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Was Nixon set up? Was it the CIA? Communists? Israel?
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Smelly smelly hippies, if you take a look at the global situation you can see Nixonian policies at work and the consequences were terrible, from genocides to disastrous economical choices
>>471254090 memeflag


look up James Walter McCord (CIA agent 'handler' of the burglars)

>'Postgate : How the Washington Post Betrayed Deep Throat' (2019) by John O'Connor
>'Dirty Tricks : Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA' (2018) by Shane O'Sullivan


>'The Yankee and Cowboy War' (1976) by Carl Oglesby
Nixon got wind of high level democrats using campaign funds for hookers and blow and wanted dirt on them to cinch an election he ended up winning in a landslide anyway. The documentaries never mentions the part about DNC headquarters being a glorified cathouse.
Nixon did it to himself. His people, in their zeal, committed crimes. And Nixon, thinking politically, covered it up.

That being said, IF the CIA had anything to do with it, here is my theory...
> they got word about the taping system inside the white house. Maybe one of the techs who installed it was a friend of the friends or something
> they attached a taps to the system, and started creating second copies
> they listened and transcribed, passed it up the chain.
> then they heard conversation 576-006


This three hour conversation is the origin of so much mystery and confusion surrounding Nixon. It was withheld from the original tape release, and was only released decades later; after Nixon's death and after the early historians had written their first histories. The conversation explains a lot of stuff, including...
> E Howard Hunt
> why nixon handled the pentagon papers the way he did
> why he attempted to gag the press on the story

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See >>471261499

Are you lads ready for the deadliest false flag in history?
Russia lurking off the US coast, along with rampant reporting on hypersonic missiles is the predictive programming.
Both are very likely just propaganda to begin with.
We are being prepped for a nuclear explosion in a coastal city.
It won't be anywhere actually important, it won't be anywhere with lots of Jews. But it will be noticeable, it will be remembered easily.
It will be Pearl harbor 2.0.
Tens of thousands will be murdered by the US/Israeli govts. It will be blamed on Russia.
Hundreds of thousands of zombies will flock to recruiting stations. Millions more will be drafted.
I can't say exactly when (maybe in two weeks, who knows) or where. But that's the play. That's what is going to happen next. It'll have to be a huge event, and well brother, can't get much bigger than a "sneaky" nuke.
It might even already be in place...
If any anons living on the coast have a handy nuke sniffer, might give ya something to do.
East coast anon here.

No noticeable activity except two [redacted] trucks on a transport truck headed [redacted], on [Redacted].
No outright green nigger activity either.
K, keep me posted.
>Tens of thousands will be murdered by the Russian govt. It will blame the US and Israel

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Arizona will become uninhabitable in 10 years due to the heat so if you own property then I'd advise you to sell now.
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>nah youre just a weak fa-ACK!
Literally desertification has a solution. It's quadruped herds, like the ones we stupidly removed when the Europeans got to North America.
I like you.
The entirety of Florida will be underwater if global warming continues, Arizona has it easy.
>muh sea level!
two more weeks

>China presented an animated video on the destruction of an aircraft carrier strike group (AUG) of the US Navy

>The footage shows half a squadron of Hong-6J bombers of the PLA Navy launching Yingzi-12 anti-ship missiles at an American AUG.

>The missiles, having overcome the enemy's air defense system, turn the American aircraft carrier into a sinking Titanic.

Do you think Americans ever expected this when they were funding China and the USSR during WW2?
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Yep. The gangsters at Mossad currently in charge still have their ruthlessness. That old ass nuclear arsenal run by great-great-great-great grandchildren goyim since the revolutionary and civil wars are what China and Russia have to worry about most.
They also assume none of the ships are firing back or launching interceptors.
>here is a magical scenario of a carrier with no fighters
comon people
Chink fantasy. I like how the bombers are completely unopposed and not intercepted by American fighters. I also liked the part where every single anti-missle misses. And then the Chink planes freely strafe the carrier with guns while the entire fleet just sits back and watches.
aww look we have a true believer. thank you for your cervix

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humiliation ritual
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he recovered surprisingly quickly
these memes make me like Biden more and more. What a chad
It's very possible that his infidelity drove his wife to drink and was directly responsible for the car crash.
kinda based..
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spiritual kikes if not literal

probably, the guy has brought disaster on everybody he's ever interacted with (an that includes the American public)

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>be white virgin incel
>Kidnap blonde college girl
>Keep her locked up in your house for years
>She gets Stockholm syndrome
>You fuck her and she's now in love with you

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They literally don't allow whites in the incel community. Because of JBW they won't allow you to identify as one and will get blocked or booted out from all their servers if you're white
I thought that seeing Pulp Fiction with the Pawn Shop scene, I think now everyone carries a mobile with them and cameras are in every city, it's relatively rare.

Back in the day it'd be dead easy to just pick off a random person.
That girl is stunning. Let me guess, she's being fucked by a dog, right ?
Pretty sure it still regularly happens to people. Especially hookers and homeless. In Canada, there are posters for hundreds of missing working girls. They are easy prey for serial killer and human traffickers.
I'm married and that's still my fantasy

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The original Masons were good it's wasn't until they got overtaken by jews that they turned bad.. without the jews overtake Masons would be good
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yup this is the same thread as the one earlier "unpopular /pol/ opinions" kys you are a glownigger

Unpopular opinion threads are common
No. You just don't want to hear the truth

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>leader of the free world
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This is a zigger cope thread. You know what to do
That's because all you've seenare webms on /pol/and they're seconds chosen from countless hours of footage, sometimes even edited, or outright fake.
Go watch any video with Biden in its entirely and you'll see that he's a great president.
Then try to watch trump if you can get through so much idiocy.
Biden is going to win the debate and then MIGAtards will cope with adding fart noises to the audio. Screenshot this post.
Will it be meth Biden or mask Biden?
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weekend at bernie's

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George strait concert in college station Texas
Only blacks I've seen are working the venue. Life's good in Texas boys.
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country music is gay
My sister is there, she’s the blonde one.
Nah that's a sniper. He's a cool sniper though. Just keeping an eye on things.
>George strait
More like George gay
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This fucking sun can set anytime now

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mass shootings are fake and gay
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iOy4pX-bmBg Here is your kike overlord you faggot nigger kiked glowies, i will bomb you
Gun Grabbers are back up to throttle thumping the tub. Give up your guns you just don't need em.
he cant keep getting away with it
god is fake and gay faggot

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whats their penalty for espionage?

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I love my parents but I hate Trump. I feel bad that they're supporting and putting in their hope into a guy that doesn't give a shit about them and is lying to them. If Trump actually becomes president all he's going to do is let Israel annex West Bank. And do another gun restriction like he did with bump stocks, and give illegals amnesty and call it a win, because he convinces he supporter that 500 feet of border wall is a good deal in exchange for amnesty. I have to come home every day and see a Trump sign in the yard, and an American flag. I hate America even more than I hate Trump.
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Kys problem solved
Yes yes, offer him a job a boeing guise. We’re gonna right this ship we ruined by cutting corners and installing frat boy business majors to run instead of engineers that built a beautiful symbol of American excellence and ruined it in a decade.

Don’t worry, we’ll blast socialism while needing hundreds of billions in corporate welfare because we used our rainy day bootstrap money on stock buybacks.
Making planes fall out of the sky great again.
God I can’t wait for faggot boomers to die off finally.
Take some comfort in going to hell thinking you saved the Republic by doing things like removing Jack Dorsey coz ebil to turn around and give Twatter to a guy who cosplays as the Champion of the Devil.
>Bye Jack the pedo
>give to literal satanist with plans to get the fallen ones off the planet to escape God’s judgement on a SpaceX ship.

>WWG1WGA even if that means literal hell.

Sad thing is Biden is not much better, they got us in a lose lose situation.
But at least Biden isn’t asking to be literally worshipped at his rallies. No joke.

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Sounds like you're a faggot then, and your parents are better off without you.
Yeah, aviation production's a little bit out of my wheel house. Everything else, take a drink.

i wanted to recommend to you all something. when thinking about women and their modern condition (i’m referring to the impact social media and dating apps has had on them), i’d like to ask you to not look at the statistics too closely; i’m not talking about statistics in itself, because it is a good tool to analyze the population and it does carry some truth in the end; but when dealing with women, i feel like you guys tend to have a specific posture when relating youself with the other gender and also when talking about it
my proposition is to completely give the benefit of the doubt to the point of placing yourself in a vulnerable position. i feel like that’s to only way to actually give love a chance. even after getting cheated many times, i believe you still have to blindly believe that maybe you encountered an exception, a rare case of a girl that isn’t part of the statistics
that would also make talking about women much more pleasant. even though there are so many cases of whores selling their bodies and girlfriends lying; if you actually give the girl you meet a chance to be the exception, you may get called naive or gullible, but just be sure that this is the ideal way to take relationships on and give love in itself a go
oh and never let yourself get friendzoned
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First time ? lol what a fucking faggot attempt.
Imagine being this new.
i haven’t thought yet about the financial side but it does add some dimension and severity to the whole deal
but obviously if it becomes a problem you’ll have a clear signal of an interested woman
lol how can you seriously date with some slut with 40+ body count
it's just public toilet
i forgot to change my to another wifi lmao
saved the thread THOUGH

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Why do you take Israel for granted?
>t. lifes been good to me so far guy

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Zoomers are going to war
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They can't take everyone if everyone resists the jews
Strength in numbers. It ended the vietnam war
This is a zigger cope thread. You know what to do
Wont happen.

It may have worked in the 60's because it was a small draft but america is no longer white.

Everyone is armed, Everyone is disorganized, Everyone is inept.

Also the chaos of the draft will definitely be taken advantage of by china
Good. The draft officers they use will be repelled quite easily. But we may have to be forced to go on the offensive. I'm saying to potentially bomb the draft offices if it comes down to it.

Because after the first few draft officers get shot or their skulls kicked in, they won't suddenly abandon their plan to exterminate White men.

They will go after your livelihood. They won't let you work your job or receive any form of benefits. They will say: "join or starve". Some self sufficient farmers may be alright, but the majority of men are not self sufficient. What will you do then, if they bar you from society?

What if your parents support you, will they bar your parents from working as well? I would not put it past them.

In this case, you may have to go on the offensive, or join up with the express intent of sabotaging from within. I know for sure that it will get ugly.
No, Private gonzales and Private laconcera are going to be the ones knocking in your white midwestern door at your parents house or your apartment.

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Do you even look at the garbage youre posting, deranged muttboy?
> Cho Jinwoo for RFA Korean
maybe, but ain't no american writes like that. that's a slav struggling to write the latin alphabet
When they have so many of them they don't need to be aimed precisely or have maximum destructive power.
Both Koreas are known for exceptional munitions of all kinds.
Sounds like they need more niggers

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Unrefined cottonseed oil can be toxic because it contains gossypol, a natural toxin that protects the cotton plant from insects and gives the oil its yellow color. In the 1950s, researchers discovered that using crude cottonseed oil for cooking in rural Chinese communes caused infertility in men and amenorrhea in women. Gossypol has been linked to infertility and liver damage, and can also cause toxicity in male and female reproduction. However, the refining process removes most of the gossypol, leaving a safe level of 1–5 parts per million (ppm) in the final product.
that's what they use as an excuse
the real reason is jews want to defy death by ultimately growing and farming clones of themselves to live forever
coupled with some neuralink abomination they will finally have a sustainable cloning system
meat factories for the new bodies and neuralink to transfer their consciousness
kikes already own everything in the world except their escape plan from the ultimate consequence in the afterlife
>inb4 most jews atheists
no they're not
they're just denying shit to remove any sort of obligation or responsibility
first they change their scripture to violate their sabbath
now they go all out denying everything that gives them the slightest discomfort
The stuff that used to be safe was making people extremely sick.
Don't be the beta tester for THEIR problems.
Nice. Feed it to all service members in DC.
This. Fuck the rich.

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Just saw a Jew in a yarmukle and hebrew shirt standing on a busy street corner with a sign that said
>Today is the day of salvation there will be no tomorrow
What do they know?
I had a bunch of Jewish kids wearing camo colored kippahs visit my business. Their mom had a shirt on that said “support the IDF” on it
Didn’t know what to make of that
America paid for a holocaust and services were not rend ... ACK.
Kikes know nothing. Jesus is the only salvation and they reject Him by being Jewish instead of Christian

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Hypothetically, because legally speaking we don’t have a draft therefore press gangs don’t exist and so discussions on hypothetical scenarios relating to non exiting individuals with no actual timeline thus not violating any American laws relating to speech or threats, would you prevent yourself or others from being forced into a war you do not agree with fighting in Minecraft?
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Hey are you a tough white man who hates criminals, niggers and spics?
Want to get paid to subjugate minorities?


Sign up to be a prison guard today. It's the one job they can't outsource.
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i left high school already im not going to waste my time babysitting grown men
imagine when they bring in pajeet prison guards lmao
Doesn't work in Canada.

Attorney general appoints provincial judges.

Lieutenant governor chooses the attorney general.

Prime minister chooses the lieutenant governor.

For supreme court judges, they are chosen by the governor general.

The governor general is chosen by the prime minister.

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