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Anons, I can't take this anymore. Their obnoxious shitty music with their loud bass system is giving me anxiety. I think I may start getting heart palpitations because of this literally worse than nigger-rap music.

EVERY FUCKING NIGHT they do this shit.

It never used to be this way. Spics used to only be about 15% of my city. Now it's almost 40%.

These particular undesirables that I'm forced to live by are actually the reason that one of my last white neighbor's moved out and back up North.

The cops have been called on them before (not by me) and even they won't do shit about it.

How do I make it stop?
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im cuban and 100% agree with u
the only thing i do like about them is there food
other than that i see those mfs in home depot begging to do my yard

i saw my dad making mexicans to do his fence its kinda weird cus there black and im not and he just sitting there with a cigar in his hand

i dont like what fidel has done to cuba. he gave rights to niggers and took my grandma's farmland and gave it to niggers
I can't even say for sure that they are Mexican. These MFs literally hang goat testicles on their tree sometimes.
Is there a name for this? I knew precisely what you meant.
>oooGAH booGah oooGAH booGAH
>doucheBAG doucheBAG
>puTo puTO puTO puTO
then google translate it bro

In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am englightened by my intelligence.

Any other Atheists here on /pol/?
Only the ones that know jews are schizo faggots with zero reason to exist.
Jewish is a religion therefore it is an oxymoron to call them Atheists.
You misunderstood, the atheists here know that jews are schizo faggots with zero reason to exist.
The atheists on reddit and elsewhere worship kikes.

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And if so, would there be enough volunteers for a draft to be unnecessary?
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and lost (in 2006)
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For the zionists?

The zionists are genociding Christians and blowing up churches right now, it is a systemic slaughter of civilians with half the population in Gaza being children.

Prayers and tears of the innocent, souls of holy Christian martyrs crying out to the Lord Almighty for justice.
They'll send boots on the ground, without people wearing them. Just the boots. And Israel should be very thankful for that kind gesture.
I'd say it's about 70/30 that they will have to send troops to northern isreal after they do so badly that hamas marches on tel aviv.
Isn't a pile of shoes what started all this in the first place?

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Someone is going around starting fires in New Mexico
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Wtf is in NM that can catch fire?
lol can't be any of those million of illegal immigrants can it?
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or something
Generally this is drunk indians

.t wildland firefighter

> fish caught off the coast of Greenland.
We are so pollution-fucked. Your children will be mutants
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literally ruined it for everyone, fuck him
Based Blinky
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people are so distracted by fake climate change bullshit about CO2 emissions that don't actually harm the environment they ignore corporations and governments dumping actually harmful toxic chemicals into the ocean
it's complete misdirection
The Simpsons also predicted the birth of vtubers
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mind if I leave this here?

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No, Prometheus is an Aryan aspect. Disowning him is disowning Odysseus.
cool chart
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Yeah, we already knew that.
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He is ripping ideas straight from here, just like that mexican guy nic gonzalez fuentes whatever likes to do.
fuck both of them. Who cares they are both fictional characters.
>in b4 muh archetypes

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Do you hang the (made in China) flag of 2 guys kissing, nigger wannabes, and snitches on your house?
>Hey ishmael, I got this idea! what if we took like a picture of the american flag, alright, then we said something like "do you hang the flag of 2 men kissing and dying for israel" as the text! think about it, it's completely original, and it hits so hard, it makes you think so much!
>yes goldstein, this is perfect, it will demoralize the patriotic incels even further! come kiss me on my mouth!
>mffmff yes mfmffmf money mfmfmf world domination
kys faggot
fpbp. Also nice effort post.
fpbp fucking based

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Is this barn bullshit effective mobik defense? We have pig iron, slat steel, tin, chicken wire, wood, etc. To me it just a Russian RV, a tracked mobile barn, or cabin, for mobiks to live in and drink. Is it stonk?

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>The Soviet Union was known as one of the most strict education systems in the planet
Scrict =! good, and the Soviets were also famous for faking all their social stats so that they'd look like a decent place to live.

The proof is in the pudding: Russians, and especially rural Russians, are dumb as rocks.
It is useful. The Yanks did it in WW2 with their Sherman tanks and put logs on the front of them to add extra protection.

The idea is for the missile, rocket, grenade, FPV to detonate as far away as possible from the real armour underneath.
meh landmines will do that to anything
> martial law allowed these pidors dwellings to be searched more easily.

ya, US soldiers said the same thing about Germans in 45' as they put 11 million of you in camps to die of starvation for the exact same jews you cheerlead for now. It seems that western education worked on ya.
did he realize his dick was blown off and ask to be mercy killed?

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Trump will turn the US into Canada.
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that was my first reaction as well
This is why you must vote democrat. They want every illegal in the country & will let us pay for it while Donald Trump only wants legal college educated immigrants in the country with a vested interest in America. WTF is wrong with him?

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Uhhh, Z bros, I think we got too cocky.
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Didn't read. I hope Russia wins. I hope you get cancer and die along with all your spic cousins, and your abuela too, mexican trash.
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saudi arabia drops dolar
more and more countries join brick
russia colapsed black rock plans for "rebuilding ucraine" witch alone is most based thing any government did last years
they found out they had corupt and unexperienced army, and they fixed that , now russian army is stronger than before conflict
europe have to spend 3.5x times as russia to keep up
russia sell more oil and gas than ever
europe grown stopped to 0 while not at war
the russians who fleed russia at the beginning of war came back
that not how it works newfag
Fuck off, nigger, we'll take what is rightfully ours first (the south of the U.S) first before that happens (if ever happens in any case).

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It's working.

Go back.
King is a King.
everyone hates pajeet, a new fall series coming to fox.
They should all agree then ghost them on their big day

>get 50 trillion from government to build more fabs in the US
>check clears
>move all production to Taiwan
That's pretty based and fabless-pilled, sort of like nvidia or apple.
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>What's happening?
Jews. "Free trade".
It "costs too much" to operate in America, it "costs too much" to abide safety and environmental regulations, and it "costs too much" to pay fair wages to Americans.
hilarious shit watching these criminal politicians and financiers throw money at things to try and reverse the decline.
Literally nothing, NOTHING will work until the leadership problem is solved.
Get rid of these toxic ass selfish psychopaths at the head of the banks/finance firms/consultants/big business, and we have a chance.
they're pocketing a percentage of that money themselves, anon. The goal wasn't to fix anything to begin with.
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But anon... cool joebro said the chips are all coming back...

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>Major General
Is Israel running out of commanders or what? How can you be that high ranking at 25?
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Dead Jews?
Corruption. They have q different command structure. It's not uncommon and since service is basically mandatory, higher class people get higher class positions.
Commander doesn't mean shit in their army. It's like a squad leader us.
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>Israeli wears Nazi flag
More importantly, a Sergeant Major is still something like E7 based on the system they present. The last two guys in front of him must have caught hand grenades.
>Major General Gross Malkia
>Gross Malkia
I hate kikes but naming your own kid Gross seems especially cruel
I recall reading a Twitter thread or something where they said Hamas was specifically targeting high ranking members of the IDF to effectively sabotage their structure

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7 countries
32 countries
121 countries

Why isn't BRICS taken more seriously? Everyone knows the US provoked the war in Ukraine why is the international criminal court and American rhetoric still taken seriously?
It was recently stated that countries willing to join brics have to ignore sanctions out on brics members.
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every day for like 6 years every non burger faggot has said "muh 2 weeks till the USA is over". nothing, not a single thing. and what are you faggots going to do about it? nothing, you will never do anything directly to america because you know if you do, it would be over for you in moments. you can do nothing but cope and shidd and piss yourself until Pfizer, PG&E, or Bill gates choses to let you die of new aids.
they probably dont even have any of that aluminum either.
Brics vs nato is like democrats vs republicans, its a jewish theater stealing our wealth. 97 cents of every dollar earned is stolen by jews via taxation, inflation, or usury.
jewish = gross
normalcy bias is one hell of a drug
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jews lose

60 years ago Ukrainians developed this, now all they do is produce grain for western Europe.

Why are they fighting for the latter?
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>adding sonic mean good
>copy Concorde
>fuck it up
Im surprised they didnt give it a mohawk and a wheelchair
holy shit it was still mostly an analog plane built with a concience youd be pussying out on data usage warnings and heat messages from sensors
Concorde was made by HolHol's, sure I guess, why not.
>Nukes please.
Didn’t understand fatigue cracking I guess, here in bongland we had the Silver Comet incidents to learn from. I can’t imagine British Aerospace were too keen on sharing info with a USSR aligned “area” in the 70’s.

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How will Trump overcome this commercial? Its airing all over and people are responding to it, Deniro is hurting Trump

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how will america ever recover from forced immigration?
How is Robert Deino the one whos defending the constitution and the soul of the nation
It's a kike faggot nigger loving nation and he is a kike faggot nigger lover.
So it's just a collection of all the hoaxes? Lol these ads won't work beyond their base.
excuse me?

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>big daddy governemt big mad

>‘Not fair’: Reality of being 19 in Australia
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Pearce are doing some sort of an upgrade atm - don't read into it. It's more:
>we have funding excess to get rid of before eofy otherwise we won't meet the funding requirements for next financial year
rather than:
>we're gearing up for war so everyone can get drafted and sent to die for zog REEEEE!!11!!
Boongs have multiple properties, ass, mouth, and mouth
Fuck me some of the thighs on them too
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>Scientists rule dingoes are just dogs: Not a threatened species
When will they make the same ruling on that other indigenous species?
>my ex's mum took a dna test hoping for some boong so she could get in on the gibs
Stupid bitch. All she has to do is tick a box.

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Today is the anniversary of the beginning of Operation Barbarossa.
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>Operation Barbarosa
>Operation Beirut or Bust
spoopy - maybe the Summer Solstice will become a new version of April 19/20th.
Glad this video still exists on bitchute. It used to have millions of views on Jewtube


F to every hero that died trying to save the world from Judeo-Bolshevism.
Napoleon's invasion of Russia began June 24 as well

It's probably because the solstice is in the peak of summer when there's less chance of being stopped by rain or snow.
git gud nigger, it was official doctrine.

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Didn't Biden let in 10 million illegals and is allowing them to vote?
20+ million
and yes they'll get to vote
Florida and Texas are cucked by Wyoming.
Florida and Texas are Oklahoma's vote Bitch,

it's why the electoral college is great
because it turns Florida and Texas into fuck-holes to rape.
People were making maps like this in 2020 and you retards were all wrong.
>vote for this zionist!

>no, no, vote for this zionist!

I am teaching rednecks how to manufacture IEDs

It is within my rights and a labor of love for the Lord

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