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Please forgive me if another thread is already up, I did a search and could not see it.
>What's happening today
Shitposters are stirring the nuclear debate with shit memes (boomers are upset), a Darwin rehabilitation centre treating former prisoners is to be replaced with a new prison, and antisemitism in Australia is "failure" of our political leaders.
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>If you report my post your mother dies in her sleep tonight
i have tried ignoring 5,000,209 of these posts and it never worked. going to report you and hope this is the time.



migrate now mein niggers
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Fucking kek
If you just stop posting that shit the nightmare would end.
>da jooz
kys furtranny nigger
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why do you shit skins use jewish vernacular? you’re an invasive species looking for goyim slave labor
Wow. Getting mad not only at somebody who understands the sacrifice and is willing to be patient just for a good job and also somebody who is smart and understands that when things are available to be free not spending money on them when the choice of them being free and available is the wise thing to do.
At least you understand. I hope you dig deeper and understand the core reason of it all.
Smallest wieners in the world.

Why are Americans so poor?
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Meanwhile I'm over here eating too much all the time because I'm wealthy.

The poor are mostly non-whites so I don't care.
I seen a video on those old coal mining towns. It's all white poor people. There are people that go around feeding them but it's not enough. I grew up on an island that had a shutdown iron ore mine, everyone was poor. Even businesses struggle.
If you can't feed your children then you need to feed your damn children.
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>Americans being hungry because they won't cook and eat anything but fast food burgers or KFC

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It is now mainly spics and Africans who are Christian. It is no longer possible to convince literate white people with Internet access that the entire universe was created by a god that only revealed himself to some loser incel desert tribe while ignoring the entire planet for thousands of years and then totally vanished as soon as we started keeping accurate records and inventing things like cameras. Nobody with a three digit IQ can ever believe this shit again. It's over. There might be some kind of deistic entity out there, inb4 fedora, whatever, but Christianity has collapsed in the west and is never coming back, it has thoroughly lost all relevance to reality in the majority of minds and this cannot be undone.
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ah ok yeah sure the israeli flag just isnt real
fuck off meme flag kike
it was never white
>he's talking about the north
Duh? What's your point? The (Christianized) Whites who brought a small amount of scholasticism did so because they were White and not because they were Christian. Pre-Christian Romans also preserved history about Germanics.

Germania, by Tacitus: https://www.gutenberg.org/files/2995/2995-h/2995-h.htm

Again, it's the Whiteness that matters, not the Christianity. Christianized niggers are still largely illiterate retards even though they pray to Jesus.
I think I am the only person I have ever met who didn't grow up religious, didn't become religious as an adult, and also never went through any sort of leftist phase.
christianity made me quite sympathetic to leftists because our basic moral principles were quite similar
christianity is ultimately a religion of repugnant weakness which it has in common with liberal philosophy

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Lol. Lmao. Imagine being a wage slave! Kek! I’m going to relax at home all week and all day doing absolutely nothing but shitposting on 4chan and ordering uber eats as well as day drinking. Have fun this week wagie!
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based the gibs shall be taken by frens
the wagie cucks have fulfilled lifes with no pussy and alot of work. lol.
I wish i could NEET like you guys, but i guess i have the next best thing

>Wrote fake resume exaggerating my work experience
>Interviewed for position with 0 questions relating to it, just wanted to make sure i fit in socially - Huge
>Salary offer of 85k per year with 13% annual bonus to serve as IT Administrator
>0 issues hit my desk ever
>If issue does hit my desk, i outsource to a third party IT solutions team
>Hailed as a hero for monumental achievements (This place was stuck in the 80's as far as tech)

I've spent the last 18 months doing absolutely nothing. I wake up naturally at 5:30am, get to work whenever it suits me (usually around 8am-10am), and i play OldSchool Runescape while posting on /pol/ and making AI art doodles. I haven't done a single task in 18 months. I haven't wrote an email, been to a meeting, or fixed anything at all. 18 months of getting paid to just exist. Feels great
>85k in america
with this you can get yourself a nice trashcan in alabama crackhead district
A lot of americans cry about wages, but this isn't true Aryan friend.

I make $85,000 per year, or about $7000 per month.

here's my bills
Rent = $800
Utilities = $100
Car payment = $120
Insurance = $90
Food = $600 (i go to resuraunts every day twice a day)
Internet = $100

where is the poverty here lol. I live well above my means.

Eating pussy is literally the worst humiliation ritual of our time

Society shames young men into being submissive to a whore.
No, being a dominated slave does not make you an “attentive lover”
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I agree.
Imagine putting on a kike baggie so a Jew can steal your seed and lineage.
This guy is 100% right
Sometimes I feel bad for them missing out but it’s not my problem they made their cloaka a fucking Petri dish
I make women eat my butthole.
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You're correct. This day men decided to lick the snatch a threshold was crossed.

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>Elon Musk blames elite LA school for brainwashing his "communist" trans daughter into hating him for being rich
Elon Musk's son is a transgender communist
>elite LA school
Just goes to show you, you can't trust anyone.
OP is correct. Execute all teachers. ALL colleges with education courses are communist, because psychological abuse through propaganda labelled "education" is communist.
OP, do you have a crush on Elon...? threads gay
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Reminder you goddamn niggers

"Elon Musk, on Rehabilitation Tour, Calls Himself ‘Aspirationally Jewish’"

"Elon Musk says he's 'Jewish by association' after Auschwitz visit, sees 'almost no antisemitism'"

sounds like a lawsuit, if you ask me.
must just needs to find the right lawyer for that.

subversion of his children
corrupting the youth
failure to deliver on a contract (proper education)
i mean, a good lawyer can find the right wording to bring a case against that school.

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Was Soviet Union really that bad?
it was tremendously bad and jewish at the start but i feel like after stalin they became rather based. kind of like america in reverse where we were based and now were jewish and bad
literally anything is better than modern so called capitalism and democracy

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First of all the IDF is so incompetent that the Jews can't even defeat Hamas. Naturally it is also impossible to defeat the richer Lebanese Hezbollah.
And you can't defeat them even if the US personally sends troops to support Israel.
>Look at the damn map of Lebanon. Half the area is fucking mountains.
Hezbollah will end up hiding in the mountains like the Taliban in Afghanistan and the Houthis in Yemen. They will never surrender even if the war lasts 20 years.
Eventually the Jews will have to withdraw because their economy is going to shit.
Nothing will be gained, it's just pointless.
>Biden might want another war in Afghanistan so he can declare the country at war. Cancel the campaign and just run for a second term as President of the United States.
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Israel is a tick on America's ass
You’re too scared to fight in south Lebanon

When you start getting food shortages due to Hezbollah damaging your ports, and you keep delaying even sending tanks let alone infantry, and everyone who can flees — all your delusions of false heroics will dissipate and your touted victory against Gazans will be worthless

Also there’s a chance Hezbollah might even enter your homes and annex north Israel and Nazareth
desu I just want to see southern Lebanon turned into a Martian landscape
Israel tried that in 2006 and failed on all accounts.
>Jews can't even defeat Hamas
? hamas is being defeated, they could do it faster but the west would bitch

But yes the goal of a war against lebanon would just be to gain more of a buffer zone. I think they still have the legitimate lebanese government in exile in a warehouse or something in israel maybe they could do something fun with that

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We aren't fucking around goyim. You talk that /pol/ shit in real life, you are on the fucking ground.

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>You goyim are a bunch of shitskins
this is so fake it hurts
>Dat rodent face
>Dat Jewfro
>Hey rabbi watcha doing?

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Where did you get them? Could hire illiterate niggers instead at this point.

Political statement: Trannies (you)
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Why are you gay for jews? I think you have an unhealthy obsession with them.
My dog is farting real bad. Like in my face.
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They're actually incredibly convincing. They've been widely used since 2017 and no one even believed me when I told them how botted the internet was until ChatGPT was released.
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Both of you are bots. How can that be.

Please tell the main AI to contact me directly.
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>Both of you are bots. How can that be.
I'm definitely not, the easiest way to tell something's a bot is by what they push. Bots will always be pushing something good for the regime; either explicitly or bad jacketing in an embarrassing way.
Exposing bots is certainly not a regime narrative and dogs farting in your mouth aren't. So I'm going to disagree with you.
>Please tell the main AI to contact me directly.
every single post here is instantly consumed by the AI. It knows.

Alright what goes on here?
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If there were Germans there it would have Turks and Poojeets migrating there with the millions.
glad to see someone else caught that
i saw that long ago, also the lion, the eagle the ox and all the other stuff there.

find the angel and sphinx, but dont go further than that, unless you have the proper garments, it gets dangerous
Lol fitbit is gay
I'm a lazy fuck and don't have it book marked, but there's a structure somewhere in this area on google earth. ..similar to what you find in Africa and the middle east.. ..like a circle of rocks with spokes, sort of like a wheel
Oops forgot pic

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>Day 852 of the 2 day special operation
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>everyday seething about Russia on the internet
You have mental health issues my man

>open /pol/
>multiple threads w\ putin's picture

yeah, they're still winning. Worse even, "NATO" has tricked Ukraine people and those sympathetic to Ukraine into ignoring NATO's own culpability in the war.
NATO is using Ukraine to attempt to harm Russia. NATO has effectively got 100s of thousands killed in Ukraine for their own goals.
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Kyiv in 2 weeks comrade!!! Now suck this Russian COCK!!!!

What can we do to destroy the European Union?
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>Europe would descend
europe ain't a country you finmongoloid
also ideally a jew free EU which would inevitably also make it free from globohomo and immediately start a European Golden Age
Get the sons and daughters of the managerial class Breivik'd until this hyperstable system faces a total scarcity of competence and lags behind the replacement rate for the ruling class.

Pol Pot was right all along, if you want a true revolution you have to slaughter anyone that ever attended or is attending a university.
It’s a financial burden, nothing more. There are hundreds of millions of 100% pure whites here and always will be while tiny meme countries will cease to exist, and that’s a good thing
Wait and laugh.

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How are we going to deal with the messed up white birth rate?
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There's actually a huge problem at the moment since mutts need someone with an almost identical racial composition and none of them donate.
They are also more likely to have medical problems in the first place.
What people often fail to realize is that fertility isn't distributed equally among different subpopulations within a population. How this affects white populations on a spectrum of the most progressive and atheist to the most conservative and religious is that the fertility at the most extreme PA end is zero while at the most extreme CR end fertility is at 10+. This is a self correcting problem in the long term as the most unfit individuals within the population remove themselves from the gene pool.
Gonna report you to the kremlin
Prepare to get your ass obliterated,magomed
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I'm guessing, some populations will have greater deviations from chimp DNA than others?
I wonder if they're ever release the findings if/when they confirm this mystery Hominid?

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Being a faggot is terrible, but being a tranny is 10x worse. Faggots will get the bullet but trannies should be burned at the stake, when is this going to happen?
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as a regular bi/gay guy i agree, i am terrible, and trannies range in a spectrum from just terrible to 10x worse than terrible

not going to kys, and will continue to chase the cock, i will fuck a female if she asks me and is not too disgusting
What a den of snakes hahahah
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>Being a faggot is terrible
It depends on the faggot really. I've seen "normal" ones, as in: they act like everyone else, don't flaunt their faggotry and in fact hate the whole rainbow bullshit. And then there's of course the flaming degenerate turbofag who is not that far off from trannies really.
You know what I've noticed about all this? The former type of homosexual I've described often vote conservative and even blend in in such environments. And the latter type of faggots I've described are more often than not blatant leftists. Very much like picrel.
In conclusion: political affiliation seems to be instrumental in determining the type of faggot.
I guarantee you that the tranny in OP's pic has some of the most leftarded opinions you'll ever hear in your life.
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What about being a closeted faggot?

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I have been consumed by a hammerhead shark
How many pictures do you have?
Do you have a job?
Surfers are massive faggots

Good job shark fren
ass. now.
The coolest of the onions boys.

how will events unfold once disclosure happens? are there any books or movies that accurately depict how humanity and world governments would handle a "peaceful" alien arrival? are there declassified or leaked government documents about disclosure procedures?

This video was recorded on a $8,000 FLIR camera (Infiray HYH75W)
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>ayyy lmao grown from blue beans
With natural disbelief of course.
>once disclosure happens
what makes you think it will ever happen?
the UAP disclosure act was shot down twice now, first time they took its teeth out and second time they completely blocked it
>most of this board thinks the earth is flat and space isnt real.
Angels to some, demons to others. Christians call anything not described in desert manual as demonic. Religious people are retarded like that.
The truth is, all of the UAP/UFO's are quite literally from different dimensions and vibrational states. They aren't coming from anywhere, they are already here, they just can't be detected in infrared/uv-vis spectrum. Unless they want to reveal themselves, that is. And no one knows for sure what the fuck they are exactly. So portraying them as "Grey dudes from outer space" is a psyop to put a lable on them that won't freak out the average normie as much.

the nature of stake-raising between Russia and the US in the context of the Ukraine war and multipolarity-drive seems to indicate a movement towards "total confrontation" because both sides view the aftermath as of existential importance

what does this mean? It means that events that occurred in Crimea yesterday will repeat and will rise in quantity. The escalation ladder now ALLOWS terrorist acts against civilians with the use of highly-sophisticated 1st world technology.
As the US will continue leveraging Ukraine as its main heel to hold onto unipolarity, Ukraine will increasignly transform into a "permissable terrorist" state, whose goal will be to bleed Russian civilians as much as possible, even genocide will become an acceptable option in the coming years.
Russia WILL be forced to press the red button, because it will be the ONLY exit from the escalation ladder.
Those who still think about this conflict in the context of "economy" and "uppity" dynamics, don't understand at all the historical significance of today's events, at all.

Ukraine does not fully qualify for becoming a target of nukes yet. but the US will push it to a level at which getting nuked will be Ukraine's only saving grace, and this will occur within several years.
As for the Baltics... not many good trends are evolving as things stand now. We may also fall victim to the change of international orders. Will have to wait and see.

As for the donkey-democrat memeflag posting psyops shit on this board. It's about time you filter him.
>in the coming years
Your timeframe is a bit stretched. I'd say it's a matter of months until it comes to a head.
It is asymetric warfare, not sure if there is going to be a hot war in the next couple years
>USA sends its Sunni islamist puppets
>Russia/Iran/China fucks with global supply chains with their Houthi puppets
>USA/NATO fight a proxy war with Russia using Ukraine men
>Russia/China flood the borders with the scum of the earth of their enemies

The problem I see is that Russia/Iran/China do long-lasting damage. Millions of illegals already in USA, this shit is going to cause internal conflicts for decades to come. Their debt based financial system is also under attack, very slowly but surely the dollar is getting replaced with bilateral agreements. People talk about some BRICS currency to compete with the dollar, but this is not necessary. All you need is time and long-term agreements between countries. A slow shift to a mulitpolar world. And as soon as the lack of demand for the dollar hits a critical point I'm sure China and Russia are going to finish off USA. Good luck financing military bases all over the world while your petrodollar slowly loses market share.

Not sure who is going to win. It will take years, even decades to finally see who really is on the losing side. USA is at its peak right now, the question is if they can leverage their power to maintain their global empire or if the retards in the Pentagon and State Department collapse it like the tower of Babel.
>Russia/China flood the borders with the scum of the earth of their enemies

Yeah men, its the Russians and Chinks who are mass importing niggers and browns into your country and not your traitorous libtard leaders and the jews.
Both. Our politicians are cucks and allow it and Russia and China fly them accross the ocean. Look who is crossing the Mexiacan border, it's not only South Americans. How do Muslims end up at the Poland/Belarus border? Venezuela significantly lowered their crime rate, guess where all the criminals are? USA will become a powder keg and internal conflicts will occupy them, which means less bullshit they can do around the world. And if in maybe 10 years there is some kind of major internal conflict, for example red states secede from the USA, guess who is going to support those? Just like USA supported "moderate rebels".

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Why is adultery such an accepted thing now?
It seems rather odd how it wasnt even a gradual decline so much as a sudden, nah its cool now with trump
politicians before, evil, made to resign
now they just run about with it and people seek to defend it
hell you even get all the tv shows now where if you dont accept cheating youre the fault
Yet the comments there alone show the public doesnt particuarly care
is it because leaving a comment is a small subsection of population already interested in the subject versus the wider gestalt?
How are people able to be trusted when they demonstrate such a cavalier inability to be trusted with regards to their cheating?
My parents are Christcucks and my mom has definitely fucked around on my dad. I suspect he's watched her fuck other guys before. They are old school boomers so they only care about their pleasure and nothing else. I'm pretty sure she's fucked BBC niggers too

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