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end times
We’re all going to die pretty soon
Demons and the devil
Never cheat on your wife is the moral of that story
Okay. I fully expect you give up all sugar, alcohol, tobaccoo, caffeine, and chocolate, starting tomorrow.

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It's so pathetic lmao, they sayed that they are superior and that blond are the purest.
But, they was not blond hair, it doesn't make sense
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Hol' up he's not a retard
>How did one country fair against the world
Tripartite pact: 9 countries plus auxiliary troops and other allies such as Finland
The "le Germany fought the world alone" is a retarded meme
Read the thread. Especially these posts friend.

And please post a source for your image.
>several [this means what, like 3?] high ranking nazis of full jewish descent
Also the very first fake “jew” on that fake and gay list:
> Walter Hollaender
Half jew.
Which has been documented itt that half Jews were considered german citizens based on their actions
Also, the second “jew” listed:
> Roy Courlander

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how did they fuel those plans when it was the U.S-U.K that created Israel?
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>And please post a source for your image.
Kek the source is Wikipedia page that disappeared but don't worry, even Haaretz knows about this
>Half Jew
Still a Jew
>Why not even look into what your posting
It's a known thing, that Riggs guy says Hitler approved 77 Jewish officers of which 27 were generals.
Why don't you stop being a retarded simp that denies the facts

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Zelensky says that his peace plan is to continue war for at least 4 years until "Russia withdraws from all of Ukraine’s territory, pays reparations and is punished for war crimes." “If we don’t make progress this year, then we will try again next year,” Mr. Zelensky privately told a European counterpart recently, according to a European diplomat who was present. “And if we don’t make progress next year, we will try again the following year, and the one after that.”"

His hold of power in Ukraine now rests on continuation of the war in spite of devastating consequences to Ukraine & practically zero chance of defeating Russia.

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>Everyone’s birth rate is crashing
Not the Amish and not the Yakutians in Russia. Who even cares? There's too many fucking people alive.
>”peace summit”
>one of the major belligerents isn’t invited
They expect you to take this seriously.
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how is it that people this retarded still exist
>you don't understand the premise of invasion nor how much land Russia intends to seize
>you don't understand the Ukraine has been shelling those regions since 2014
and those are just 2 points
>Peace plan is to continue sitting on his ass and wait for either Russia to get bored and leave on their own or for literally every other country to go fight them instead
This fucking faggot makes Biden look like a real go-getter by comparison
>practically zero chance of defeating Russia.
Sounds like a rusduan wrote this piece.

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I love my parents but I hate Trump. I feel bad that they're supporting and putting in their hope into a guy that doesn't give a shit about them and is lying to them. If Trump actually becomes president all he's going to do is let Israel annex West Bank. And do another gun restriction like he did with bump stocks, and give illegals amnesty and call it a win, because he convinces he supporter that 500 feet of border wall is a good deal in exchange for amnesty. I have to come home every day and see a Trump sign in the yard, and an American flag. I hate America even more than I hate Trump.
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oh no...not the west bank!!!!! hahahahahaha
ll them he's literally orange hitler and is a threat to democracy. Also tell them that Trump voters are nazis.
That tactic didn't work on me, but perhaps it will work on your parents.
Give it a shot, anon, we have nothing to lose but our chains!
if people could remove emotional decision making from policy making we could have nice things
you're all turbo niggerfaggots who have turned government, small and big into HS-tier dramatics

fucking stupid people
Well, at least the train wreck's amusing to watch, kek.
x number of people enter a country
x number of people exit a country
the resulting number is called "net migration"
america used to go through periods of positive and negative net migration
but since the hart cellar act of 1965, america has had a positive net immigration every single year, for over 50 fucking years
trump is special because he was the first president since then to bring americas net migration number negative
and as a result, the kikes clearly just cheated biden into power and flung the borders open
and now america just recorded the highest positive migration number in its entire history
thanks, anti trump retards

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Do you watch modern television?
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i found it entertaining and it's funny how unbelievably jewish it got. it was kinda subtly jewish in season 3 but man they like upped it by like 6 gorillion
are you OK americans?
2024: This is entertainment.
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i haven't watched television since about 2005
i wish there were good white-positive content available
it all starts with a great script
screenwriting isn't easy - much more difficult than you'd imagine
but it's a skill that a reasonably intelligent and dedicated man can learn
no investment other than time.

if there were a collection of good public domain white-positive scripts available
then people with other skills could render those stories in the media of their choice
graphic novel
game engine animation
old-fashioned directing, acting, and editing

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I am a big fan of pre covid American horror story seasons. if I could handle that stuff this boys show does not even phase me.

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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We aren't ziggers we actually love Ukrainian troons, chud.
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>you already have a zigger containment general
>There is already a thread for you ziggers to sit in. We don't want you shitting up our board any more

Go back to work.
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It's not just the USA. It's (((world wide))).
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Why did malls die?
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Lunchtime rowdies
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Take me back bros. How do we go back.
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Bus routes and nearby Section 8 housing.
too many shitskins and sexually obsessed and frisky tight young slits showing off their cameltoes, nipples and asses in super tight clothes

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Say something nice about her.
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Let's see if I get this one deleted again
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French man whore
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Even Tucker Carlson's kid thinks it's funny
Cocaine fucks your nose up in exactly the way this woman's nose has been fucked up.
I don't think it's as fixable as you think it is if a princess looks like that.
by Snu snu

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There saying Ukraine can use NATO weapons in Russia now.
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Worst thread on the internet
I shart in your general direction
I wish Russia a very pleasant nuclear holocaust
Do it

I hope they do


how to avoid this as a man, /pol/ ?
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I blame Kim Kardashian on this. Imagine having to marry a rich bitch whose only skill is applying makeup and buying surgeries.
I mean I've been carnivore for a while now and I feel way better both physically and mentally than ever before. My muscle mass has increased on its own as well even though I don't exercise.
Honestly, I've seen people aged way worse than that.
>how to avoid this as a man, /pol/ ?
don't swallow didi and Lyor Cohen's semen

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The great purge is coming
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Blue-eyes come from the Ethereal form of the so-called "UFOs"
Don't they
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I have a big white Maine coon and a tiny black kitty.
Ying and yang bruu
kill all humans.

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>Only have daughters as their heirs
Kim's only child is 10 years old and his sister seems to be positioned as his successor. Meanwhile, Putin doesn't even publicly acknowledge his children, so imagine the shit when any random warlord suddenly starts coming forward with Putin's secret son as their puppet.

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i just had a fat, ugly, old, pajeeta hit on me.
she had to be 40, maybe 5'1 and 160 pounds. legit ogre pajeeta. this is out of control, i'm pretty polite but i am frankly so insulted.

How do we bring hoeflation back down, this is just outrageous. This must be what Weimar Germany felt like with their wheel barrels of cash.
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You wish
Sounds like cope. Back before I quit my university, I got approached by young women who are on my looks level even though I'm average-looking or slightly above average at best.
>at the spot where people hit on each other
you knew because OP is an autistic retard
If you don't flirt back with them they can ruin your life

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Your troon village dissapearwred.
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most of it hits nothing at all
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Oh so russians are the nazis we should worship now since this is a nazi board
Wow will you troon faggots make up your goddamned minds?

NAFO FAGS, pull this agent from his desk and have a meeting with him about "maintaining consistency of narrative"
ukranian new year?
Cities can rebuild, Zach

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So women are cool then? To lie with other women that is
Which god btw, the one that got constantly drunk? Ya should read yahweh adventures from its original religion before jews made him a solo god, he was a blast
It's pretty fucking funny, actually.
join the army then faggot, if you care to defend their repuation so much, I refuse to die for Israel

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Hello! Which Saints have you been reading lately? I'm reading the first and second apologies from Saint Justin Martyr. His words remind me that I (and you!) should always be defending and explaining the one true faith to everyone.
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Read Against Heresies and then get back to me. The Papacy was established in Matthew 16:18 by Christ himself
Cope kike
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No. The papacy didn’t exist until Pipen granted the Papal States. They were just the Byzantine bishops in Ravenna.
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don't know the context but it's probably talking about how the jews are no longer the chosen people because gentiles can be saved as well.
Nope. Nothing more Philosemitic than Christianity.
> believe that interreligious dialogue must investigate the Jewish roots of Christianity and the Christian flowering of Judaism,” Francis said. “I understand it is a challenge, a hot potato, but it is possible to live as brothers.”
Francis’ statement seems to go further than his predecessor, St. John Paul II, who made headlines in 1986 as the first pope to visit Rome’s main synagogue and declared Jews to be the “elder brothers” of the Christian faith.
“Every day, I pray with the Psalms of David. My prayer is Jewish, then I have the Eucharist, which is Christian,” the Argentine pontiff added.

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Q post 1440 on 06/03/2018 with text in the shape of a handgun, Hunter went on trial 06/03/2024.
Q post 3850 with "Hunters become the Hunted" poster on 02/10/2020 stating "How do you introduce evidence legally?", during the trial the laptop of Hunter was introduced as evidence.
Q post 1479 a submarine on June 12, 2018, on June 11, 2024, a Russian submarine fleet passed Florida, the same day Hunter was found guilty on federal gun charges.
Q post 3923 on April 09, 2020, "Hunters become the Hunted" poster again, on April 09, 2024, Russia accused Burisma of funding terrorism. - DATES ARE IMPORTANT.
Q post 3625 on November 24, 2019 - [HUNTER]s BECOME THE HUNTED - BURISMA PDF.
Q post 562 - REMEMBER THIS DAY - January 19.
Q post 558 - TIMING IS EVERYTHING - January 19.
Q post 3799 on January 28, 2020 - TIMING IS EVERYTHING - HUNTERS BECOME PREY.
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I go there a few times a year to drop something pertinent. I've had Qproofs a few times. Yet no one there gets them. All newfags now.
No ability to think thru what's happening. It's just a fan club - since April 2020, imo.
But the nut duo really ruined it. Don't know what Q allowed that.
I think they mostly work thru Red Skull now.
BDA was fine for awhile, but he went off the deep end a couple years ago too.
I miss CIAanon. He had some good stuff.
This site is dead as well. LLMs have forever ruined free-speech boards.
There are few gems in the dust.
I've gotten plenty on the cvd shots here.
A leaf anon and a fellow from Poland who's a biochem have done a lot of work on that.
I remember 3GD the best. And La Palma.
Things were more serious then. Now it's mostly shitposting.
Can't break away tho. Ride never ends.
What the fixk is this shit like srtiously i never got it

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Trump forgets his own White House advisor

It's impossible to deny the dementia at this point
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He said it in a speech yesterday. It was a joke.
Yeah because Trump meant "take the guns, if they let us"
It's always backed up with the threat of force, dumb nigglet.
Are you sure you're not the bot?
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>Makes one thread once
>Wow this must be your hobby

>we must be getting lost in translation
I can explain it to you since you seem to have a very tenuous grasp on the english language.
Saying "no u" is admitting that you don't have any argument to counter with, you're admitting that the discourse is above your capabilities.
My mistake calling you a nigger, moshe. You're actually a jew.
So no counter?
I accept your concession

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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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These people just need to be executed for this flagrant conspiracy against rights.
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>These people are rats. remove their nests and they'll find another.
thats fine
I love setting their nests on fire, I would volunteer for the duty for the rest of my life.
> simply closing their institutions only delays the inevitable again
no it moves them further and further into the realm of wholly criminal conspiracy territory.
The more the lose the propriety of being official, the closer we are to actually removing their soulless husks from this earth. The only thing inevitable is their destruction. The only thing indomitable is the Human Spirit. Every day an employee spends working for them is one step closer to their oblivion. Sink their ships, sink the ship the rats swim too, then sink the next one after that.
Such censorship programs can only exist in the shadows, they're already revea
led, this is all 'clean up' the fight has been won.
> there is a solution to all this and it requires helicopter rides and rope, lots and lots of rope.
the executions happen after we remove any semblance of authority making their conduct illegal.
Once they're are totally private actors, coordinating the illegal deprivation of American rights, we can legally treat them like Anwar Al Awlaki's son.
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>These people just need to be executed for this flagrant conspiracy against rights.
so much this
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>And let's not forget the poor enlisted clowns who do it for free.
who violate their oaths and US law by suppressing the rights of Americans?
how could we EVER forget about them?
We should allow a military tribunal review their precise work, see what precisely they did. Maybe if the ONLY amplified government narratives, they can get off with a dishonorable discharge, being stripped of all rank and benefits, and a 5 to 10 year sentence in the brig before that.
But if they directly promoted things they knew to be untrue, if they used psychological warfare tactics against American citizens (100% of them do by the way), or if the participated even tangentially in getting Americans removed from social media due to viewpoint discrimination, they should be summarily executed.
Drag them into the tribunal, they have no lawyer or representation at all, NO ONE speaks for them, the JAG running the prosecution presents the evidence they've forensically collected and are assured was produced by the prisoner, and if the tribunal is happy that the evidence shows a level of manipulation in excess of just amplifying government narratives, then they should be taken directly from the tribunal hearing hall to the firing range and shot then and there. While waiting for your case to be heard, you should be able to hear the 8 or 10 or 12 guns go off after every case.
not that i've fantasized about this or anything

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Is the ZOG preparing to send me to die for capitalism and Jews? I don't wanna die for muttmerica.
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I'm 26
This is the 50th spam thread today you've made, Xiao-Dmitri. Give it a rest.

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