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We're making propaganda for fun. Join us, it's comfy.

> Stable Diffusion 3 is here

> Dall-E 3
- Infinite Pepe memes, with two pages for rapid fire prompts
- Just type 'Pepefrog' etc. not 'Pepe the Frog'

> Ideogram 1.0

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Orthodox Christian stuff would be cool. I think.
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Are you being ironically funny?
Prompt amerimutt
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christianity binds what is good to the myth, folklore, spirituality and prophecy of the jew
it is a jewish poison that causes people to fall into spiritual subjugation under the jew

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They employ homeless and drug addicts.
Yeah, but look how cool he looked until the bridge showed up.
Splat Albert?
>hustle bustl'd
He sure showed that sign, cool guy. The sign also says, I think "don't come back here".
Full karma dose
By being iindian

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Are you ready to die for your jewish coke sniffing masters Americans? Okay goys, line up! We can't win this totally contrived, fake and gay war without you. Remember, America and freedom and stuff is on the line- or something like that. Yes, Jamal Joqueesha Bojangles will be your commanding officer along with captain Bonaynay, but these are all admirable individuals.
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Her chins
Her choice
she is a hot white bitch
leave her to me
i will rape her
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are you ready to die goyim?
In American political crimes there is never a trial thus avoiding the need for evidence and other rules of justice that might prove inconvenient to the conspirators.
"My body my choice".

okay, we already saw you fat bitch.

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>Chose detroit of all places
>Venue looks like an abandoned building straight out of Fallout
>Almost none of the announced VIP's are even Catholic
>3 E-Girls, a muslim a pedophile advocate and two black guys
>No speakers announced
>Sneako didn't bother showing up
>Supposedly 2000 attendees yet all the pictures and the two streams never show more than maybe 300 people in total (being generous)
>Cancelled without refunds
>Ends up just giving a shitty 20 minute megaphone speech to what looks like a few dozen people

Kino Casino predicted all along that it would be a complete shitshow abd probably cancelled last minute
They were right again and aren't even doing a show tonight to dunk on Nick because it's just business as usual
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who's the guy on the right?



>Should We Vote for Donald Trump?

>Analyzing the Trump Conviction with Alex Jones

>It's Time to Tell the Truth about Jewish Power

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Much appreciated.
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david duke, jared taylor in the house, high energy crowd mostly white young men, metapolitical win, if youre under 40 and want to grift on the right you need to become a groyper, you cant run the kosher route anymore and become relevant, this is a huge success in on itself

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/rwg/ - Reactionary War General #2


We're draft dodging.
Join us, it's comfy.

- Share developments (with link)
- Search 'https://' to track WW3 events
- Bump with memes, redpills, etc
- ?????
- Update the happenings to keep it going


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The only time I personally, faggot OP, posted on plebbit was during the Super Straight movement.
>for which I was banned
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another tranny shooting kids for pride month

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Here’s a rundown of who is in attendance of latest globohomo event, which is expected to raise at least $28 million:

Former President Obama
Julia Roberts
George Clooney
Barbra Streisand
Paul Anka
Kathy Griffin
Jeffrey Katzenberg
Bryan Lourd
Richard Lovett
Sheryl Lee Ralph
Gov. Gavin Newsom
L.A. Mayor Karen Bass
Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Los Angeles)

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>another tranny shooting kids for pride month
They'll take any distraction they can get. They'll try using this to kill 2a before the war
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This fucking White guy stabbed a black woman in the chest in front of her child.
What the fuck?

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South African niggers are on the verge of starvation because they're too lazy to farm. South African government is begging white farmers to come back.

Fuck that. Starve to death nigger.
>Stand on that business

Ong mossad getting sloppy type shit. How do you do fellow niggers ahh post.
This larper is throwing out the cheapest bait on the planet. Either A) he is a low IQ kike provocateur trying to demoralize or B) he is a legit negro-american trying to demoralize.
Now, it could be either one, but my money is on legit negro because that is the tardest post I have read in a long time. That level of retardation is only naturally found in a negro. A low iq kike has to work to reach that level of dumbassery. We are talking drying a whole bottle of Robitussin before starting his shift at JIDF, which will give oneself permanent brain damage over time.
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Blacks have zero chance in a race war. You need to use every single bit of that 85 IQ of yours and understand that.

Blacks cannot work together, not for longer than a novelty. They need to be put it in their place CONSTANTLY in order to function when there's any sizeable amount of them.

Actually, this applies to any domestic situation where blacks get involved. If you're actually black, you will almost certainly be killed by some other black for the usual reason.

1. A slight misunderstanding over anything from which herpes infested nigger skank is who's to merely stepping on someone's shoes by accident leads to literal jungle screeching of the highest order. At this point one of the non-human American pavement ape's will take out their hi-point and start firing their weapon in what can be considered interpretive art. Missing is almost always guaranteed, as is shooting people completely unrelated to the event. Sometimes, they will shoot someone point black up to nine times and still not kill them. Somehow, only blacks are capable of these amazing wonders of the modern era. Incompetence comes by default
2. Some stupid negroid fuck is even MORE stupid than the average stupid negroid fuck and accidentally discharges their weapon and achieves 3 or 4 kills with two bullets somehow. Truly amazing.

Be a good chimpanzee and know when to stop the monkey business.

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How come everything this game said about our future is coming true?
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>And so we return again to the holy void. Some say this is simply our destiny, but I would have you remember always that the void EXISTS, just as surely as you or I. Is nothingness any less a miracle than substance?
>Sister Miriam Godwinson, "We Must Dissent"
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she was right and she did nothing wrong, except lose.
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Bonus round, Lal is an incel with a clone wife

>I loved my chosen. How then to face the day when she left me? So I took from her body a single cell, perhaps to love her again.
>Commissioner Pravin Lal, "Time of Bereavement"

>The entire character of a base and its inhabitants can be absorbed in a quick trip to the Rec Commons. The sweaty arenas of Fort Legion, the glittering gambling halls of Morgan Bank, the sunny lovers' trysts in Gaia's High Garden, or the somber reading rooms of U.N. Headquarters. Even the feeding bay at the Hive gives stark insight into the sleeping demons of Yang's communal utopia.
>Commissioner Pravin Lal, "A Social History of Planet"

>The Warrior's bland acronym, MMI, obscures the true horror of this monstrosity. Its inventors promise a new era of genius, but meanwhile unscrupulous power brokers use its forcible installation to violate the sanctity of unwilling human minds. They are creating their own private army of demons.
>Commissioner Pravin Lal, "Report on Human Rights"
bobs and vajene
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unlike your vaxxmaxxed prison colony only around 80% of people took the kike spike here, according to the gov't. now remove people who faked taking it & data manipulation from the corrupt gov't we can place the actual numbers around 73-77%. this means somewhere from 71,000,000-91,000,000 people that would violently oppose the draft. & even many vaxies will probably choose jail over the frontlines.
>some 150k zogbots
>70mil+ patriots
gotta say i like our odds.
Always remember that if you they throw you in jail for dodging the draft and/or killing the draft officer you'll receive three meals a day and free housing which is something you will never obtain by fighting for this regime's continual existence. They need you more than you need them, because without a functioning and existent military this Zionist regime can no longer have its existence sustained. There is absolutely nothing to lose by fighting against the draft compared to complying.
>government passes mundane procedural legislation
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Not based

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Woman goes into a country full of Muslims, browns sand niggers and degenerates, gets in the middle of a crowd chanting death to the USA, gets raped, is surprised, is this the most stupid woman ever?
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I remember when this happened, lefties basically said that she deserved to be sexually assaulted and that she needed to just shut up about it because it was making the muslim revolutionaries (who wanted more extremist muslim governments, not more freedom) look bad.
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Oh she does video requests, couldn't hurt to ask...
She was never raped, what happened was that she was doing a report and as her camera battery was dying and she was finishing up, some muzzies started grabbing at her and groping at her, one yelled out that she was a jew and then she got gangrushed by unsexed brown hands with more grabbing, groping, ripping off her clothes, trying to rip out her hair, dragging her around, etc. It took some people at a nearby encampent and police beating the horny hordes back to get them to stop.

She got fired from CBS few years later or reporting about Benghazi since she's a neocon and since then she's gone full Trumpfag/Qoomer.
>rape is so prevelant among horny Abduls that they have an entire word for when the townsmen get together for a good old fashioned gang rape
And we let these creatures into our countries and allow them to keep their religion.
Long story, not larping, but I was in Tahrir Square that night … and yes, she was dragged away and attacked. And it was pretty clear it was Mubarak secret police (Mukhabarat) that specifically targeted her and did it before the women intervened. All the other guys knew they were Mubarak and weren’t going to fuck around with them. Even though the dictator was probably on the way out, no one was certain. These police guys know where everyone lives and are the few people who do have guns (and access to guns), and will fuck you up. The whole purpose was a last ditch effort to delegitimize the protests as thugs and criminals and hope America would buy that narrative (because Americans always freak out when any foreigner hurts an America women, especial a blonde Stacy).

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Why have women begun to larp as "trad wives"?
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They're mocking you.
posts tits or gtfo you braindead retarded filthy fuckin female nigger. I willl behead you and your entire family WHORE OF BABYLON!
because the system is collapsing and its easier to make the man work for you

also dont want to go to ww3 after larping to be our equals for all these years

i hate jews so much
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>incredibly high body count
>loses the ability to trust men and plans contingencies for relationships

tell me again about your ability to pair bond haha
Nope. V matters

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POV: When US and Iran talk without any Jews present.
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Ishmal vs Esau.


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Fuck off kike.

>If a petitioner appears among the people trying to hand a petition and forcing his way through the ranks, the first ranks must receive the petition and before the eyes of the petitioner pass it to the ruler, so that all may know that what is handed in reaches its destination, that consequently, there exists a control of the ruler himself. The aureole of power requires for his existence that the people may be able to say: "If the king knew of this," or: "the king will hear it." (Protocols 18:7)
unironically liked this movie
That's because it was unironically good.

The clouds took the shape of soldiers in chariots, backlit by the moon light. I was admiring them when I noticed the clouds above appeared to depict God. Real big and a little scary. Someone walked up to me and said, "hi it's me". Then he shot some lightning on the ground. "Or we can do it like this", and he changed form and took out fire swords and lit us on fire.
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Then I realized that I can just close this shitty game. The game closed, and it flashed the login screen. It had an image of a corpse on the ground in (maybe the garage) and blood was around him.
Then I was in a kitchen filled with people. I cut some fish randomly, but saw Japanese cooks doing it better. I didn't want to scuff their shit so I just stood around. A guy brought over rolls for us to form. I just kind of touched them and said, "is this what we are doing?". A woman was singing that were bad people or something since we don't care if people like us
Honestly this CIA/illuminati schizo harassment shit has been annoying as fuck.
one of their kids or something must like you. that's a pretty cool dream. or maybe you make good voice chat in the games they stalk you in.
what did the person look like? let's try to reverse this shit
Kinda like a young Zeus maybe. Kinda hard to put a finger on it. Then his forms reminded me of wow characters.
Also, some don't like me. Got multiple death threats and fear mongering in dreams

People who swear profusely are a bunch of edgelord larpers. Truly dangerous people use proper manners...then slit your throat in your sleep. I see a lot of edgelord larpers on /pol/.
Today I saw many talking about gay faggot larper clubs (militia posers) and plastic shit knives made of shit grade plastic and shit grade steel made in shit China.
They kept stroking their micrococks with tweezers and larping about how hardass they were and how no martial artist could take them down before getting their fat asses cut.
Is this what /pol/ is now?
Larping fatasses, pajeets, and bitter fat chicks?
Just how bad has /pol/ gotten in my 4 year absence?
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>Truly dangerous people use proper manners...then slit your throat in your sleep
You are every bit the edgelord yourself nigger. Back 2 plebbit and take your katana collection with you
look at that rape meat
>Notice me, I like to complain about nothing!
>making observations makes you an edgelord and a nigger
Why are there so many cryptokikes online today?
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>Is this what /pol/ is now?
>Larping fatasses, pajeets, and bitter fat chicks?
Fuck off kike. 99% are fatherless faggot shills like you

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When did Pepe posting start? The first instance in /pol/ I can find is from 15 Dec 2013, an auspicious date for those that know.
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Two weeks ago.
Wasn't there an advisor to Donald Trump who was obsessed with green frogs and had a collection of them? There was a Matthew North video about it
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Roy Cohn. Homosexual and small hat enthusiast.
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What do you make of the human female version of Pepe being cast as the lead in a popular tv show?

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How the FUCK are normalfags coping with things just getting blatantly worse on a day to day basis?
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It will come to a head in one way or another. I guess the right catalyst hasn't happened yet.
Kill yourself

Life = pain and suffering, and if you’re lucky, maybe you get a couple good memories. What the fuck, man? Why?
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I don't know who needs to read this, but life is all about being positive and generating positive circumstances by hard work and dedication. Always be positive and never give up no matter what.

You can literally become a billionaire if you wanted to. Truly. Just be positive and work on your goals.
I love life and it is beautiful to exist in this world at this moment, even if it gets rough here and there. If nobody found this difficult life worth living, our race would have end thousands of years ago. Try harder next time, >1pbtid.
What happen with many ancient civilization when white people go there and kill them with more advanced weapons? And the worse is what happens with natives lifes after that . Do you believe in Karma?
this, people keep telling us that we are all equal but it's not true. This world is so filled with shit because OTHER people are shit. If the entire planet were filled with people like me, it would be a paradise. It is not arrogance if it's literally true. They all think that they know better but no, they really don't and they can't admit it because they faked it their entire lives and it became instinct just like lying from birth becomes instinct for them
Life is worth less than dirt but at least I found nice pictures of Angel Dust.

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I've spent 21 years of my life being a libtard. I have ghosted these forms throughout my life as a guilty pleasure, but the shame my leftist ex-friends gave me for being white and not having enough labels have finally caught up.

Redpill me, AMA, or just tell me anything you think I need to know.
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why are you on /pol/ of all places. Go to a saner place than 4cuck or twitter if you're having some kind of live-changing relevation
Oh no your fee fees were hurt...
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The cause of most problems in the world is jews.
yes... :( pwease kiss it better
>it's the jews
>the holocaust is a lie
>it's the jews
there you're all caught up

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First, they say 5 days.
Now 3-5 weeks to repair a few sections of a water line.
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Should be repaired in a day
Have any of you niggers considered the possibility that this is a trial run attack on a big city’s infrastructure by the CCP?
Yeah it's projection
I have not.
But could be.
>I'd recall the mayor
The poojeet mayor who replaced a poojeet mayor. Yeah. They sure can into infrastructure.

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"There will be a world war in 3-4 months - we are checking the stocks of oil, flour, sugar"
What does the Serbian president know? Shocking interview for the Swiss media..
The situation is further complicated by the fact that everyone is talking only about the war, but no one is seeking peace. Nobody even talks about peace. Peace is almost a forbidden word!

I find it very strange that no one is trying to stop the war. But there is another theory - which I understand.

Americans think that they can easily defeat Putin. They want to exhaust him in Ukraine and then enter the space and Russia with its current territory will cease to exist, Putin will be overthrown, etc.
Analyze the situation of NATO and the USA. They cannot afford the luxury of defeat in the war in Ukraine. This war is as strategic for America as it is for Russia.

If Americans lose here, the position of the collective West will deteriorate so much from a geopolitical point of view that no one will be able to regenerate and restore it.....

We are literally walking on the edge of the abyss. I hope you're all ready.
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say something else faggot
>the government and everyone else knows what would happen
Yes, what would happen is that you will lie down and spread your cheeks (again) like the little bitch that you are.
>but nobody complied and the lockdowns immediately ended after that
The lockdowns immediately ended the same week the Ukraine op started, you weasly little disingenious bitch. You think we all have the NPC memories of a goldfish?
puppet of tony blair and rest of globohomos, tony is direct handler.
bosnian serbocroat whose ancestors started converting from gnosticism to orthodoxy,catholicism and islamism from 1450s and onward

twofaced snakes whole lot of them, like you
Ah yes, another organic all-American post.

>Milei gets elected, opens up Argentina for sale
>Argentina has very high quality of living, abundant resources and plenty of space
>Nobody thinks about invading SA for some reason, always absent from global politiks

And that is how I've deduced the elite's designated safe zone for ww3.
Most of the world is a safezone during world wars.

Denmark was sandwiched right between Nazi Germany and England during WW2 and we somehow made it out with barely any casualties and work continued as usual. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year.

I thought Argentines were starving and there were daily riots

argentinian's quality of living is so high they've been immigrating to mexico to work for a while now
>the co-intel posts are trickling in
oh and Argentina has VINYARDS - a must have for the elite.
No shit Sherlock. Jews have been terraforming South America at hyper speed now that Israel and Ukraine are collapsing.

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