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hideous jew loving freak
Malaysians dgaf
They’re Muslim sure, but they care more about money
If he was in, say, Brunei. It would be different
Ugly fuck, did him a favor by putting him down.
Fuck Israel, fuck Palestine, fuck everyone but the righteous racists whited22ras.
you got my hopes up
This was a hoax months ago. It's a hoax now. However now is the time to ask why the glowie lgbtq niggers continue to push this hoax. No one gives a fuck about that swarthy abomination

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Holy shit, It's Femchud!
Built for her 3 cats to eat her face before the neighbours call the cops cuz of a weird smell...
Gertrude Cobblepot
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The original one was cute too (if she was real and an actual woman).

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Not shitting you, right now.
Get ready, feel the hyperpoooing.
This is it, the most anticipated indian thread on /pol/, the le ebim shitposter board for unironical shitposting about current events in the political landscape. Are you even ready to get your brain melted by macrons fuckery in the eu? Do you still watch epstein best of videos? What are you doing, get the fuck on Q breads and C.I.A's newest creation UKRAINE.

Get in here!
>Please wait a while before making a thread
>wait 300 seconds
INB4 sourcer

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You are also welcomed to deeply interpretated your ID.
I got derailed by common windows problems on my computer. I am back now.
I got a timespirit attached to me. I also saw once an grey alien carved into the surface of a planet which i forgot the name of.

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A lot of anons here do not believe that the Holocaust happened. Obviously many of the claims about the Holocaust are now known to have been exaggerations, lies or simply improbable (masturbation machines, bear and eagle torture rooms, magic shotgun holes, human soap, lampshades of skin). But as to the commonly accepted narrative of the Holocaust (the 6 million, gas chambers, etc), how many Jews actually believe in this and how many are simply perpetuting the myth because it benefits them?

I get the impression that many higher ups and historians probably don't actually believe the Holocaust happened outside of the general consensus that the Jews were persecuted, but that they keep up the facade for financial reasons, because they dislike Eurocentricism, because they want Jews to be reactionary and collectivist or they don't want to lose their job.

Assuming that the Holocaust did not happen, and assuming that the vast majority of Jews lower on the totem pole believe everything they have ever been told about it, they have essentially psychologically tormented and paralyzed many of their own people with fear and distrust for others. A lot of us think about the idea that the Jews don't actually believe the stories, but I would wager that the vast majority of them do and are literally terrified by the lies or exaggerations of their own people. This is essentially psychological warfare against their own kind for a "larger purpose".

TL:DR - Do the vast majority Jews actually believe the Holocaust happened as it is told to everyone else?
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This one. I cannot tell you how many Jews I meet who simply want to jettison their Jewishness and simply disappear amongst the nations. For these people, Hitler and the Natsoc definitions of Jewishness is the only thing that defines them as Jews. They don't like it. There is a fairly large body of literature on Jews who had actually converted to Christianity, possibly even a few generations back, and who where reclassified as Jewish according to the Nazis. Edith Stein the Catholic Nun, defined racially as Jewish. The psychological implications are pretty complicated.
Also this. I'm Jewish, I believe the Holocaust happened, but dealing with it is incredibly difficult. Reading Holocaust literature freaks me out, it is traumatic to even deal with it. No Jew I have met has actually worked through the trauma of the Holocaust. I could sit here all day and talk about the lack of processing (affect processing, or trauma processing) that Jews and Holocaust survivors go on with. Also this entire idea of using Holocaust education to pump unprocessed trauma into a bunch of random Goyim doesn't really help anyone. Also, Whites are the only ones who are going to care about it. Blacks and Browns couldn't care less, they aren't geared that way. I could sit here all day talking about how Jews simply do not deal with the Holocaust. There was one Synagogue I went to for a long time, and the emotional reality and horror of the Holocaust we denied/repressed/dissociated by using "Zionism !" as a psychological defense mechanism. Almost every one there was a descendant of Holocaust survivors, but they could use "Zionism !" as a way to block out the horror and trauma of the Holocaust. There was a big price to pay for this, but no one could address the elephant in the living room. It's like those people who have some really horrifying experience, and then emotionally "it never happened", and they try and move on, but it never works, and the emotional trauma percolates and manifests in almost every aspect of their lives but "it never happened" emotionally speaking is their way of never approaching the difficult emotions. This is another form of Holocaust denial. Not in the absolute sense of saying "it never happened", but emotionally they are saying that. There are severe consequences to this, but these consequences are simply not seen.
>the eye witness testimonies

fucking lel
>muh shitty Sopranos maymay
With the same logic, there is no such ting as prisons. Because all prisoners can't fit into the guard's locker rooms, cantina etc.
They certainly believe in it. Whether or not they know what actually happened is another story and likely one you will never get an honest answer about.

They need the holocaust to be real and not just in their minds, but especially in ours.

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Z sisters, how do we cope?
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p.s. which got hit by Russians btw
The Russia war can continue as long as it wants to imho...
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Yeah but it looks like someone needs to stay in control man.

Canada must be easy mode, being around America, you have life on protectedmode.
direct hit on the first car
total zigger death
Unironically, firing S-400's and other interceptors is way more expensive than sending some retarded alcoholic construction worker to lay some concrete, and the SAM platforms might become target themselves, making it even more expensive. Russians in general don't care and can't care about some bridge being hit.

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Once again, there is 0 reason to associate with women in the west
imagine spending the amount of money to spent on women shit including goon-shit into hobbies(that isn't gooning), video games or booze
>time waster
Imagine spending all the time you spend with women/getting women/working for women when life is passing by
>Having a family is S-tier levels of retarded in the west
The system is designed to fuck you over, no amount of self-punishment about your one shot of existence should be waisted on "durp ama own the brownies"
>There is a plethora of issues with women
The juice is not worst the squeeze, wait and get a better price

>Go live your life for 1 week, ignoring all things sexual
Before you simpishly react
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I stopped talking about sex so much and 'wooding' everyone because someone told me a big lie (one of the hundreds).
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look faggot

kill yourself or go post on furry twitter or something stop shitting up up /pol/

your ancestors and god think you're a faggot
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I'm just gonna sit this one out until you guys are done running around the room.

All the things you see in western cultural entertainment where everything is sarcastic like in marvel movies and not taken seriously is the logical way to view things when you accept certain premises. Western culture has a set of premises. These being atheism and evolution are true and free will and consciousness are illusions and love is just a chemical reaction. This being sincere about things like nobility love or courage are cringe. Because respecting those things with sincerity when done by humans is no different than thinking taking two ai npcs in a video game and having a sincere reaction to how those npcs react to each other. The only way to oppose the millennial sarcastic nihilistic culture is to deny evolution and believe in free will.

For anyone who agrees with this above premises but also detests the millennial culture of nihilism and sarcasm, they simply can’t see the logical conclusion. Which is normal because creators are generally smarter than consumers. It takes either a lot of low levels of thoughtfulness or mental gymnastics to be right wing and also believe in evolution and deny free will. Concepts such as nobility and courage are meaningless under such premises.
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>The only way to oppose the millennial sarcastic nihilistic culture is to deny evolution
you're retarded
That's so retarded. I don't know how anybody can ascribe to the belief in no free will. What are you a robot? An NPC? Of course you have free will. You can do anything to anyone at anytime anywhere. Anything is possible. There are infinite options and all you have to do is choose them. I'm going to choose. I am the decider. I am player number 1. The universe exists for me so that I may observe it and face it's challenges so that my spirit may grow so I can decide. Everything in existence exists for the purpose of my decision. Everything hinges on my choice. Free will is mine. The choice is mine. I control reality by my action and choice. Reality bends to MY will.
>Evolution is irrefutable proof of God.
Evolution is satanic and meant to make humans believe they are not valuable
Millennials had their brains removed in early childhood and replaced with nothing but consumer culture and pop culture trash. Our brains are literally filled to the brim with Jewish goyslop to the point we have no room for authentic or sincere thought. It isn't until you actually full conceptualize this that you can start developing your mind properly and reverse the mind fucking you got for your whole life.

Most don't get to that point though. Remember that when you're interacting with some smug millennial in his 30s working the walmart tech section. He's literally a brainless homunculi through no direct fault of his own. I dont know how it is for zoomers though, probably a similar story just more nigger worship than we got
no one has ever liked millennials except for other millennials and i think half of them are lying, too.

if you shit on, disregard, and push off their "contributions" you'll win many followers.

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I've noticed older porn is harder to find, also most porn searchers used to be somewhat decent, now they are utterly shit. I blame AI but what would be the reason AI randomly started fuck porn searches?
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2008-2012 was the best era. It was that perfect Goldilocks zone where HD was starting to take off, but at the same time the porn stars were still white.
tube sites got purged because it was full of cp
Yeah I used to be able to sort by multiple tags but now tou can only search with one tag. And videos don't seem to be longer than 20 minutes. I'm speaking from the free videos on the free websites but back like 15 years ago I remember watching full movies!
What an excuse leaf
keywords: vintage, retro, historic

go nuts

The picture that ruined Trump's presidency
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perfectly sums up trump
What made her think it was acceptable to be on her knees on a White House couch? I get that she is use to being on her knee around a crowd of black men but damn
Pretty cringe that an adult woman her age sat like that
You mean he was really planning to build that wall until someone took that picture and it put him off it?

>yougov poll for general election in July
>labour 37%
>Reform UK 19%
>Conservatives 18%
>libdem 14%
Who the FUCK is still voting Conservative? I get going libdem or even greens but who seriously looks at the last 14 years and go "Ummmmm reform would be worse actually!!!"
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Reform UK could and SHOULD be a centrist, populist party ready to lead a return to sensible government after decades of neolib dystopia
Instead they are pitching themselves as a far right party, because their leaders are Thatcherite fanboys whose politics havent changed since the eighties.
Its fucked, but this basically means they will always be a fringe party stuck appealing to rich, South of England pensioners.
Thatcher got it right, but she didn't nuke regulations to development
>south of England pensioners
Anon, they're all retarded Boomers who will vote Labour or libdem to prove they're not racist (wouldn't wanna live around the blicks tho)
Damn I love bri’ish slags
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0/10 no tail.

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there is still rape
How is he not dead? All it takes is one heroic ukie to do the job. Just fucking kill him.
>China is the reason Russia has 10 times as many drones as Ukraine - UAV crew commander


Russia has 10x the amount of drones that Ukraine has. Ukraine refuses to release casualty numbers, they still claim that only 31,000 Ukrainians have died since the start of the invasion.
Good thing Ukraine started with like 20 million men eh? To the last piggie OINK OINK!
>Good thing Ukraine started with like 20 million men eh?
That's including Crimea, LND and DNR, btw.

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>At 70 tons, the Namer is massive. There are some, but not many, tank types that slightly outweigh the Namer: the latest American M-1A2, for example. But a tank’s turret and main gun account for at least a third of its weight; the Namer has a remotely-operated machine gun that weighs less than two tons.

>No, all that weight comes from the APC’s protection. Layers and layers of ceramic, steel and nickel underneath bricks of explosive reactive armor.
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Anti-tank rifles made tanks obsolete until engines which could move more than 2cm of armour could be developed.
HEAT warheads made tanks obsolete until armour which was better than cast steel could be developed.
Mass-produced drones have made tanks obsolete until an APS which can pew-pew drones with high reliability can be developed. Probably lasers.
The hamas RPG has two charges. Supposedly pretty powerful against tanks
>Disable treads
>Giant box now can't move

Now just add heat.
Take a good look at the little yid goblins in your pic. No amount of tech is going to make creatures like that into warriors.
>Strongest armor in the world
They need safest armor to protect themselves just like they need diapers to protect their botched genitals

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Goldmine company named Edomines (they mine gold only) found huge cache just now, it is 10 kilometers away from Russia but that means it's in Finland.


CEO Goldberg said they found biggest cache in South East Finland yet.

They drilled onto the rock in the premises.
Pulled out drill shows there is 1.57 grams of gold per tonne of rock. On average. The area is 33 meters accross.

Also it varies: at some depths there was 8.8 grams of gold (drill goes downwards, not sideways). They wouldn't say how deep it is sensible to go.
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Gold is for high quality stuff
what was the correct answer
gold nanoparticles can catalyze the Sonogashira cross-coupling between iodobenzene and phenylacetylene
>gold totally useless to mankind
>because you can't make plate armor out of it
lol, lmao

>Lab made virus developed and tested on homeless people
>Part of a bigger plan to save the climate by killing off most of the population

How did he know
Rainbow six is based off the South African flag where a bunch of people mix into mutts
>The novel debuted at number one on The New York Times Best Seller list.[in 1998] It received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the action scenes and suspense but criticized the writing of some characters and its unrealistic plot.
>unrealistic plot
That hasn't aged well.
A lot of these writers have connections with CIA globalists and even if they just do good research, all of the globalists books, white papers, talks are out there.
Critics = CIA

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The bane of moskals.
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the worst people you've ever seen
Nice bulking on the masturbation muscle bro
>walter reed
>attempting to negotiate peace through back channels
>muh speshul operation killed russian commandos
how can anyone believe this, just look at the guy.

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americans, are you lives improving?
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That depends on which (((Americans))) you're asking.
Yea because I am a neet who doesn’t smoke, doesn’t gamble, doesn’t drink, doesn’t steal, medically exempt from Military service after I tried to enlist on my own in 2022 lol, and I workout. If I can find some bullshit job I’ll bet set I’ll just rent some shitbox in the exurbs of CLE for $900 a month and put money into CD accounts.
Trump voters are unironically the White middle class retard as a group lol. They would also say their lives are getting worse not better
>Muh Trump
Subhuman this orange nigger hasn’t even been president for 4 years and covid doesn’t count because we all enjoyed it don’t lie

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Pay more taxes to fix the water pipe!
>Residents have been asked to cut their indoor water usage with measures like shorter showers and fewer toilet flushes while outdoor watering is banned.
They're being transmogrified into Indians.
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my gaydar has 100% accuracy. he's a fag
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my gaydar does also and nick's a flaming barely closeted homo. honestly it's fucking baffling zoomers can't see it, but then again like 1/3 zoomers is also gay and 50-60% are the most feminine men on the planet. so girly you are literally surprised they aren't homos
He's an incel.
You're the one obsessing over him 24/7, why do leftist troons want to suck altright dick so much?
>waves his finger when he talks as if he's trump
there's no reason to ever argue with destiny because he's a cuckold
even speaking to him just makes you look bad
there's no reason to ever argue with him because the sole fact he's an open cuckold instantly invalidates any point he'd ever make, he's in constant state of being btfo just by staying alive

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Do these retards even realize that they are going to get fucking nuked?

Russia isn't going to nuke Ukraine, these are historical Russian lands that they want to develop. Neither will they nuke the West, because that would mean global nuclear apocalypse.

But Poland can be nuked for antagonizing Russia and nobody is going to do shit about it kek. I know Putin is tempted to do it. I would be tempted as well. Poland can only beg for money and protection, but contributed jackshit to European civilization. People will just shrug with their shoulders and unleash another sanction™ if they are turned into a crater.
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They are fighting against the entire world and still winning. How many billions did Ukraine already receive? 500? Has it surpassed a trillion already? Russia is literally de-industrializing the entire fucking West. Our economy is in the gutters and will only get worse.

Russia saw that the West is weak due to immigration and internal divisions and capitalized on it. Good for them. You will still soon not exist anymore Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz.
And just like the kikes you blame everyone else for it. Bunch of uppity subhumans
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>Why do you assume we'd rather let Russia have it than let it all burn?
Is it really worth being obliterated because the Ukraine needs to be in NATO?
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>we have biological weapons more deadly than nukes, russia does too
Russia have far less niggers than the USA and their Europoor vassals.
Russian nukes will drop sooner than you become a real woman (which is never), just fyi.

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No, but they have the better birth rate. Maybe in the further future.
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This anon knows. South Korea has the lowest birth rate on earth and they’ve taken no measures to do anything about it. All North Korea has to do is wait 40 more years and they can walk across the border to capture everything.
Ever Seen Steel Rain? Something like that.
>we didn't see a single shell, but if there had been any shells, they could be up to five million
Grade A military intelligence right there.

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