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if Jews were trying to end the German race as Hitler claimed then why are they still here?
A 50 million man loss isn't enough for you?

This guy fucks.
Because jews aren’t that powerful. They larp as being rulers but all they ever do is parasite off anglos and whisper evil stuff in their ears like wormtongue
You can't grab shekels from dead racial enemies, they wanted them cowed, not destroyed. And on this they succeeded on all counts, and have cleanly swept the entire planet.

We're about to see a one world government of their design. You best start learning Judaism and Yiddish/hashemite ideology, that's the Religion of the Gods.
What do you think 'try' means?
>all they ever do is parasite off anglos and whisper evil stuff in their ears like wormtongue

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Do they really want to draft me? It seems like a bad idea to me. I'm basically retarded, and they want to give me weapons? That's a horrible idea. I've already shot two people on accident, including myself. Giving me guns is not wise.

I can fuck up anything. I can break sand. My high school gym coach said if he locked me in an empty room with only a rubber hammer and a steel anvil I would break the anvil and lose the hammer. There is nothing they can give me that I can't fuck up.

So, if you want to draft me, come get me. I'll be your problem if you want.
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>im retarded
they don't care. during wartime there is no ASVAB requirements anymore, all that is just peace time shit.
Member all of the stipulations in Vietnam? There will be that, unless this is completely fake and gay and they're just trying to kill us all.
its okay they'll just tie you to the side of an Abrams and use you as ablative extra armour.

That or if you really want you can give the conscription officer the ol' spicy keychain (tannerite dog) when he comes knocking at your front door. They love it when people do that.
they want to be able to pick and choose who to kill in the meat grinder. diversity will stay behind. last of the white male stock will go die. they dont care if you are fat, mentally ill or useless. they want to legally kill you.
Just don't pick water purification for a job amd you'd be OK

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imagine being a non-citizen in a foreign country and making threats like this and then wondering why people are racist
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ah hunger strikes the only kind of strike where no one would ever know you were actually striking unless the lying media didn't shove cameras in your face because you are instrumental to their leftist agenda like Gandhi who would have gone completely unnoticed if it wasn't for Jewish media making him the current thing.
What a bunch of little bitches kek
yeah I saw the revcoms at PEI were supporting them, I thought it was weird. I openly tell normies and strangers how much I hate them and tell them they eat cow shit, etc. I have a jeet video album on my phone and show it to them too if they dont believe it
r/Canada is unironcially a goldmine. Seeing so many progressive-liberals go apeshit about immigration is a very interesting sight
I am not sure specifically what event caused them to start the descent into normie-tier casual racism but I never thought I'd see the day...

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Your troon village dissapearwred.
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more like millions of rubles, which is like five bucks
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most of it hits nothing at all
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Oh so russians are the nazis we should worship now since this is a nazi board
Wow will you troon faggots make up your goddamned minds?

NAFO FAGS, pull this agent from his desk and have a meeting with him about "maintaining consistency of narrative"
ukranian new year?
Cities can rebuild, Zach

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vaxxies will end the human race

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If it is sterilizing it would sterilize the animals
fuck off shill
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Self assembling nanoparticles is a naturally occuring thing so it isn't inherently evil but the process can be used for various things and it seems like providing DNA instructions in an injected subject is the primary application in these vaccines.
What’s the black dog mean? I’ve heard that it’s some kind of symbol. Maybe covid grandpa doesn’t know that. I think he’s a good dude.
I've heard him talk about doing charity work in Africa. He's a cuck on race. Pretty sure he means "the human race" but it wouldn't surprise me if (((youtube))) deletes the video over that sentence.

Who are they? Are they still around? What are they up to? Do they get along with the freemasons?
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>the one group in the last 2 thousand years that actually cared at some point about the temple
>forever written off by establishment occult with a false history to prevent the power of solomonic iconograohy from continuing to touch the zeitgeist more than it already always intrinsically does
>They think lies can unmake the truth

Lmao lol.
And if ye drink alcohol, drink 50 Geneva Jenever into beer glass 33cl 'vase' w/ vegetable and fruit juices, w/ herbs, supplements, minerals . And out of the blender, not the juicer
Modern day cartels
Why did ye stop believing w/ I say?? (: (:

Okay but how

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Ben Shapiro loses an argument against a pre-recorded video PART 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v81Z7Eutbx4 [Embed]
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Ben can't prove he's related to Jacob.
His whole life is a lie to the facts, which don't care about his feelings.
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whats he doin down there?

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Did you know there are only 7 instances of the words "denounce the talmud" before 01-01-2016?
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also the badly drawn frens frog
and norse paganism
either a tranny or obsessed with trannies
obsession with swinging and cuckoldry (this came from American boomers)
That’s great. Maybe it had so be said less frequently back then. Anyway, denounce the Talmud.
>Did you know there are only 7 instances of the words "denounce the talmud" before 01-01-2016?
We didnt need to prove bona fides back then
>Searching for posts that contain ‘cuck’. Returning only first 1000 of 1709269 results found.
>Searching for posts that contain ‘cuck’ and posts after 01-01-2014 and posts before 01-01-2015. Returning only first 1000 of 19913 results found.
per year = 19913
>Searching for posts that contain ‘cuck’ and posts after 01-01-2014 and posts before 01-01-2024. Returning only first 1000 of 1664079 results found.
per year = 1664079 / 10 = 166407.9 (8.4 times higher)

the archive only goes back to 2013 so I can't get more data but I'd say this meme started around gamergate (2014)




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Why did Catholicism fail to civilize Latinxs?
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DNA is all that matters

How are my fellow zoomoids feeling about this very possible outcome? WWIII isn't just a meme anymore. Also post your designated war song to play in the trenches.
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It makes me cry when I think
about Ukrainians fighting. All those poor men fighting... it's unbelievably sad. This shit needs to stop
understandable, fuck jewlensky, fuck jewtin

It was said by a jew, therefore a lie.
just like all the jew movies about it. if nukes were real, Japan and Nevada wouldn't exist.

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Americans, does your 4th amendment allow you to blast cops when they try to break into your house without a warrant after you tell them to get the fuck off your property and they refuse?
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you wont do shit cleetus
Lol I've definitely seen this. CO for 10 years. Inmate told me to come to his cell windows during count and started helicoptering his penis with a Bic pen buried as far as he could into his pee hole. Another time a guy cut his balls off and bled out in his cell. Said it was God punishing him for raping a child. I understand Pa hope he's doing better
You will get recruited by a gang regardless, if you refuse every race will prey on you
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>If so, why hasn't there been a revolution?
Brainwashing. The Patriot Act was passed right after 9/11 when everyone was so whipped up about terrorism that we briefly changed the name of French Fries because the frogs weren't ideologically committed enough to invading the Middle East. Likewise, the NDAA was passed during the Obama Administration, and almost everyone has forgotten how bad the cult of personality around him was or how it was basically impossible to disagree with anything he said or did
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51kAw4OTlA0 . Since then and the Smith-Mundt Modernization Act, normies characterize anybody making effective criticism of government policy as either a kooky conspiracy theorist, a dangerous enemy of Democracy™ or both.

>The declaration of independence states that the people have a right to fuck up tyrants. Is it law or just a piece of trivia with no legality?
The Declaration itself is just a piece of paper and not law. Our rights as American citizens to oppose government tyranny are enumerated in the Constitution, but that's basically trivia for 2 crucial reasons:
1. The legal system is as compromised as the rest of government and nobody will have the back of an actual revolutionary. The only "revolutions" our government will back as righteous are bullshit Color Revolutions that they implicitly and explicitly sponsor like BLM or "The #Resistance" against Donald Trump.

2. For all of our big talk, most Americans still relatively comfortable, and aren't willing to risk life and limb fighting. Especially against laws that they don't believe are directly targeting them, and even more especially when they know they won't be remembered has heroes, but as evil, crazy Nazi, terrorists, as happened with Waco and Ruby Ridge among others.
It's legal, but the (((legal system))) will do all they can to fuck you over for it.

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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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Conway and Bannon ran Trumps 2016 campaign but Kushner took over the administration later on after Bannon got fired.
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You faggot lol
>swede flag pretending to be a nigger
Here's a transcript of bidet threatening US citizens with F-15s again
>There’s never been a time that says you can own anything you want. Th- — never. You couldn’t own a cannon during the Civil War. (Laughter.) No, I’m seri- — think about it. How much have you heard this phrase? “The blood of liberty” — (laughter) — “washed with th-” — give me a break. (Laughter and applause.)
Like Trump has never threatened to take the guns.
Lil nigglet, they're both senile and they both serve the Jew
Wait, is this thing I'm replying to a bot? I specifically said that bidet has threatened to KILL Americans. Not taking the fucking guns. KILL. You fucking nigger bot.

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I still support Trump

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How to pull back the curtain and show our fellow normie NPC tard that the world is bigger than their screens?

How would you go about this without getting people killed?
>Power outage is going to get people killed 100%
So how would you wake people up en mass?

is it even possible or necessary?
what if people are happy as is?
Maybe some like being cattle?
yeah but listen...
chicken farts
have you thought about that?
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>Maybe some like being cattle?
they do
it's their social instincts
we are a social (NPC) species
very few are asocial (autists, psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists)

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Be informed.
fuck trump
Why do you even care? It's the same either way
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Jokes on you I am voting Biden already, lmao

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and say Christ is King
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>and praise someone who followed it
Why does Mexico keep shitposting like this.
Yet he did. He said only some If his disciples would evade damnation. This is what you said.
Not how it works, especially since the talmud also condemns faggotry.
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christ takes it in the pooper
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>He said only some If his disciples would evade damnation.
I don't understand your point
What's your point here?

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...he approached him because he's the only black man on the street :D

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Not with that attitude, son.
You're a 9/10 you humble son of a gun
Nah, height is average, still I am pretty good looking visibly above average.
Niggers can't swim, what happened?

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I just found out my best friend is a pajeet. I never bothered to ask for the past eight years. What do I do now? I can't look at him the same anymore.
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You stop making bait threads on /pol/.
show bob now my basterd
fuck you you ruined me
I just blocked a poojeet. Do it.

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Who has the recent green text with the detective :
>My God.
>Someone cut his dick off, put in him a dress, and hung him from the ceiling?
>What kind of sick fuck would do this kind of thing to another person?
Explain amphibians.
This is clearly a tactic to be utilized against drone warfare.
>Tranny shields.

Every squad has 1 soldier and 4 tranny body doubles.
Soldier gets a gun, trannies get replicas.
Follow the orders of the soldier leading the squad or you get shot.

When Chinese drones are flying around each soldier will have 3 or 4 "People" shields to send into visible areas and waste enemy drone ammo.

Shit is gonna be like MGS but a lot funnier.
which makes sense, since they will have received the same indoctrination one gets in college.

100% of uniformed service members with a nafo avatar will fire on their own civilians without hesitation.
draft are based on birth certificate data.

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