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on Sunday we Praise

>Robert Irwin threatens to sue Pauline Hanson

>Australian city world's second most unaffordable, with four others among top 20

>Australia among 93 countries in show of support for ICC
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Based if true, but only because they're Indians and deserve no better.
How have Aboriginals been in Australia for 40,000 years when the world’s only 5,784 years old?
Ayo! posting in zoomer trooner cancer aids thread
>>even the fucking checkouts are automated now
How so?
They've replaced people on the human checkouts with those fucking machines as well.
Needless to say I lined up where the human was and let her know how disgusted I was.

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>A2/AD strategy is a significant concern of US policy, viewing it as a weapon of weaker forces that could be used against the US military. The US military considers that (((enemy adoption of anti-access/area denial strategies))) may well be the most difficult operational challenge U.S. forces will face over the coming decades.

>The initial impulse for this strategy is said to have been the deployment of US carrier battle groups around other countries.

Come on guys. The US doesn't like it when their carrier RWR goes beep. Shut it down.
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It's the radar truck from an air defence system which is made up of multiple vehicles all wired together.
And now the S500 is online. The thing is with the S400 and S500 it's more than just an independent anti aircraft system. It's computers take in all the data from every other anti air asset and creates a very dense, detailed 3d aerial map of hostile intruding forces that turne the entire defense network, not just the S400 or S500 into an advanced air defense network.
well certainly i would not like it if i'm no longer able to easily boss some inferior nigger countries around with ZOG military
blahblablah I'm not in the armed forces so can we talk about anime?
americans had it right with
mim-hawk it is very small has a good range.
You could do ambushes with it.

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Guerilla warfare was created by Lawrence. It didn't exist before him. All attempts to relate previous fighting methods is revisionism. Vietnamese general Giap invoking Lawrence's biography as being his 'fighting gospel' is proof of this; such concepts didn't exist in the form they did before, else he would have just invoked Sun Tzu or another historical military thinker.
Lawrence has had as big an impact on military history as Clausewitz or Napoleon.
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The Narrative is that he 'spontaneously' engaged with the Saudi's in order to destabilise the Ottoman Empire.

In reality he was a British Intelligence operative charged to negotiate and utilise the Saudi's with the promise of greater autonomy and power in return for allowing the Brits and Yanks to control and protect the massive Oil reserves that were needed for the next century in the West.
What a lazy sophist, fuck you.
>The word guerrilla (the diminutive of Spanish guerra, “war”) stems from the duke of Wellington's campaigns during the Peninsular War (1808–14), in which Spanish and Portuguese irregulars, or guerrilleros, helped drive the French from the Iberian Peninsula.

the term literally came from the spanish to describe their method of fighting the french

lawrance may have improved it but the term has it's foundation in spain

Exactly .. I'd go as far as to say Guerrilla warfare was until recently in the West, the most common form of warfare.

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Also because many suffer from the female equivalant of a madonnawhore complex the Prince/Beast complex women want to be raveged by an uncivilized beast aka the rapist then settle down with some betabux prince
That’s interesting.
Is she promoting rape?
>walkes around almost naked

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At what point in the pyramid structure does responsibility/accountability become a complete meme?
Some Rothschild was probably given all the NASA shekels and he shits out picrel in return.

At a certain point, the power structure transitions from blind followers who believe everything their master tells them, into clowns who can barely keep a straight face doing their "job".
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If you don't believe we landed on another planetary body in a clothes-rack with cardboard and foil taped to it, then you're insane and need to trust the science more.
>What are labour costs?
Mutt iq
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>Nasa lawn chair installer
Okay now the numbers add up. Thanks.
he was just very, very fortunate
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Lucky, you could even say.

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The nation is healing
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jews love black cock
jesus you fucking macaco you can't even do memes correctly. fuck i'm so glad i moved away from your shit hole country, you are all so stupid it has to be malicious genetic cultiavation. Kill yourself, and hopefully kill everyone you see on the way out, I know that's your people's nature.
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Imagine the Taliban joining the war against Israel
Once this happens, the great Israeli reconciliation and Middle East peace that Biden wants will never happen.
The Taliban will be sent by Iran to Iraq, Yemen, Palestine, Saudi Arabia.
An endless guerrilla war against the Americans and the Jewish kikes.
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More dead mudslimes
Way to go Pissrael
worlds most obvious shill even disregarding the meme flag. sunni shia relations are at an all time smoothness currently.
And yet the Taliban are willing to help them.
>Palestinians hear people in the west are protesting Israel
>Find out it is guys like this supporting them
I only wish to see their face in reaction to realizing this.
The palestinians are a damned people.
>sunni shia relations are at an all time smoothness currently.
Literally the deadliest Sunni bombing on Iranian soil happened this year https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_Kerman_bombings
And it was from Afghan mudslimes, so much for your fake news about imaginary Taliban allies. GEE, I wonder why your incel ass never heard about it?

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This fucking White guy stabbed a black woman in the chest in front of her child.
What the fuck?

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LOL, niggers stab white people every fucking day. It's so common that the news refuses to report on it for fear of white backlash that never comes. One white dude stabs a fuckin female silverback in self defense and you bet your ass cities will burn again, nigger.
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Black women cannot be expected to control themselves in the presence of certain magic words. Therefore, use of certain racial epithets will be considered premeditated provocation in pursuit of justification for lethal self defense.
shouldn't have said the c-word
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Why do the Jews suddenly pushing the picrel among the masses? She is Caitlin Clark, and she is literally in everything now. Far bigger than Taylor swift level of shilling in every media. Is she a kike?

Not to mention how much lebron the nigger shills for her too. Is feminism the next big psyop?
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WNBA has never turned a profit. They're using her to try and grab headlines and create interest in the sport. Not hard to understand.
She's not being pushed by Jews. College sports are incredibly popular, so popular that people will even willingly watch women's teams! Caitlyn Clark is simply the best female college basketball player of all time by a fair margin, and this has generated a lot of interest, especially because shes a white girl playing a black sport.

Sports media is somewhat reluctant to push her as the next big thing because she's not black, frankly.

They push basketball because it is a vehicle for black culture/interracial dating, and to a lesser degree lesbianism.
Olympic committee doesn't allow biological males (trannies) to compete in women's sports. Suddenly CC is not allowed on USA female basketball team. Nigresses are blamed for this (while it's the jews in charge that actually pick who gets into the team).
High school womens basketball was the shit, titties bouncing everywhere and no one cared if they were good or not.

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i like the left more
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Not in America. Most women here eat like sumo wrestlers, so plastic surgery is a long ways off.
Doesn’t know everyone in Beverly hills gets nose jobs in high school

The upper echelons of beauty and prestige
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>gooks are ugly because plastic surgery is fake
>women should shave their legs and armpit hair btw
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Here is the real thailand anon

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Any insiders at the DMV who can get me these plates?

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Did you just say the N word on the Internet anon?
Put up your dukes bigit
Based Trudeau

Cannabis President
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That is a woman’s body.

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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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>> Basic Online Stable Diffusion
>- No Registration
>- Inpainter
>- Hidden pictures
Newfag here qrd of each pls? which is coolah?
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So my grandfather used to purchase me popular mechanics, you know, boy magazine. "Cool stuff" magazine. People and seventeen are girl magazines.

OK so he's an old fuck with a pentium II he used to draft CAD software for aeroplane designs. He never even used AOL.

So I was like, "nobody reads that shot anymore." The girls are on MySpace (it's a site all.about me!) And the boys are on newgrounds, Gamefaq and futaba (4chinz). This was 2005.

So is any of this still true? Are there places different teen sexes prefer to "hang out?"

Or is there just Facebook, twatter, and discord?

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Whites cast out their own Gods to decay and destruction in favor of alien deities, and now they wonder why none of their prayers are ever answered and why the beneficiaries of all their actions reign sovereign over them from distant lands.

jewish hands typed this
say christ is king.
Truth indeed, OP.

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Your crush is out there living her life and enjoying the weekend.
Going out with friends, socializing, dancing, having fun, making memories, getting ahead in life. While you are here shitposting on a beautiful Sunday. Any last words anon before you inevitably end it?
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No she's in bed and we've been married for 5 years fag lol goodnight
This memeflaggot slide thread post is off-topic. :)
>Your crush is out there living her
So what you're saying is I should murder her?
Are you trying to persuade me to do murder?
White boys can't dance
no, they're really not.
white women go out, they get approached by many niggers and arabs, they reject them, then they get into an uber and go home alone and cry, because they have no white boyfriend. white men literally never approach them.

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Is there anyone who can lecture me what "hotdog" and Jeffery Epstein be involved???

>You can't kill Jeffrey Epstien
>That's impossible
>Instead realise the truth
>There is no Jeffery Epstien

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He's right you know.

Prove him wrong.

Pro tip: you can't.
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My Dog was almost raped by a deer... until I had to take off the costume.
Canadian government shoots back
Canadian authorities will shoot back.
So fucking slaughter and kill everythin related to the state of Canada, Trudeau being priority

There, argument won. We now going for the hunt for globalist faggots . OP will be the first casualty
2nd Amendment is not to hunt deer dumbfucks. If anything we need to allow civilian ownership of military equipment. With everything moving towards miniature remote controlled robots, that may be a reality. There are remote controlled jets that can go almost 500mph, that's a guided missile that's about half the top speed of a jet fighter. Start getting shit like this before they ban it. Even an RC car with a .22 on it is pretty nifty.
Jews hands typed this
It's probably zelwnsky himself
You will die horribly. Your family will be raped and tortured before being brutally murdered. You know this in your heart. It is inescapable. And yet you find acting as a glownigger a better use of your time than spending what you have left, with them.

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I legit think people are dying from the vaxx left and right and they just aren't telling us.

My mod size city is slowly becoming a ghost town. This afternoon my gf wanted to go to Costco and I usually dread going there on a weekend, but there was NO ONE there and even 6-7 months ago going on. Saturday was a guaranteed zoo.

I didn't think much of it until we went to get drinks with friends and the 4 of us and a boomer couple were the only people in what is usually a packed Irish bar.

I drive through my neighborhood lately and it feels like the Truman show, no lights are on in the houses, zero human activity, unnatural silence for how many people should be occupying the area...

Am I going schizo or is the population really thinning out?
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wish the elite would hurry up and depopulate this world
you really dont know someone who died recently? weird
seems like everyone I talk to does
sounds like youre lucky... so far...
Kek look at the company you share nigger >>471286914
And that is why new zealand should be nuked and Australia made the 51st state
It's not the vaxx, it's aliens

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>"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"
>"because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the Earth"

That's fucking pathetic, lol.
Have you guys read the biography from the cuck who created this crap?
>Lane claimed that he first became attracted to women of the "Caucasian race" after befriending a blonde-haired girl in first grade.

Meanwhile, white women out there are fucking niggers, dogs and even horses.
I still don't understand why white people (especially white women) are so fucking susceptible to Jewish psyops.
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That's why they're winning.
guilt is the way you control the NPCs. This is why the holocaust victimization tactic is so effective. Keep being a good peasant for Shlomo.

You're winning.
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>the MGTOW kikes showing their final form
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OP here, sorry my IP changed. Anyway this is a picture of me.

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