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Are the majority of people in your country Anti-Israel now?
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Idk about that, but they won’t win with the way things are going
This. Every single incel loser mystery meat mutts in their 20s and 30s self-inserts as the brown team getting the shit beaten out of them, while the 40+ year old white boomers with careers, house, and a family all self-insert as the successful country currently snuffing out their opposition that made the mistake of attacking them.
most of the conservative types and liberals I know hate Israel. a few might hold some reservations because of holobunga, but it's definitely a quiet "let's see where this goes"; not mask off time yet.

I've noticed more shitjeets that are pro-israel. fucking weird.
Hindus are fixated on Islam. If anything is against it, they’ll blindly follow
Thankfully that means Israel won't have America's support forever and its sociopathic Nakba and "fuck you, got ours" mentality will be put to an end. The sooner you old fucks die, the better for humanity.

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It's Joever for Joe
Need Biden memes
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we are so back joepedo sissies!!!!
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bretty gud
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>China presented an animated video on the destruction of an aircraft carrier strike group (AUG) of the US Navy

>The footage shows half a squadron of Hong-6J bombers of the PLA Navy launching Yingzi-12 anti-ship missiles at an American AUG.

>The missiles, having overcome the enemy's air defense system, turn the American aircraft carrier into a sinking Titanic.

Do you think Americans ever expected this when they were funding China and the USSR during WW2?
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aww look we have a true believer. thank you for your cervix
Houths sank a US carrier last week, the US is having a bad week
this type of doctrinal brainwashing is ok when citizens can freely own firearms.....but anyone seeing this when the average chinaman cant have a slingshot should worry them.
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China has never won a war, read this to understand their psychology and you will defeat those fucking ugly bugs
Why do they need the planes to shoot the missiles? Are they too poor to make some that launch from land? Also the plan is
>well if all the interception missiles miss we win
Okay? Congrats on banking on all the best possible dice rolls

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I watched this video recently

The guy in the video claims krishna worship in hinduism was actually created by the cochin jews who lived in india.

I definitely am not a fan of abrahamism, but I feel so much peace when worshipping krishna and reading the Bhagavad Gita.

Is eastern religion subversive or is the guy in this video just paranoid?
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The Bhagavad Gita teaches pacifism as a general principle, advocating for ahimsa as a lifestyle. The exception is when one is doing their duty or dharma and it requires violence. This will depend on one's social class or varna.

Kshiatyas should fight in dharmic battles to defend their people and to stand for righteousness. But this is only Kshiatryas, not people in general.

Vaishyas can also use violence to defend their property, such as their sheep, goats and cows.

Brahmanas may perform animal sacrifices, although this is subtly criticized in the Gita which emphasizes knowledge over ritualistic sacrifice, and condemns the karma kanda section of Vedic literature.

But outside of that one should be non-violent. For example, you shouldn't road rage and beat some dude in the street for taking too long at a red light.
Did you get sick of the taste of hing in everything?
seems pretty standard to me

you can't have a society without violence unfortunately
were you a hare krishna at one point anon?
shit, was meant for

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
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I watched 30 mins of Platoon the other day. I'm now wondering if the Vietnam War was fake. All the tropes about Vietnam, and the grunts, is basically what we've learned from the movies. You all know what they are. Grunt becomes a man. Niggers and whites defend democracy together and respect each other. Bad soldier goes too far causing moral condundrum. Blah blah. But it's all bullshit. The movie has replaced reality, and fucked if I know if muh Vietnam war actually happened at all. The Vets? They went to some jungle and got shot at by suspiciously well-trained gooks, wtf do they know? Possibly the CIA were instructing the gooks as well. Maybe there were no gooks at all, outside of a few set piece slaughters for the camera.
They used to talk about hyperrealism in Soviet Union. Same in muh west. What is reality, friends? Is it just the wish-dream of Kissinger, and we are all NPC's in this play? Who can say.
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>I'm now wondering if the Vietnam War was fake.
Ask this bitch.
oliver stone actually fought in vietnam
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or this dude
I thought you were mortal enemies with the Emus?

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Reminder the two "eat the bugs" and "lab grown meat" agendas are equally harmful but derive from two different globalist sources.
"Eat the bugs" is a UN initiative with European universities especially the University of Wageningen in the Netherlands.
"Lab grown meat" is an American initiative originating in Rand Corporation and other divisions of the military-industrial complex
>once they're reviewed and proven to be acceptable for consumption?

LMAO reviewed by whom?? The government? Or the media or another stupid interest group that benefits from feeding garbage to people? KILL YOURSELF NIGGER
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yes goy eat the bovine hormones and animals eating GMO feed
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> Researchers also found that each 10% replacement of plant-based ultraprocessed foods with fresh, frozen or minimally processed plants lowered the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 7% while offering a 13% reduction in the risk of dying from heart disease.

> “Plant-based meat alternatives make up only 0.5% of all the plant-based ultraprocessed foods included in this paper,” Scarborough said in a statement. “It is therefore very difficult to conclude from this paper that plant-based meat alternatives are bad for your health,” Scarborough added.
Stupid nigger, they will put mRNA in labrat meat. mRNA is cancerous

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Mind you, this post was made by a woman. They're not even pretending anymore.
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I'm so tired of these incels threads. Conservative men (at least in America) are statistically
>more likely to be married
>more likely to visit the gym
so fuck off back to the incel forums if you want to bitch.
The only people who lie to incels are other incels. Did they really not get the memo back in high school?
The best you talk about is working so a bunch of guys can get all the girls.
Stop doing shit to attract a bitch. Or for your "people" or nation that doesn't give a fuck about you. Do it for yourself. if you're horny, jack off or buy a pocket pussy or fly to Brazil and fuck a whore. Men can have kids at 60 if that's what you care about. Don't marry a fat cunt because your parents want grandkids or to prove youre a real man
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She's right faggot. It's time to accept that you are truly beyond saving, are irredeemable, amd incellic because you are dysgenic faggots according to the rest of society and according to women in the dating pool instead of playing pretend to make you feel better. The question is, what now faggot? If you are that disgruntled about it, do something about it and rape for sex, because the truth is now out in the open.

I think this has been a discussion lately by people on the left, they have already decided that you faggots are just too far gone to save and you can't turn chads into incels who are already autistic as it is. You can't just teach swag and game to you faggots, it's just a natural thing that is picked up as you develop and grow. You will never be the smooth talker James Bond that you want to become, it's over. Saw this being discussed in a Brittney Simon podcast in YouTube. To them it's just a matter of just ignoring you types and waiting until you die out and making sure you inculcate young boys instead into how to be confident and talk to women.

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and discrimination? Most of western Europe's and its peoples moral philosophy, at least recently has been rooted in universal rights for all, particularly in the Anglosphere. It seems that with the walls closing in, and pressure/ostracization mounting whites are becoming very ethnically aware of themselves. Big upticks and interests have happened in European history and martial arts (HEMA for example, has exploded and is now mainstream) and ethnic European faiths based on reconstructions are starting to rise with several organizations like the AFA. The resounding notion that most Europeans feel is starting to become "fuck everyone else, I only care about myself."
Tolerance and apathy are christian cultural hallmarks, and the "refugees welcome" crowd, which was almost entirely christian, have basically slit their own throats since the imports are now displacing them demographically and religiously. If anything, mass-immigration and the liberalization of the churches will destroy christianity in the West entirely this century, and then after that the remaining Whites will either be forcibly assimilated into the reigning religion (probably Islam) or race mixed out of existence or become hardcore ethnonationalists that aren't christian. There isn't a fourth option.
>Tolerance and apathy are christian cultural hallmarks
Ah yes the famous Christian tolerance LMFAO
>become hardcore ethnonationalists that aren't christian
I am betting on this one, at least for a good chunk of whites with a head on their shoulder. Ethnic faiths provide so much protection and shielding under the law it genuinely isn't funny and its something whites won't get otherwise. Jews can't do anything about it since they will be hurt just as well, if not more.

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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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is that sam hyde on the left
I work at Nintendo.
imagine voteing
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interesting - I think the "it's entertainment" reasoning is fine (although is does come off as cope), but once it becomes a little bit too obsessive, the "american politics" fans start losing the part of themselves that makes them human

you've got swifties, K-pop fans, Marvel obsessives... Obviously, all freaks who are wasting their lives away. And then alongside them, apparently we have Swedish people who are obsessed with American politics. What a weird development lol. I think you should find a new hobby man, maybe something healthier that will actually benefit you as a human being
Like let's reverse this. Let's say that I'm an American who's obsessed with Swedish politics, to the point where I'm posting multiple (7+?) posts on an anime imageboard

I think any reasonable person would say, "dude just stop, that's fucking weird. Find something worthwhile to do with your life." But here you are - imagine devoting that time to something cool, maybe Swedish politics perhaps?

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Its spring fever and sun dresses are fucking torture
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No, you WANT a boob in your mouth. What are you waiting for, Anon. Go get some tid
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Poor guy. Luckily fat women have large boobs and are easy to land even though they are whales.

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Unlike rice, buckwheat doesn't require cooking. You can just add water before sleep and it will be ready for breakfast. We could save so much carbon by eating foods that don't require cooking.
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They sell it at the bulk barn.
I'm sure you can get it in the ethnic section of SS also.
>real food
>soggy europoor slavegrain
Try again
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As stupid as you are, makes me wonder, did you take vaccine?
>they can uncooked beans in poland
Fucking why?
He soaked buckwheat in water and he will eat it as is. You retarded morangutan

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Heres 29 pages of known side effects of the experimental gene therapy mRNA preparation of Pfizer released globally in 2021/2022 from the published documents by Pfizer itself - yup, the same Pfizer that just settled over 10,000 lawsuits for a cancer inducing drug.
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Thanks. Do you the webm in pdf form perhaps?
>I wanna rub IT in my doctor Friends faces.
Only surgeons are real doctors.
y did i laff
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The gene therapy is to protect the ayys when they come.

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spaniards seething at anglos will never not be funny
>nooo the anglo is the enemy they are pirates
kys we are not in the 1600
How’s your lads holiday going Dave
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Why you two faggots hate each other?

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How could Russia ever recover? They would rather live in the shittest shithole of the whole world - America, than stay in Russia. What caused this?
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>russia is poor, usa is rich and offers a much higher quality of life.
I've been to the United States. Have you ever been to Russia? No? Then shut the fuck up.
Almost anyone with an education who wanted to start a successful business or get real venture capital moved to EU/US. It’s pretty much the retarded bydlo masses that stayed in Russian federation. Putin savior of the white face sent his children to western university if I remember correctly. What a rebel against the kikes
LOL why on earth would I go to a 3rd world nation?
There's nothing to do there. Just poverty, permafrost and some old cathedrals built by Italians in Moscow.

Anyway google maps street view and official stats all show the truth. Visiting russpoor would just confirm my biases.
I didn't read, jew-boy.

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The nearest amusement park nearest me has only had 2 incidents (unsubstantiated rumors of a third) all dealing with one ride, that happend decades ago. So yes, just do a little search beforehand. If a park has had problems in the past few years, don't go.
Malfunctions at theme parks have actually always been two things: rare, and great headlines. When a ride goes wrong, it means potentially millions in legal consequences, so while the inbred niggers running carnivals or county fairs aren't to be trusted, the theme parks take shit far more seriously.
Excuse me? What did you just say? I hope you know some of the most impressive heroine addicts are carnies.
splat albert says yes
I've been to Florida last month, and spent 5 days at Universal. The rides there are not only top notch, but never had any real issues.

Also went to Disney for 2 days (against my wishes, when I suggested SeaWorld instead), and "rides" are extremely lacking.

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If you're not from inside the red circle, you are not white.
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The average American White has a higher percentage of European admixture than most "White" Europeans because we always followed the one drop rule here, and we didn't get conquered by rapey moorniggers.
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"White" is a race of people, who are the descendants of Adam. Biblical Adam, created from scratch by God, and given his spirit. Non-whites existed long before and during that time, but are not "White", because they are not descended from Adam.

White people have forgotten who they are. They are the Adamic race (descendants of Adam, the White race).
Modern (((jews))) are descended from Edomites, and are larping as Israelites. It's the biggest case of stolen identity ever.

100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE

>To quote another based anon here, "The Bible is the most antisemitic, hard-core redpill against the "jews" ever written. Whites are the true Biblical Israelites. The Edomite kikes, (part from Esau, part fallen angel races) stole our identity as the true chosen people."

The Israelites back then were Adamite Whites (the good guys). The bad guys came about by: Eve has a son by a non-White father (a branch on the tree of knowledge of good and evil) -> Cain -> Cain+Nephilim (offspring of fallen angels, non-Whites) -> Kennites -> Cannanites + Esau (Jacob's brother, race-mixed with bad-seed races) -> Edomites (Idumeans, kikes posing as Israelite tribe of Judah) -> Pharisees (full-on evil seed, they kill Christ) -> today's jews (same bad guys).
Are you suggesting the Princess Leonor from Spain is not White?

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I'm seeing a lot more retarded posts than usual on /pol/. You guys are losing your mental edge.

Stay off of tiktok and think through things more rather than regurgitating whatever someone says.
Doesn’t this bitch embellish and lie a lot? So I’ve heard anyways

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In about a few weeks, we will just drop the nukes

Ur all cattle and we freemasons, capitalists, politicians, generals, economic advisers, and more of the armies are gonna literally just kill you

Sorry, we just think ur retarded, insider here, my message is out, die cattle die
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A few weeks, you say?
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No it's just baby fat, I'll lose it soon
This. OP sucks massive cocks.
Yes, satanic elites do indeed suck cock.

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