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Was this guy always retarded?
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I told all you faggots that this guy was a dumbass back when you were all posting about washing your dicks. You retards never learn.
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I've watched a lot of Jordan Peterson's college lectures. It's hard to see this as the same person. Like physically the body might be the same but it's like a new man occupies the mind. I feel like he was broken, psychologically, and then reprogrammed, and rebuilt in this new state. We'll call this his two-face era. They even hint at it with his kooky batman-villain tier outfits. He's become some sort of controlled mouthpiece of the jewish media establishment. I hope the paychecks are worth it. I'm sure they are. I may disagree with his morality but I see how practical it is to just take a paycheck and say what the jews want you to say. I think we're just seeing a broken man whose given up and he will say what his handlers tell him while collecting paychecks to retire comfortably. It's cynical but practical. And traditionally Canadians don't have much fight in them. They aren't as rebellious as us US citizens.
>It's hard to see this as the same person
Really did you think it was a cohencidence that the guy who talked all the time about Solzhernitsyn also refused to ever talk about 200 Years Together? He was always a controlled gate keeper.
>There has to be some truly terrible karma coming down the line for Peterstein;
Down the line? His daughter is a STI-ridden whore who literally fucked Tate, it was revealed she fucked insane Russians and had children with them, and now he's ostracized even by people that liked him for his university lecture stage when he was a nobody. He's disliked by everyone except for literal Mossad agents, and even then, everyone hates Mossad agents and jews now.
I don't remember seeing too many men who have been brainwashed obviously. Like maybe Kanye West comes to mind. We know some jewish handlers are brainwashing Kanye trying to keep him in check when he gets autistic and reads too much 4chan and thinks he can run for president on a white nationalist pro-hitler platform.

Usually it's women who are brainwashed into being sex slaves and they get a little butterfly tatoo to indicate the Monarch programming they've undergone to be a compliant sex slave celebrity that can be passed around Hollywood and sold to rich sheiks in Saudi Arabia.

I think it's probably harder to break a man than a woman since men tend to be disagreeable so whatever they did to break JBP must have been phenomenally traumatic.

That one time I agree with the psychos of /pol/.
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Women have a compulsion to change their appearance as a coping mechanism for any kind of major stress they have in their lives.
I hope she was applying for a job in a freakshow
She prob dont look too bad on all fours with that mug buried in my couch cushions.
She wishes she was good enough for TJ...what a scrub (and I am a huge Destiny's Child fan)
what are these? fruit leathers?

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Fuck no they do NOT. Most of them are fat goblins by age 30. Latinas age like milk, which is odd because they are absolutely goddamn gorgeous at age 18. All fit and sexy with long dark hair. Then by 30 they are fat and ugly. I guess things that are beautiful burn out quickly in the world, like flowers blooming then dying.

This woman only looks good because she has had countless plastic surgeries pulling the skin taut on her face. She's actually kinda freaking looking. I imagine a bunch of clothespin on the back of her neck that when released will cause her face skin to droop like a bulldog.
That's just going to be the future, retard. As the world ages since people don't breed, you'll see old fucks eveywhere in every department.
ana kasparian is 71?
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I am a 39y old 4/10 neet chud with no job, no house, no money, no future, nothing. But I won't settle for anything less than a 7/10 with a banging body and pretty face who is half my age.
God owes me a beautiful loving white wife to make up for the cards I've been dealt in this life and for all the suffering I had to endure.
>Cope is evident

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>Another day, another escalation
- Glowie regime Schoof is ready for (world) war
- PVV Klever: ‘Replacement theory is the factual representation of demographic development’
- The Netherlands - France today: 0 - 0 because of ‘offside’
- Rutte new NATO chief, Hungary cucked and Romania too
- Media seething because Fleur Agema made the 'OK' gesture
- UvA Science Park cleared by the riot police
- Pro-Palestine protestors had occupied and barricaded UvA Science park and did shield training, but have left after threats of the riot police. Cameras also sabotage d (based)
- More people die of 'EK stress', has nothing to do with the COVID vaccinations though, believe us cattle!
- King: any civil servant that doesn't want to work with the PVV can find a new job
- Gidi Markuszower (MOSSAD/Shin Bet) not minister nor vicepremier after background check by the AIVD, no shit
- 25% of the police is sometimes being threatened by 'criminals': name, address, license plate, children's school known. Mental pressure cause them to be more restrained in their work. Good. Think about this fuckers when you pull people out of their houses for a draft/forced vaccinations
- NCTV: terror risk has been elevated because of jihadists, 'right wing extremists'
- More and more aggression against regime officials and public servants, system hate is now normal
- NCTV glowies: ‘pepe is an extreme right meme’ and funny

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waar de kanker heeft adriaan het vandaag nou weer over zeg
Misschien is mijn Zoomer brein verrot. Maar de grap was de “oude lunch lady die je schatje noemt” gecombineerd met de twee palen die zeiden “sterf Adriaan”
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Deze wil ik ook wel weten. Stiekem verdenk ik CERN ervan met parallelle universa te klooien. Ben er namelijk godverdomme zeker van dat Fruit of the Loom een cornucopia had, en Dolly uit Moonraker beugels droeg.
Dit is mijn schizo kant.
Oh, en we leven in een simulatie, waarschijnlijk.
Één grote joodse kanker mik mak
Wat was er mis met de jaren 80

Hele land is naar de klote
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en iedereen leuk weekend gehad? mijne was wel goed heb me vermaakt.

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See a doctor?
man up and just get meth off the street

It was just there

A machine with a calendar everybody
Stop eating carbs

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why should i then give up on my god complex and do something else? comfy sitting here in nowhere argentina, watching 24/7 the end of the world from geographically the fucking end of the world itself
god intervenes through people
people aren't doing anything
that's gay and fake
>the thing that calls it's self God doesn't intervene

Whats all this then? There's no people here, it seems it's just you lying out your ass 24/7 and desperately want to make your "religion" work...

Explain huh?

I'd imagine no intervention would look something like a real world in a stable real environment under the effects of causality rather than some looney toons larper world with no real causality and just one thing making shit up as it goes along...

Wouldn't non intervention in a "human" world include real actual humans? I mean... I would expect that the be implicit in what you're suggesting, no?

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How's this indian mass immigration helping anyone?
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at the rate things are going, an actual movement to deport indians will begin within a year. Like i said, whites dont have the balls to do it, but asians, blacks, chinese, mexicans, arabs, WILL.
oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
oh my Lordy, we indian men are GAY!!!!!!
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It is helpful to the Jews in inviting a parasitic class to DEI into important positions that hate Muslims and worship Jews and do not have sympathy for the suffering of White people and cry racism, even when Indians rape and kill or molest White girls.
I've heard Jews on here gushing at how much they love Indians and how they cause us problems. And the Indian will never rebel against the Jews as long as they are pro-Indian immigration and support them against the majority.
Like in empires past, they use ethnic intermediaries to manage an occupation regime that is parasitic against the local population.

Even the Chinese immigrants aren't even remotely half as bad as the Indians, though I am for an ethnostate, of course.
it is cause we indian men are GAY!!!!!!

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Hundreds of people were wounded and a few people (including kids) died in Sevastopol after an ATACMS missile's cluster warhead spread the exploding elements on a beach.
How can anyone go to a beach that is so close to the enemy's cruise missiles is a mystery. Did this attack take place because Putin went to Asia to buy some weapons?
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just like russian bombing of civilians at the start of the war is admission that kiev, crimea, other theaters of war are ukrainian, right?
>inb4 what dead civs
lol, lmao at dead faggot russians
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Thank you Bomber Harris

War Crimes
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There are no Ukrainians in Crimea, dude.
um I think it has the exact opposite effect genious, now the propaganda machine will use that to promote war support to the average russian citizen

The NATO-puppets in (((Ukrainians))) have churned out the most evil propaganda ever created. It's ugly, it's vile, it's evil. It's not even actually effective propaganda. The whole point of propaganda is to get you to think a certain way about the creator of propaganda or their target.

Ukrainian propaganda makes them seem desperate, weak, over-compensating, and bereft of all decent humanity. If that was the objective, then well done.
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This looks like some bullshit sega would make
>its obvious that the propaganda stems from the same cia think tank.
Pretty much this.
It reminds me a whole lot of the over-the-top ISIS beheading videos. Probably the same mutilated tranny CIA office worker producing the stuff.
Because they're low IQ and can't understand any mindset but their own. Propaganda is about twisting the minds of others and if you cannot understand the other, odds are you will not be able to influence him. All Ukrop goreposting accomplishes is that it makes the Ukrops and that NAFO fangirls feel good.
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The whole deal with russia was this attempt at re-creating what they believed about the "color revolution theory"
It predictably failed and thus they got more aggressive in their methods, eventually just electing to do a full scale invasion.
This post seems completely divorced from mine. The best I can tell is that you are claiming that the Donetsk and Belgorod shellings were false-flags, to fit a "color revolution theory?" Even though Donetsk continued to get shelled after the invasion and Belgorod only started to get shelled after it? Nigger, make some sense here. Even your gore is getting worse since those are the same bodies from before at a different angle.

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If you were to pick a place where you would live for the rest of your life after reaching the age of 50, which one would you choose?
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>dude muh skryscrapers
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>serbian food
so you guys eat kebab made out of poop?
Probably not, but that would make you seem like an absolute king to them.
Balkan, because even with all of our shortcomings, we're at least Europeans with European culture.

Unironically serbian cuisine is one of the best in Europe, because we perfected the middle-eastern recipes which were brought by the ottomans like ćevapi and pljeskavice with kajmak and meat pies, and also adopted lots of Hungarian, Austrian and central european stuff from the AH era like schnitzel and goulash. Sure, it maybe isn't the most original cuisine, but it's one of the tastiest, along with Bosnian, and i've travelled around. But to be honest I love Italian, Greek and amerimutt burgers and fried chicken the most.
>we're at least Europeans with European culture.
Top kek nothing is European east of Elbe to the people west of Elbe.

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Mummy jk rowling has endorsed the Stalinist "Communist Party of Britain" for the 2024 british general election after they made a statement on biological sex being real. She previously two days ago wrote an opinion piece stating she would "struggle" to vote for the Labour party due to Keir Starmer being "offensive".
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I have a fat dick

U.K. is unusual in that, unlike in the USA, most of the anti-trans stuff comes from part of the feminist left. (Terfs). British terfs are a big thing and it has made American woke trannies hate Brits on Twitter.

From what I understand, the British communist party got sick of woke shit creating purity spiralling and they sussed out that it was distracting from economic issues. So they went full terf.
> Dick Shillcock
But seriously now, I would vote for a "Stalinist party" in a heartbeat.
Richard Stillcock (Dick Stillcock) of CPBritain... wtf? Brits what's wrong with you?
*Shillcock even worse wtf

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>English language analysis

>Meme Collections

>Thead OP pasta

>In which case:

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>bit out of it today?

Yes. Been busy digging holes. Also getting some buckets of rocks down by the river (with a short meditation ... means having a Radler and staring into the water), pretty decorative and keep the weeds down. :)
it's not about chasing memeshit, it's about building on top of the right thing and performing alchemy under the best conditions possible
if done right, crypto + AI network will be to the internet as the internet what to electrical lines

just speculating here but if something like picrel turns out to be true over the long run, goertzel and co. are in a good place, as SingularyNET is designed for such shit. maybe vladdy knows more about it
it's the most viable path to not having lobotomized shit
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>Also getting some buckets of rocks down by the river
Is that environmentally friendly?
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I see japan is deciding to get back into imperial finance aswell.
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Muslims refer to this as the house of allah. A fucking meteor that was used as a toilet. They get on all fours to tongue and kiss this rock. The absolute state of these retards lmao
I just like it because its such a great time of the year where all the different communities can get together.
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it looks like a minecraft house

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Why do Latinas show a lot of emotion through their facial expression?
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True but women are obsessed with Pixar shit
anime influence
White people in Mexico are the elite. The influential, the powerful, the wealthy.

If you took one of the working class white communities that became fentanyl towns in America and transplanted that town to Mexico in the 1990s, most of the white people there instead of running around shooting up heroin and stealing catalytic converters would be extremely successful in Mexico today. They wouldn't be on drugs, for sure.

In Mexico, there's no discrimination in the system that harms white people. There's no affirmative action. In America, because of affirmative actions there are tens of millions left over white people that get locked out. And all the millions of brown people that receive access through affirmative action are taking a spot that would have gone to a white person. The lower bottom of the white hierarchy, and some of the middle to an extent are hit hardest by affirmative action. Affirmative action is a policy designed to lock out whites from both education and employment.

>what's wrong with her mouth?
Doesn't have a big white cock in it.
A lot of working class whites don't have opportunity in America. They'll never get a government job and receive full employment benefits from it because those positions are only for brown people. They're never get a white collar job now, because entry level corporate jobs are now reserved for non whites. White social mobility in America is completely stratified, locked in place and whites only go down in social class, not up. You'll see a lot of whites that have parents that had middle class jobs, and their children are downwardly mobile, either working in minimum wage service jobs, or joining the drug addict class and living in abject poverty or homelessness. Unironically, a lot of these people would have been better off and had more opportunity in Mexico.

But in America, when you do well, you really do well. That's the cope people cling to. Being a white kid that was born in America, because only white people can have kids is the shittiest hand you could be dealt as a white person except being a Boer. White kids born in Mexico have much more opportunity than ones born in America.

There is one trick for upward mobility in America. That's to join the military, and receive veteran preference hiring for federal jobs. It negates affirmative action. But then you would have to risk your life for Israel.


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South europeans managed to civilise the nordics. We can do the same with africans and south americans. Stop the hate and racism. Just be patient pol
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Celts built the road to Rome
unless bishops go back to violating tribals with their scepters this will never happen
we didn't ask for your jewilization
>look at ancient Roman statue
>see modern nord human
>look at modern Italian
>see Truk mutant
Big think ........

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>How will Trump overcome the Deniro commercial?

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Deniro who???
Trump can simply show a picture of his children compared to Deniros and he wins automatically.
The who comment? Doe that who have any value whatsoever in the last 30 years?
Someone post his ugly fucking niggermutt spawn.
>De Niro
>de Nero

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Did Hitler kill 6,000,000 jews? I mean it was exactly 6,000,000? And not 5,999,999 or 6,000,001?
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Supposedly, yes
Not that I need to die on this hill
It's "Bart Simpson predicting 9/11" tier
is that sarcasm ?
he's namefagging as fucking rabbi

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love me some jingo. shame it will never work here after the one during ww2, the pms tried too hard for support with their anti brit shit
Two cunts in a clown car.
That's all it takes to derail your elitist schemes.
Israeli Forces in Rafah have just received orders to mop up and mob North.
Bump for drunkskull. Dis nigga think he God. Make gold appear in my basement please if you are God.

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Video of recruitment in Ukraine? Please. Need to show some ppl.
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That it does
Damn. It's good.
It drives me wild, no lies

t. 6’1 fit blue eyed White guy

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Arabs are not Israelite at all but are a mixture of Ishmaelites and niggers. Islam and the Quran are an attempt to steal the place of the peoples whom GOD said were HIS children. The Quran appears to pay honour to our LORD JESUS Christ but a closer look shows that in reality the Quran calls our LORD a prophet and prohibits the foundations of faith that lead to contact with GOD, the two foundations being the divinity of our LORD JESUS and the passion of our LORD on the cross as a sacrifice of GOD to absolve all sin. So basically the Quran steals the place of the Holy Bible and then proceeds to abolish faith in JESUS as to secure the usurpation of their clergy of the position of GOD in the eyes of their believers by making sure their believers cannot receive the Holy Ghost seeing that the Quran decrees death to all who believe in the divinity of our LORD JESUS and the passion of our LORD on the cross. And then you have Jews who have a share in Israel but follow the Talmud and ignore the Holy Bible, unless they can twist its verses and commandments to murder Christians and white people who are the tribes of Israel, their brothers, and seeing that Jews pretty much cooked up the Quran since the Quran is Talmudic through and through and is used primarily to persecute Christians, whom Jews hate, it gets kind of obvious to me that most of our modern conflicts are indeed a strife and a struggle and a hatred between Judah and Israel who have both become a multitude of nations and peoples.

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