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Was was the point where Jews completely took over the world? Was it the Rothchilds? When Napoleon lost? When Hitler lost? Or was it when they made the Federal Reserve and consequently central banks?

I also hear some people on her espousing that it was thousands of years earlier, going so far as to blame them for burning down the Library of Alexandria. Or that Jews are butthurt slopehead neanderthalls. Just when did they start working against caucasoids? When did they become greedy and why are they the way they are? To me it is too much to wrap my head around.
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All kike jokes aside, the overwhelming majority of the neo-liberal/corporate/financial elites who've nuked your civilization are white boomers/silent generation. It's true that a disproportionate amount of them are hook noses, but in only focusing on Shlomo, you're giving a free pass to about 90% of the culprits.

As for your question, they achieved victory when the whitetoids didn't resist their ethnic replacement (1965 for Americans, early 1950s for the rest of the west).
>imagine going on your daily bread and wine run from the market stall and seeing this shit etched into the marble
^ This is Pol's foundation myth. The Reddit foundation myth is similar, except colonial white supremacists are the oppressor class/great Satan.
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Have you been shagging trannies, Anon?
Jews being the root of worldly evil is literally in the Bible, nigger. Who are you trying to kid? Satan is their father, and they are his synagogue. They rejected Christ.

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In America we elect our elders as our leaders
You know some people say communism kills millions of people when it was literally fascism labeled as communism. And some people say real communism has never been tried.


Native American tribal culture was real communism.

What do you think Ciel Phantomhive’s political affiliation would be?
everyone into black butler is a pedophile who wants to fuck boys.
*lovingly embrace boys

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And this haircut?
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It's nice.
Also reminder latam natives already had democracy (tlaxcalans), ocean based capitalism (chincha) and social services (incas) long before it was a thing in the north.
It’s a nice hair
> Democracy
> Social services
So latam was always gay and cringe
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It was popular in the 19th century, but only in Argentina and Chile if I'm not wrong. Many politicians and warlords had sideburns back then and that's why some modern political figures like Menem or Milei have grown them too in a ridiculous attempt to get associated with the founding fathers.

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Jannies: Political cause WW3 is at our doorstep.

Ok so for the past months I've been going constantly from panic to neh (nothing ever happens).

Now I am in kind of paralyzed state where I don't take any action(moving to some place like Argentina) nor do I feel safe with where I currently am.

Today I had a dream although I've never read a religious book.

It goes like this:

There are alot of people and there is a rocket ´launch. The fire from it is so intense that It kinda blinds you if you look at it. There is panic and people running everywhere after the launch. I follow someone called Nathanail(Biblical name?). Eventualy we are at some kind of old Temple. At this temple there are different corners. I ask Nathanail for the one called Truth. He shows me where it is and I go there. I then ask him about my Brother. And he tells me something like he has to find/chose by himself. The place or Temple had no roof but it still felt kinda safe.

It will happen won't it? Where is this "Temple"? Does someone know?
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Thnx. that makes sense. Indeed, that's been the case many times. I recently asked him to walk the same path.
How can you tell its not some kind of prophetic dream? Or are all dreams just messaging from unconsciousness to conscioussness?
>retard thought “all psychology is…le fake!” was safe
>continues doubling down due to primitive monkey brain ego
many such cases, sad etc
But why do I dream in biblical terms and figures?
>turns to the atheist for a religious dream
You're retarded.
>You're retarded
Î am, I admit it. I don't understand christianity. Not that I don't want to..

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Many attendees refused to shake Zelensky hand.
Swiss government is upset and embarrassed.
Oh, no, World is turning against the most corrupt leader in the World.
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Nobody likeds MonkeJew
I wonder where will Zelensky's plane land after he leaves Switzerland.
I guess in Poland and he takes a train to Kiev.
I don't think he will risk having his plane fly all the way to Kiev.
Putin is not there.
>About fucking time people call out the Swiss.
Swiss are filthy thieves. Those fuckheads put holes in the cheese.
But you can not see those holes when you are buying the cheese.
Only after you take that piece of stinking shit home and cut open.
Swiss are demon possessed pieces of shit nation.

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Ban lonely white men
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>We just playin
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Another mass shooting during election year. Interesting.
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The only people who do drivebys at children's parks are niggers and the mentally ill. Be real.
Really says a lot about niggers that a nigger that shoots up a water park would be considered "a fuckup idiot", like someone that fell for a nigerian scam, and not somebody mentally ill.
no, i think if it actually was a white guy his name, address, social security information and bank account number would have been public knowledge the moment he was identified as white

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White men in usa mix more than white women.

By little, the same is right about France, Italy, UK, and some other countries.

White men mix more than white women in general.

Which is right thing to do, white women should not be allowed to mix.

Only white men can mix with brown girls, this is the way of the world.
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>all the muh huwhite race LARPing ITT
don't care, still making castiza babies
White men marry others more often than women, Shlomo. This doesn't account for Tyrone cock carousel.
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Racemixing beta is the worst problem for all
It’s over

What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
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you're kidding right? nothing, i won't lift a finger in your defense no matter the bribe, think im joking? the west isn't worth fighting for its a walking corpse of better men its a cruel bastardization of what it used to represent and it should just burn and die, you couldn't give me what it would take to enlist because it doesn't exist.
See, it's funny cause of world peace.
Nothing that a mortal can give would be pay enough
>What would it take for you to enlist in WW3?
Land, gold, big time spoils of war. Risking your life with like ~20% you'll die, 100% for free is LOL, LMAO, big dumbdumb move.


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The Stanford Internet Observatory, one of the four arms of the 'election integrity partnership' (EIP) has been shut down. The EIP is responsible for white washing government censorship during COVID and the 2020 Election.

over 22 million tweets were labeled misinformation and 100% of the 'repeat spreaders' of 'misinformation' just so happened to be Trump supporters.
Wow, that almost makes it seem like it was an entirely partisan organization.

Shills, CTIL faggots, Sly_Sparkane, etc, the boat is on fire. It sinks into the murky waters below. Rats have the good sense to abandon sinking ships. Are you dumber than a rat? probably.


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>trust da plan
no he's right. years late, no names named.... It's essentially a limited hangout to establish a veneer of bipartisanship
She looks really good in this photo. Wish I could pump her full of kids.
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>5eyes has a nonsensical opinion
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>She looks really good in this photo. Wish I could pump her full of kids.
Aryan AOC makes me so weak

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How exactly did he clean a country full of corruption and murder? Was he just lucky?
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He actually cares
Turns out literally all it takes to break the cycle of violence is throwing them in jail.

Faggot liberals say "muh love" "muh ejucation," no. You take the child killing rapists and drug peddlers and through them into a meat grinder. That's it. No more criminal niggers and spics, means no more drugs in the community, no more 12 year olds groomed as killers, no more cycle of violence.
Mexico's too big. You have to organize a nation-wide blitz before the gangs have a chance to retaliate. Trying to coordinate that across 130 million people will get you "elected" like a mayoral candidate before you know it.
This is the most Jewish post I've read today. Also 1 PBTID
I don't believe in rehabilitation. Shit won't work if you don't beat their ass in jail daily like the Japanese prisons. They beat the shit out of anyone who falls out of line. American system is too broken to fix. Only way to fix it is vigilante justice

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>Kate returns to public events at Trooping the Colour

>What does Nigel Farage really want?

>Calls for investigation after police car rams loose cow twice

>Woman accused of attempting to murder man and child

>Wolves lead tributes to Matija Sarkic after death

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>Reform UK candidate for Truro and Falmouth Steve Rubidge is said to have been "attacked" on the campaign trail and had his bag stolen

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Do y'all support this?

Keep in mind there are tons of white boys and girls who can't afford any health care at all...
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This is why I never vote democrat
They'll be used to round up all the treasonous draft dodging white men, and then given their empty houses and wives in return. You'll get a knock in your door and not even see the 4ft tall guatemalan soldier through the peep hole
This is why they gave them free phones and visa cards at the border, easy to track them.
>free healthcare for illegals
>you get to be automatically registered for the draft, goy
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>state kicked me off medicaid because i make too much (less than 20k a year)
>feds stopped giving me financial aid for school
>still have to pay taxes to fund israel and give illegals free healthcare

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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someone said the draft age limit is 60? that cant be true
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Just want to nominate this for the next OP thumbnail

We will have more chances of massacring Jews and black people because in this struggle, Muslims from North Africa are in a battle against sub-Saharan Africans who immigrate heavily in these countries, there is an ideological conflict there that we can take advantage of and oppose black people in general.

And in the Middle East, we support anti-Semitism against Israel, sympathies for Palestine.

We have to create the Right that looks more in this aspect.
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We've been over this. We cannot coexist with people who want to kill us and rape our women. This shit shouldn't be difficult to understand, but then again you're a brazilian so of course you wouldn't get it, that's just an average tuesday in your favela.
A Serb speaking ill of Muslims and still telling me that he is the author of a massacre against Muslims and he had even gone to Israel to travel, you deserve a hostile response because you are blinded by the past that happened in the Balkans.

forget that shit, fuck your independence struggle or Kosovo shit, think about the white race.

Muslims are the only ones we can have any alignment with.

There's no point talking to a Serb, he'll always be against Muslims, so fuck you.

Tupac, a black man, is the biggest idol in Serbia, congratulations.
I never said I am the author of any massacre I would be proud of I was desu we need to get a award for killing Muslims as a country
I am speaking ill of your degenerate religion because your prophet is a child rapist and you're invading Europe

Muslims are a Jewish tool I said this a thousand times saying we need to ally with Muslims because they hate Jews is like saying that we need to ally with Capitalists because they hate Communists or the other way around you shouldn't ally with the enemy because he hates the other enemy

I don't hate Muslims because Turks Bosnians Albanians etc are Muslims I hate them for what they're doing currently in Europe and what their religion teaches
this is not a bad idea. pakistan would would wipe out india
We don't need to unite with muslims but we need to subvert them ideologically and turn them into a weapon like jews do. We need muslims to listen to us, not to listen to them.

This is how power works
Top to down
We need feigned friendliness to be presented and throw them under the meat grinder.
Mobilize them against the jew.
No more
No less

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>Completely and utterly bungle your decapitation strike
>“We never wanted Kyiv!”
Why haven’t Russians lynched this kike?
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What are you actually being paid and who are you trying to shill against? Russians have never cared about losses and have conscripted a million prisoners, pajeets and muslims to die in Ukraine for this war. Who the fuck are you posting this super gay thread for?
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The Russians can't even beat Ukraine (supposed weakest and most corrupt army in europe) while Europe and USA have barely stepped up their military production capacity and mostly been giving old stuff so far and giving Ukraine so many restrictions of what they can do. USA is just toying with Russia at this point. If they really wanted to end Russia they just go after the exporting of CNC machine tools and other critical artisan-made industrial equipment chokepoints to Russia (whether direct or through intermediate countries like Turkey who the US and Europe could squeeze)
You're dumber than a fucking nigger dude. Stop coping and take the L.
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>being this assblasted that your enemy did not do what you wanted him to do.
Bongs, IRL.

Reminder that CNC precise machine tools are highly advanced artisanal equipment that only europe and USA and a few asian (sk, taiwan) can make and is a vital chokepoint to even have an economy or military. Those countries have graciously given them to Russia and China who can't make them on their own but they can turn that tap off at any time, Russia would be unable to make artillery without the mathematically precise and advanced equipment from the first world.

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Is this a common sight in America?
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Part of me wants to stick my hand in between those fucking flaps, just to see what happens.
is that grimace
Shed feed a village in Liberia. Why are these racist whites denying these African children a proper meal?
Audible zozzle.
Thanks, anon.

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What do (((they))) have on him?
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Yeah that’s not gonna happen lol
>anybody who doesn't immediately and totally reveal their power level in public like a retard is a fucking kike!!!!
He's literally jewish
good morning saar
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Imagine thinking a guy who became the poster boy for fiat currency and free market capitalism isn't beholden to the banking system and the *ahem* people who've always run it.

It is possible to be both anti-Z and pro Trump?
I say specifically anti-Z not pro Ukraine, because we know both Russia and Ukraine government are corrupt as fuck, but the ongoing Ruzzian invazion is even more fucked up.
Nah apparently if you aren't actively lying about the state of affairs you are a putin bot
Well it's certainly not possible to be anti-Israel and pro Trump, man that guy sure loves Jews.

Anyone who still equates Trump to Putin should just kill themselves
>Russia and Ukraine government are corrupt as fuck
nigger so is ours

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Why is a corrupt, criminal, rotten shithole like Russia threatening the world with nuclear war?
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Obama developed first strike capability against them
Advanced like his equipment that invaded Ukraine in his 3 day war.
>russias final warning
lol, lmao
>Russian animals invade a country to steal land and commit atrocities
>why is the invaded country fighting back?
The same reason israel is and they aren't even allowed to have nukes unlike Russia.

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