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it wasn't the sharpest decision ever made in russian history.
>but muh west jews!
it was the heat of the moment.
>poverty in poverty out
that great moment for the proles to create the greatest version of russia yet!
>imagine trading an empire for a never ending dictatorship train
it was the heat of the moment, telling you what your heart meant, jewish stars in your eyes.
>imagine destroying your own country for foreign interests
cope, seethe, marche vanguard

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Russia shouldn't have started this war. Loss of people, resources, economy. It didn't have the capacity to wage a war like this. They should've focused on building their economy up like China did, at least the US can't fuck around in places like Hong Kong and Tibet.
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>It didn't have the capacity to wage a war like this.
Forgot to greentext.
It's a trick dummy, expect the Odessa front to be opened soon.
That's just utter madness.
you've so internalized the myth of the omnipotent CIA as your Great Satan that you blame basic retardation on their omnipresent influence. People do the same with kikes. We make gods out of our enemies.
>Russia's the injured party
Because of what happened in Ukraine? Russia got absolutely and completely outplayed at every step then. Russians are total idiots then.

The picture that ruined Trump's presidency
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You mean he was really planning to build that wall until someone took that picture and it put him off it?
>What made her think
Born and raised in south Jersey--they're not all that known for 'thinking' down there. It kind of ties in with her whole "alternative facts" and "Bowling Green massacre" misinformation/disinformation campaigns. Extrapolate that a bit, and you may find that the previous administration was inordinately populated by people who Dante Alighieri would probably have to make a new Inferno circle for (Conway, DeJoy, DeVos, Giuliani, et al). It's a bizarre modern tragedy that all of these people and their deplorable followers catalyzed the turbulent geopolitical circumstances we find ourselves in today, lowering the quality of life and standard of living for all Americans steadily throughout their administrative tenure and beyond.
McDonald's and ass juice


removing her feet from the photographers view, are retards on this board that dumb sheesh

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Do you all work with such feelings on a daily basis?
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Sort of, although I have no love for the company. I have the most retarded job and I just read books all day. I just gotta walk around a building every half hour (i do it every hour though lol) to make sure there's no fires, which takes 5 mins. Thank you grenfell; you killed a hundred niggers and the state bureaucracy gave me a comfy mongo job.

Why Japs are so submissive ?
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what is Karoshi ?
what is Oidashibeya (Banishment room) ?
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Because from early childhood, we are rigorously trained in group behavior

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Why did vaping become so popular? How did they sell the idea to NPCs that inhaling horribly-flavoured aerosol consisting of microparticles of hundreds of different chemicals and E-additives is somehow a better alternative to smoking dried leaves?
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I'd be worried about bone/ivory adding bad flavors. There is/was a French pipe maker who had a source of rare wood that had been in marshes, and if memory serves, that wood was partially fossilized. Or maybe fully, I can't remember at this point. People claimed they smoked like a champ.
>Smokes pipe
That's Morta or Bog oak. In Ausztia Josef Prammer works a lot with it. But pipe makers around the globe try their hands on it. But it's very difficult to work with and the material zends to crack during smoking... gew pipemakers can handle really handle it...
Auf meinem Yt Kanal sollte meine e-mail adresse zu finden sein. Kannst gerne schreiben wenn du Fragen zum Thema hast! Wenn die Adresse nicht angezeigt wird in der Kanalbeschreibung einfach in die Kommentare posten!
Yes, that's it. It had been long enough I couldn't remember, but now that you mention it, it jogged my memory. Thanks, Austriabro.

How are my fellow zoomoids feeling about this very possible outcome? WWIII isn't just a meme anymore. Also post your designated war song to play in the trenches.
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>How are my fellow zoomoids feeling about this very possible outcome?

Good, i will liberate western europe one more time, just like my great-grandpa did once.
Total slavization of all europe NOW !
>you will be drafted
I’m good with it, send my ass to war
>nothing to loose
Find me there, I’ll have the best shit
yeh idgaf
only care for my family not some random neckbeard
>neckbeard or not
Rules girl

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Can someone explain what the fuck happened to the Conservatives? How did they fucking fall so far so fast? Its this really all Rishi Sunak's doing? Like I don't understand how it is not even fucking close!? This is almost bordering on a 1993 Canada style wipeout where the NDP got absolutely WRECKED!
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They're literally giving away citizenship Canada style, they were elected in 2019 to lower immigration.

All paki "students" can skate by in the worthless university courses and then they are automatically allowed to stay for 2 further years.
This *by design* puts Rishi's kind over the 5 year residency mark to apply for permanent residency.
>be so called conservative
>do nothing about immigration
>increase immigration from the third world
>enact policies that make everything more expensive
>enact anti-white laws
>promote feminism and the gay/tranny agenda
>risk your country going to wat
>elect a fucking pajeet as your country ruler without any consent from the public
>How did we loose so many votes?
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>How did they fall so far so fast
No idea
Post people have forgotten that Tony Blair was Labour.
Tony Blair was not on the left.
Predictably, Stamer will follow that same path.
This is typical of westminster politics.
It's part of the wider problem we are all experiencing. Just as recently as five years ago the Labour party were in complete shambles too and a milllion miles away from power. That's how fast it's turning around, because either party is going to govern and piss people off in the exact same way. Give it another five years and Labour will be hated again. Things are reaching the kind of critical mass that results in huge landslides, populism, and even uprisings and civil wars. I hope the likes of Farage or even someone completely new can take advantage of this because the old guard are struggling to keep a lid on things and the old propaganda and damage control techniques are not as effective these days.

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/pol/'s hero is this fruity looking mf
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post your bussy so i can bust
he is a mutt fag and all e-celebs are mutt fags and once we agree to that premise we can move on
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Only normies deal in celebrity faggotry. Idiots who give these nobodies power by obsessing over them. Sheep people no better than niggers.
picture taken at the wrong time obviously

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>free white person included White European Jew
What did they mean by this?

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Why did /pol/ forget this front so quickly?
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Bakhmut was interesting when commentators said it would actually break the lines and lead to the war ending. Turns out it was a nothing burger.

The war is a pointless meatgrinder used to kill whitey, and anyone saying otherwise is selling you something.
>white christian europeans kill other white christian europeans
>tribalist humans treat it like a sporting event
>the jew laughs
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not wrong. Of course it fizzled out right at the border.
Vatoids fucked up the second time there. They need some fresh cope material to spam the Internet with.
Yeah, this is actually the second "Battle of Kharkov" they've lost thus far in the war.

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Wow just wow, racism in current year.
Check your privilege, shitlord
I'm looking for ways to increase my racism. If you have any suggestions nigger.
>I'm looking for ways to increase my racism. If you have any suggestions nigger.
Race is a social construct, friendo!
Also, not my job to educate you!!!
It's skin looks like poo. The only construct here is poo
Surely this water main break isn't connected to fire season.

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It's literally Capitalism vs the Commies
America - mostly private-run economy
Europe - mostly private-run economy
Russia - mostly state-run economy
China - mostly state-run economy, it's even still run by the Communist-fucking-Party

How does one even begin to imply that both sides are even a little the same? That's as insane as claiming in the 60s or 70s that the USSR is the same as the USA. That's crazy commie whore Angela Davis tier, not normal based /pol/ tier. This is literally, ultimately a fight of fundamentals. Muh globohomo argument is as inane as it would've been in the 20s or 60s (nutters had exactly the same theories then)
Additional important fact - (((they))) WANT you to believe in all the craziest shit. This is how they pacify you.
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>China is the most based
They ought to bring the Chinese #MeToo movement to the West, have Beckies competing for attention over who got the longest prison sentence.
I don't care who is fighting against who but my opinion is that pooland shall be divided again and all pooles shall be germanized/russified. that's all
basically lol yeah but now we don't even get cool rock music
source on girl?

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Do these retards even realize that they are going to get fucking nuked?

Russia isn't going to nuke Ukraine, these are historical Russian lands that they want to develop. Neither will they nuke the West, because that would mean global nuclear apocalypse.

But Poland can be nuked for antagonizing Russia and nobody is going to do shit about it kek. I know Putin is tempted to do it. I would be tempted as well. Poland can only beg for money and protection, but contributed jackshit to European civilization. People will just shrug with their shoulders and unleash another sanction™ if they are turned into a crater.
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I'm tired of your shitty Eastern countries.

You are a piece of shit subhuman. Your country is a fucking irrelevant shithole.

Suck my big Spanish dick like your whore pasty women do.

Fucking subhumans. You, the poles and the Baltics. You can suck my dick. I would kill you right now with my bare hands.

I hate your language and your culture. I would fucking choke your entire family.

You MUST GET NUKED. Because you are fucking stupid.

Specially the fucking Poles. They lack common sense. I met many Poles. It's like they lack a screw in their brains. Like nervous asperger retards. Complete lack of common sense.

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You sounds like non-white retard or a woman, chill out or get out.
Poland won't probably survive to the end of current government cadence
>Russian lands that they want to develop
>14 himars (all destroyed))) means you are a superpower
gee didnt know it was that easy

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How are Albanians this brutal and savage? Those italian supporters did nothing to deserve this
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Redditors need to fucking leave this site fuck off now
Just a bit of banter
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Calm down dear, they didnt even stab anyone with the spaghetti.

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Look at this scene from Black Mirror.
Notice something?
Yeah, the White girl is clearly the "evil racist"
and the Pajeeta is "the underdog ethnic getting revenge"

This is PRO-PAJEET Jewish propaganda.
Flood the west with browns, protect the browns and call whites racist.
SAME tactic they used for Niggers.
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I say this with absolute sincerity, she looks like she smells like curry.
If I remember the episode correctly she got help by a demon. All you need to know :)
the guy who made that show is a curry slurper
Yes. The first coworker is 53, wears goldwatches and rings which he routinly pawns at the end of a month, no joke. The other one is a femal 28yo and has an affair with another 22 year old german dude from my workplace... they always say sri lanka is the best part of india and all indians should look up to them...
kek saved

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How do we get zoomers to vote Republican?
Give them free ponies
most zoomers are a lost cause
gen alpha though...
what are you, retarded?
suck more jewish dick
They hate Israel and thank god for it

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Billion dollar coke habit courtesy of western tax payers
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Note: record previously held by (((Žižek)))

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Lmao Nick is a HOMO

Look at how he sits
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Compare to Jake Shields Chad pose

Does Nick have balls the size of M&M's ?
The guy is an obvious faggot how is this news?
What porno is this?
>how is this news?
It's not.
We're in an information war.
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remember when Shields was just the guy who would corner the diaz bros and fight sometimes

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Jews cancel AFPAC
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Based jews cancelling the Mexican rally
They dont play by the rules
Pol is too pussy and astroturfed to do anything
Sounds like a preferable option to having to live a lifetime surrounded by Mexicans. If jesus forced me to live with brown people then sign me up for team Satan I’ll go to hell.
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Jake Shields is known to be THE most hung guy in hollywood, possibly one of the biggest in the world. his cock has been described as "like an evian bottle", with gargantual thickness that would rival shane diesel and shorty mac. im estimating his size to be at least 8.5" bone pressed, with OVER 7" of girth. he would have absolutely destroyed Nick Fuentes' boypussy.

they would have spent hours and hours on foreplay, getting himself lubricated enough just so he could take it. i can just imagine him begging for it, with Jake barely able to force it past the knob, and Fuentes moaning and squirming, demanding him to force it in deeper. He would have orgasm'd within seconds of taking the entire length, being filled and stretched right up to his prostate.. the orgasm would have been powerful, with his anal muscles clamping down on Jake's throbbing monstrosity, his whole body quivering in euphoria..

i bet he still masturbates to the memory of it
Damn when you use homosexual language to describe someone who was just shut down by jews for speaking peacefully against jews, it really makes me want to side with jews for some reason.

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It's never to late to say you're sorry and just let bygones be bygones.
And enjoy a cold, refreshing bud light.
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>It's never to late to say you're sorry and just let bygones be bygones.

I'm sorry Fag Light.

Sorry that I ever consumed your tranny piss.

Rest In Piss.
Do you only consume alcohol to get shitfaced? Also it doesn't taste bad, it just doesn't taste like much. It's like carbonated water with a hoppy aftertaste that gets you loose. I've tried probably 500 different beers and pisswater has its time and place.
Grupo Modelo
Parent - AB InBev

Parent - AB InBev
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Friendly reminder Trump’s son was defending Dylan the BUDLIGHT tranny
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daily reminder, by the way

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