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How are we going to deal with the messed up white birth rate?
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she looks like a bug eyed retard. Seriously no loss for the white race.

>How are we going to deal with the messed up white birth rate?
Abandon single mothers. Force them to learn.
Why do mudshark always have weird faces
it's literally because of migration we have a birthing crisis, all this will do is increase the severity of the issue
Oh noo somebody think about the economy

>But we dont want you, we hate you!!
not my problem
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We'll remember this attitude when the purges begin. It'll be open season on anyone brown.
Based. We are here to make money, not friends.
> not my problem
good please come, are some of you guys by any chance male prostitutes?
>if I don’t steal your house, someone else will!
You shitskin kikes deserve death. And will get it.

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only jews need a boogeyman. Their cult is held together by fear of the other
You have to go back Ranjeet
The fact you can't imagine that someone opposed to your kike on stick religion isn't a kike themselves shows your absolute cognitive dissonance lmao.
Well the jews did fill white countries with niggers, spics, arabs, gooks, wetbacks, chinks, dinks, cholos, trannies and golliwogs. So there is plenty to pick from going forward. The management team at Racism Corporation looks forward to QoQ growth going forward, as we seek to extendify the bottomline.

Everytime i see liberal americans talking about the migrant crisis in Europe they project their own issues on Europe.
>Because they know 1 good muslim
>Because Drumpf
When they get debunked on their statement they go to some vague study(survey) as if its a decent argument which states "60% of Europeans support letting in refugees".

they keep ignoring:
>Voting behavior
>Voting behavior compared to education level
they keep calling euro-conservatives dumb because the libturd thinks they are like republicans, meanwhile alot of educated folks do vote right wing here.
>the difference between accept refugees and be in favor of demographic shifts.
you can be in favor of letting in some refugees or migrants but not be in favor of demographic shifts, which a majority of the non woke left.
>European crime stats.
which can be found on every major government website and every nations except Germany and Sweden tend to be very open about those.
>the fact that ethnicity is more important than race in Europe, eventho it does play a role.
>which a majority of the non woke left believes*.
Just an fyi. One of the biggest criticisms of Jews by former monarchs is that they get the people of a European nation to side with ideology and not blood, causing infighting within a nation.
Americans are cancer.

Everything they touch turns to shit. Literally everything:

Music - they are the sole country responsible for propagation and pushing of niggerism into the music industry.

Art - modern art was popularized and pushed by americans.

Film - full of faggotry, degeneracy, drugs, materialism, sex and senseless violence.

Dance - twerking and other disgusting degenerate shit is all from the US.

Literature - absolutely jewish crap with its insane cancer of hyper individualism that destroyed white racial unity and solidarity.

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virtue signalling is easy when it’s not in your own back yard. stupid question

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We are so sick of it. It makes no sense how a small minority can conquer half the planet and still get away with it.

Don’t ever think Asian people like you. Because that’s far from true. Don’t ever think Asian woman will date you because it’s not true. They are simply paid to do so.

But seriously life is bullshit and I want to kill myself living here. Everything revolves around Australians. I can’t do this anymore. I wish Japan fucked this place up in WW2
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shut the fuck up fucking chink piece of shit. REEING at white people won't increase your dick size. Your women are laughing at you you pathetic commie bitch.
You are clearly unhinged and psychopathic. I bet a white person walked past you in a shop or something and you're so autistic and hateful that you assumed they were nasty to you. I'm nice to every non White I meet yet still you faggots go online and claim our women are sluts and we deserve to to be broke and dead. Go fuck yourself
Asians like white people though
Because white people made the world.
This. Asian women literally pay for European sperm. We're objectively better in all areas.

>Like many other baleen whales, female blue whales are generally larger than males

bros how do we cope?
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The largest living organisms on earth are the cilia of mushrooms you stupid cuckold.
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As we say in Great Britain;
>fat wap
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Biden would still sniff it...
the male sperm whale is the Largest living organism on the planet
Women are fat.

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What’s up with the latest military psyop? There are numerous TikTok videos featuring mildly attractive women in camo, aiming to entice young men to enlist. As if selling them the illusion of them having a chance of meeting any of those women in real life.
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And then come back and post the gems.
Which generator did you use for this? Looks more realistic than any other AI pic I've seen
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We're having a /pol meeting, these are just a sample of the women that will be there. Just post all your contact detils, as well as your credit card number (don't forget the 3 digit code on the back of the card), and these girls will contact you to come to the /pol meetup. Remember if something looks good, it is good.
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Wasn't me that made it. I haven't really worried about learning how to use AI. Kindof reminds me of that Samoan Luge guy (Bruno Banani) a German guy was coaching him on how to be able to manage media interviews. The German guy said:
> just because someone smiles at you does not mean that they are your friend
Yes. Something to think about.
in iraq maybe.

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>women: “patriarchy demands we follow XYZ beauty standars to appeal to male gaze”
>man: “akshullly us guys don’t care about XYZ beauty standard”

has anyone noticed how schizoid feminist messaging is?
The beauty industry is run by homosexual men and jealous women. If you want to know what men want, look at porn, you're more likely to find natural girls there because they have categories for it.
These delicate flowers are 10/10 in bongland
Most runway models are trans. That’s victorias true secret
No wonder most of the panties are crotchless - you cannot fit a big old cock in it.

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GET IN HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD4JfRJEKoU
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it's honestly baffling how retarded those women are. no wonder chuck would rather debate them than nick fuentes.
2nd from the right has gotta be a tranny.
He’s ugly
It makes sense he ended up this way
ecelebs mass graves soon

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if you lazy niggers got a job we wouldn't have to import indians and spics to keep our economy going
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Probably because they don't want to work for a piece of shit parasite who takes credit for the work everyone does for his companies. At shit wages while lives it up on his yacht. Fuck this clown.
His rocket company launches more rockets than the entire rest of the world combined, including the rest of the US.

At least try to put some effort into your job.
work are for tractors
just force everyone to have a chinese wife. They'll beg for a reason to stay away from home
somebody should of head stomped that niga when he was a bald teen in university../

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Or else the Patriarchy will collapse
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Soon, there will be half-breed bears
What they really mean is they feel safer with Russian.
They know russian man bear will only rape the creepy man in forest.
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Nobody likes feminists except for other feminists. Bears and wolves are really tired their shit too. No need to worry, because the problem will take care of itself.
Bears in this case are a euphemism for Alimony. Financially fatal to men, but a dear friend of women.

every other race calls them out except the whites.
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Oh my GOD, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
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laughs in Indiachad. I run the anime scene in Toronto you racists
Sir you are fucking you are fucking sir!
kek you're not fooling anyone, Shlomo. Everybody can see your kind, now

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bahahahaha look at the biden "crowd"...if you're gonna make a photoshoop then at least make it believable.
Ok paki
>Biden: Zoomed WAY out
>Trump: Zoomed WAY in
It's all so tiresome.. and stupid.
Kek. Imagine actually supporting Biden

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Greece are you ok???
>Greece is moving toward a six-day workweek, while several other countries are experimenting with shorter office hours. The government hopes to make up for missing workers and fight black market labor. Can it work?
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>Can Greece's new six-day workweek be a model for others?

... look, the problem is, and its european one, we already pay millions of people the minimum wage, give them free healthcare, housing and money for there children, but who are not working, and on the other side we are dependend on cheap labor production in asia who producing all the shit thats to expensive to be produced in europe!

its the same in germany where the retirement age moves up every few years! currently its 67 in germany and the muppents in berlin already gazing at age of 70!

working more and longer hours while we get overrun by non europeans who we feed, house, keep healthy and pay for there kids isnt something that will work! sooner or later the whole society will break apart ...
IMO there's nothing wrong with this. Sitting on your ass for 2 entire days as an adult is pitiful. Most people under 30 don't even have kids to take care of, so what's the problem? They should go to work.
based reply.
It's all about the pressure.
>Eliminate most social nets (you can have private charity if you want).
>Make work week smaller.
>Lower taxes significantly.
>Stop changing market related laws every fucking month (Greece is notoriously bad at this, no stability)
>Watch productivity skyrocket
Also Greeks aren't lazy, they work more than most Europeans. There's just rampart corruption and everyone works hard and retarded, instead of smart.
>its the same in germany where the retirement age moves up every few years! currently its 67 in germany and the muppents in berlin already gazing at age of 70!
Your post reminded me of this:
>The excited spiral of Misesian-Darwinian degenerative runaway is neatly captured in the words of the world’s fluffiest Beltway libertarian, Megan McArdle, writing in core Cathedral-mouthpiece The Atlantic:
>"It is somewhat ironic that the first serious strains caused by Europe’s changing demographics are showing up in the Continent’s welfare budgets, because the pension systems themselves may well have shaped, and limited, Europe’s growth. The 20th century saw international adoption of social-security systems that promised defined benefits paid out of future tax revenue—known to pension experts as “paygo” systems, and to critics as Ponzi schemes. These systems have greatly eased fears of a destitute old age, but multiple studies show that as social-security systems become more generous (and old age more secure), people have fewer children. By one estimate, 50 to 60 percent of the difference between America’s (above-replacement) birthrate and Europe’s can be explained by the latter’s more generous systems. In other words, Europe’s pension system may have set in motion the very demographic decline that helped make that system—and some European governments—insolvent."
Greece is an economic abnormality. A “modern” European nation in which, for many years, public sector careers paid better than private ones. Not to mention the extraordinary, long-standing inefficiency of its tax system. On the plus side, it means I can nip over to Santorini or Mykonos and be treated like a god by underpaid Greek girls who look just like Ariana Grande.

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nobody knows, and i find it kind of insulting.
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Yeah you were only brain dead forever before you existed. How'd you get here? Fuckin brainlet
It will be a lie to say
>""I don't know""
, and I hate lying.
Yes I do. That's MY point.
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Good chance OP isn't a typical atheist
I'm not wrong. copium is real.

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daily reminder

you can not be American if your ancestry is outside this marked area (one may add swiss/austrians)
America is a country by and for northwestern Europeans
have a nice day
Allowing potato niggers was a mistake

In a lot of ways, Nazi society would begin forcefully adopting secularization policies resembling those of the Soviet Union (The Nazis were, in fact, inspired quite a bit by the Soviets.), as in the Nazis would take plenty of measures to die down the popularity of religion, which would gradually work over a many decades. They would start with simple things, like removing statues and certain religious sculptures from public. They already tried replacing bibles with Mein Kampf and including swastikas everywhere, so maybe they could do similar things until eventually church didn't even resemble church, and people, other than a few really psychotic people, would continue doing there. Eventually, these places would be outlawed entirely, and the people who would complain and revolt would simply be sent to educational correctional facilities or be executed if they can't be fixed. It's not worth keeping really psychotic people in prison, and this would also be eugenic, along with saving plenty of tax dollars.
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Both Germans and Russians are remains of ancient white civilization, Tartaria.
Both have very similar Y DNA Haplogroups, that both originated in Russia, R1a and R1b.

The swastikas aren't some "symbols" , they are energy vortexes. They symbolize free energy generators that were all over the world, including in both Germany and Russia.
They both symbolized an ancient white civilization that provided free energy to its people all over the globe.

The british banker / British financial empire was the destruction of that ancient white civilization.

What we have now is british banker slaves everywhere. Due to usury.
The problem wasn't Russia or Soviet Union. Nor it is now. The problem is banking mafia and its usury that enslaved the world
And the globohomo centers of the banking empire are in London and in Switzerland.

You need to pick a side - an evil side where you enslave population. OR peaceful side with free energy.
Look at men today, weak, emasculated (in america, doubly so by circumcision), and low testosterone. This evolution is driven by jewish influence over womens dating preferences. There will be no special forces soon - unless by special you mean Super Dilation Squad - 22 Inch battalion.
you are delusional if you think germany winning would be anything but mass destruction, genocide and eradication of all kind of cultures.

all they did was destroy countless historical buildings, loot, kill, pillage fellow white people hell even fucking norway got that treatment my entire city was turned to ash. if nazis even did this shit to ppl they consider aryan then they do it to about anyone
Everything you’ve posted thus far indicates a severe misreading of historical events and a confused worldview. The Reich was not hostile to Christianity in any way. In fact, when Hitler banned freemasonry in 1933, numerous lodges attempted to rebrand themselves as “Christian” clubs to sidestep the new law, knowing full well that National Socialism represented the political manifestation of Lutheranism.

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Hear me out.
You should join the ARMY /pol/
You don't have a good job.
You don't have hope for the future.
You don't have a woman.
You don't have kids.
You don't have any value as a human.
You have nothing to lose.
You are a neet.
The Army will make you strong.
The Army will make you healthy.
The Army will give you purpose.
The Army will save you from your self.
The Army is the best decision you haven't made yet.
You may be worthless /pol/ but you're smarter than the average person.

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Fuck army guys wives

Especially recruiters

While they're out dying for shekel mcgoldstein, be at their house impregnating their wives.

Military people are all cucks. They love orders and being dehumanized.

They're all cucks that want their wives bred while they die in a desert .

Their wives will use the cuck bucks to support you while you brees them.
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Why not just move to canada where you can be euthenized more humanely?
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You've never even had sex before.
The Army hates and doesn't respect anyone in it. The whole military is like that. Why join an organization that treats you like a 10year old while trying to break your body before you get out?
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The draft isn't going to happen successfully fedanon, there will be casualties stateside.

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It is now mainly spics and Africans who are Christian. It is no longer possible to convince literate white people with Internet access that the entire universe was created by a god that only revealed himself to some loser incel desert tribe while ignoring the entire planet for thousands of years and then totally vanished as soon as we started keeping accurate records and inventing things like cameras. Nobody with a three digit IQ can ever believe this shit again. It's over. There might be some kind of deistic entity out there, inb4 fedora, whatever, but Christianity has collapsed in the west and is never coming back, it has thoroughly lost all relevance to reality in the majority of minds and this cannot be undone.
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What just like it’s unbelievable that jews are still causing mayhem in Europe?

Fucking retard.
Interesting how on Oct 7 the anti-christian threads disappeared
I'm atheist and i don't think christian are mean
40 dead babies was the straw that broke the camel's back. every single thing jews have ever said or claimed to have happened has to stand in juxtaposition to 40 dead babies. which means no more benefit of the doubt. start reading all jewish works under the presupposition jews are lying, its only a question of how and why
its amazing how many jews there are larping as christcucks

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What was the point of Brexit?

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