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I like how quickly the other dude bailed. Not his fucking problem at all.
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I do it for free :)
it makes it even more comfy!
>fucking zigger cope is unreal
It's not about ziggers, this same drone tactics will be used in every battle field, the issue is that western leaders keep pushing for war, and you're going to the same trenches and die in the same way as these 'ziggers'

i'm not

draft won't work here, we aren't slavs who are programmed to die in trenches.
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>Dude get blown in half
Yeah, nothing can be done for Ivan blownupivich.
maybe the vatniggers should go back to Russia where they will be save and comfy.
I bet Putin and his henchmen are really comfy
God I hope people murder these faggots after the war. On both sides.

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Hello to the first /chic/ ever thread

Here we hate on jeets and discuss their inevitable takeover of Canada because white Canadians want their grand children to compete for housing and jobs (and gibbs) with the scum of the earth
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The abrahamic boomers should be fucking ahamed of themselves.
Post the in store prices
I'm heading to Loblaws later this evening. Pray for me.
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Why are European and American cultures so different?
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is sucking a midget a 0.25
>All she had to do was not be a raging bitch whore,

Define raging bitch whore.
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Polish people literlaly cannot stop sucking American cock
says polish in the name, nothing more you need to know.

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HAPPENING! China says it will keep bankrolling Putin to the last Russian!
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I absolutely love the seethe China and Russia creates for the entire (((American))) establishment
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this is real?
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How much will a GIF of pixel art cost where Putin like this png with a torn noose around his neck, holding a bloody ax on his shoulder, throws the basedjak hohol head into the air with his other hand
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i hate fucking yandex translate
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>l-look guise trump's the real communist
compelling cartoon kummus or whatever your name is.

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What are the political implications of the jews not being gods chosen people, the bible not actually being about jews, jewish homeland not being isreal and, that jews dont really believe in the old testament?

>Isreal (aka: Jacob) was the name of a man who had 12 sons
>these 12 sons became the 12 tribes of 'Isreal'
>these 12 tribes are the Hebrew people or otherwise known as Isrealites (not jews)
>Christianity came 200 years before Judaism
>after failed jewish rebellions they fled to Babylon
>While in Babylon (200 years after christ) Judaism was created

Given this information, fact checking this was pretty easy

here's the run down: https://files.catbox.moe/9b4ddt.mp4
or: https://x.com/i/status/1795121487046639840

same vids

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All four of the statements in your image are patently false.
(((god))) set this place up to harvest human souls and put jews in charge of the market
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>Like Israel, the mythical figure, is the archetypal Jew.
technically he was a Hebrew
jews weren't a real thing yet

>And this is the part where you tell us the real Israelites went to Europe and Europeans are the real baby dick cutting rats huh?
honestly I dont know
jews are evil for sure, but they're not gods chosen people as they claim to be and are tricksters and schemers
the whole 'we're gods chosen people' is just a con and a trick

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The mormons are right about caffeine.
Freshly ground and fully packed, hot black coffee that's where it's at, and I mean it.
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Mormons aren't prohibited from drinking caffeine. Hot tea and coffee are forbidden but not because of the caffeine. Pic related if a cafeteria at BYU.
Is coffee good for you?

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Too bad, so sad. Maybe don’t fuck with TPUSA next year. What a bunch of fucking losers!

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This also happened to Hitler btw.
Unfortunately for you fucking kikes, you can't stop the movement that's coming :D
The world's gonna wake up to the kikes the more they do stuff like this
kek, at least they shouldn't gloat but they can't help it
it's in their nature to be evil rats
I guess that’s why Nazifest 2024 was CANCELLED
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>Nazifest 2024

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What happens if Chinese bugs or Russian monkeys crossed one of America’s red lines and Uncle Sam wakes up?
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White isn't the point. Minimum wage is the point. America is stocking up on legions of worthless conscripts who will likely shoot each other.

Minimum wage...stocks....NOW!
Uncle Sam isn't sleeping, he's dead.
a lot of smoking accidents in these countries
Forget about red lines 10 million illegals already crossed inside of America itself. There's too many enemies of the country occupying positions of power enabling it to die faster.

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Your crush is out there living her life and enjoying the weekend.

Going out with friends, socializing, having fun, making memories, getting ahead in life. While you are here shitposting about WW3 on a beautiful Saturday. Any last words anon before you inevitably end it?
Why would I have a crush on a used goods whore? Sorry Anon you're gonna have to work a lot harder than this to make me feel down. Reality is far more bleak than what you can conjure.

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Why did vaping become so popular? How did they sell the idea to NPCs that inhaling horribly-flavoured aerosol consisting of microparticles of hundreds of different chemicals and E-additives is somehow a better alternative to smoking dried leaves?
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>What do you think they sneak into it?
I know from a reliable source they add estrogen into the vape juice to further sissify vapoids.
OK, bist du aus Wien?
Fast! SW
Do bin i leider weit vom Schuss. Bin am anderen Ende Ö's
I'd be worried about bone/ivory adding bad flavors. There is/was a French pipe maker who had a source of rare wood that had been in marshes, and if memory serves, that wood was partially fossilized. Or maybe fully, I can't remember at this point. People claimed they smoked like a champ.
>Smokes pipe

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What is wrong with humans? There is literally a garbage island just floating out in the ocean
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Thats because its Chinas garbage
If it was because of white people it would be a priority

Inb4 durr the chinese are only polluting it because they are forced to make the products for the americans so it is your fault
old, but gold.
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How drole. Just like that time you lost two world wars and had to pay reparations to jews for eternity.
>Verification not required.
as usual its mainly 3rd world countries that cause this shit, but only western countries are supposed to sudoku to fix a problem that they didnt cause.
there is no island of plastic. apart from some shopped images, there is zero proof. prove me wrong, you cant

The picture that ruined Trump's presidency
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What made her think it was acceptable to be on her knees on a White House couch? I get that she is use to being on her knee around a crowd of black men but damn
Pretty cringe that an adult woman her age sat like that
You mean he was really planning to build that wall until someone took that picture and it put him off it?
>What made her think
Born and raised in south Jersey--they're not all that known for 'thinking' down there. It kind of ties in with her whole "alternative facts" and "Bowling Green massacre" misinformation/disinformation campaigns. Extrapolate that a bit, and you may find that the previous administration was inordinately populated by people who Dante Alighieri would probably have to make a new Inferno circle for (Conway, DeJoy, DeVos, Giuliani, et al). It's a bizarre modern tragedy that all of these people and their deplorable followers catalyzed the turbulent geopolitical circumstances we find ourselves in today, lowering the quality of life and standard of living for all Americans steadily throughout their administrative tenure and beyond.
McDonald's and ass juice

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vaxxies will end the human race

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Pol is never wrong.
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>your picrel is one of the scariest facts about the spike protein which almost never gets mentioned:
This though always crosses my mind, as i posted it even.
>I genuinely hope there isn't someone out there trying to "keep up" with their shots.
Unlikely but there's always crazy people.
sounds pretty tame tbf compared to all the schizo depop alternatives. attack on titanesque
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They gave em the ol' spicy deltoid!

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>be brother
>married high school sweetheart out of high school and became a welder
>gets job make 17 dollars an hour
>girlfriend now wife cheats on him and he finds out when the baby is Latino
>gets laid off at 22 because of downsizing but in reality it was because Mexicans where willing to work for nothing
>couldn’t get unemployment because boss said he quit
>got another job at a warehouse that he hated making 14 bucks an hour
>started dating a obese single mother at 25
>covid happens and he gets laid off again and then got denied covid benefits because the boss again said he quit and he stupidly signed a piece of paper saying he did
>his single mother girlfriend breaks up with him to “find a real man who can support me and my son”
>he moved back in with parents and me
>parents call me a spoilt loser like me and that he needed to work harder and not let set backs discourage him
>got a job at krogers as a bagger making 10 bucks an hour and dad had to drive him because he doesn’t have a car anymore
>gets another girlfriend at krogers who is 19
>parents find out somehow and dad stops driving him to work calling him a “creep” and a “cradle snatcher” and he lost that job and his girlfriend

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how old was your brother?
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hahahahahahaha clown world, cheers dude!

who fucking cares, just do whatever the fuck you want and try to avoid consequences you dont want

I stopped giving a shit in 2017, then when the pandemic hit I just started laughing at how hilarious existence is every day. your parents and your brother are fucking retards, get far away from them but lie/pretend to be nice in messages like a schizo wearing a mask to make sure you get their inheritance

once they get old/senile enough, commit them to a home where niggers will punch them in the face for amusement, and then cash out on their inheritance

I believe in you, anon!
>similar story but i rapectured it so in time others wouldn't have the same retarded fate... but still ur bro is weak sauce as fuck.
You need to stab your parents to death and live stream them bleeding out.
asking the real questions

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>Much le infinite growth, but also you need to have kids while your purchasing power goes down the shitter because we won't turn off the printer
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I'm saying it ironically. I'm not a faggot
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were a dumb fuck wagie.
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/pol/ is growing more anticapitalist and I'm liking it.
Too the degree that makes kikes mad

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Russia fought all of NATO and won
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They are effectively transforming the west into the commie hell hole they dream of, i agree
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And America is a dystopian toilet.

All you NAFO fools think it's still America of Eisenhower but remember, you fags and BLM niggers HATE the 50's as an era of evil. You want your depraved filthy slum to fester in like cockroaches under a stove where grease has overflowed to for years.
>Russia fighting for 3 years in shitty proxy war against poor country which have support of 10% NATO budget and it looks like it will continue some more
What you said about adrenochrome sounds crazy it is crazy but it's true. That's why Ukraine, center for child sex trafficking was so vital to them. That's why you saw evil elites like Hunter and Nancy Pelosi's son so deeply embedded there; to manage the flow of beautiful blond haire children to satiate their impure wicked lust and their hunger for adrenochrome.
Putin is proceding with great care to preserve Russian lives while wearing down the Ukrainian manpower. It's been working and Ukraine is teetering on the edge of collapse while Russia gets stronger every day.

And remember. China and Russia and Iran are behind the Houthis and the Houthis with modern tech have shut down the Suez Canal route and set US and French naval forces to flight. This is delivering immense economic damage to the western powers and there's nothing that NATO can do about it. And that theater is just beginning. Want some fun? really fuck with the Houthis and watch them knock out 95% of Saudi oil and gas production in short order. Imagine the catastrophe that will be to western economies.

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It's literally Capitalism vs the Commies
America - mostly private-run economy
Europe - mostly private-run economy
Russia - mostly state-run economy
China - mostly state-run economy, it's even still run by the Communist-fucking-Party

How does one even begin to imply that both sides are even a little the same? That's as insane as claiming in the 60s or 70s that the USSR is the same as the USA. That's crazy commie whore Angela Davis tier, not normal based /pol/ tier. This is literally, ultimately a fight of fundamentals. Muh globohomo argument is as inane as it would've been in the 20s or 60s (nutters had exactly the same theories then)
Additional important fact - (((they))) WANT you to believe in all the craziest shit. This is how they pacify you.
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And from all of them China is the most based, when Western world starts to be mostly state-run economy we won't get rid of faggotry
The fuck maldniggers even knows about international economy when you don't even use banknotes but stones as currency
>The difference is that the different corporations get to call your elected state an oligarchy and censor you if you disagree via several legal means of corruptions, called lobby groups.
The real difference is the relationship between politics and big business. In Americanized "societies", big business simply buys out and dictates politics. In Russia, it's a push-and-pull, tit-for-tat kind of symbiosis. The situation in China is closer to Russia, perhaps more lop-sided in favor of the political class, whose dominant figures exert power over the economy through powerful business cronies. Figuring out the differences is mostly an academic exercise. Either way, an oligarchy rules over you, it's only a matter of determining its constituents. In the bigger picture, members of these various oligarchies intermingle, they have shared global agendas, vaguely similar visions for the future of the world and they all equally see you as cattle to be culled and utterly dominated.
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>China is the most based
They ought to bring the Chinese #MeToo movement to the West, have Beckies competing for attention over who got the longest prison sentence.
I don't care who is fighting against who but my opinion is that pooland shall be divided again and all pooles shall be germanized/russified. that's all

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what's worse race mixing or buying nigger children
buying black children is precursor to race mixing since it's just bbc farming. White women wait until young buck becomes a BVLL then makes her move. Prior to this, she always throws in little nuggets of seduction, innuendo, and hints of attraction/desire. This so the young black knows what's up and what he's been bought for. Getting them young ensures white women will get tremendous mileage out of him before he moves on to other white women.
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Most dating is now done online and non-Whites can’t compete against Whites in hypergamy.

>47% of Black adults report being single, higher than the share among other racial and ethnic groups.

>Asian, Latina, and white straight women all refuse messages from Black men -2021

>Black men and women daters were particularly discriminated compared to other minority daters. White straight women are twice as likely to respond to White men compared to Black men. -2022

>“Black and Latin men faced ‘similar discrimination,’ while white men had ratings “most high among women of all races.”

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Both are unnatural. Adopt your own kind, create your own kind.

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DIdn't know what year it was.
will anon deliver? Already did.
>german humour
when ever i read 'german humor' it sounds in my brain like "sperm invert", i really don't know why.

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Should I take ozempic? I'll stop as soon as the weight is off.
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>long lasting therapeutic effect from taking it.
The same could be achieved with a diet not made up of slop and HFCS
You can’t stop. It has to be a lifelong commitment to take the drug because of the metabolic changes it will cause in your body. Look it up before you do it.
Do the Christian Bale diet he uses when he needs to lose weight for roles: You can consume all the black coffee, water and apples that you want. And one can of plain tuna a day.

Take a multivitamin.

Or fast like the Orthodox Christians do for Pascha. Millions of them do it. From children to old people. They're not pussies like you.
you don't ever get off it
that's the catch
>How do I not shove less food down my neck?
It's a mystery

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