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All problems started here.
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Correct, still, fuck anglos
Not even close.
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uneducated vermin, it was the Fourth Crusade, also known as the Betrayal of Constantinople. Veneitian Jews managed to destroy their two greatest enemies in one fell swoop, both the Greeks and the Knight Templars.
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The funny thing is that all the French "thinkers" who washed minds throughout the 18th century in preparation for the revolution were in adoration of the anglokikes.

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

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whattttttt???? how did you make animated ones?
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Any specific ideas?
The technology is free, you know.

Based. Yeah I'm behind on my music goals,
glad to see someone using the video stuff though.

speaking of video software, we can add this to the list
Here, try your luck.

its a very very primitive program. i wish i rediscovered the one i used at the start of the year.

I am tinkering a lot with suno, i cant wait for V4. i think it will skyrocket my propaganda efforts.


newest song. i tinkered with some options

Is Adam Green the Goyschiach? His analysis of the West vs East conflict (West vs Palestine), (West vs Russia) is spot on and actually explains why Jews do what they do.

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>inb4 source
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Maybe, but who's gonna authorize this shit >>471124108
Fake red skull. Zero confirmation codes. Don’t let larpers detract.
Cap: TX88
Now that I've finished with the last impersonator, I'm ready for the next.
Admittedly the last one was a little tougher than most.
i don't believe china will invade taiwan today

Idea for Hybrid Cyprinid Fish with the hardiness of Hesperoleucus symmetricus (High Temperature Tolerance) and the diet of Mylopharodon conocephalus (Freshwater Snails and Clams). Tokusa·li is the Patwin portmanteau word literally meaning Hardhead and California Roach.
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can one of you high iq anon dumb this down for me
I have a dovii
He eats goldfish sometimes but mostly unwanted convict cichlids
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Yes. The Northern Roach (Hesperoleucus mitrulus) is a naturally occuring Hybrid between California Roach (Hesperoleucus symmetricus) and Hitch (Lavinia exilicauda).
Big Minnow crossed with Little Minnow makes Good Minnow.
>Cichlid on Cichlid violence.
Many such cases!

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Millions of third worlders were let in within 3 years. Utter economic collapse-Brexit. Cancer and heart disease and Muslims everywhere.
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Hope the pajeet PM orders the army to get all the royals BLACKED or POOD desu
The 1000 year vengeance of the Normans.
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Pakis took over yet alcoholism is at all time highs. make it make sense
All a part of the plan. deliberate malicious deconstruction of straight white values, morals and ethics.
No dothead rat-eater will ever command the Bri'ish army. That's why I hate the royals: They have an army but don't use it to destroy parliament and roast that Paki on a spit. Just marry some princess off to a general to give him a royal title, the one thing he can never have in a demoncracy, then false flag some crisis and assume emergency powers. It Reichstagening.

What's your best documentary on debunking the gas chambers?
I'm listening to David Irving now and what he says makes a lot of sense.
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>the other argument, that such a door cannot withstand the crowd pressure, doesn't hold water:

the fucking jews would break that fucking door down with rebbi holding liza mineli's head as a ram.
.Kike frog or other permanent on station holocoaster defense brigade deploying in t- 10...
the "where are the bodies" isnt a good argument. Just like we can't find the bodies of the victims of Holodomor.

but I'm aware the estimates are based on napkin maths. I look at the estimate of the 900k killed at Treblinka. The estimate is based purely on witness testimony that the trains were fully packed and were running 24/7. Everyone who is not an academic knows nothing works at 100% utilisation and uptime. Especially not Germany in 1945 when the railways were bombed out and food deliveries stopped.
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Also no accurate descriptions of the victims claimed to be killed by hydrogen cyanide asphyxiation.

The documented procedures for delousing with Zyclon B and not the extreme undocumented concentrations required for extermination directly contradict eye witness testimony about how it was used.

The list goes on almost add infinitum. It is illegal to question because of how poorly it stands up to any degree of scrutiny. One of the most infuriating things about the holohoax is how completely laughably ignorant the people who wrote it were of the things they were trying to lie about. Or how well the contested events that are illegal to present as augment explain what actually happened.
There are mass graves from the holomodor. Lots of them actually. The fact that it was a distributed genocide where the bodies were disposed of close to where they fell just makes them numerous and spread out all over where it happened. Also unlike the holohoax the kikes argue against the physical evidence presented as opposed to them arguing for the absence of or conflicting evidence as in the case of muh shoa.


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It is unless it's a jew or other "protected" class doing it.
based guinea
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And that is a good thing.
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I like how quickly the other dude bailed. Not his fucking problem at all.
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American soldier would try to save him and get droned too.
Leave no man behind Oorah!!
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these videos are the best draft dodging propaganda there is
seething right off the bat on a saturday...SAD!
>mobidly obese amerimongrel jerking his mutilated kikedick to goreporn again
At no other time in history would a military force have so callously executed two lone and completely helpless people only engaged in transporting a cartload of supplies.

This is really no different to dropping an FPV drone on a Nurse but cryptokikes know that wouldn't play to their propaganda so well.
At this point I want them to try and draft me
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>At no other time in history would a military force have so callously executed two lone and completely helpless people
Are you fucking high Mohammed? Do you have literally no comprehension of human history at all? Have another "supply cart" execution to seethe over

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and what if you just refuse the draft and refuse to fight for the kikes?
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every single vietnam draft dodger was pardoned
It's ok lil'man you'll be OK. Just bring back a foreign wife from whatever shithole you're deployed to and live off GI bennies while tryna live a peaceful life.
And then what? You intimidate or even shoot the recruiting officer, great. Now 50 armed officers will bust down your door
>Now 50 armed officers will bust down your door
A master strategist if I've ever seen one on this board
>They’ll fine you!
I won’t fucking pay
>You’ll be sent to prison!
And mooch off the taxpayers? Yes please
>They’ll execute you!
That’s when you’ll start seeing mass fleeing of the country; and then the ZOG elites won’t be able to hide that they’re a tyrannical dictatorship anymore

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Then you

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Grizzlies have been extinct in California since the 1940s
nah we killed them all
left the black bears because they are normally harmless
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>Big Bastard
Had they considered NOT mocking the bear?

Always keep your pet bear well fed.
they took her mugshot after being arrested for getting killed by the bear?
Toll paid.

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id be made at the world if I looked like this too, OP. KYS
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You are indio inferior and degenerate like christian niggers.

White people must crush their bastard and degenerate race.
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Christian world is nigger and disgusting because christkiles are degenerates.
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All christians are niggers.

White people must crush Christian niggers.
so thats why you spam this race mixing bullshit?

Viva il Fascismo, viva il Duce.
Credere obbedire combattere
Dio, Patria e Famiglia
Molti nemici molto onore
We shall come back and save the motherland
Foreigners out, yankee soldiers out, tear down all mosques
What about Mussolini's legislation that forbade Siculo-neapolitans to migrate to Lombardy, Calogero ? I love that, do you love that too ?
Srsly historic fascism was a Lombard phenomenon and represented the polar opposite of the Siculo-neapolitan world view.
Neo-fascism at the contrary is a Siculo-neapolitan supremacist movement justifying infinite plundering and ethnic cleansing of Lombardy.
Nuff said.

Post any clips that you have from his streams
Fuck off pedo nigger kike
There were multiple streams he did over Omegle talking hyper sexually towards multiple underaged kids. 12 year olds girls etc. Confronted him in a discord about it during the Dlive era and he only defended it.
You're a scum twink faggot if you think he's cool
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Twinkboy Kami, literally made for BBC.

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putler is thanos
>But what’s the Ukrainian air force’s excuse for the apparently flyable Su-25 a Lancet hit on or just before Tuesday? A video relayed by a high-flying Russian reconnaissance drone depicts one of the 25-pound Lancets streaking toward the parked Su-25—and blowing it to pieces. There’s no indication the Sukhoi was a decoy.
Why are shills so lazy
american colonies accusing RuSSia of being a chinese colony will always get a good chuckle out of me
for the russians it's a golf cart war at this point

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Most women go there to feel the pleasure of rejecting guys. They don't care about meeting a guy
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If you're a regular viewer of 90 Day Fiancé this isn't the case.
fed ass corny ass glowin ass nigga
I performed this song as a repost to such allegations at the 2023 /pol/ Awards Show.

Clubs here are full of muslims, pajeets, spics, and niggers.
he's been caught lying about shit for years, he's a handle the feds pass around with little to no information on what the prior fed was doing with it

The picture that ruined Trump's presidency

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Biden and Francis do Lemon Party
>that double chin
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Must be some power transfer between Satan and his son.
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German depravity goes beyond human understanding
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>Dirlewanger Brigade
dirlewanger was a deserter, he would've been executed for treason if he got caught
dirletranny is in hell
You've never heard of The Dirty Dozen?
The guys posting on Reddit probably haven't
>Military uses violent prisoners as cannon fodder and shock troops during wars.

Said every country ever. Fuck at least the Germans didn't make a movie about it unlike degenerate Hollywood which glorified these people. It's called The Dirty Dozen for you little zoomies.

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>be brother
>married high school sweetheart out of high school and became a welder
>gets job make 17 dollars an hour
>girlfriend now wife cheats on him and he finds out when the baby is Latino
>gets laid off at 22 because of downsizing but in reality it was because Mexicans where willing to work for nothing
>couldn’t get unemployment because boss said he quit
>got another job at a warehouse that he hated making 14 bucks an hour
>started dating a obese single mother at 25
>covid happens and he gets laid off again and then got denied covid benefits because the boss again said he quit and he stupidly signed a piece of paper saying he did
>his single mother girlfriend breaks up with him to “find a real man who can support me and my son”
>he moved back in with parents and me
>parents call me a spoilt loser like me and that he needed to work harder and not let set backs discourage him
>got a job at krogers as a bagger making 10 bucks an hour and dad had to drive him because he doesn’t have a car anymore
>gets another girlfriend at krogers who is 19
>parents find out somehow and dad stops driving him to work calling him a “creep” and a “cradle snatcher” and he lost that job and his girlfriend

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Carlos and Sanjeet will weld for $5/hr less and no benefits! Sure, some planes might fall out of the sky due to much lowered quality, but the BlackRock gibs will pay for any lawsuits!
>cradle snatcher
Your dad has some fucked up fantasies to make a sick joke like that and follow it up with a humiliation ritual to display dominance and win the teen for himself.
No wonder your brother didn't bother explaining, I wouldn't.
It was my mom who said that actually. Dad didn’t give a shit so long as he was working because he didn’t want two loser sons but still went along with whatever mom wanted which was for him to get fired from his job.
>If this is real
it's as real as your average reddit post.
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Never understood why faggy suicidals don't aim to take a few glowies with them on the way out.

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