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I like how quickly the other dude bailed. Not his fucking problem at all.
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was he wiggling with his stumps?
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like this?
The jews spent untold millions on getting white men riled up for WW3 with their coowadooty slop in the 2000s and 2010s, and now these drone vids expose what war is really like

The jews must be seething about this
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100% this. They're the best anti-war and anti-draft propaganda that has ever existed...because they show the reality of war from a bird's eye view.

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do you trust me?
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From how far can you spot a penny on the ground be honest here?
I trust him to spot one that's inside my pocket.
If you want people to trust you than why are you show people a demonic symbol?
Why would I?

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Me. I'm outside of a strike zone. I'm zipping up my house with plastic drop cloths to keep fallout dust from getting in. All windows, chimney, shitty basement nooks and crannies.

I plan on shitting in small plastic bags that line a bucket. Piss is going down the sinks.
Just not going to shower - bought cases of wipes for washing crotch pits ass.
Vitamin game will have to be strong. Rice and beans, green beans, canned potatoes canned meat. Powdered eggs...etc. Small solar panels in the windows charging lamps and batteries. Water is my water tank and what ever i can get into my Tub and stationary tubs and washer before the bombs hit.
small camp stove for cooking.

Air filtration will happen in my upstairs windows. Air exchange will be through a High Merv rated filter.

Sleeping in the basement on a Cot next to the small wood burner.

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/k/ is seething.
No, but they have the better birth rate. Maybe in the further future.
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This anon knows. South Korea has the lowest birth rate on earth and they’ve taken no measures to do anything about it. All North Korea has to do is wait 40 more years and they can walk across the border to capture everything.
Ever Seen Steel Rain? Something like that.

Post any clips that you have from his streams
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Twinkboy Kami, literally made for BBC.
Is that the gay Arab child rapist pedophile who had sex with and is supported by Nick Fuentes or the gay white pedophile child rapist who had sex with and is supported by Nick Fuentes or the gay Jewish child rapist pedophile who had sex with and is supported by Nick Fuentes? I keep getting them confused.
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Shut the fuck up, who cares?
That guy was a fag. There are literally vids and pics of him doing gay shit like sucking on dildos lol.

Jesus, you guys have no standards for e-celebs. You'll idolize anyone who says politically incorrect things, like this fucking homo or that mentally ill retard Terry Davis.

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It's never to late to say you're sorry and just let bygones be bygones.
And enjoy a cold, refreshing bud light.
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>people buy bud light or nothing at all
You’re not old enough to drink
Zoomers just know how to play the HR school entry bullshit game because they were born into it.

>boss asks me if I identify as LGBTQIAAMAP2SBIPOCZOGNATO+
>say “yeah”
>know he isn’t allowed to ask anything else
>know I never have to verify this with anyone, ever
>know I just made myself slightly safer from layoffs and easier to consider for promotion
>just support cultural degradation bro come on
I don't understand how people drink beer. I tried a hoppy beer once and it just tasted and smelled like fizzy grapefruit juice.
It wasn’t some cultural/political movement, it was just not wanting to hear “lmao where’s your dress, bro?” every time they drank a beer. Charlie Kirk and Kid Rock tried to act like they led this organized boycott. It was just cholos and frat boys not wanting women to think they were gay.

Yes society across the globe is rapidly declined into collapse
>So what do we actually do afterward? on a personal level?
or do we just larp as fallout characters?
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Her eyes don't match up. It's weird and difficult to watch.
>I only played Fallout 4
Once you have a good supply of clean drinking water and preserved food, you can barter with your community. Tell your neighbors you will trade them this jar of pickles for a box of ammunition or whatever. In this way you create a secure parallel economy that ignores the dying currency of the failing empire you live in. Everyone needs food and water and if you can provide those things, you have significant power. This is why the elite are destroying all of our farms and killing all of our animals because they intend to starve most people to death and then force the remainers to submit to tyranny in exchange for bread. But this is a gay idea and nobody wants that, so we should just grow our own food and barter with each other and start businesses with no paperwork that pay no taxes to any lame central authoritarian geezers in whatever faraway enclave for old jewish pedophile satanists they live in. Let those ghoulish cowards hide in their vaults and we'll just live in the woods growing potatoes. Fuck em.
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The next stage involves building community. We've lost a lot of our interconnectedness with our local communities and in a shitty doomed clown world it's a great opportunity to put down the sissy-hypno screens and focus on each other. The people who live around us, within a few miles. Those people are the ones you can rely on. So we need to do some community organizing and speak to each other and get more involved in each others lives. Nobody is an island. You need the help of others in order to thrive. So the next stage of your burgeoning new post apocalyptic breakaway civilization is all about networking locally and forming a sort of defense/trade pact, with everyone in your local region. We can literally create that solid in-group preference, that is lacking in our post-modern hellscape. It's easier than you think. Just stand face to face with your neighbor and tell them "we've been screwed by enemies and it's time we work together to unfuck ourselves and our communities." And then we can do one of those manly arm handshakes like gladiators give each other before a rebellion against Rome.
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Ummm..how did the cat have kittens?

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Stay French
Pay more taxes to fix the water pipe!
>Residents have been asked to cut their indoor water usage with measures like shorter showers and fewer toilet flushes while outdoor watering is banned.
They're being transmogrified into Indians.
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Why do TPTB tell us that we need to "lower our carbon footprint" whilst they engage in behaviour such as pic rel?
mate, the SOLVED crime by letting immigrants in. 6d chess really.

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Biden will win. Here is your pre-emptive L, chuds.
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This. No evidence for fraud, except from Trump. He tried to rig the election in his favor with fake electors and he is going to court for that, and will become a two time felon.
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it's joever bud
I'll be amazed if this old senile nigger makes it to election day with how bad his health is showing
why L ? if zion don loses, we all win
Chuds want Blompf

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because stasi betrayed communism and sell out to usa glowmasters
No. In Communist countries people attend youth camps which teach them to love their own community and people.
i wonder how many millions of americans are either directly or indirectly connected to the modern day Stasi organizations being run through:
-law enforcement,
- active duty and retired military and military organizations,
-secret societies,
-private security companies,
-defense contractors,
-energy companies,
-nonprofits along all parts of the political spectrum,
-various flavors of intelligence
-paramilitary orgs
-religious/spiritual organizations).
-government/military-linked corporations like amazon, google, facebook and microsoft (and their extensive corporate security and intelligence networks)

i would be very surprised if, all together, the modern day stasi equivalents (civilian-focused domestic intelligence networks) embedded within the organizations listed above were less than 1% of the american population or 3.3 million people across the country, all told
Say what you want but I envy the fact she spent her youth in Best Germany. No diversity, Prussian uniforms and a based illiberal regime. Looks like heaven to me.
And almost all of them are jewish and/or mentally ill:

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Give me ONE reason why you are not doing everything in your power to make babies and keep your people and civilisation alive RIGHT NOW. Housing and cost of living has been debunked, you have NO excuse.
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Yeah, they're "terrified" of single motherhood. That explains there are so many of them...
That's men's fault
I love boobs so much, bros
I don't.
>Give me ONE reason why you are not doing everything in your power to make babies and keep your people and civilisation alive RIGHT NOW.
But I have 2 chilluns, more to come

>climate change ain't re-

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Wow an ice cream melting in the sun totally unheard of
it's so hot that ice cream is melting in the summer
my friend in Amsterdam is complaining about the cold, too. 80 and sunny here in New York!
80 in jew york, you should be happy about that.

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Biden and Francis do Lemon Party
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>that double chin
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Must be some power transfer between Satan and his son.
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do you free him?
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I give him 'bling'
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Don't giv eup Tyrone, just 2 more weeks
Haven't seen this in a while.
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if the thread gets sent to /bant/, Tyrone is instantly deported to Ghana or some other african shithole.

not going to lie, the older i get, the more benjamin franklin makes sense
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this retard wanted to get rid of the woods so the earth appeared brighter to mars and venus???

No wonder Indians are taking over.

No shit, get used to it.
I'd kick his weak ass so easily
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flag absolutely checks out
>he wants to hire indians to shine his cannons
He’s actually quite a tangler, so probably not. Try Hamilton or Adams.

What are you doing with your son on Father's Day? Hopefully making a nice memory with him.
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Foolish. They should be out sweeping chimneys. They'll eventually murder you and supplant you as head of the clan anyway.
Balam a sakkitha
Idk what that means
Ammi banglai boleh?
>there are unironic fathers who use 4chan
I shudder at the thought
taking him to the grandparents for the triple generation combo and probably installing a new router after 3 beers

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What is wrong with humans? There is literally a garbage island just floating out in the ocean
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Yep and it actually literally turns us into faggots

>Most Plastic Products Release Estrogenic Chemicals

>Microplastics found in every human testicle in study
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>What is wrong with humans?
Nothing. The creatures doing that aren't "humans". Being "human" is a rare, retrograde atavistic trait and those who possess it are punished heavily by the creatures responsible for what's in your pic.
>What is wrong with humans?
white people didnt cause that
>white people didnt cause that
They did, though. They are solely and uniquely responsible for this.

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The USDA and American Health Officials deem it a “single serving.”
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Found the foid. And yes, would eat because fuck you, that's why, you Disney princess picky eater dead egger you.
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And the worst part is not even its size, but the fact that, besides that, it tastes bland as styrofoam.
My local deli makes a killer turkey and cheese sub. They use bread that's basically a loaf of french bread but not as long. I usually cut it in half and I'll eat a half a sandwich as a meal and then hours later I'll eat the other half of the sandwich. It's basically two meals not a single serving. And the sandwich in OP's picture is even bigger than that. I would have to cut that big boy into quarters. And I'm not even that fond of the oversized bread because eating becomes inconvenient and all the filling leaks out around the bread and it's just a mess. I really wouldn't go bigger than french bread proportions for good eatability.
how is it i know those peperonis weren't applied by a nigger?
that's a lie. also, the sandwhich may be big, but the lady is probably also really small

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Millions of third worlders were let in within 3 years. Utter economic collapse-Brexit. Cancer and heart disease and Muslims everywhere.
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You're such a furpilled foxmaxer
The boy in the shorts is so doing an impossible walk. Tried walking like that on my floor and nearly fell over.
The young Prince of Silly Walk.
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It’s called n AI image
It's quite literally a dead country.

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