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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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They are conserving.
Also conserving the smell
I posted on this a day before the extension and said something like this extension would likely be coming
This is actually a blessing in disguise because now these people will never be caught without water reserves
this is the first time I've ever heard this accusation and when was that referendum? 30 years ago?
>poos in calgary no longer need to make excuses to poop in the street

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...he approached him because he's the only black man on the street :D

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You're a 9/10 you humble son of a gun
Nah, height is average, still I am pretty good looking visibly above average.
Niggers can't swim, what happened?
Why would you ever want to go to russia or eastern europe? Everywhere outside of moscow is fucked.

these used to be 1$ each under trump and now they are 6$
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with bidenomics you spend more and get less. why do you think chipotle is getting shit for serving smaller burritos now
if you have a decent job that's only 6 minutes of time on the clock
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OP is a faggot bot.
>he forgot to change IP
ebin vatnigger shill
samefag german flag

I don't think this guy can take it anymore. Listening to Alex talk over him all the time. Going to boring show trials...
Alex Jones is bill hicks
Bill hicks became him for CIA big money.
He will " die " or retire soon
Sandy hook was clearly fake
He was used to portray anyone who questions authority as a criminal liable for monetary loses.
The trial was FAKE
He just admitted today that the show has been more or less ran by the feds this entire time. I don't think he realized that he did... it was really subtle.

Youtuber Prof Dave is known as the algorithm gatekeeper to flat earth content on youtube. He was obliterated by Witsit Getsit. What are the political implications?

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It's so pathetic lmao, they sayed that they are superior and that blond are the purest.
But, they was not blond hair, it doesn't make sense
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Rare swedish hairy thumb
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>National Socialism is not defined by race. national socialism, like communism and democracy, is a politcal system AND an economic system. It is NOT a "racial system". Race has nothing to do with it. The Vietnamese could be National socialists. The Israelis ARE national socialists.
Hi, retard.
>Racism is NOT defined by race.
>It's a political and economic system.
>A nigger in Africa can be a racist
>American niggers ARE racist
Kek at this moron
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Hol' up he's not a retard
>How did one country fair against the world
Tripartite pact: 9 countries plus auxiliary troops and other allies such as Finland
The "le Germany fought the world alone" is a retarded meme
Read the thread. Especially these posts friend.

And please post a source for your image.
>several [this means what, like 3?] high ranking nazis of full jewish descent
Also the very first fake “jew” on that fake and gay list:
> Walter Hollaender
Half jew.
Which has been documented itt that half Jews were considered german citizens based on their actions
Also, the second “jew” listed:
> Roy Courlander

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Oh no some teens having fun, how dare they have joy in their lives
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So women are cool then? To lie with other women that is
Which god btw, the one that got constantly drunk? Ya should read yahweh adventures from its original religion before jews made him a solo god, he was a blast
It's pretty fucking funny, actually.

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Anyone who supports Russia should be executed for treason. It's really pretty simple: if you support Putin, you hate the West, you are a psychological threat to it, and therefore a potential physical threat, and therefore you must be liquidated.
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i know it's a bit too much for your diabetic "brain" to handle but all slavs are subhuman
my american digits confirm it, mutts are retarded
finally a leaf that makes sense!
around 170
Yep, same with other traitors.
Those who support Jews and mass immigration.
Everyone should go.

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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Eros comix best comics
If you get caught and sent to federal prison you will suffer worse, especially because it's a sex crime.
Yeah I'd like three girls likes like that please.

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If you knew that you would survive, withouth being mutilated or something, in a 100% rate, would you be hyped for it? Why?
I mean, its like a fortnite event
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I bet those boys were experiments
i would start ww3 right now, i just want to kill jews.

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Pig disgusting.
weird sperg
over-thinking midwit

This is how Pajeets colude with the Jewish mafia elites in the Canadian government to exploit the Canadian Taxpayers

> Every Single Leaf should see it

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I'll get a sensible chuckle when Portugal gets Pajeet'd.
Any white person who does business with a jeet deserves what they get.
Lmao no
Indians are the only immigrants by the way they don’t make up the majority either.

Just the scapegoat

The guy you posted it is a poltard was given a platform

Trying to make people hate other people is awful behaviour and you’re not a good person.
I will roll your entire shitskinned family into a lime dusted pit.
You’ll do nothing but hurl insults at other people because you feel people would do the same to you in person.

Sorry bro, hope you feel better

Previous >>471221790

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny Israel is a legitimate state, denounce and fully condemn the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)

>Urgent: Armed clashes break out between resistance fighters and occupation forces in the town of Kafardan, west of #Jenin.
>AP: he US Navy is locked in combat with a shadowy, Iran-backed rebel group based in Yemen.
>DFLP: This afternoon, our fighters successfully detonated an IED on a military bulldozer (D9) south of the Bank of Palestine in Tel Al-Sultan neighborhood, west of Rafah city, achieving a direct hit.
>Urgent: A joint statement by several countries, including the United States: We condemn in the strongest terms the Houthis' arrest of UN employees and diplomats


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>And to all these beliefs, what did they ultimately do? hurled them into the gutter in hopes of a miraculous Jewish sky father saving them.
The concept of the heavenly father is of Indo-European origin, although it does happen to be associated with your god.
And it's not something you started, this attack started with Pythagoras. The capstone, was the platonic idea that a god has to conform to your moral standard to be the right god. Pythagoras and his abstractions destroyed animism, Plato and his morals destroyed Hellenism.
Maybe this can help
>No, that is absurd. Like I mentioned, the important thing is that it is, not how.
It is a rather nihilistic position, a mystery exists to be discovered.
>Science explains a lot about how the world works, like rivers flowing because of gravity, not a grumpy water spirit.
What do you mean?
What do you mean?
Animism is the affirmation of the obvious, the vedics (the image I showed you) affirm what was obvious at the time, let me affirm what is obvious at my time.
>It is merely the existence of biology. Any further justification for existence is entirely mental
Nope, life is just a concept that implies existence, you are expanding the definition.

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>god that's ugly
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>And you will keep on living
They do not live. What you are seeing is literally a descendant of converts to Judaism.
The original Israelites abandoned their identity a long time ago. The survival of which you speak is not the survival of a people, but of a religion. And in that field there are religions older than Judaism that have survived, such as Mazdeism and Shintoism.
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>Imagine a half-Indian niece.

MANY half-indian nieces, nephews, cousins, children, brother in law, etc
Poo's breed faster than the hasedim. Their miniature worms are highly effective

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Ok, even though I hate Jews I have to admit this is based.
Death to all jews

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Jews try to kill you by making you believe that meat and saturated fat are healthy and are only doing that in white countries.
/pol/ will start mental gymnastics in 3.. 2.. 1..
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yeah well we also have Dr. Berg, Ekberg, Berry and Fung
Great guys and great advisors in this regard.
Also watch Chris Knobbe's conference on vegetable oils
Interesting Notice.
It was Taubes who named the jew that said eat carbs.
Keto is only good for you if you're a lardass who has failed every other kind of diet. The different modality of curbing hunger helps some people who are otherwise hopeless but the diet is less healthy for you overall.
>who is pushing high fat
>who is pushing low fat
>who is pushing high protein
>who is pushing low protein
>who is pushing high carb
>who is pushing low carb


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I lost over 50 pounds with Keto, it's legit. It doesn't make you loss weight any faster if you ignore the water weight, but it makes you a lot less hungry.

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No its funny though. Someone post the webm of the poojeet raping his grandpa, thats whats coming for this father…
It's so sickening to know how many shitskins are liberal simply because they know that honest white people take it all at face value.
>gays belted
>wife lined up and ready to go
bros..... I wish I was indian.

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Thank you for your service.
>straight outta Compton
he looks like the dude you fuck with so they look like ass to the e-8, e-9. Then you treat said e-9 like a bro so he thinks staff sarg is just a retard.

t. retired zoggie
Nobody will get this. So I'll explain for all the retards...

OP pic name is Compton.
Nigger posted.
Niggers are turds.
American zogbot who?... ahh no matter, S

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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every fucking time
Yeah, it only pulled up a small result. Maybe my search was too broad. I'm phone fagging too. Probably not helping.
>acting and skiing
Not even close, the bourgeoisie maybe.
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You're assuming Margaret didn't squander it.
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>a small result.
You might be doing it wrong.

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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
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This, there was no man on the grassy knoll. If you watch his facial expressions you can see he knows it's coming too.
Those are all the same thing, bro.
DEMs were whoring out prostitutes and kids to visiting party officials and maintained black book. Spooks (aka plumbers) went in HQ to get it and got caught likely due to have turncoat plant on team. Lawfare used to wear Nixon down until he resigned.
Her second husband on was is owned s ship they did the first mkultra mindfucks on. what if they got to her earlier
Look up E Howard Hunt death bed confession and you will have your answers.

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Was Hitler posessed by the same demon that our ancestors used to worship as "Wodan" ?

Painting is called "The wild hunt" and was painted in the late 1800s
>>deamon = δαίομαι = भजति = 𐎲𐎥
A divine power, so yes. Hitler waited until Walpurgis, the day Wodan hung himself, to kill himself.
Not just late 1800s, the exact year Hitler was born

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