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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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Turns out literally all it takes to break the cycle of violence is throwing them in jail.

Faggot liberals say "muh love" "muh ejucation," no. You take the child killing rapists and drug peddlers and through them into a meat grinder. That's it. No more criminal niggers and spics, means no more drugs in the community, no more 12 year olds groomed as killers, no more cycle of violence.
Mexico's too big. You have to organize a nation-wide blitz before the gangs have a chance to retaliate. Trying to coordinate that across 130 million people will get you "elected" like a mayoral candidate before you know it.
This is the most Jewish post I've read today. Also 1 PBTID
I don't believe in rehabilitation. Shit won't work if you don't beat their ass in jail daily like the Japanese prisons. They beat the shit out of anyone who falls out of line. American system is too broken to fix. Only way to fix it is vigilante justice
the true of how he did it is far more complex to express in a few sound bytes, it was a very complex plan with several stages put together by very smart people, professionals ,, NOT politician. And it was very specific to this country's situation and resources.. and apparently a LOT of faith, take into account that he come from a wealthy family and has no need for money.. if you had follow his trajectory from the beginning it does seem perhaps like he's the real thing... witch bring to question why is he still alive?, maybe he's huge security detail has done a decent job so far.. a real thorn in to the system thought ;)

***My entire existence is centered around porn my entire life, from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to sleep!***
>Real Life Pics and Videos
>Hentai Pics and Videos
>Cartoon pics and videos

This is political becasue pornography is one of the weapons that was mass deployed against the general population after the systemic destruction of the family unit, the emasculation of men, rendering men economically unattractive, while injecting all the ingredients of rampant hook-up culture and hypergamy harems for Chad and MR. NIGGER.

Pornography serves as one of the main drive components destroying me, but I cannot stop!

Help Me Pol how TF do I quit?!
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Get a black bitch to fuck and make you food. Dress her up in a maid outfit and have her call you "Massa". Oh and you should realize by now it's better to cum inside a niggress than to masturbate like a loser. At least the sex will give you a testosterone boost
You’re a pussy. I have 2tb of porn. A lot of it is hyper realistic 8k VR pork.

Find something else to do with your time, find a job, get a hobby, learn to do something.

Learn to do carpentry, learn to like long multi day hikes, get a 4wd and go to fuck middle of nowhere and play survivalist.

Find some fucking thing to do away from your computer and all of a sudden your porn consumption will go back to normal levels.
reverse breathing 10 to 20 times each time you get an urge. It moves your chi up your body. Actually it restricts blood flow to your penis and short circuits the craving.
>*right click*
problem solved

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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>trust da plan
no he's right. years late, no names named.... It's essentially a limited hangout to establish a veneer of bipartisanship
She looks really good in this photo. Wish I could pump her full of kids.
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>5eyes has a nonsensical opinion
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>She looks really good in this photo. Wish I could pump her full of kids.
Aryan AOC makes me so weak
Doesn't even matter now that they've resorted to jailing the opposition. We've accelerated from censorship to show trials.

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When a political movement like the Reform Party appears to be gaining momentum, it is difficult to achieve anything by supporting it and by directly endorsing its leader, Nigel Farage. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the perceived strength and triumph of such political forces. These leaders, particularly one as degenerate and bourgeois as Farage, offer a false hope and lack any connection with higher principles. Following them will only lead to greater misery. One should not become fixated on the present and on immediate political gains, but keep in view the broader conditions that may unfold in the future.
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>because of his opinion on a state in the middle east
He's right about Israel, but he's also right on every other issue.
>who is in favour of immigration
Galloway is for secure borders and strict immigration.

Communist detected, opinion disregarded
he is bourgeoise, he represents an average middle class person. it's not reactionary though because he has always been like that
It’s so funny watching Brit/pol/ teenagers get giddy over Nigel Farage kek

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>talk German politics

oy, vey, the greens are losing. Could flyers help them out?
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ok vrens im back
who wants to engage in a high IQ discussion?
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how do you stack up /kraut/?

>225 bench
>315 deadlift
>Ruck 12 miles in 3 hours
yup but how heavy is ruck?
>10 pull-ups
>50 push-ups
>6:30 mile
>75 second 400
>5 rds sparring without gassing

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kröst is king
>Kraut /pol/ It's over vrens

Ye mine eternal vren now

(: (: (: (:

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Why is the West allowing a terrorist war criminal like Putin to blackmail the world with the threat of nuclear war?
Why does the West allow Jews to import browns which leads to terrorist attacks?
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You will never be European, Amerimutt
Why does the world let China genocide Muslims and eat the brains of monkeys while still alive?
Nobody cares, launch the fucking nukes already. It’s the only way to find out if the ayys will intervene or not. Most of the vaxxed will die off from the new variant this winter anyways.

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And this haircut?
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It's nice.
Also reminder latam natives already had democracy (tlaxcalans), ocean based capitalism (chincha) and social services (incas) long before it was a thing in the north.
It’s a nice hair
> Democracy
> Social services
So latam was always gay and cringe
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It was popular in the 19th century, but only in Argentina and Chile if I'm not wrong. Many politicians and warlords had sideburns back then and that's why some modern political figures like Menem or Milei have grown them too in a ridiculous attempt to get associated with the founding fathers.
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There are instigators and followers

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>Japan's economy has recovered though.
Okay Tyrone
sabotaging your competitors is easier than surpassing them
all anglos do it by nature
Feels like shit
Japan could have recovered from the bubble if they'd practiced sound money, allowed liquidation to occur and reset their economy at a lower level so that sustainable growth could return. Instead they propped things up with permanently low interest rates and it's led to perpetual erosion of their capital base. Also to note, Japan's low interest rates fund the forex carry trade and if they got their shit together and increased their interest rates it would reduce demand for USD. I was in Japan last year, it kind of feels like any impoverished east asian country now.
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They are smart as fuck
It's not a hiccup

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> humanity is intelligent
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Meanwhile your generation gives all their cash to charity or something.
>pay bills
>be homeless anyways
What is money?
rich guy:
poor guy:
>this sucks, I'm poor as shit and I can only travel once every year or two if I'm lucky, life sucks
>shit I'm dead at 65 from alcohol poisoning I can't afford all this shit to keep me alive fuuuuck that life was so gay
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this is why you need life long and generational projects to chase

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Imagine a sea of people, stretching as far as the eye can see, flooding the streets of cities across France. The crowd is a kaleidoscope of colors, with protesters of all ages, genders, and backgrounds united in their message of resistance against the far-right National Rally party.

The sheer scale of the demonstration is breathtaking. With over 600,000 people participating, it's like a tidal wave of humanity surging through the streets. To put it into perspective, this is indeed larger than Russia's standing army, which is estimated to be around 300,000 active personnel.

The protesters are a diverse bunch, with students, workers, retirees, and families all marching together. Some carry signs and banners, while others wear t-shirts and hats with slogans and logos that reflect their opposition to the National Rally party. The air is electric with the sound of chanting, singing, and drumming, as the crowd's energy and passion are palpable.

As the marchers make their way through the streets, they fill the sidewalks, spill onto the roads, and even climb onto statues and monuments to get a better view. The atmosphere is one of defiance and determination, with many protesters holding hands, linking arms, or forming human chains to show their solidarity.
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Wow so this is the bot infestation they were talking about
Yes, the Allies did operate concentration camps and internment camps during World War II, although they were not as notorious.

The Rhine Meadows camps, also known as the Rheinwiesenlager, were a network of camps established by the Allies in Germany in 1945, primarily to hold German prisoners of war. However, as you mentioned, the Allies did not officially designate them as prisoners of war, instead calling them "disarmed enemy forces" or "DEFs." This designation allowed the Allies to avoid providing the same level of humane treatment and protections afforded to prisoners of war under the Geneva Conventions.

Conditions in the Rhine Meadows camps were harsh, with overcrowding, poor sanitation, and inadequate food and water. Estimates suggest that between 800,000 to 1 million German prisoners died in these camps, primarily due to disease, malnutrition, and exposure.

In the United States, there were internment camps for Japanese Americans, as well as for German and Italian nationals who were deemed "enemy aliens." These camps were established under the authority of President Franklin D. Roosevelt's Executive Order 9066, which allowed for the internment of individuals deemed a threat to national security.

The most notable of these camps was the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California, which held over 10,000 Japanese Americans. Other camps included the Tule Lake War Relocation Center in California, the Heart Mountain Relocation Center in Wyoming, and the Jerome War Relocation Center in Arkansas.

Conditions in these camps varied, but they were generally characterized by overcrowding, poor living conditions, and limited access to education and employment opportunities. Many internees suffered from psychological trauma, and some were subjected to forced labor.
No just spreading truth with some easy write ups kike
why you don't like being exposed as a dumb talmudic kike
Respond to me to denounce all Jews as a disgrace and spit on all jewish heritage.
The largest known ransom paid to the Nazis was for the release of Baroness Élisabeth de Rothschild, a member of the wealthy and influential Rothschild banking family.

In 1940, Baroness de Rothschild was arrested by the Nazis in Paris and held for ransom. The Nazis demanded a massive sum of 25 million francs (approximately $5 million at the time) in exchange for her release.

The Rothschild family, with the help of other wealthy Jews and the French Resistance, managed to raise the ransom and pay it to the Nazis. Baroness de Rothschild was eventually released and escaped to Switzerland, where she lived in exile until the end of the war.

This ransom payment is often cited as one of the largest and most notable examples of the Nazis' extortion and blackmail tactics during World War II. The Nazis frequently used ransom demands as a way to extract wealth and valuables from wealthy Jews and other targeted groups, and the Baroness de Rothschild's case is a stark reminder of the brutal and cynical nature of the Nazi regime.
Did you know germany started trannies
The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft (Institute for Sexual Science) was a pioneering research institution in Weimar Germany, established in 1919 by Dr. Magnus Hirschfeld, a German-Jewish physician and sexologist. Hirschfeld was a prominent figure in the field of sexology and a vocal advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, women's rights, and sexual reform.

The institute was dedicated to the scientific study of human sexuality, and it quickly became a hub for research, education, and advocacy on issues related to sexuality, gender, and sexual health. The institute's work was groundbreaking for its time, as it challenged traditional norms and taboos surrounding sexuality and promoted a more open and accepting approach to human sexuality.

Hirschfeld was joined by other prominent Jewish intellectuals and researchers, including Dr. Arthur Kronfeld and Dr. Friedrich Radszuweit, who contributed to the institute's work on sexual science, psychology, and sociology. The institute's research and publications covered a wide range of topics, including sexual orientation, gender identity, contraception, and sexually transmitted diseases.

The Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was also known for its museum, which featured a vast collection of artifacts, artworks, and educational materials related to human sexuality. The institute's library and archives were also extensive, containing rare and valuable materials on the history of sexuality and sexual science.

Tragically, the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft was destroyed by the Nazis in 1933, during the early years of the Third Reich. The institute's library and archives were burned, and many of its staff members, including Hirschfeld, were forced into exile or persecuted by the Nazi regime.

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What happened to christianity?
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Are you saying that you can't or shouldn't take agency from God and use it to fulfill his will? Seems kinda boring. Are you just going to wait for a meteor to drop down on your enemies or for all the bad people to get diabetes? What a lame outlook.
That's exactly the kind of attitude that will have you caught with your pants down, son.

If you think your father won't come home late in the middle of the night and open your door, you're going to be jerkin' it just like you're jerkin here and you'll be sorry.
it's the ccpastor automated spambot.
It's been posting for years at this point.
>United methodist
Basicalky kharazian Evangelicals

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Why did Hitler think he could conquer such a large established country like Russia and repopulate it with Germans?
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check this out
you poor stupid jewish educated goy
Muh slavs are inferior and they're even struggling to knock out finland

Muh stalin purged generals

Muh the communist regime will collapse like the tsarist empire did in ww1

Muh speed
The war on Russia was a war on bolshevism (rebranded communism). Afterall, they jewish red terror had just genocided 10s of millions of White Caucasians

yeah liberate by killing them
Was it hubris of handling two fronts? Best not to invade Russia in general it seems, everyone in history has failed.

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You are too far removed from British humour. Back to Monty Python.
it was 97F down here in coonass territory today. dry and sunny though, a pretty nice day all things considered
Don’t see the big deal. Muzzies are used to hotter weather than that.
So slightly above room temperature
Kek fucking pussies

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Say something nice about her.
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She literally stepped right out of western AAA game (insert title here). Fucking insanity.
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.
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never thought I would dick down MTG but damn this is fuckin' dire
get replaced mongoloid

Spic Fuentes shitskin cult is literally raiding detroit IRL
youre jewish
based asf, hope they torch some shit
His AFPAC got deplatformed from their spot by a slumlord that houses niggers for the jew.
When i thought detriot couldn't get any worse.
Actually based.

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Do mutts really?
Are we witnessing the grand-scale humiliation ritual of the entire nation?
How a sentient 1st world human can be this brainrotted?
How long till you mutts declare legal sex with animals?
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>How long till you mutts declare legal sex with animals?
It was never even illegal in all states
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Hey Vsauce here,

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What does /pol/ think about her political ideology? Next to Norm Finklestein she's perhaps the most prominent critics of the state of Israel in this hemisphere. This clip is of her on the Joe Rogan podcast, but she's been active and speaking out politically since 2008.

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Why is this bot spamming in nearly every thread? Why doesn't 4chan jannies ban bots?
>what you're talking anout
Fuck off irrelevant faggotflag.


rope yourself

Fucking retards on /pol/

>muh socialism
>muh commies
>muh natsoc
>muh fascist
>muh capitalism

Nobody on this site knows what ideology is nor can they utilize or define terms, least of all some faggotflag.
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anti-zionists are so fking hot while gods chosen fuglies seethe

There inlies the real issue for the west colloapsing. Our women talk for us because we dont tell them to shut up and know their place.

And since we dont, our little princesses mock our way of life. Thus making others see us as weak.
When does it end. Im too old to give a shit reall. let alone fight what ails us

Adam didnt stop eve. The west follows suit knowing the outcome. Bonkers

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This fucking White guy stabbed a black woman in the chest in front of her child.
What the fuck?

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Best news all year. Thanks OP.
Call me Nate
That’s why your birth rates are negative
The same people that make ‘you won’t do shit’ threads also made this one

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How do you think the Jewish God feels when He sees His chosen people disobey His commandments so they can delay their inevitable meeting face to face in the afterlife? Is the Jewish God pleased with His supposed chosen people?
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how you define pilpul is how i define the truth. agree to disagree friendo
Good luck being a repulsive slimy worm. I’m too disgusted by you and your revolting dishonesty to continue dialogue
God bless you. it was nice talking to you and i hope that you have a lovely rest of the weekend. also, happy father's day (if you're one)!
The jewish "god" is lucifer, and they are his chosen.
idk anon. is lucifer pleased with humans killing each other for something that won't matter or something meaningless in light of eternity?

Hello! Which Saints have you been reading lately? I'm reading the first and second apologies from Saint Justin Martyr. His words remind me that I (and you!) should always be defending and explaining the one true faith to everyone.
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>[pope cope intensifies]
It really is a retarded religion.
>begome cathlik, only troo church, please ignore pope
>bishops will oppose bishops, cardinals against cardinals
>a false church will rise from within
>Rome will become the seat of the antichrist
>please join muh antichrist church
It just gets dumber and dumber
for me, it is saint teresa of avil and st john of the cross
over the last 2 years i have been practicing meditation techniques based on the spiritual exercises of ignatius loyola as well.
La salette does not say the seat of Peter will be filled by the antichrist this is not possible but Rome will be intimately linked with the antichrist. Let those with ears hear.

Based reading I’ve read all their works except for St. John’s Canticle of Canticles. Any preferred book?

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