bad for being a weirdo loser creep

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How the FUCK are normalfags coping with things just getting blatantly worse on a day to day basis?
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If she gave the average /pol/cel the slightest bit of interest, they would simp
I mean she's going in the right direction.
If everyone knows everyone else is suffering, then people stop pushing as hard to win a rigged game. I'm happy to make above Min wage wfm 20 hours a week and work on things that make me happy
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It will come to a head in one way or another. I guess the right catalyst hasn't happened yet.
Kill yourself

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When did Pepe posting start? The first instance in /pol/ I can find is from 15 Dec 2013, an auspicious date for those that know.
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Two weeks ago.
Wasn't there an advisor to Donald Trump who was obsessed with green frogs and had a collection of them? There was a Matthew North video about it
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Roy Cohn. Homosexual and small hat enthusiast.

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No Jews?
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good news
I agree with you, OP. There should be no jews. TKD!
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You're a known pedo.
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Show evidence for your allegations. Only in America are you guilty on accusations alone. Praise be to Jesus and Mary
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Got lost, faggot pedo. Nobody want to join your gay club.

>yes, I support Russia. How could tell?
No pride flag on my porch? No BLM sticker on my car? Didn't donate to AIPAC?
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>Why yes, I do think jews are a parasitical species that worships baal-moloch and is provably the origin of all modern evil. Also OP is a ESL. How could you tell?
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theres containment boards for you retards who are cheering for one side in a jewish war where slavs are killing their brothers for jewish interests

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Jews try to kill you by making you believe that meat and saturated fat are healthy and are only doing that in white countries.
/pol/ will start mental gymnastics in 3.. 2.. 1..
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Yes keto/carnivore diets are a meme. Best diet is wholegrains, veggies, fish, chicken and a little red meat, also keep the fuck away from processed food.
The genes that control for cholesterol are hundreds of years old. Your cholesterol levels are exactly what they are supposed to be at any given time as expressed by your genes. Your cholesterol levels are not causally related to any health outcomes whatsoever. Blaming cholesterol for heart disease is essentially the same as blaming firemen for causing fires.
The first law of thermodynamics only applies to a closed thermodynamic system. The human body is not a closed system, and will up or down regulate hormones that affect metabolic rate and substrate use/allocation based on a wide array of nutritional inputs.
>hundreds of years old.
hundreds of millions I meant to say
meanwhile in the real world, jews are trying to ban meat and force everyone to eat bugs and onions.

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Unlike rice, buckwheat doesn't require cooking. You can just add water before sleep and it will be ready for breakfast. We could save so much carbon by eating foods that don't require cooking.
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Dude there are so many fucking Ukrainians and other eastern euros there. You think they don’t sell buckwheat?

Stop going to the pajeet store.
Why is nearly every single thread today a copypasta
macedonian circles in toronto. tons of buckwheat. can confirm
i swear to god ive seen this buckwheat thread like 10 times today

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POV: When US and Iran talk without any Jews present.
U.S. in 2024 would be a brown mystery meat mutt wearing a rainbow flag pin.
Ishmal vs Esau.



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describe his politics
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Also /pol/ today is brown and zoomer so don't expect people to get the reference
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just sign the damn petition party
>kills jeet/muzzie hybrid people in the best game in the series
He's a white nationalist zionist.
The creators are Jewish. I really liked the game as a kid but I think that its really an expression of how much Jews hate Goyim and Jesus Christ.

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Musk says all voting machines are rigged.
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I forgot my sarcasm tag.
Just do it on the blockchain. No need for machines, or IDs, and its easily handled from your phone. Zero chance of hacks or glitches. The fact that this isnt already part of the conversation tells me that nobody in power wants fair, secure elections.
Are those stalkers from Half Life?
The retards that want Voter ID are the same retards who would go apeshit over Firearm ID.
Show some critical thinking skills.
Them not closing the border is the issue, not voter ID laws.
So how many of you dipshits are gonna neck yourselves when he loses in November because he merc'd so many of his own voters with his constant COVID fuck ups? I live in MT so I'm surrounded by you dumbfuck types. What's the over-under of one of my MAGA cult coworkers offing themselves the day after lmao?

This whole board has gone to shit. It used to be people, maybe a little retarded who were posting their alt right views to a crowd of supportive, likeminded, and equally retarded anons. Now, its just someone posting an article from some retarded journalist, aliens, rage bait, or just blaming kikes for everything they've failed at in life. "The jews running everything took every opportunity from me" Grow up and shut the fuck up! Sure the jews fuck with the world but at ur personal level, you are responsible for every one of your fuck ups and a scapegoat won't change the truth. So fuck /pol/. And fuck anyone who will try to overdose on copium after reading this shit. And don't just say, "pol was always like this". No. It wasn't. There were retards getting in stupid arguments in the replies about some nigger in congress saying some bullshit about the kikes, but that was the extent of it. Antisemitism has always been a tenant of /pol/ and I agree. Fuck the kikes, and fuck any kike lover who tries to defend them. To round it off, its your faults that shit's going to end like this.

A deep dark world is being exposed.
The truth won't be for everyone.
Have faith in Humanity.
-Q 4915
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>mfw over 90% of ACKtheists are chemically lobotomized and castrated
inb4 long covid isn't from the vaccine

It has been taken over by NGOs
astroturfing it with fake "organic" narratives (including 'hate muh joooos') and botspam

>a tenant

Biden is the epitome of a puppet. He clearly is physically incapable of doing much at all. much less making national decisions.

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I watched this video recently

The guy in the video claims krishna worship in hinduism was actually created by the cochin jews who lived in india.

I definitely am not a fan of abrahamism, but I feel so much peace when worshipping krishna and reading the Bhagavad Gita.

Is eastern religion subversive or is the guy in this video just paranoid?
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>god feels lonely
>creates a goddess to play a game with
>god is cut into alot of pieces
>we are all god bro
I can understand why poos are so uppity. And where are all of the fedora troons? What's going on?
hinduism isn't a threat to atheists the way that abrahamism is
Krishna was blue because he is primordial represent of sky. In older myths Ramayana. His lover Sida was black . Which represent the earth. Sky and earth. Together is represented of abundance in agriculture.
Jews ? These people hate agriculture. They are Nomad herder . That is why Abel in genesis was blessed by god when we worship him with animal meat but Kayin was refuse because he worship him with plants.
Where in the video proof they are white ?
Seriously you have inferior complex not different from black people. Because your ancestors are merely a German barbarian tribes who destroy Rome empire. All non civilization always claimed they ate civil and integrated with older and greater civilization. We wuss Pharos. We wuss buddha. We wuss china emperor. Etc.
The way I see it, ISKCON is just a bunch of Indian scammers using White kids whose brains have been broken by drug us as slave labor.

Btw, do you have any info on all of the White guys that ISKCON uses to create based Aryan art? It is almost impossible to find their real names but Indians genetically can't into aesthetics so they rely entirely on anonymous White guys to create their art.

People who swear profusely are a bunch of edgelord larpers. Truly dangerous people use proper manners...then slit your throat in your sleep. I see a lot of edgelord larpers on /pol/.
Today I saw many talking about gay faggot larper clubs (militia posers) and plastic shit knives made of shit grade plastic and shit grade steel made in shit China.
They kept stroking their micrococks with tweezers and larping about how hardass they were and how no martial artist could take them down before getting their fat asses cut.
Is this what /pol/ is now?
Larping fatasses, pajeets, and bitter fat chicks?
Just how bad has /pol/ gotten in my 4 year absence?
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sorry to break this to you OP but you're no less of a faggot than the hypothetical anybodies yoh describe. "truly dangerous people" huh? like you? how about you suck a fart out of a pajeet's asshole
>Truly dangerous people use proper manners...then slit your throat in your sleep.
I trust the people that swear more for this very reason
>Truly dangerous people use proper manners...then slit your throat in your sleep
You are every bit the edgelord yourself nigger. Back 2 plebbit and take your katana collection with you
look at that rape meat

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kekekekekek, what are the political implications of aryans dominating mlecchas in their own battlefield?
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A wealthy indian migrant just blocked an entire street in NYC to marry his asian waifu, timmy meanwhile furiously masturbates to BLACKED in his basement kek.
These are the people that convinced 1 billion Hindus that Muslims are the problem and not them
That’s impressive
Show Japanese flag, Pajeet.
4chan poojet who is also poorjeet identifies with probably billionaire man that wouldnt give him the time of the day, just so that he can redeem under a meme flag because the world hates poos.
Its pathetic ranjeet.

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and say Christ is King
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Thank you for your lived experience, Chaim.
thats not what he said, the Oral Torah is the oral teachings that did not make it in the Torah, he's saying those are as old as the Biblical Torah which is true, and yes the Talmud is a combination of the Oral Torah and then later Jews after the death of jesus, but parts of it are older than him
burn all abrahamic cancer away
you dont believe churches in west are that cucked? There is a whole youtube channel called Christcuck Pastors dedicated to it.

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If you knew that you would survive, withouth being mutilated or something, in a 100% rate, would you be hyped for it? Why?
I mean, its like a fortnite event
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Klaus Schwab is asking this question to justify his coming actions.

Answer No or you're just as bad as the globalists you fucking faggots.
gross body, disgusting skin tones
They shave their vaginas bald so they can become dependent on vaginal bacteria health products.
>no woman has ever gotten naked for me
lol faggot
nice attempt gramps, but COPE, SEETHE or RAGE call it throat cancer having buck broken boomer male

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What makes desert people so fucking powerful? Seriously, the entire world basically revolves around these 4 nations. Praise the sun?
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We wuz egypt and kings that's why dwag no cap we on that shit yep hop on
Checked by holy 7s
What did he mean by this
2x bigger actually LOL
Good thing Californians stay stoned or drunk 90% of the time
The bulk of the Texas population lives in the non desert part and also the bay area isn't desert in California and that's the area that brought the state to it's current influential state with silicon valley.

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What if instead of murdering eachother in times of war, we saved eachother instead?
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Yea, the people dropping the bombs on innocent people totally unrelated to the true culprits are saying that's what they're doing. Saving lives. The nuclear bomb? To save lives. Bombs over Baghdad? To save lives. Hehehe, then they say you don't need that "military grade" firearm. Is it because you're next? Maybe not at your home since they tax that infrastructure, but maybe in a foreign land where you're just doing your job and following your orders?
wau, so profound
>What if
Watch some whatifalthist for more background on why that does not happen.

Based Zoomer: https://www.youtube.com/@WhatifAltHist/videos
never seen a flatworm before huh

What does he know?
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>What's in the box chud
name my band
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All I know is he looks like pepe

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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice

>Woman accused of attempting to murder man and child

>Wolves lead tributes to Matija Sarkic after death

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That's some good shit right there. No not hurman ri, the drummer, Dave. Here how about this, if we're going that way.
i enjoyed that.
i gotta kip, last one from me.
good stuff lad cheers.
Night mate, cheers. Good stuff.
fuck it
one more for the road
I stole his gimick 5 years ago

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