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Men were dreaming about replacing women 2000 years ago lmao
>According to Ovid, when Pygmalion saw the Propoetides of Cyprus practicing prostitution, he began "detesting the faults beyond measure which nature has given to women". He determined to remain celibate and to occupy himself with sculpting. He made a sculpture of a woman that he found so perfect he fell in love with it. Pygmalion kisses and fondles the sculpture, brings it various gifts, and creates a sumptuous bed for it.

>In time, Aphrodite's festival day came and Pygmalion made offerings at the altar of Aphrodite. There, too afraid to admit his desire, he quietly wished for a bride who would be "the living likeness of my ivory girl". When he returned home, he kissed his ivory statue, and found that its lips felt warm. He kissed it again, and found that the ivory had lost its hardness. Aphrodite had granted Pygmalion's wish.

>Pygmalion married the ivory sculpture, which changed to a woman under Aphrodite's blessing. In Ovid's narrative, they had a daughter, Paphos, from whom is derived the name of the city.

But that's not all. It turns out that the word android was popularized by a novel called "The Future Eve" which was published in 1886. It's about Edison creating a robot that will replace the wife of a man, because even though he's attracted to her body, everything else about her is irremediable.

Replacing women isn't some /pol/ bizarre cringy incel dream. It's something that mankind has been dreaming about for thousands of years
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So what are you doing Jin Bong Pa? Running as our chosen political candidate who selflessly works for the betterment of families? I don't think so. Where is our chosen Hitler? Nowhere. Want me to put in the work for others? Fuck off.

My man, ive had girlfriends... even the very best of women are intriniscally and biologically, driven by one thing: access to resources.

I was lucky enough to have shared many years with a great woman, perfect in every way but that innate desire for more. She left me because I couldnt provide enough... and I dont even blame her. I wouldve probably done the same.

Thing is... im getting older... even if I manage to produce more resources and bribe women into fucking me... the likelihood of experiencing mutual lust from the type of hot, young, woman i want, decreases by the day. Im not getting any younger or fitter... so, expecting a hot 20 y/o to be genuinely attracted to me is just unrealistic.

I might be some sort of idealistic romantic, but; have you ever fucked someone who wasnt into you? Yeah... id take a soulless robot over a resource srarved woman anyday
It's already funnier than the average woman



She's not into black guys
You are not getting it.
>Because at some point, it will become a reality and no one will sperg out about it like you.
As some other anon pointed out in this thread... it will be like how AI got rolled out. It will not really solve any of your problems.
A robot is not going to replace a family, no matter how much you believe in it.

Why? Because if people cared that much about helping solve the "loneliness crisis", they would look for cheaper, better alternative solutions instead of building a fucking robot.
All they have to do, is add some "robot-rights", which will give them "free will", to leave you, when you say/do something stupid (or anything against the law.... GREAT, now you have a robotspy in your house, that will rat you out to your government whenever you wrongspeak)

You REALLY don't understand the political implications.

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You working this weekend glownigger?
>too expensive
that would be a good point,but over spending is the name of the game for the MIC (and that's why we lose all wars)
that's three more than russia has, right?
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>Saudi Arabia and the USA have been bombing the Houthis non-stop for like two decades
picrell hajjah after 20 years of constant nonstop bombing.
can you show me a pic of mariupol after 8 months of battling?
They look like oil tankers

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Why did vaping become so popular? How did they sell the idea to NPCs that inhaling horribly-flavoured aerosol consisting of microparticles of hundreds of different chemicals and E-additives is somehow a better alternative to smoking dried leaves?
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>less unhealthy
>no tobacco smell on clothes/house
it also was cheaper. now they are fucking taxing the shit out of even the fucking flavor liquid. everything boils down to boomers are just mad, that shits better nowadays and nobody wants to smell like a fucking smoked out pub. you still feel the brainwashing boomers have, they cant accept, they got fucked and gaslit into burning some leaves for their nicotine high getting all kinds of cancer
in a low view youtube video of a geezer smoking pipe tobacco, he said, "theres nothing like a bowl of tobacco"
peterson my mixture 965 i recommend imo
get a new or used pipe - gandalf pipes are the best and worth the price. i had one that lasted for 5+ years, and it cools the smoke. what else to say. its one of the most flavorful expreinces you can have
when youre looking for a briar pipe look at the wood grain and make sure that its going up the bowl, not horizontal, vertical. that shows its a good/great cut of briar.
also people will ask about your pipe 90% of the time which leads to conversations ;)
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It's about an aggressive takeover, pharmaceutic industry didn't like them chipping their profits on shitty nicotine sprays, bandages, etc.
>gandalf pipes
They're called churchwardens and they're gay as fuck.

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>At 70 tons, the Namer is massive. There are some, but not many, tank types that slightly outweigh the Namer: the latest American M-1A2, for example. But a tank’s turret and main gun account for at least a third of its weight; the Namer has a remotely-operated machine gun that weighs less than two tons.

>No, all that weight comes from the APC’s protection. Layers and layers of ceramic, steel and nickel underneath bricks of explosive reactive armor.
Tanks are obsolete garbage. We need mechs
dont know tell me.
my last update was some crieng about dead brown children and an unfair genocide.
Modern ATGMs can pen 1000+ mm of steel and have tandem warheads, no armor can stop them.

This dude made millions screaming at a camera and rotted the brains of millions of kids.

Now he gets to just chill in Japan and pretend to be a saint good person.

I would've done the same. Benefited from a collapsing society, good for him.
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Hey pewds make sure to keep an AirTag up Bjorns ass. Wouldn’t want him to go missing.
I wouldn't want to get rich or famous with no discernable talent, I would hate myself (more than I already do). We are not all golems.
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And you made him rich by watching him do nothing you cocksucking nigger faggot. Now get back to watching some other faggot filming himself doing nothing because your life is pointless and lonely
>Most popular YouTuber says "what a fucking nigger" live
>Gets totally away with it
>Moves to Japan and immediately impregnates his european wife
Fucking based.

Are they White?

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>"I'M GOD!"
Something seems amiss here.
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He never claimed to be god. Christians can't read.
Jesus got killed for claiming to be the king of the jews.
it would be like using ancient aliens to write your history essay
its a modern interpretation
the ancients just made them human looking

my personal belief is that they can change shape, and that they are linked to animals

like zeus changing into a bull or swan or whatever
satan as a snake

the four faced six winged angels you show >>471242114
being very high ranking, probably arch angels

i was more just saying "its complicated" and the meme isnt biblically accurate as it is heavily influenced by extra biblical thought (dante)
dante and jewish mysticism *
This faggot 'god' of jews is the king of space faring human like creatures/humans. Lucifer rebelled for some reason and got banished to the space equivalent of siberia. This is why we dont see any living 'aliens' around us. This area is unhabitated for a reason. I dont know where lucifer is now but we originated from his seed and in his image. Jesus was probably lucifer as an avatar who came to check in humans and guide them but jews killed him and subverted him into christianity lmao.
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also, the bible speaks very little about angels
only five even have names

again, most everything else comes from jew and catholic extra biblical thought

An essay by Crispin Glover

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>headline phrased as a question
kek crispin glover wrote that?
>could anal rape of steven spielberg be simply the manifestation of a cultural mandate?
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Well, not exactly surprised that CG is based.
You can always judge a man by the company he keeps.
With that said, apparently Crispin Glover & Nicholas "Cagekino" Cage (Coppola) are longtime friends.
Which speaks to their combined levels of based.
Both of them outsiders to varying degrees.
Neither seems the type to willingly align themselves with woke leftist ideology.
Nice to see he has some balls, unlike so many others.
Crispin Glover is a true artist

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this is not right
you're getting older!
That's just a consequence of getting older. The longer you live, the more time's behind you and the less is in front of you.
>call wolf

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>Unscientific American
>Science journalism surrenders to progressive ideology.
have you read this text? thoughts?
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He just gets a different kind of advertising revenue.
$50 billion dollar military contracts for Amazon, more gigabit contracts and subsidies for Blue Origin.
Retarded. Money is just a means to an end for them. They create it out of nothing.
Just admit you hate science because you have retarded beliefs and they laugh in your face
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Normgroids are just as braindead from the vaxx. Those who aren't are too demoralized or if they're not they get ostracized by the kike media apparatus like us
Is that Meloni who showed him to look in the right direction? Traitor whore, I hope Italians got finally redpilled on "nationalist" parties. The only sign of a real nationalist is if he names the jew, nothing else.
All he did was turn around to give two guys behind him a thumbs up then his wife told him it was time for their photo-op. Do I get fries with this nothingburger?
Whoever that guy is playing "Joe" that day is clearly dementia-ridden. Literally moves his body like a dying dog in a nursing home. Are you retarded or just Yiddish?
The cool guy shades saved it

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you will be raked first
/pol/, what is the difference between “a” nigger and “the” nigger?
they won't, ever, pedokikes live on the internet like the pathetic discord tranny cowards they are

Would a peace settlement in the Ukrainian War like this make sense in the wake of Putin's recent peace proposal?

1. Is ceded 100% of Luhansk Oblast.
2. Is ceded 100% of Donetsk Oblast.
3. Is ceded all parts of Zaporizhzhia Oblast that are to the east and south of the Dnipro River (excluding the city of Zaporizhzhia).
4. Is ceded all parts of Kherson Oblast that are to the south of the Dnipro River.
5. Has its control of Crimea formally recognized by Ukraine and NATO.
6. Recognizes and respects the full autonomy of the canonical Ukrainian Orthodox Church.
7. All ethnic Russians living in Ukrainian territory will be protected.

1. Removes Zelensky from power and forces him into exile.
2. Holds free elections immediately for all government positions, with any wartime politicians being barred from seeking re-election.
3. Is barred from positioning any military elements east of the Dnipro River (creating a demilitarized zone).

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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this is more my style
Russia is unable to hold the territirory they've siezed, why should Ukraine surrender when they're about to start flying F16s straight into Moscow?
>moving this garbage thread to /pol/
thanks jannie
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it is already set
>What are your thoughts on this, anon?
TZD snownigger...

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Everyone is non-white here.
I barely hear my beautiful language anymore when i am out.
Almost no one speaks without some foreign accent if they do speak my language.
Germany is muttified. It is truly over. Thank you USA and allies.
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>being a government asshole licking nigger cattle has consequences

The fuck you talking about? There are no browns in Iceland.
>>beautiful language
Bedecke deinen Himmel, Zeus
mit Wolkendunst
und übe, dem Knaben gleich, der Disteln köpft,
an Eichen dich, und Bergehöh'
Danm he is just like me
Where are the poos?

Germany voted for this
Nobody held a gun to their head and forced them to.
They did it all on their own
Its time to stop tolerating their dindu nuffin nigger lack of self agency and eternal victim signalling.
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ss valkyrie vibes
I always hear Napoleon associated with maneuver warfare, but the prussians did it first.
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retarded nonsense, they outlawed golden dawn in greece because it was all just a show as well tranny?
you to dumb for politics, focus on soccer again faggot
Hitler had brown hair. Brown hair is a germanic feature too, kike.
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I thought it was a psy op too.
This. If she really just wanted to die she'd do it herself the way millions of others have. Or tried religion or get a hobby.
This is normalizing state unaliving.
not even that, its just clickbait/ragebait
And replacing them with mentally ill genes from the third world
>be Dutch
Every time (and that’s a good thing).

In his latest podcast, Joe Rogan says that if we gave 200k usd per year to each adult American it would "solve poverty" and people would spend their time doing art and there wouldn't be any crime any more.

Is this true? Why aren't we doing this?
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>200k usd per year to each adult American
That's more than the entire GDP. Roegun is retarted
rogan is a dumb meat head. how do you finance this without people working or generating the money/profits to pay for this? at this point you could just eradicate the concept of money
>wouldnt be any crime anymore
Evil people will still exist and do their evil shit.
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how will the ultra rich and elites have fun if they cant torture the peasants and watch them fight eachother?
We need to send all that money to Israel

Yes society across the globe is rapidly declined into collapse
>So what do we actually do afterward? on a personal level?
or do we just larp as fallout characters?

Why ?

Here's a live, protest has officially ended but it's usually the time things get spicy : https://www.youtube.com/live/sNZtskWyCaI
if any french pro could provide other lives it would be much appreciated
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Is Le Penis also out protesting against les heckin fascists?

Whitest gathering in Paris btw

Holy fuck France is the most cucked of all the western countries, I can't wait till they get nuke'd by based lord Putin
>right wing makes some small gains
>dysgenic hordes of leftist subhuman garbage come rolling out screaming about fascism, white supremacy and whatever Leftoid bugbear is currently in vogue.
Like clock work. Democracy is when you have gay race communism forever, or at least until your retarded policies demographically wipe you out.
>right wing makes some small gains
>small gains
Pic related of last week's elections. Dark blue = muh far right.

Its a majority electoral system, RN is gonna lose most second rounds lol
i dont speak surrender, what does that shit say?

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what you think anon? Lets fight back. Were already poor, broke in debt forever but we build our own servers. we can never be cancelled !
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>call [thing] bad
>thread blows up with people saying [thing] is good
every time
>you posted a script in javascript.
And? No wonder you identify with mongoloids who can't code. You are clearly one of them.
My uni path doesnt even include javascript, im on my way to embedded systems. web dev is for comp sci students who cant figure out machine learning. either way your probably still underneath both of those bootcamper.
Nigger, who cares? What's your point? You're an obvious nocoding brainlet LARPing online, but what are you trying to prove here?
>Bolt in Unity
If you want to make an unmaintainable, unrefactorable poorly performing disaster then go ahead use visual scripting. You'll waste tons of time making even simple stuff that you'll suffer to reuse... when instead you could learn to code.

Believe me whatever advantage you think you gain when you start using it will be quickly gone as the project becomes complex.

Also it hasn't been called like that for years

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