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Is this a common sight in America?
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You could make a fat Walmart lady-type beat
Imagine putting your face between her rear meat pincers hahahaha
That's a costco and a fat tranny wearing a prosthetic
When she poos it must be some adventure
this is an evolutionary trait to survive mass shootings

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99% of WFH jobs will be obsolete in less than two years. what will smug starbucks drinking nerds do?
probably get another job -- IF that is the case. is that really so bad? lmao
>99% of WFH jobs will be obsolete in less than two years

>b-but ai will do all programming jobs!!

no. please just stop nigger.

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Why is the West allowing a terrorist war criminal like Putin to blackmail the world with the threat of nuclear war?
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They’re literally all war criminals. Imagine idolizing a politician in this day and age like some redditor
It won't end well for the commies.
They're striking while the west is run by pussies.
Biden is the weakest president in the history of the USA. Now's their window before Trump blocks their path.

Same EU memeflag who posts the daily anti Russian threads and gore videos, always shows up in anti Russian threads. Give it up Mossad.
>muh russia
Get fucked, filthy shitlib heeb invader.
Also show flag.
I don't own a home or a mean of income generation so its not my problem. The oligarchs of the west can go fight to conserve their market shares and taxes or try to get russia's/china's. Im not getting anything out of this war.

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Ban lonely white men
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>schools, malls, and water parks
Seems like (as with Sandy Hook etc.) they are going for the maxxsympathy publicity angle for the legislation to be 'unanimously' voted Yes

also, with such innocent life present in these venues it increases the general Fear Factor climate overall
>be afraid
>be very afraid
>at school, at the park, at yo church
et cetera
>still no actual description, or even a photo
>AR-style rifle
yeah this fucking reeks of an agenda
‘Street shitting menace’ is poetry
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You were warned!
The fact they smeared the rifle picture all over the media when it wasn't even the firearm used in the crime,
and are continuing to withhold perp's own identity does smack of agenda

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If Q is boiled down to “people wont believe how bad things were about to get just by being told, they have to be shown” what is happening these last few years seems like a fairly perfect example of what you would expect to happen.

> a big scary virus that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary draft that doesnt actually kill you
> a big scary war that doesnt actually kill you
> big scary price hikes that dont actually kill you
> big scary trannies that dont actually kill you
> big scary nukes that dont actually kill you

Its like a haunted house ride at this point. But if this is whats happening, is actually going to work when the whole thing seems so fake and gay? Do people crying about a draft really think that theyre about to be drafted? Maybe you feel some sense of fear around these concepts but are you experiencing true fear of any of it?

Are you confident enough youll be drafted for example that you would pledge to donate $1000 to charity if it doesnt come to pass? If not, how seriously do you really believe it?
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has what it takes*
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>Drain muh Swamp
>refuses to release the scheduled JFK total declassification, delaying it-- this is in the first months of his presidency

Qoomers fell for strategic deception that worked so well against The Whites, then Lenin's 'New Economic Policy' of 'state capitalism', then Agent Kissinger's build of of Red China - as if there was any substantive daylight between Moscow and Beijing.

'They' aren't globalists or *just* The Jews-- it's fucking communists and the same old active measures-- one doesn't build up the infrastructure and networks over a century and just lay down your tools after the poorly stage managed invasion of West Germany by the DDR.
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>Its like a haunted house ride at this point.
Good simile.
Haunted house rides, roller coasters, and other "amusement park" experiences were the basis of, and were based on, tons of research on the psychology and physiology of excitement and fear reactions.
Same with casinos.
Same with boot camp.
Same with the Ed Biz (which is where the "MKULTRA" type research originated).
Same with media.

These are realms where you have been studied, engineered, poked, prodded, and squeezed through the various Fun Factory extruders of those who want you to be in a shape/configuration more to their liking/benefit.
To some degree, all culture/social interaction does this. But the automation of the "human" "sciences" (I include drugging people in that) amped and ramped up the processes...and opened new fronts of war.

For there is a war on.
The prize is your mind, body, and soul.
It's not just about shekels. Currency can be fiat. It can be made of anything--knotted strings or notched sticks.

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>If not, how seriously do you really believe it?

It's not going to happen. Oh don't get me wrong, they will try. But I'm not worried because I know what they are generally doing and why they are failing. It isn't even that "they plan to lose" ww3. They couldn't win even if winning was their actual goal, or get what they want.

Look, yes, suckers are going to die obviously. The left for instance are too far gone and won't listen to us evil nazi, bigot, misogynist, etc etc.; and the right trusts the kikes into defeat after defeat.

However, the US lost the ability to actually fight some time ago, because their biggest currency was the peoples trust in their leadership and our logistics born from free markets. And Russia and China have enough time and preparation to not be intimated by the west anymore. Russia doesn't need to invade, and China doesn't need to provoke the armed population if they invade. The western leaders won't get what it wants, nor have it's goals achieved.

We are just going to not budge because they are jews, and they will have to rely on the mudblood covidiots again. Eventually, nothing will happen, and they are going to be ass mad with no fucking clue how to unfuck themselves.
just trust THE PLAN© goyim, do nothing and TRUST THE PLAN®
more details SOON™...

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Does anyone in here make art, music, etc that has fascist or offensive themes or tropes? How do you deal with the fact that no matter what you do people will hate you and go after you merely for creating art that they disagree with or that they think implies something bad?

I came to the conclusion awhile back that I think a lot of music is "redpilled" on the kind of shit that we discuss here but that they have to masquerade their message a bit to avoid the censorship or accussations of anti-semtiism or racism.

I get the impression that within a decade or so the overton window will shift and a lot of musicians will come out of the shadows and reveal their true beliefs.



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Weird to see AFI remixed into a hard dance track in the 2020s.
This kind of stuff is a lot like Alien Vampires. Are you familiar with them?

I have a whole playlist of music for this purpose. Music is the gateway to the soul. Here are some of my favorites.

Cool I'll check it out
I never played Far Cry 5 but the songs from that soundtrack make me want to cry. Powerful stuff.

The Pine Tree Riots song is one of my favorites for this kind of stuff too.

I used to blast german march songs over the mic while I was playing Pavlov in VR as the Germans to rally the other players. Was amusing if nothing else.

its sad that the spirit of those times has almost completely died. We don't have that sense of unity anymore. Not just for whites or Europeans but people in general. Its all mixed in and its a confusing time to be alive.

>yes, I support Russia. How could tell?
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Yes, I support Russia. How could you tell?
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>Provably the origin of all modern evil
Your sources include:
>Over a hundred year old, plagiarized, unprovable book claiming jews are in a super secret organization
>The fact that they hold jobs in hollywood and politics slightly above their population's proportion, but not unproportional to the population of that given area
>Defining evil with stupid shit like "They want trans people to not be beaten on the sidewalk"
>Pretending the holocaust didn't happen and that if they pretended it did that's justification for genocide, which certainly is not an evil thing to consider
>They killed le jebus(according to my interpretation of an ancient, no source book)
>I got quotes by retards!
i'm happy they are killing each other and i support Palestine and want Israel destroyed
Russians are ethnically blue eyes and blond hair
Dude relax, you have pretty eyes

97%, thank god for that, nice chances lads.
Is this an abortion march? Any conservative worth his salt would support it because 80 percent of abortions are niggers
Since right since women get away with everything.
That statistic is complete bullshit. I've raped a few women and I've been arrested for starting a bar friend and most rapists I know have been to jail at least once for some other petty crime.

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the whole continent is basically 3erd world...what's going on over there?
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if by "honest" you meant "poverty" and "job" you meant "humiliation ritual" then yeah, I agree
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You are the gypsy.
Meanwhile in the US they build houses out of cardboard
I'm not doing this job because I'm dumb and uneducated, I've got a degree from one of the best universities in the country.
I've worked as a professional in my field of expertise for years before I switched to my current job.
Trades pay exceptionally well in the current economy, unless you work as a programmer a tradie is making more money than you.
The fact that you're looking down on the very people who build and maintain your living environment makes me think you're just a spoiled brat.

t. mutt
The fact that you expect people to care beyond the money they give you to do your jobs means you're naive.

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I mean why use guns anymore, wait for the fucker to come outside.
it's the same German faggot mass spamming threads
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also this is why redditors are literally a fucking threat and should be regarded as extremely dangerous idiots
how the fuck are you that blind theres fucking 6 windows all around the car you dumbfucks

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Zelensky got tricked, he is attending funeral of Ukrain, not a Peace Summit.
Putin must be laughing his ass off right now.

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Does Europe really extend to Azerbaijan?
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Europe and Asia are the same continent.
The Atlantic Council has experts that says there is an invisible line.
anything east of the black sea is not part of europe
Europe is basically far west asia.
Azerbaijan is just west asia, not far west.
This. It's just one big continent of Eurasia which was divided for convenience.
>Turkey is 'Little Asia'
>Cyprus is Europe
Yeah, makes sense.

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I have no woman, I have no children, I have no house, I have no friends, I have no money and live paycheck to paycheck. Life is a bitch. I'm tired of the grind, I'm tired of this life, just very very tired that's all.
How many times are you gonna post this copypasta faggot
go kys you whiney faggot
/pol/ is alpha only

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I buy Honda. I buy ramen and boss coffee I buy anime and Japanese games.
Fuck American cars. Fuck American '''food''' fuck american (((games)))
Japan is number one. America is a slop country feeding shit to the world.
Fuck em
We need to talk about the officer that was killed today
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Anybody has a link to that mrs green apple columbus music video? Its getting shoahed all over the internet.
The Angel Cop ending song has some pretty deep lyrics to go with the unusual music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=irKAn82qzFY
Most people don't ask themselves these questions

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gymcels and fatcels btfo
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To compete in female hypergamy you need to be 6’3’’ now min. 6’5’’-6’8’’ is the ideal if you can manage that height while also being filled out and muscular. If you are a lanklet at those heights then it’s even worse then being a 6’ Manley in terms of attractiveness
Post body fatty
Silly pajeet, being that tall is only a requirement for shitskins like you

a 6'5+ shitskin is about the same as a manlet (<5'8) white man
Well I'm 6'10'' so I'm good but I don't think 6 is a manlet
Gay bot

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

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Pretty sure Jesus imagery was in the kike post he did
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i dont think the names been released yet

well i despise jews and all things jewish, but he has called me a kike hundreds of times
Well then don't kike
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i have never "kiked"
OK, I believe you. Still want to see the royal family in these ai pics. You know that would ruffle feathers

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what's the deal with this?
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Practically all slave owners were jews who used to take their slaves. As such must American niggers are part jewish. That's why their victim complex is sky high
Can confirm. I worked with different African clients over the years and they can’t stand basketball Americans.
my great great great grandpa might have owned niggers but those niggers were sold to jews by africans
cheeky bump

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I legit think people are dying from the vaxx left and right and they just aren't telling us.

My mod size city is slowly becoming a ghost town. This afternoon my gf wanted to go to Costco and I usually dread going there on a weekend, but there was NO ONE there and even 6-7 months ago going on. Saturday was a guaranteed zoo.

I didn't think much of it until we went to get drinks with friends and the 4 of us and a boomer couple were the only people in what is usually a packed Irish bar.

I drive through my neighborhood lately and it feels like the Truman show, no lights are on in the houses, zero human activity, unnatural silence for how many people should be occupying the area...

Am I going schizo or is the population really thinning out?
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Here you go
>stupid gringo lives in california
neck yourself YOU and your retarded girlfriend
of course the jew media is hiding the vax deaths
My dad died weeks after getting his booster. Am praying God takes the rest of my family as they're all idiots who shit on me for refusing it
i didnt even warn my family about the vaccine

My town recently had its first youth stabbing in a park since the new Biden voters have been moving in. I noticed that the local grocery store got rid of the grocery baskets because beaners kept stealing them. God only knows why anyone would want to steal them. What level of diversity is your local town at
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There you go anon. Everything you need to know is in that documentary series
>Homeless people cut through my yard constantly
>Fix the fence gate and lock it up to stop them
>They destroy the gate to continue cutting through, saving fifty feet of walking

>Have a shed
>Place a single rake in said shed, lock it up
>Someone breaks into it, steals rake, leaves a single cigarette butt and a half eaten freezie, then locks up behind them

>Old folks homes have security guards who stand watch whenever the senior citizens want to sit outside to keep the homeless from begging/stealing

>Have had five separate individuals knock on my door at night asking if this is where they can buy down in the past six months

>Population under 40k, 175 homeless. 1/200 people are homeless. Almost all of them are rez rejects. Not quite San Francisco tier, but impressive for a place with -50 windchill being a regular occurrence in winter.

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Oilfield in the Midwest always brings in tons of undesirables during the summer. They'll be gone by winter. I just have to do my grocery shopping early in the morning and spend the rest of the time on the water fishing from my boat.
Moved to a wealthy and heavily Jewish town. Shit's kino. No niggers allowed.
I live in regional Australian town that's about 85% white. Pretty chill most of the time. Abos do usual Abo shit but destroy themselves with alcohol and meth so the problem mostly solves itself. Had a few pajeets and chinks move in recently but they're the work hard and make a better future for their kids variety.

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Goblins are attacking!
I don’t even want to post a Goblin Slayer meme, it's just retarded niggers being retarded.
Gonna need the pidgin English version of this article. Thanks. Wey dey.
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Oh yeah? You think you're so smart? Think you could outsmart a goblin? Well replace goblin with covid and see how that sounds you high IQ retard.

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