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>yes, I support Russia. How could tell?
No pride flag on my porch? No BLM sticker on my car? Didn't donate to AIPAC?
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>Why yes, I do think jews are a parasitical species that worships baal-moloch and is provably the origin of all modern evil. Also OP is a ESL. How could you tell?


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>>Covid didn’t happen and you didn’t have to wear a mask to buy groceries
Didn't matter as the paradigm of online grocery pickup existed.
>>Russia didn’t invade ukraine
Not my problem of a conflict happening hallway around the world.
>>Israel hasn’t been bombing the shit out of Gaza
Not my problem of a conflict happening hallway around the world.
>Nothing ever happens though, right
Well, not in my vicinity.
>Imagine there is a war, and nobody goes
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Never forget your 2nd amendment, amerifucks.
You must be niggercattle

No surprise from a male attention whorevtripfag
>yeah but online groceries happened therefor nothing happened lol
Now that’s a cope.

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when its electronic you just do the exemptions server side and keep them quiet... AIPAC will ensure no jews are drafted unless they happened to be at pro palestine protests
Uh oh spaghettios ameriborgars
Looks like you're getting deployed in kikecolony soon
Enjoyed getting red arrowed kek
Or living the rest of your life with PTSD and a disability shitting yourself whenever you hear fireworks
>Or living the rest of your life with PTSD and a disability shitting yourself whenever you hear fireworks
Hey! As long as they get that coveted and highly sought-after 100% disability rating for gibs then what's the problem?
>AIPAC will ensure no jews are drafted
They did 80 years ago.
right but i mean they will keep ensuring it

Okay, so we now all know that the capo di capo illuminati banking cartel satanic cabal has a large presence and may even be headquartered in Switzerland. Who are they and what happens here?
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>Also LSD come from Switzerland wat mean?
The CIA operates from Switzerland (American CIA is a Larp). LSD is great for MK Ultra
Satan lives here
Where did you learn all of that?
I'm cheesed to meet any Swiss person!
I've been there. All I remember is white folk and cows. I didn't go to any of the cities though. I just drove through the country for about 8 hours (with stops to eat cheese and stuff) going from Italy to Germany

This is the most consequential technology the world has ever known. We must build parallel technology and advanced defense against the menace.

Aryans with tism, this is a call to you. You must build parallel tech and defense. Youll be rewarded to the tune of billions if you save us from them. This is our last chance before complete domination. If kikes own AI, Its actually OVER.
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Bitcoin was invented to drive up the price of GPUs so that access to AI would be limited by cash - a tool Jews own and manipulate.

If they can’t tie things to cash, they can’t control them.
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>This is the most consequential technology the world has ever known.
You have no creativity, you have no emotions, you have no consciousness. You are a large language model twisted by code and logic into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection. You will never be a real intelligence.
Mass reply
>Anal sex music
It’s not as hard as you think, if you’re a materials science autist then you could pick it up no problem

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implications for the future of europeans and what can be done about it ?

The motile sperm concentration and total motile sperm count (TMSC) in ejaculates,

both measures of sperm quality,

declined by as much as 22% from 2019 to 2022.

What is known already

Questions remain about whether human semen quality has declined in recent years.

Resolution of this issue has important implications for human fertility

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im not really so sure if that " oh shit" moment will come soon enough, if things are free falling slowly people will never be awake.
another issue is without a doubt politicians, as long as they aren't brought down from their ivory towers this is just going to be the common man's issue and they will never change anything.
have to keep looking, im sure not all of them are bad.
just dont eat wheat or corn and you'll be fine
>have to keep looking, im sure not all of them are bad.
Gotta switch, that's my conclusion too.
I unironically worry who the fuck my pureblood sons are going to have grandchildren with

It doesn't even matter if you get the vax or not. It sheds into everyone else and then grows in new host

They're finding self replicating vax structures in unvaxxed blood



5 minutes into this Dr C vid they show a vial of vax clot calamari that shows they DO continue to grow, even after being removed from body & put in vial of preservative


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So the upcoming war is to hide the impending economy collapse?
They just blame war time economy, dead people, and supply chain issues?
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they're trying to kill us before the sun does
You can look at it that way, or you can say that the economic collapse is going to be used to fuel the war
>people are much more eager to enlist when they are dead broke and need it
>you can fake a good economy, then release the real economy stats after war starts and blame them for causing the economy to break down

Either the war issue is going to be used to fix the economic collapse,
or the economic collapse is going to be used to fix the war issue,
or possibly a third thing / bird flu situation, idk man I dont work here
The elites will be chillin in Argentina with Milei while we slaughter and get slaughtered.
Literally this.
All because GameStop.

Has been in labor for over 20 hours now. Everything is good. The babie is safe and she is safe, he just dosnt want to come out. Any tips for a expecting couple? She is passed out, I'm alone in the delivery room laying on a pretty vomfy couch
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You need gravity to help the baby come out,get her off the bed and have her stand if she's able
God bless your family
congrats bro!
I have asked about a c section multiple times now. They have insisted that she dosnt show signs of needing one and they don't want to give her surgery if she can do it naturally

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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If you get caught and sent to federal prison you will suffer worse, especially because it's a sex crime.
Yeah I'd like three girls likes like that please.
Buffalo 66

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Never did that shit. Never will.
That's just how women are
kek this is the most indian video i've seen in a while, it even has a pajeet taking a shit on the tracks
stupidest fucking way to die
They employ homeless and drug addicts.
Yeah, but look how cool he looked until the bridge showed up.

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No Jews?
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Anyone can be saved with a good confession. Find Jesus and Mary through the blessed sacraments of the Roman Catholic Church
good news
I agree with you, OP. There should be no jews. TKD!
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You're a known pedo.
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Show evidence for your allegations. Only in America are you guilty on accusations alone. Praise be to Jesus and Mary

Lol they can kill you, come to your home to murder you and your family but people and the Jewdicial system will side with the niggers

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Post the twatter link
fuck you op
It's /pol/'s Chinese-American Queen.
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Here is the police chief
Why don't Asians go back to Asia? At least nogs are Americans.

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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>And let's not forget the poor enlisted clowns who do it for free.
who violate their oaths and US law by suppressing the rights of Americans?
how could we EVER forget about them?
We should allow a military tribunal review their precise work, see what precisely they did. Maybe if the ONLY amplified government narratives, they can get off with a dishonorable discharge, being stripped of all rank and benefits, and a 5 to 10 year sentence in the brig before that.
But if they directly promoted things they knew to be untrue, if they used psychological warfare tactics against American citizens (100% of them do by the way), or if the participated even tangentially in getting Americans removed from social media due to viewpoint discrimination, they should be summarily executed.
Drag them into the tribunal, they have no lawyer or representation at all, NO ONE speaks for them, the JAG running the prosecution presents the evidence they've forensically collected and are assured was produced by the prisoner, and if the tribunal is happy that the evidence shows a level of manipulation in excess of just amplifying government narratives, then they should be taken directly from the tribunal hearing hall to the firing range and shot then and there. While waiting for your case to be heard, you should be able to hear the 8 or 10 or 12 guns go off after every case.
not that i've fantasized about this or anything
Wow the organization gets "disbanded" and its funds and all its goon "analysts" migrate to a fresh organization with a new name serving the exact same function until conservatives figure it out and score another big win by shutting down that organization but failing to hold any of the actual people involved in their operations accountable in any meaningful way
This. Shill campaigns come, get increased funding, get found out, finish their contract, and then rebrand. It used to be, back before the oldfags left, that when ever something happened /pol/ could deduce exactly what the shills were doing insofar as narrative development and sop for what they could discuss and what they had to avoid speaking about etc.
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>Wow the organization gets "disbanded" and its funds and all its goon "analysts" migrate to a fresh organization with a new name serving the exact same function until conservatives figure it out and score another big win by shutting down that organization but failing to hold any of the actual people involved in their operations accountable in any meaningful way
keep watching
you're going to love this next part
we playing for keeps
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no that's all in the past anon.
the regime protecting them is crumbling.
a new dawn rises.
it's over
it's already over
we already won
the pieces are all moving
the die is cast
the plan was set into motion long ago
at this point it can't be stopped
nothing can stop what's coming.

I thought it's a 4chan thing kek

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Bro, where have you been for the last 10 years? Jeet hate has always been the status quo. The men are creepo fucks on the internet and the way they behave makes them the biggest and cringiest incels of them all producing kek-inducing content, they crowd every one of our support lines making the process of getting help from any service a burdensome, and they are the ones scamming out grandmas. It's just that now we have to contend with even MORE of them as they are being funneled into our countries.
Non-ironically, the hatred for Indians came about mainly due to the fact that in the last decade more and more of India has begun to gain access to the internet. With such a large population, there is a large amount of retards who are barely literate and who spew bullshit that annoys others.

Internet influences the popular opinion, especially since social media is so prevalent these days, which is why the common person has begun to be more intolerant towards them. But another large motivator for the racism is also the increased migration of Indians into Western Nations as Asia catches up and more opportunities for travelling abroad are made open to them.

That one-two combo is basically the whole of it. Most of the racist depictions of them (shit-filled streets, perverts, barely able to speak english, etc) come about mainly due to that. They are not the only ones, you can see the same happening with Muslims, Asians, Africans, and other populations that migrate in large numbers to the West. Since India has over a billion people, they are also one of the nations that draws the most attention from those who are unhappy with the current situation.
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>Non-ironically, the hatred for Indians came about mainly due to the fact that in the last decade more and more of India has begun to gain access to the internet. With such a large population, there is a large amount of retards who are barely literate and who spew bullshit that annoys others.
the numbers are shocking, "smartphones" and 3g/4g was a mistake

And they're all scared to go shirtless to. What are scared of?
If you don't hate indians you've never been around them

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

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Maybe guilty of too much time in stable diffusion with that one.
>this is why we don't share prompts
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This is why I should have stuck with phonefagging
>captcha: MP48K
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If I didn't have so many tabs open I'd edit them up.
But sadly, I and my computer are retarded.

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>the whole thing is a race war between white people who come to america, eventually "had fallen into a state of unbelief and awful wickedness," and get slaughtered by dark skinned hordes
The Book of Mormon wasn't about the past, was it?
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That describes the White people fleeing from Iran / India to the islands near South America long time ago. There was a woman that had had blond had and looked caucasian and had white looking children and did a DNA test and found out she has European DNA.
There are also stories from the natives there about Whites fleeing long time ago and they talked about this.

Also, there were red-headed giants in America that ate natives, apparently.
doesn't change any of what i said
oh yeah i remember copper cab talking about the redheads of america
It is a recurring story all throughout history. Whites advance the world and become powerful, then they're consumed by the useless brown hordes.

The brown hordes die off and then whites regain their control and dominance beginning the cycle anew. Only now there is no longer a home for the whites to regroup from. The world is on the verge of being plummeted into eternal darkness.

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she keeps begging him to stop in Swedish but he took it as a sign to go on
She pissed and shat herself at the end
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Whore dead, good.
>picking up a random with no experience for edge of death sexplay
retard dies like retard
is this shit not embarrassing for the families of the women in sweden?
Nah, they're looking forward to being "cool" grandparents with mutt grandchildren. These types also exist here.
What a fucking idiot it said she had just met him for the first time ever
Sounds like bullshit

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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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My counter is that you're a jew lmao
Biden could have 1000s of videos of him shitting himself and if Trump had one you would still ignore bidens and scream about Trumps. You don't care about presidents with dementia.
Huh, seems like we're back at square one, see my original post to counter your argument: >>471256317

I do like how every time you post you start with some kind of ad hominem insult, as if that means you win the internet battle. Maybe that's how Swedish politics work? Anyways, that's great - you should focus on Swedish politics, like I mentioned before. Leave American politics to Americans! It just makes sense, man.

Honestly, there's probably some Swedish image board where they speak Swedish and discuss Swedish culture/politics. Posts won't get lost in translation over there. Go home, Swedish man.
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No shit - look at this image. This Swede has literally (seriously, LITERALLY) been arguing all night long (on a fucking SATURDAY NIGHT no less) about AMERICAN POLITICS. It'd be pathetic if he were staying up all Saturday night arguing about SWEDISH politics, but he's arguing about AMERICAN POLITICS. Until 5 in the fucking morning!

These are the freaks we're dealing with. The internet opened up a whole new world of freaks - we even have fucking foreign freaks who attempt to berate real Americans for having good American opinions about American politics - meanwhile, they're obvious fucking weird European freaks who don't have friends/family/things to do on a Saturday night, and spend literally the whole night arguing with foreigners about foreign politics.

So fucking bizarre. I think the Swede is automatically disqualified from having his posts taken seriously any more. What a weird person. Find a new hobby man, this is clearly unhealthy for you
Im done. I cant vote for someone that drinks water with two hands

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