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Wrong post >>471273167 meant for >>471272316
idiots, they could have seen this coming from a mile away

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When did Pepe posting start? The first instance in /pol/ I can find is from 15 Dec 2013, an auspicious date for those that know.
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Two weeks ago.

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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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Turns out, it's pretty easy. Criminals are fucking dumb and incompetent, if you are willing to fuck them up. We could it here, if all our politicians weren't faggots.
>just do this
>just do that
No. You said it was easy. Why can't you produce it?
To think this came out of nowhere without involvement from a larger global power is naive. I will not live in fairyland with you.
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Doesn't matter when Russia + Iran are blowing their microdicks off. They just think they can kick the can down the road for 50 more years
El Salvador is a very small country with very weak gangs, MS13 is like the bloods or the crips, minor junkies that were small time, I'm sure Honduras could probably replicate that success but Mexico or Columbia have no chance

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China is living in cyberpunk and isn't even at peak wealth
USA is living in planet of the apes and maxed out its GDP
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chongqing is pronounced ching chong in chongqing dialect (sichuanese) and chung cheeng in beijing dialect, the more you know.
China are the fucking Orks from 40K in real life.
How do you honestly defend against flaming chinks?
Especially when there are 2 billion of the cocksuckers?
Nevermind they are tyranids.
>CCP Cyberpunk
So a literal dystopia where not only do you know the government is tracking everything you do, but they blatantly shove it in your face and say you can't do shit about it otherwise you'll get incarcerated and you can't even shit talk them without getting potentially fined?

I'd seriously rather live in a rural mountain village than deal with that bullshit. You chinks think that "futuristic" by default means better.
Both countries are bad.
There is no safe haven.
But if you want to pay for my flight and accommodations I’ll tell everyone how awesome it is.
Message me.
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Show flag bugman.

India and Indians. Why do you hate us...
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>You destroy the environment and invade nice countries and ruin them
>Muttland flag
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Their priorities are so fucked up. I should invade these stupid clowns and take over leadership. I’d have that hellhole straight in two years. That and impregnate many cute pajeetas. They would be White in one generation because I can fuck.
i don't hate indians or niggers or sandnigs or even kikes... in their own countries.
I only hate those fuckers that are in germany fucking up our ethnocultural identity.
I’d fuck the nigger out of them.
You are all like locust and plague countries with your terrible people who eat shit,

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Woman goes into a country full of Muslims, browns sand niggers and degenerates, gets in the middle of a crowd chanting death to the USA, gets raped, is surprised, is this the most stupid woman ever?
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she was cancelled but i forgot what she did
She had to be stitched up in the hospital IIRC, those muzzie animals literally tore her pussy apart
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In her defense Egypt was a proper American boot licking country, where shit like this didn't happen, UNTIL Obama helped coup the leader and installed an unpopular Muslim Brotherhood dipshit as president.
Within 6 months all these islamic assholes were sitting in jail and the military coup leader practically banned the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.
Since then they've been a lot more closer to RUSSIA than the United States.
Great job King Nigger!
I knew A guy in college who was a Muslim, he was such a nice guy, I can't believe this happened to me.

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Why are women so obsessed with killing their unborn children?
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hoooly shit. why am i talking to an attention whore who's only claim to fame is working a shitty dead-end minimum wage job? you are beyond fixing
Because you're not going to get honesty from anyone else.
>you are beyond fixing
I take such statements on the backs of $20 bills.
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Women want to be whores without having to take responsibility for their actions
not my problem
not your problem
not even a problem

the world is already teeming with stupid people, you want more stupid people with the stupid genetics about?
i don't

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Jeets only congregate in 2 states, California and Texas. Both states are 60% spic or more. Notice how American flags will claim jeets are invading and a plague, but never mention spics. What’s up with that?
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Alright this confirms your a jeet because when people called you out for being one you deflected by calling them one. For the others you just bitched about why its so important
>Checks hdi ranking
>Most spic countries are still above india
If seethes more he’ll scare you and you’ll say he’s creepy
You sick pussy fuck
Because California and Texas were both part of Mexico at one point. It makes sense geographically for there to be a lot of Mexicans in those states since they helped shape the history and culture.

But there is absolutely no fucking reason for Jeets to be invading a country halfway across the world from then that they have zero historical connection to. They need to get the fuck out of our nice white countries while they still can otherwise mass exterminations will be inevitable.
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>Focus on the argument not the flag. Some people don’t live in their native countries.
Exactly what you're whining about. People not living in their native countries and trying to dividing said population by flag. Both sucks, but why are you focusing in one group and not the other? It doesn't take a genius memeflag

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Unlike rice, buckwheat doesn't require cooking. You can just add water before sleep and it will be ready for breakfast. We could save so much carbon by eating foods that don't require cooking.
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holy fuck anon why are you so poor?
>You will eat ze buckwheat.
Fagopyrum esculentum


I would gladly gulag every Pole.
Stop eating this antinutrient-ridden garbage. Get some real human food.
post in trench mre meal or gtfo faggot

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Chud bors...we...lost...
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My friend who Ives in Texas informed me that the cops were there but handcuffed Sam a part of a bit they agreed to play along with. You can see the pig with the torch smiling. Sam is fine, wasn’t arrested. He is doing a second show there.
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So what you're saying is that he was actually assassinated.
What’s a chud?

is he redpilled? does /pol/ approve of him?

What does he know?
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Let me guess what box you got...

Oh my this ain't good, flee
It's over.
>What's in the box chud
name my band

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I've spent 21 years of my life being a libtard. I have ghosted these forms throughout my life as a guilty pleasure, but the shame my leftist ex-friends gave me for being white and not having enough labels have finally caught up.

Redpill me, AMA, or just tell me anything you think I need to know.
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watch jimmy dore
are you a liberal or a leftist
I am not white but I don't really want to become white. White ppl have lots of socio-cultural problems. Even as a brown guy, I'm non-punjabi, our culture in India has almost no problems (Marathi Brahmins), we all aspire to get master's degrees in STEM and work cushy jobs in North America. Or open a business. No divorces, no rapes, no forced marriages, no dowries. No LGBT.
So I am secure in myself. I just wish the best for white people. Other than that, I have a secret fetish for women like picrel, which I keep posting here
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To the Jews, the Goyim (gentiles like OP) are animals in human form put here on earth to be the Jew's unpaid servants, and to be killed if they reject the 7 noahide laws?

Is this correct? No, god's made up. The Ashkenazi are the remains of Khazar converts that interbred with primarily eastern Europeans, and aren't even the ones that received the (made up) covenant with god "Follow my laws, obey the rabbis, and one day your descendants will own all the property of the world and be waited on by the goyim)
It's good you've discovered the toxic elements of the left, but there are also toxic elements of the right. Try to take care of yourself and the people you care about.

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Ben Shapiro loses an argument against a pre-recorded video PART 2

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v81Z7Eutbx4 [Embed]
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>To your point though, it would be funny to see Shapiro in a 1 on 1 debate with someone out of his league and see him break down into tears.
We already saw this. It was called October 7th.
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Cool video, I'm now a fan of Shapiro.
Thanks, fag.
isn't zach galyfyanakis jewish as well? wtf are they arguing about.
Thats not Zach

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Your science daddies still haven't offered any refunds for the vax.

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I thought you said the day of the rope was going to happen.
It's been 10 years now, and the day of the rope still hasn't happened.
Why did you lie?
Do you want to be here in 2034 asking the same questions? Get out while you can.
I'm a coward what do you want from me
We meant 10 years and 2 weeks
what have you done to accelerate? are you seriously sitting on your ass not doing anything to bring your dreams to fruition? unless your actually doing something quite your bitchin bud
it's a long rope anon

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Trudeau calls into question findings of stunning watchdog foreign interference report


>Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says he has concerns with how conclusions were gathered in a spy watchdog report.

>Speaking after the conclusion of the G7 summit in Italy, Trudeau told reporters that he has concerns with the way the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians came to its conclusions that some parliamentarians were “semi-witting or witting” participants in efforts of foreign states to meddle in Canadian politics.

>“We made clear some concerns we had with the way that NSCIOP did, drew conclusions,” he said. “I think that is an important part of the process.”

>The Prime Minister’s comments echo those of Public Safety Minister Dominic Leblanc who said last week that the government disagreed with the committee’s interpretation of some of the intelligence. However, it remains unclear exactly what concerns the prime minister has. He would not elaborate Saturday when asked specifically for details about those concerns.

>“NSCIOP exists so that parliamentarians from all parties have full access to the work our intelligence agencies are doing,” Trudeau said Saturday. “That’s an important step that wouldn’t have happened if the Conservative party remained in power.”

Trudeau says NSICOP experienced treason differently. He is so keen on the power of subjective experience you'd expect him to be preaching the Law of Attraction! 9 days later, the total clown show and most embarrassing response to treason allegations in the western world continues, with different party leaders having radically different interpretations of the unclassified findings of a parliamentary report exposing that multiple members of parliament are treasonous.
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>acting and skiing
Not even close, the bourgeoisie maybe.
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You're assuming Margaret didn't squander it.
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>a small result.
You might be doing it wrong.
Probably am. It only pulled up 8 results for me.
anyone know how I can find a list of deaths in canada, by cause? statcan only wants to let me download a file, which I assume would only be usable on a desktop

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Oldfag here. Not sure why this intrusive memory boiled up to the surface but I felt compelled to chase it. It was the conversation between Alex and Joe about inter-dimensional beings and our reality being a projection/simulation. Ended up rewatching the whole podcast. Absolutely 10/10.

Literally who?
We are able to find your identity through that si variable you know. Some of us work at youtube and have the ability to see that database.
Suck my dick faggot
The si variable in youtube is technically a "ULID" which is a UUID on steroids.

It seems impossible when you first think about it, but your identity as youtube knows it, a timestamp, and a json object of any data they care to put in there, can be compressed into that 16-hexidecimal key.

A lead on the general idea and approach.

You may think there's no way to compress all that into 16 digits of hex, but you can if you use the godmgic that h.264 compression is using to turn a 1 gigabyte movie into a 100 megabytes movie with recoverable-quantities of loss.

You say there's no way they can fit identity, timestamp, and a beefy json object in there, but that's precisely what they're doing. If you're going to include the si variable, you might as well be including your name and passport information as well so we can all be friends.

People who swear profusely are a bunch of edgelord larpers. Truly dangerous people use proper manners...then slit your throat in your sleep. I see a lot of edgelord larpers on /pol/.
Today I saw many talking about gay faggot larper clubs (militia posers) and plastic shit knives made of shit grade plastic and shit grade steel made in shit China.
They kept stroking their micrococks with tweezers and larping about how hardass they were and how no martial artist could take them down before getting their fat asses cut.
Is this what /pol/ is now?
Larping fatasses, pajeets, and bitter fat chicks?
Just how bad has /pol/ gotten in my 4 year absence?
Your so Fucking wrong about this Shit its so funny your making an Ass of yourself acting like some whiny Bastard. Your worse than Niggers Kikes Spics Chinks Gooks Jeets Ziggers and HolHols. Stupid Bitch
>copes as he assfucks himself with his gay plastic knife
Cool story, fatfuck.

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How do me and my gf escape this kike nightmare that we are pretending is a society with $50k?
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Just move to Slavland somewhere
It takes ten seconds to google house prices in Manila, or any city in flipland.
(You) will die starving if you aren't raped and murdered before then.
This is why I choose to remain incel.

Even if I put in the work and get gf, she'd just be shopping around all the time. Office flirting, talking to her old male friends, speaking to men in social media.
If you're not chad then there's barely any point, she'll always be shopping. And it's that much worse if she leaves you after marriage.
Im half black

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