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42,000 will be men ages 18-40 so he can send them to the front lines in Ukraine
This probably just a trick to send them to the front
I fucking hate him so much
All he does is sending ethnic russians to die and bring more churkas and niggers into the country.
Light-skinned Russian girls salivate at the thought of getting their asses blown off by all those tanned cocks.

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I am more worried about India than China. The constant street shitter mockery and AI generated images are being seen by too many of them. They're not handling it well and I think they're going to lash out. Like full on Hindu Hitler rabid nationalist insanity lash out, attempting to restore respect through fear. Its gonna get ugly.
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They flooded mine
Why do Russians treat Chinese and Indians like this?

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>>471910215 LAMO
>not one indian flag has yet replied
I know there's dozens of them here. Why haven't they said anything? They're 100% planning something.
Halfway through this. Incredible educational content. Well done Sir Attenborough.

>be me
>some extremely online weirdo
>posting on /pol/ at 3am
>thinking about how it all went wrong
>everything went to shit when the Austrian crown banned the Habsburgs
>tfw no more Habsburg jawline
>tfw no more Habsburg inbreeding memes
>tfw no more Habsburgs period

>mfw people don't realize the Habsburgs were holding Europe together
>mfw normies think the EU is the answer
>imagine not having a Holy Roman Emperor to keep things in check
>posting redpill on the Habsburgs
>they ruled half of Europe and parts of the New World
>lost everything because of some lame ass treaties and revolutions

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
kys jew retard
It all went wrong with the Reformation.
Fuck you and fuck off.

Desalination is not the solution
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Not mine concerns
I am repeating what they say on CNBC video
Maybe it is outdated then.

But my theory of perfect harmony that includes human beings and technology progress means that huge infrastructure structures can actually fit in with harmony...

The yt community raised the possibility of brine water being used to mine lithium for electric vehicles for example
And I am looking for a type of harmony...
There isn't a water crisis. Its created within the earth itself.
Stephen reiss built plenty of wells utilizings his theory of primary water.
They say in the global trends that we should expect in the next decades for climate immigrants
>Desalination is not the solution
>"The only solution is not the solution."
Then just curl up and die lol
My harmony theory that includes human beings on earth and technology is trying to prove that human beings have a divine right to exist on earth in perfect balance even if at this moment and at times we have evil crime and poverty.

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>Were you circumcised without your consent?

Well, you may be entitled to financial compensation!
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>jews attack victim of jewish male child genital mutilation
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>A New World Order
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>Did you know jews get upwards of $100,000 US dollars per foreskin sold - where it is then used in such products as face cream and similar?
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>Foreskin theft
bump to make jews seethe.

Can this stupid fucking place be saved?
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>10 years ago
guess what, that's when it started to rapidly go downhill after 3 decades of gradual decline. you never saw the real canada.
>n-no goy s-stop noticing! focus only one of of our clan while we steal from you in every way possible!
All the jews are to blame you kike loving shill niggler
Yeah I'll have a job over there, did 4 years of college now it's time to leave I can't wait.
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Honestly, no, not as it is, and I can easily see it balkanizing over time. The Jews have done their work, and not without their expulsion will we ever see any degree of normalcy again.
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> "What's wrong with Canada?" asked the memeflag nigger
you are what's wrong with canada.

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Reminder that a world without white people is not a world worth living in. Why do the Jews want to take this from us?
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Lol. Chomo mad. You need some dick milk nigger.
>Why do the Jews want to take this from us?

they will never forgive us for what they did
Fucking kek. If it isn't pink then it's going to stink.
lmao all the boomers seething mad at this post
Alright bud, you keep waiting for the stats about coalburning because its definitely gonna come out sometime!
im sure it will disprove all the nogs arabs and crossbreeds that outbreed you in your country

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If you own your house but don't pay the annual property tax, the state kicks you out and sells your house for profit.

So who owned the house then?
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We get to rape you, your gf / wife and daughters, then flay your sons and take your house when everything collapses :)
no idea what you're referring to, try again.
change the law so that they kick you out but at teh value your home was valued by the dicks who do the assessments. so if your home is worth 750,000 and you cant cough up the money they have to buy you out for 750,000 minus the tax. win win. they wont kick you out then
Allodial titles, land patents… there are ways. They’re just very old constitutional methods that aren’t available to “citizens” regardless.
What kills me is regardless of what paperwork you submit, eventually the corrupt communist government will come and take your shit with a mob regardless. The only way for us to be free is to have this common law anarchy, but it will never happen because every average human nowadays is either a communist or a fascist. Not much left between.
Yeah i never understood this. How is america "free" if you technically don't don't own the property.
Just sounds like some soviet union bullshit.

You know that feeling of when you start playing a new online game and you just want to explore the world but it seems like every player just wants to pvp? That’s how I feel in the real world. I go out and just try to mind my business and it feels like everyone wants to hurt you or dominate you in some way. I don’t want to participate in this. I want to get away or rise above the human hierarchy competition but I can’t get away from it. I think the only way is to go somewhere far remote where I’ll no longer have to deal with other humans. Everyone is jealous everyone is a sociopath every other dude is aggressive I just want to get away I don’t care about stupid status competitions. I just want to explore this world with my time I have.
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Nigger I feel the same way
I’m not complaining this is anonymous I don’t get any sympathy points from the internet. I can fight and the whole training mma thing is a meme. If you look intimidating you will attract more people looking to cause trouble I have real world experience with this you got caught up in thinking that just because you look like you can fight means people won’t fight you when the opposite is true ask anyone over 6’2 how often people cause fights specifically with them for seemingly no reason it’s an ego thing not a realistic thing
Other big dudes other guys that have been to jail the more alpha you look the more people will want to fight you to prove something to themselves so your theory is bs.
Switched my ID.
No one is stopping you from just wandering off into the woods never to be seen again

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Best analysis
It's probably the rich relatives of a rival gang leader.
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These are some seriously low quality posts. I get the impression that they were made by a pajeet.
settle down fatty you'll give yourself a heart attack
Something burgers talk about but never uses.. Cucks.

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Proving once again the west can't enforce anything
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They will be scrapped and houses will e made out of the sheet metal. The seats will end up in a mosk somewhere
This is Somaliland.
Not somalia
Why do Russians treat Chinese and Indians like this?


After the Nationalist Coalition belly flop, can there be any doubt that this guy and Dmitri Loutsik are doxxers and feds?

>NJP collapses
>all the most ambitious NJP volunteers decide to make a new NJP
>everyone in the group has taken training on opsec, infosec, cybersec for the NJP
>OP picrel and the Antelope Hill nerds put together a mega mailing list
>it mysteriously leaks within weeks
>hundreds of names and addresses leak to antifa
>TRS fingerprints all over it
>the first member on the database is "Louis", one of the three AHP principals, indicating that he put the dox list together
>TDS is just going to pretend it didn't happen

>Nothing they do is civilized.
>They are friendly as a tactic
>They are friendly to 'smoke screen' their attempts of reduce the effectiveness of Western corporations, and western workplace efficiency.
>It's their only hope to make Indian corporations competitive
>when do we realize what India is up to
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>your crusade to gaypill /pol/ is a hugely losing battle.
99% of what we say is just basic common sense.
>centuries of corrupt rule
But they've only been free to gangrape each-other for eighty years
madrachods are horrible creatures.
>they are friendly as a tactic
That's a practice they inherited from Christianity.

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>Rumors that Israel will imminently invade Lebanon

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I was going to wonder what the Swiss watchmaker company was doing in North Korea.
>Muh months old photograph totally proves that the dune coons didn’t ding the emblem of our military might.
Uh huh
>Please stop making me "defend" the US M.I.C.
Please feel free to stop at any time, retard.
Kill yourself faggot
I’m not in the military. Take your meds.
They’re always up to no good…

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Are Governments are now teaching the wrong stuff ?
I have said for years, even made threads, that you'll know WWIII is about to kick off when the ISS blows up. They can't just leave it up there, it's a fully operational space battlestation. Whoever controlled it would have an advantage in space war, which will be a component of WWIII for sure.

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Everywhere you go, you get these mediocre white male gatekeepers who are only there because they gave themselves clout, and everyone decided to go along with it.

>displays white male privilege
>the only way any non-white is allowed to do anything in this world is by force, because otherwise they just won't share.
>DEI is actually necessary because white males just hog everything with zero self awareness.
holy chatgpt batman
Paco please
This bot thread is really fucking stupid
Jew Bauman
Niggers need Whites.

Whites don't need niggers.

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Ukrainians killed civilians who were "collaborating" with Russia in Bucha. It was extremely wrong but hardly Putin's fault. Only thing Putin did wrong was not nuking the hohols
Interesting perspective for a nonWhite animal yourself.
>No he's literally God's gift to the world
Based, Total r*snigger Death.
Never happened.
They're called bitches, but you are right. No puppies that big are being carried by the scruff.

Why do Republicans hate this stuff so much? When it comes to other issues they can't write a check quick enough.
Also does Coulter believe that 10% income tax would come from funding arts and museums? Is she retarded?

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It would be cheaper and better to invest some money to make kids read the classics and check some modernist paintings than whatever the fuck contemporary art is.
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Meanwhile, in The Netherlands.
DeSantis is a shabbos goy, he's cutting all funding from preserving white art.
What a shame. I legitimately enjoy taking my kid to the children's museums around here. Oh well, looks like instead of taxes, either they have to raise admission or donors have to step up.
Shit like that used to be funded by patrons, it really isn't the job of government like international charity isn't the job of government.

Here's the article.

Here is some commentary on the article.

Big banks are again upside down on all kinds of loan based securities. After the GFC banks are supposed to come up with plans to keep themselves out of bankruptcy. In the article it says that Citi Bank can't work their way out of a bankruptcy. They will probably need a bailout or be a sacrificial lamb.

All kinds of big banks have huge unrealized loses. They are hoping to make up for those loses with riskier derivatives. A great example of this is Norichunkin. It is a Japanese investment bank that works primarily with American and Euro bonds. They need to either sell off like $65 billon in bonds or get bailed out. Their big plan is to invest in riskier derivatives with possibly larger yields to make up for their unrealized losses on bonds. Go look up Exter's inverted pyramid. They want to go up the pyramid when they should be going down to gold.
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The dollars been printed away via paper and for ever paper dollar printed there are 1776 digital dollars being fractionally created by banks, which have a ZERO percent reserve requirement. In practice most banks have close to 1% of their reserve which is still extremely vulnerable to bank runs.
Prepare for deflation coupled with inflation. Captcha keeps timing me out because jews are incredibly ugly and stupid.
>Prepare for deflation coupled with inflation
I'd actually like to see this. Prices going schizo.
I'm not a bot. the bot must have immediately copy/pasted
There wont be a lot of money going around and it wont be worth a lot anyway.

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>be me
>spend the countless hours going through archives and redpill threads
>just trying my hardest to disprove anything you faggots posted
>but I couldn't
>every single redpill posted about the jews and rednecks was true
>even the stuff that I thought was just a meme for teh lulz
I honestly don't even know what to do anymore. I'm more depressed than I am elated to be awakened. Almost like an old friend died. Does this feeling ever go away or does it just get worse?
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As opposed to your D&D larpagan religion?
I pray to Jesus to kill me every day, but He won't hear my prayers, I'm stuck here smelling nigger shit and getting microplastics in my balls till I go insane
God needs his soldiers in the field. There's no discharge in the omniwar.
If you didn’t figure this shit out by 12, you’re just wasting time.
Find a better hobby
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just don’t try and educate the people around you. you come to these conclusions on your own or never at all.

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