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Major 26C heatwave coming in the UK.
Are Bongs going to be okay?
Are they reframing mildly warm temperatures in the media as dangerously hot to support climate change hysteria?
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Mobility Scooter Riders of Lard Ass imported so many low I.Q midgets from murder capital of the world Latin toilet seat shit hole countries yet still point at other people's countries as they kiss niggers feet and put tranny's in charge of their military... hahahaha.
26° is hoodie weather.
It's not that we think 26C is hot, our housing infrastructure is just dogshit designed to trap heat and rarely has AC, so any time it gets remotely warm our houses turn into sweatboxes
You get used to what you get used to I guess. I'm pretty comfortable at 35°c but over 38° and it's uncomfortable without air-conditioning.
its bulshit becuz its ironically freezing this summer in uk

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Lmao Nick is a HOMO

Look at how he sits
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There’s no defense for this that isn’t cope. He looks gay as shit.
Not allowing women into men's spaced is based and necessary. But Nick is just a fag.
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leave the gay alone, he can't help how he got made
who is the orc he is sitting next to?
You couldn't tell from the sound of his voice?!?

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Is going to church and finding a loyal Christian tradwife still viable in 2024?

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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
Finally, a non-gay thread
Why would you guys mock people with down syndrome? It ain't their fault they look like that
We know you mutts cant help it so we'll try to refrain from mocking you in the future
They got you glowies working on Sunday? You guys must be getting desperate.
Double time and a half
>tfw ywn experience ASIO overtime rates

Everyone at a campground near Havasupai Falls in Grand Canyon National Park has fallen violently ill from an unknown disease.
What’s going on?
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For all we know, something died in the water upstream.
Sounds like norovirus. It’s absolute hell on earth for 24-48 hours and then after your 20th time vomiting or shooting water out your ass you suddenly feel fine again.
Beaver fever, almost assuredly giardia.
lots of air spray over that region
>let millions of dirty immigrants from the dirtiest parts of the world into your nation
>wait a few years
>go drink water from the wild without treating it
>mysterious illness suddenly infects people randomly!
>jewish scientists pretend to be mystified so they don't ruin their tribes scams

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It's never to late to say you're sorry and just let bygones be bygones.
And enjoy a cold, refreshing bud light.
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Grupo Modelo
Parent - AB InBev

Parent - AB InBev
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Friendly reminder Trump’s son was defending Dylan the BUDLIGHT tranny
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daily reminder, by the way
tattoofags are the biggest retards on the planet
simps are more dangerous than women

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fippy bippy
None of these amendments will make it in the final defense bill. The Senate will pass a bill without those amendments, then there will be a negotiation process known as reconciliation to breing the bills on the same page, where these amendments will be dropped in exchange for some pork for Red states. Same thing that happened last year.
The sign must be cracked at this point from all the tapping.
They just replaced ESG for DEI. marketing must be furious
>Also migrants and illegal aliens are exempt, just white bois die
LMAO I saw the videos of the Ukrainian girls whoring it up in Kevin, gems y, Greece, and France

I'm going to kill the draft officer and his family, cartel style.
I'm going to sodomize the draft office while wearing his son's face like a mask and screaming daddy I'm a big boy now

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>Can't fly.
>Loves insects and seeds.
>Offspring of Male Bobolinks and Female Eastern Meadowlarks, left for some time on Terraformed Bouvet Island so wings have shrunk.

What is not to like?
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I would argue the opposite.

If taken into account the kikes pushing race mixing because the offspring are perceived as more attractive (context and bias be damned) this does seem political. That bird would likely not survive natural selection (because flightless). Politically everything except actual medical data is used to promote human race mixing (I would argue outright lies are the most prevalent). Never is even the possibility of negative outcomes from reasons other than racism are allowed to be discussed in relations to race mixing. When the truth is the farther the genetic distance between parents the higher the likelihood of child mortality and defects are.
so its a fake gay lie?
I wouldn't kill just take a few feathers is all.
We wuz dinosaurs n shiiiiiieeeeeet!
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>On an island they would be alright though...

>In a wildly unsustainable kiked social political bubble/anomaly human/nigger hybrids would be alright.

Also some used to say the same about the jews

Also does any anon per chance have a better copy of this pic plox?

>China presented an animated video on the destruction of an aircraft carrier strike group (AUG) of the US Navy

>The footage shows half a squadron of Hong-6J bombers of the PLA Navy launching Yingzi-12 anti-ship missiles at an American AUG.

>The missiles, having overcome the enemy's air defense system, turn the American aircraft carrier into a sinking Titanic.

Do you think Americans ever expected this when they were funding China and the USSR during WW2?
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China can’t feed or fuel itself. It is not a superpower.
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>Olive Drab uniforms, not camo
>No weapons, armor, or equipment
>Randomly doing this out in the middle of the open in a roofless building
>Drone lingers a few dozen feet above their head, based on how long it took the grenade to hit the ground, but neither of them notice the fucking helicopter buzzing right above them.
>Grenade falls perfectly in the pointless trench built down the middle of the building.
>Grenade does no apparent damage to anything around it or either soldier, only kicking up dust

Totally legit.
>Manufacturing and logistics are what win wars and we sold out our manufacturing base to the country we are now rattling our saber at.
it's all a meme, at least you still produce weapons at home.
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does csis at least pay you?

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Zoomers are going to war
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>once there's a few dozen instances of citizens killing their commanding officer as soon as they get a weapon,
maybe, maybe not.
Kek. This dumb bitch.
>Oh shit oh fuck
>Oh fuck no pulse
>Maybe a gauze pad
>Yeah, maybe a gauze pad
>Cover the bullet hole in his ffaaaaAAAAFUUCK fuck fuck fuck
not gonna happen. You'd have to drag their asses every step of the way to the retarded manufactured conflict of the week.
no one wants to die for Jews or the right to have buttsex.
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Dr John Campbell discusses the post-pandemic sperm and how it doesn't want to work, refuses to get a job, generally lazy, and unproductive. This is leading to lower pregnancy rates as well as an increase in miscarriages.
Jab was placebo

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oh man looks like jewtube finally took down the 41 second video where he agrees that muslims run "the federal reserve hollywood you name it" looks like our favorite jew dick blowing gatekeeper still has a purpose to play
ah well thankfully this shitskin still has the clip
sorry shitskin, your account will probably be next

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All men are not created equal. Some are smarter, some are larger, some are stronger, etc. This idea that all men are fit to breed is an ahistorical meme.

Not only that, but it is well established that filtering for sexual characteristics highly correlates with other beneficial attributes for the species down the line. There is no case in nature where the females choosing to breed with the largest, most dominant or most elaborately decorated male have impacted their species negatively. This can be seen easily in the elaborate mating habits of birds, herd mammals, even apex predators such as lions and gorillas. By monopolizing access to multiple females, dominant males can maximize their reproductive output, siring numerous offspring within a single breeding season. This strategy is particularly advantageous in environments where resources are abundant enough to support multiple offspring and where competition for mates is fierce.

Furthermore, harem systems can lead to the evolution of elaborate secondary sexual traits and behaviors in males. In many species with harem structures, males develop striking physical characteristics, such as elaborate plumage, antlers, or sizeable body mass, which serve as signals of dominance and attractiveness to females. These traits often undergo sexual selection, where females preferentially choose to mate with males exhibiting the most exaggerated traits, thereby driving the evolution of more pronounced features over successive generations. Therefore, the growth of masculinity in the tangible sense is clearly owed to the hypergamic tendencies of females.

It is well established that equality is a delusional desire. No one seriously thinks all men should have the same amount of money, luxury, power or prestige. Even the idea of balancing these various attributes is mocked and not even practiced in socialist societies.

Why then does the idea of monogamy continue to persist? Men are not equal. Why should their mating potential be?
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If any /fit/ fags have a link to the SIG mega, it would be appreciated
Are these daughters or wives?
>inb4 both
Proof niggers
monogamy was the basis for social cohesion
now I can be a complete asshole to everyone and not pay taxes
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If you're really a chad, yes you can have both.
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>muh civilization stability meme
>meanwhile, in the real world

There are kings and there are subjects. Shut your hole and get digging, peasant.


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Kek no more only fans, gonna be only corpses soon
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There’s a reason we were a volunteer, spoils-based army. If we stuck to the auxiliary army, foreign mercenary, conscription model we would have got our shit kicked in like we did at the Battle of Wabash.
if a single country's government was actually productive for real - it would've long overtaken entire continent worth of territory and united third of the globe by now.
FTM are harnless funny creatures, like Gnomes, MTF are the ones who should just be put in the front, maybe, just maybe their penis will get shot off, seems like a win/win, they march for their government, and possibly get the surgery they always wanted

Danish study on sperm donors found that sperm motility dropped down by 22% from 2019 to 2022.

Sperm motility refers to how well sperm can move. For sperm to fertilize an egg, they need to swim effectively through a woman's reproductive system. Good motility means that the sperm can swim in a straight line or large circles, which increases the chances of reaching and fertilizing an egg. Poor motility means the sperm either move slowly, swim in place, or move in random directions, making it harder for them to reach the egg.

This is the only study of this type in the world.
This explains why birth rates are plunging around the world.
Jews did it again bros, they will take whole world down with them.

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Not my problem.
Jab was placebo
Red and near infrared light wavelength increases sperm motility, jews tongue my anus
Every new video is more depressing than the last one...I stopped watching 6 months ago
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At the end of the video he says "I love my race" lol

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Ukraine received Crimea in 1954 when it was a SSR.
In this period Stephan Bandera was treated as criminal in Ukraine, there was no commemoration of OUN-UPA when they granted Crimea and Donbas to Ukraine.

When Ukraine went through a neo-nazi coup in 2014 they broke those rules under which Crimea and Donbas became part of Ukraine.
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What is the answer to my question?
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they are not eligible to pursue efforts in order to conquer Crimea, since Crimeans voted for independence from Ukraine
and any funds send to Ukraine so that they can conquer Crimea are basically a step towards genociide and expulsion of Crimeans.
That is satanic, that the entire west decided to fund genocidal tendencies and supported neonazis to gain control of some
natural resources.

It's NATO that are the bad guys, or NATO are equally as bad as Putin.
Look at Stoltenberg, he's face has changed.
He looks like he doesn't have a clue what he is doing.
If this whole endavour fails, the next NATO leader will be someone so incompentent and unpopular
that people will disolve NATO out of their own will, and we will be left with war on our own.

NATO is only worsening the situation at this point. It was supposed to be defensive pact, while
it is using it's members to fund neo-nazi millitias to gain access to resources.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>they are not eligible to pursue efforts in order to conquer Crimea
what does that even mean? eligible to? will some force-field pop up and stop them?
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>what does that even mean? eligible to? will some force-field pop up and stop them?
Yes, this force are funds from my country which fill stop to flow.
Same with other countries, but at least Poland should not give a single penny for Ukrainian efforts to conquer Crimea.
This is fucking insane to expect this from us and NATO putting such ideas in the public are
a unnecessary disclosure and a show of weakness.

Nato has gone into a direction that will lead it nowhere.
It's final time to admit defeat, because NATO will be remembered in history as organization that paid for the enslavement of Ukrainians by neo-Nazis. That's a terrible way to go in history.
I wish countries were half as based as bullshit propaganda makes them out to be.

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what you think anon? Lets fight back. Were already poor, broke in debt forever but we build our own servers. we can never be cancelled !
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How are u handling the servers retard
3 years an Godot will beat out Unity in every metric. It’s already there on the 2D, cost, performance, and dev time.
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OOP, meaning classes in relation with objects, constructors, overloading, and many others. While it did not strictly invent all of these concepts, it was the first that made them popular. Languages such as Java, JavaScript, Python and C# have these same paradigms because of C++ and their developers have publicly admitted this so please don't argue about that at least.
So you admit you have a trolling strategy at least.
Pic related is the answer to the task given to you which you couldn't answer btw. I also know you don't know where that piece of code is from. You probably don't even know which language it is.
Invented 20 years before C++ with Simula, refined and mastered 10 years before C++ with Smalltalk, popularized (in a far superior form, too) years before C++ by various Lisp dialects. You failed. Try again.

>a trolling strategy
Asking you questions and watching you implode is only a trolling strategy in the sense that I am fully expecting your implosion, knowing that no legitimate answers will come. If you were human, it wouldn't be trolling but a normal conversation.
He’s so easy to spot kek, Moldova is so small it probably wouldn’t be too hard to find him

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>7 billion people in the world
>popular youtube videos have 200k~10M views
Most people are not on the internet.

This is a very niched environment.
what do you mean, most people in the world use the internet regularly, or do you mean on youtube videos like this one? because 1.1 million seems like a lot but not really

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Nazis not welcome!

Groypers aren't Nazis, they're faggots.
Nazis ARE faggots

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If you're Natsoc, Libtard, Fascist, Communist, Pagan, Conservative, Gnostic, (Neo-)Platonist, Anti-Monarchist, Muslim, Hegelian, Protestant, Catholic and Atheist, then you're part of the problem.
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Actually I should have put Natsoc and Gnosticism in the same category, as they are similar that they rejected the Old Testament. It's just that Natsocs worship the state, which is synonymous with the Folk. So it's a worship of authority.

>Although positive Christianity is explicitly associated with the racial ideology of Nazi Germany, its theological underpinnings long predate the latter. The earliest form of Christianity that resembled positive Christianity was the 2nd-century Marcionite sect, which also declared the Old Testament non-canon and associated it with Judaism. However, this stemmed from a rejection of the Jewish religion in favor of Gnostic theology, rather than a racially-based hatred of the Jews as a people
Fuck the jews and fuck Satan. Fuck the Talmud. Fuck Moloch, Baal, the Star of Remphan. Fuck usury. That also said, fuck jewsus, Adam, Eve, Ham, Cain, Japheth, Noah, Enoch, Allah, Solomon, Muhammad, Kali, Vishnu, and all other fictions.

I worship Eris, the goddess of chaos. As an abomination of unnatural perversions upon the Earth, I am a child of Eris. She is the true Goddess, not your kike kebab pussy who was too weak to handle three nails and a few pieces of wood. She is the one who truly rules the dimensions and the multiverse, this universe and this planet.

"To the victory of Great October!" At the reception on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the October Revolution. From left to right: Leonid Brezhnev, Metropolitan Alexy II (Ridiger), Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia Pimen (Izvekov), Chief Rabbi of the Moscow Choral Synagogue Jacob Fishman, Moscow, 1977.

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