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Millennials and zoomers are the most laziest pieces of shit this country has ever seen. These indolent little faggots would rather be communist than join our beloved corps.

I just got back from Afghanistan. The grocery store had 20 workers. TWENTY. A guy had to run across the store from the milk section as if he was under enemy fire to get to the lazy cashier to ring us up.

After that I went to the ice cream parlor, it was OPEN at 2pm on a blazing hot day. The reason? No army recruits.

Nobody wants to fucking volunteer. These kids have zero ambition. I guess this is the end of America.
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lol ok boomer,
now off to the nursing home
fuck that, and fuck you. i've been prepping for this since GW2 kicked off. i will hide and aide anyone seeking to evade fighting for zog. the subhumans, faggots and trannies go first or White people not at all.
fuck pisrael
low quality bait
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Go back to the fucking retirement community and die already, no one wants to fight for zog. You bring shame to the old snake meme. Kill yourself.
I dontvwant to go to ficking jaaaaaaiiiill argh

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Russia fought all of NATO and won
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Putin is proceding with great care to preserve Russian lives while wearing down the Ukrainian manpower. It's been working and Ukraine is teetering on the edge of collapse while Russia gets stronger every day.

And remember. China and Russia and Iran are behind the Houthis and the Houthis with modern tech have shut down the Suez Canal route and set US and French naval forces to flight. This is delivering immense economic damage to the western powers and there's nothing that NATO can do about it. And that theater is just beginning. Want some fun? really fuck with the Houthis and watch them knock out 95% of Saudi oil and gas production in short order. Imagine the catastrophe that will be to western economies.
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>The green-zone defenders held all of Iraq, m'kay guies!
It's so futile for you pro Banderist (financed by big jew criminals!) shills even bother anymore. Look at what you're up against in the information war

Col Macgregor
Scott Ritter
Judge Napolitano
Ray McGovern
and many many more, Men that are patriots of the United States, REAL patriots not just tapeworm Trotskyite Neocons like Bill Krystol and their litany of lies

They've been watching this war since 2014 Euromaidan coup and the genocide against ethnic Russians and everything they've said has been true while again and again, the idiots preaching the gospel of your little cocaine addicted twink fag Zenensky have been proven to be atrocious lies.

When are you going to wise up and live for the truth instead of feeding off your rotten lies?
>brownoid seethes with jealousy over 1st world countries
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>Russia fought all of NATO and won

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UK weather: 48-hour 26C heatwave to hit and five English cities will be the hottest
The UK is set to be hit by a 26C heatwave at the end of the month, as the cold weather finally gives way to some summer sun - with the Met Office predicting highs of 30C

Forecast maps for the UK indicate when the current cold spell could possibly end, promising a 48-hour blast of sun with temperatures reaching up to 26C. A heatwave is predicted to encase the UK at the month's end, as June finally warms up. The mercury, which currently lays low, is expected to at last climb towards the 30C mark by the end of June.

According to weather maps from WX Charts, utilising Met Desk data, the temperature will likely peak around 26C in certain intervals. Cities that will be the hottest include Birmingham, Cardiff, London, Manchester, and Newcastle. This warm spell is anticipated to sweep across Britain from June 26th to the 28th.

In their forecast from June 17 to June 26, the Met Office states: "At first, the weather across the UK is likely to continue to be a mixture of sunny spells and scattered showers, with some longer spells of rain also possible. Some showers are expected to be heavy and could be thundery at times. Temperatures will generally be around or a little below normal for mid-June, and it may well be breezy in places too. Through the weekend and into the following week, confidence in any particular weather pattern dominating becomes low. As such, the best forecast is for fairly typical June weather, with a mixture of weather types. This means some spells of drier, sunny weather but also some showers or longer spells of rain at times. Temperatures will most likely be close to or slightly below average."
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It's going to be nice out in england.
Hope you guys make it through...
It's winter here
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Ha sounds comfy for winter. Here in KC it's 88 degrees and 56% humidity. Feels bad. winter here sucks. What's the lowest temp you've ever had there?
>as well as the angle of the sun's rays.
ayyy lmao great bait post this
Ahh but the grass is always green! And it helps to truly appreciate those Sunny days

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I challenge you to a foot race.
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Homosexual leftist can stop thinking about dicks constantly or the fact he has a micro penis posts delusional penis obsession for whole world to see thinks it is Shakespeare level post with typical zero self awareness lefty smugness
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Thread is absolutely cursed
I bet you’d get off on that pedo
This has been true for thousands of years. Why should we feel any differently about it now

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Then you

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If you don’t feed the bear it will feed on you
your mind is broken. Seek help.
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Also do not give them spare change. They will shank you.
If you feed the bear, the bear will come back. Every single time.

What if one day you don't have any food to give him? What is le bear going to do? He has become accustomed to regular snacks from you, and now you aren't giving him anything.
This confuses and enrages the bear.


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This is literally what will happen if we don't fix Global Warming.
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Hardworking father set up his physically impaired son with enough money to live a comfortable life in Albuquerque, New Mexico
achsually even if all the plants died there would be enough oxygen for thousands of years
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>behold, the city of a leftist ‘green freak’ ‘treehugger’
co2 levels during dinosaur era: 2000ppm
co2 levels today: 400ppm

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Eventhough Sweden looks like a rich country, it must compared to USA to see it is not. If it was a US state it would be one of the 5 poorest states altough not absolutely the most poor.

Brutger Braapstroem said "GDP of Sweden is equal to lowest US states"

He however admits that this does not take into account how much an average person can afford food in where he lives. Because in Sweden everybody can afford food, plenty of it.

Swedens money, Kronor is very low value compared to USD. Also when compared to Euro.

>Sweden was Europes richest country in the year 1970, they have fallen.

>In 1980s Norway went past Sweden with oil.

>Norway was on the tier of Romania in year 1950 and Finland was richer than Norway.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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tits >>>>>>>>>>>>>> nigger-tier ass
>No tail 0/10
you are literally correct because it does not exist
> her flesh is flabby for what it is
she’s jacked now
Dude, can you kill yourself?

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I like how quickly the other dude bailed. Not his fucking problem at all.
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i'm not

draft won't work here, we aren't slavs who are programmed to die in trenches.
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>Dude get blown in half
Yeah, nothing can be done for Ivan blownupivich.
maybe the vatniggers should go back to Russia where they will be save and comfy.
I bet Putin and his henchmen are really comfy
God I hope people murder these faggots after the war. On both sides.
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you're just angry because he's having fun
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The most peacuful death that russians will experience if they decide to FUCK with NATO.

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Canada has gone full retard.
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You in Niagra Falls Ontario?
Nah I am walking around Union Station right now. Gonna leave soon before /pol/ doxxes me
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I have access to those CCTV cams. What colour is your top?
Wait, wouldn't the vagina be considered the front hole?
Ah who cares, it's all just a bunch of bullshit anyway.
My grandparents were from there, grand dad was a drug trafficker and a pimp, my uncle stole the family money and is traveling the world, great family I got.

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Zoomers are going to war
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What’s the least painful way to end the game irl
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Pro tip. All you have to do is refuse to go. They'll put you in jail, and try killing hundreds of you to pressure the others into going, but all you have to do is refuse to go. And it all collapses. The end. And it won't even be necessary because every side of the country fucking hates them and doesn't trust them and there's no popular social pressure, which is what actually enforces a blanket draft of a massive population. Just go limp bro. Better to die in America than in some Jew's gay war
Hawley is a fucking loser that sucks Zion dick. He's only in office because Missouri is mostly boomers
>They'll put you in jail, and try killing hundreds of you to pressure the others into going
nah, it won't get that far. once there's a few dozen instances of citizens killing their commanding officer as soon as they get a weapon, they'll stop the draft.
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>once there's a few dozen instances of citizens killing their commanding officer as soon as they get a weapon,
maybe, maybe not.

do you think the iPad kids are gonna be fucked up, or is this just another technological boogeyman akin to radio, tv, video games, etc?
the same proportion of kids will grow up retarded as they always have.

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Why are malls only dead in the USA, but very alive in the rest of the world? Inb4 online shopping we do that too
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>One mall in Michigan went so far as to dig a moat around the mall and then make none of the bridges over the moat strong enough for city buses to be able to cross over.

That's actually fucking based.
Walking through a mall requires a BMI of less than 50
That mall survives but the other big mall across town got turned into a magnet school. So once a mall for whites, shut down when the joggers invaded, and now a high school for whites.
>The school ranked 20th on US News & World Reports Gold Medal List. In 2011, the Loveless Academic Magnet High School, was ranked 23rd of 1900 high schools nationwide, by The Washington Post.
Amazing how well things can go when 90% of joggers are excluded.
Central Georgia checking in. Macon mall was cool during 90s. It became less safe as years past. I think that was one of the biggest issues. The anchore stores pulled out and it is pretty much done. I went to Warner robins mall a few years ago. I had a drink flung at me from a car driving by. There was no reason. It did miss me, but still. I don't really do malls anymore.
The U.S. is entirely built on ways for whites to exclude niggers from their places without seeming racist. Most famous example is that the urban planner Robert Moses designed highways with really low bridges over them so that city busses couldn’t bring niggers out to the suburbs

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>We only want whiteys to die.
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No pussy, no war. Those are the rules.
The Sign is Eternal.
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fippy bippy
None of these amendments will make it in the final defense bill. The Senate will pass a bill without those amendments, then there will be a negotiation process known as reconciliation to breing the bills on the same page, where these amendments will be dropped in exchange for some pork for Red states. Same thing that happened last year.

they beat ZOG
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first indochina war. google it
Explain how veitnam had anything to do with zog

Hint: the z is short for zionist
that's the joke
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‿ ʰᵉʰ⋅
you can never know for certain with frogs, maybe he's this retarded for real

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What is the current year plus meme? What is the current forced meme? What is current NPC update?

Please enlightend me.
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people will start talking about how much percentige the middle finger is to the left or right.
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not sure, what would anon say
Needs to go right more .
oh boy, here we go.
If you only knew what i just started.
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Do you know where you are?
this nigger's fuckin' great

i don't like his politics so much but he is a thorn in the side of the establishment

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Why doesn't the right not care as much about reading as the left does?
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because im here like batman
Not to mention that the manifesto and das kapital are the very defenition of doublespeech.

Lots of words with emotionally charged conotations that try to convey a version of reality that requires advanced brain gymnastics only possible for people who fail to make the most basic mental connection of ”if the grounds of the theory are incompatable with the observable reality of evolution (reproduction of oneself is the prerequisite of existing)”
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the early church fathers were literal kikes lmao. fucking origen got rekt so hard by pagans he cut off his own genitals. and honestly, i dont blame him. theres simply no coming back from watching someone collect a pile of jew and jew worshippers skulls, including your own father's, and watching them make a literal skull throne

you reading the early church fathers is like you injecting yourself with hrt straight into your soul you little bitch
Das rite. Stay home, jerk off and scramble your brain.
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i read the manifesto and it reads like it takes place in some alternate reality where jews dont exist. its textbook jewish literature. acts like we can all hold hands and sing coom ba ya while we skip around barefoot in a meadow because theres no one who wants to kill you, enslave and rape your kids in it

Everyone at a campground near Havasupai Falls in Grand Canyon National Park has fallen violently ill from an unknown disease.
What’s going on?
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100% this.
Up by Lake Havusapi? That's where the classic John Candy movie, The Great Outdoors, is set!

>he was considered comically fat in the '80s at this weight
For all we know, something died in the water upstream.
Sounds like norovirus. It’s absolute hell on earth for 24-48 hours and then after your 20th time vomiting or shooting water out your ass you suddenly feel fine again.
Beaver fever, almost assuredly giardia.

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What are the political implications of me wanting to plow this nigger? Will I doom muttmerica?
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Nasty fake tits are under her arms
None, Americans are already mutted anyway. Have fun.
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Less competition for my future children.
She looked promising until I opened the thumbnail. I still don't find black women attractive. I'm still open minded because that's the kind of guy I am.
Sex and politics have nothing to do with each other

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Fucking kikes came up with the biggest chutzpah ever. Just start a war, send natives to the meatgrinder, whine about muh labour shortages and no other choice but importing migrant workers, who are obviously exempt from mobilization.
Pogroms can't come fast enough.
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Seems like they would be next for conscription.
Like a trap.
that is illegal
for you xD
You hohols and moskals deserve it, you're pretty much the same people yet you hate each other more than anything and dream about kililng each other for nothing

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