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You guys have an unacceptable lack of knowledge .
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sorry I've been brainwashed by this place to hate jews

but it very much is the capitalists, and yes it is obvious violence is the only answer

though a lot of jews are also capitalists and work with freemasons, so it's a mix of both as freemasons summoned a dark AI god to worship and jerk off to while torture us in capitalism
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get ready, someday the violence will rage on like a burning fire in our hearts, I am cat like you, I will do nothing, but the situation ur thinking of will look more like postal than anything actually solving our issues, jews and freemasons have worked for years to turn everyone into a sociopathic killing machine on purpose to make us all hate each other as they make everyone kill one another then escape to their D.U.M.Bs

it's called DUMBs for a reason.

We must get ready, every man a one person army, and be prepared.
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Freemasons don't work with the Jews, they work for the Jews. It's been that way since at least the French Revolution.
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wrong pic. A bunch of Freemasonry comes right from the Kabbalah books.
Not this chinese faggot again. He says fucking nothing and spams cat or anime pictures alongside every post.

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This fucking White guy stabbed a black woman in the chest in front of her child.
What the fuck?

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Weak ass fucking crackers who use weapons in a physical altercation are beyond pathetic. Hope he gets life and anally gutted by blacks in prison
Best news all year. Thanks OP.
Call me Nate
That’s why your birth rates are negative
The same people that make ‘you won’t do shit’ threads also made this one

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This is Gitega, the capital of Burundi. It is the poorest country in the world according to GDP per capita. The vast majority of the economy is based on subsistence farming. Do you notice something?
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kekekekekek, what are the political implications of aryans dominating mlecchas in their own battlefield?
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it'll be glorious when India gets split apart by China and Pakistan.
Can't play SCO and NATO, you have to choose one or the other.
Imagine the smell

Ok, Canadian Self hating Indian
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and still you mutts will do nothing kek. a bunch of limp wristed faggots in their basements are of no threat to even a fly let alone us.

chinese have no interest in india, they will destroy you kike worshippers

There's only one God Allah, and Muhammad is his prophet.
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you should go the fuck back too
I fucking HATE the Jews importing the third world to our beautiful lands
Because of the Jews our countries are turning into turd world before our eyes and its fucking disgusting
Even the /pol/ is brown and disgusting nowadays, half of canada flag posters are not canadians and are jeets instead, half of usa flag posters are not american but jews and niggers, france flag posters are not french but shitskin muslims
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Christ is king and crussades will comeback!
> Underscoring the close ties between Christianity and Judaism and calling Holocaust denial “madness,” Pope Francis told an interviewer that “inside every Christian is a Jew.”
is jesus his prophet too ?

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Suddenly, many mainstream media sites are trying to DEBOONK the idea that the covid vaccine has killed people. Why even bother to DEBOONK it, if it is fake? Some of the latest articles in the past 24 hours:








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You're literally defending baby genocide.
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<--------- argument for abortion. Prove me wrong.
>schizo talking to inanimate cells
In what fucked up zoomer definition of "inanimate" are those cells inanimate? They move with purpose, respond to stimulus. Some of those cells are eyes to actually fucking see with, other cells are a brain to make sense of the images.

Do all younger people now flunk every damned subject, including second grade vocabulary?
Death to all anti abortion nigger lovers

Zero exceptions
I'm not mooching off anyone
I'm older than you and contribute much more to society
you have no non-magical foundation for your beliefs
if we can't abort a fetus then we can't eat meat, etc.

you are not fit to be a part of an advanced civilization. you are too primitive

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The brown catboy cult is seething at their loss today. You have to be a swarthoid, faggot, or a retard to consider yourself a part of this 'movement lead by a homosexual spic.

I will never stop laughing at the AFricans
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Dat litta cherokee boy zesty fr fr wit da drip
What does AF stand for
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Not a white person in sight.
Was the detroit thing today? Did anything funny happen? How many trannies and spica showed up to suck off king spic?
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They literally had to go and hire white people to attend their event. AFers are in SHAMBLES

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Say something nice about her.
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Bulgarian dentistry and Bulgarian roid gave Princes Kalina the tools she needs for unabashed epic ogremaxxing
That's sad.
She didn't take the Bog pill...she mainlined the entire Bog pill factory.
She literally stepped right out of western AAA game (insert title here). Fucking insanity.
Daily reminder that all pro-Israeli threads are made by bunkerchan trannies in cooperation with Valent Projects and iDrama fags, a group of pseudo-academic leftist losers who advertise themselves as "researchers" although they're actually paid shills that hold janny positions, raid /pol/ and spam BBC, trannies, pro-vaxx, feminist threads and retarded globohomo generals like /cvg/ and /uhg/.

My town recently had its first youth stabbing in a park since the new Biden voters have been moving in. I noticed that the local grocery store got rid of the grocery baskets because beaners kept stealing them. God only knows why anyone would want to steal them. What level of diversity is your local town at
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My city is so overrun with nogs, you have to walk through a gate to get in to a store, then the self check ins are all closed except one that is supervised by a cashier, then there are those mobile cameras in the parking lots. It’s a circus.
Am on dogs growl at me over the trashcans
I'm in a 99% white hick shithole. I should move to houston or a city with tight little asian imports. I saw that costco_kat ho on instagram and never coomed harder in my life.
Black people moved in next door and a week later there was a drive by shooting at their house. If they got the wrong house I'd have been dead, since I was sitting in the garage. Now I don't hang out in my garage that much anymore.
Black people moved in next door and a week later there was a drive by shooting at their house. If they got the wrong house I'd have been dead, since I was sitting in the garage. Now I don't hang out in my garage that much anymore. Can't have fucking anything good with niggers around. I'm so tired of this place.

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everyone worships self (lower ego) as satanists do. they worship money. they’d rather have many paryners than one good one. media glamourizes hedonism. you ae given permissiion to sin.
there are thise offering teachings to those who are put iff by church morality, they tell of a feel goid philosophy where you have yhe power, you are god
a interview where the guy who makes the videos (its a duo of guy and girl) mentioning family of gangsters and being traumatized by abuse and hiding in domestic shelter
where CIA recruits victims for mkultra

blonde on album covers also obv beta sex kitten
they host a venue on an island somewhere in upstate ny thats whrre they have sex magick ritual ceremony
the front in the video is a high priest that does the ceremony since elites aren’t adept at occult practice and need a true believer. this creates an wnergy vortex which is how they keep their position of fame and power. crazy how they dont hide anymore, even funders cult hs a youtubd and this guy teaches this luciferian freemasonoc new aget satan
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yeah isnt it amazing, demons will just take any soul. You dont even get an entrance exam!! You evil people are such amazing retards
wow so the newfag learned to triforce, FINALLY
>just take any soul
spoken like a true retard who has zero experience nor ever read a book
this one is fucked. she’s got a sex orgy mask and shows her pussy and asshole
Virtually all of the human trafficking reported on during the satanic panic era was media conjecture when it came to connections to the occult, and that was at the height of these kinds of paranoia. You fell for it now like you would have 50 years back, in fact, you'd be exactly the kind of easily impressionable person they were looking to sell their bull headlines to. Occultism practice is real but it's very disjointed and doesn't involve any big names, nor trafficking of any kind, it's mostly losers doing it in their backyards or out in the woods to feel big (or to muffle their feeling of smallness). I know this because I used to be close to those higher circles of power, I'll have you know they do get off on knowing you make them out to be these devil worshipping beasts. I'm surprised you didn't mention pizzagate, also known as the most blatant psyop in the history of the internet. You're surely no older than 25 so I'm going to say this as clearly as I can: actual conspiracies are a lot more boring and requiring of specific, technical knowledge, than these sensationalized webs of fragile connections any moron could look further into. go out, study hard/work hard so you can have a family of your own you care for, and cease looking for evil "satanic" plots wherever you think something doesn't add up. You'll reflect on this when you're older I hope, and you'll see I was right.

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I’m just not gonna cooperate with the draft is all, just not gonna move or do anything, there’s no reason for me to fight, I’m an incel, I don’t care if you wanna send me to fight Russia, not my problem
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Prison is based, why aren’t you prisonmaxxing, you get 3 meals a day and a place to live with electricity, way better than dying for buttsex
WE will never die for Jews
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I'm not sure you understand that you are a traitor to the constitution. Stupid fucks think you're going to threaten people you openly want dead into fighting your enemies for you?
I am your enemy house nigger.

Sir, this is a lighthouse

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How do Americans deal with these literal monsters?
Yea, defund the police, yea.
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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice

>Woman accused of attempting to murder man and child

>Wolves lead tributes to Matija Sarkic after death

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>>471278629 (Me)
Mine Brittany contribution.
God verdomme
Holland is ye neighbour vrens
Ok, heed ye neighbour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R22urvGcWy4
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> 18 years of Labour holding the reins.

Have fun. Better luck in the 2040s.

What are yall doing?
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Smoking and chilling with Alex Jones in the background

https://banned DOT video/watch?id=666deda8fc78d5d82efb458b
fake pic right. Trump's a teetotaller.
I disagree. It's all theatre.
Is that real?

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I've just had the strangest dream ever.
>Be me, an assassin in a team tasked with protecting Bukele from an assassination.
>Our goal is to eliminate the hitmen before they can kill the president by finding them inside the Grand Hotel where the meeting between Biden and Bukele is programmed.
>Mission went smoothly, using my hand-shotgun, I killed all my targets but nothing couldn't have prepared me for what happened next.
>President Biden was among the audience in front of a stage, watching Bukele's presentation... then everything went wrong.
>President Bukele announced to the world that he was Evil! and that Biden had just fallen for his Evil plan.
>He clicked his remote and an explosion, which had its origin point beneath Biden, killed all the audience.
>Chaos erupted and everyone started to run including me, then I received a message from my Boss, ordering me to leave the hotel immediately by reaching a rendezvous point at the base of the hotel.
>Once there I didn't find my team but nigger gangsters inside a car.
>I started to run but my bro, stood still, as if he was in shock status, forcing me to leave him to the niggers as I escaped towards my den.
>Once there, my unknown enemies were preparing to ambush me. However, they didn't know that I'd built a secret tunnel.
>I entered the tunnel and, once I reached my real secret base, I activated the explosive in the tunnel, killing everyone in Surfice.
>I'd enough supplies for a couple of months but I decided to use the chaos that the assassination created to leave the city with a boat.

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How did this guy become so popular? He is the president of some shithole country the size of New Jersey.
>Then my PC turned on by itself and woke me up.
Fag thinks he’s neo or something
Shut up you leaf, none of that stupid nonsense matters.
He’s a Christian, he prays and he rid El Salvador of nigger like gang violence
Why not?

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anti materialism is a meme. look at me! im protecting my family with no posessions whatsoever! look at how safe we are from dangerous people while we live next door to them in a tiny apartment with rats and roaches! u dont need possessions bro! u dont need weapons to defend urself! u dont need a big house with a large gate and guards stationed at the entrance bro! all u have to do is sit there and when the bad man comes to hurt u, let him! he probably wont nap u and force u or ur children into slavery for decades! hell commit unliving to u right on the spot, painlessly, and ull go to heaven! because heaven is a place where only possessionless people go, and they get rewarded, whereas hell is reserved for people who had lots of things and its so unfair that they worked hard for those things to protect them and their own and they will burn for all eternity because they tried to stay safe in a dangerous world.

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Trying to cry and panic because it works for her so much.
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There are no good jew-
jewish civil war
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>it's only since israel and zionists, real jews are good

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and say Christ is King
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burn all abrahamic cancer away
you dont believe churches in west are that cucked? There is a whole youtube channel called Christcuck Pastors dedicated to it.
I denounce the talmud
stop spamming this annoying shit at me or im gonna start reporting this for spam in every fucking thread
I denounce the Talmud. Christ is king

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Is LooksMaxxing the way to career & romantic success?
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You've never been in an exco meeting have you?
That mouse utopia experiment was so prescient it's scary.
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Why's it called looksmaxxing if he became less attractive?

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