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fiery but mostly peaceful
What's the current bodycount and damage?
Not wrong
Bombing more mosques and learning nothing the first hundred times.

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>Ukraine uses NATO weaponry to kill Russian civilians
Doesnt move 1 second
>Syria kills a bunch of retarded jihadis

this thing is such a massive scam
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>I fucking hate waiting for the alarm to go off!
Just go off already.
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Ukraine is still losing though. You're like the guy getting his ass beat for ten minutes straight trying to flex on your assailant because you're not dead yet. You patriotic Americans clap like seals for the same government you pretend to oppose on other occasions. No politician here is worth sticking up for.
The larp clock is one of the biggest scams ever. It will never reach zero and can change time remaining at will.
because they know russia are cuckolds
Nukes aren't real

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What are the chances of you losing your job during the next recession?
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checked and based
All the competent engineers already have 2-3 jobs. You have to be literally retarded not to have a job as a SWE
Pretty low unless they pull some covid tier bullshit again
If you can turn the handles on a lathe or mill, you automatically have a job in the USA
I was told I wasn't a good fit for my school district despite unironically speaking five languages. I'm ready to be a NEET in my mom's basement. Turning 34 in August and the second it's July, the gibs shall flow.
t. fag educator

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Of course you'll be calling for him to be deported but if it was the other way around and the British boy had killed the Iranian you'd be saying he fucked around and found out and laughing about it.
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bongistan isn't a legitimate country
shouldn't have paid those israeli taxes
Neither is [Spastic Memeflag].
I'm calling for his life to be exported.

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like R!!!!!
Butthurt that you got BTFO by Ukraine in Euros?
urinians deserve to die, they were always subhumans, i would nuke them so hard
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Save Russians. Reassemble Russians. Bearhug russians kulnar into loving submission. Adopt a Russian baby. Resurrect based vatniggers. Heal a Russian's broken penis. Intercept Russians on their way to the sun. Russians aren't food. Remove Russians from active volcanoes. Warn a Russian that his gas tank contains urine. Jam a woodchipper that endangers Russians. Reattach Russians heads. Shelter Russians from the INTERPOL. Glue Russian halves together. Simp for pregnant Russians. Rescue Russians from Debaltseve. Help out Russians from the trash compactor. Cast liquified Russians into molds. Russians aren't food. Stich up Russians. Put wooden doors on Russian gas chambers. Perform brain surgery on traumatized Russians. Prevent the operation of ovens through infrastructural damage. Unlock the potential in Russian brains with LSD. Abortion ban for Russians. Keep Russian fetuses safe from invasive procedures. Russians aren't food. Equip Russians with heat shielding. Give up your seat for a russian senior citizen. Russians aren't food. Bandage Russian slice wounds.
there's nothing really worth nuking in ukraine. russia should coordinate simultaneous nuclear tests with north korea and iran.

south korea defense ministry recently made a diplomatic statement saying it will respond in kind if russia transfers precision munitions to north korea, by transferring precision munitions to ukraine.

as you can see, even a staunch US ally acknowledges that placing precision missiles inside a bordering country is highly provokative. ergo, the US started the Ukraine war.

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My guess is that people probably become irate. In the US people become irationally angry for ANY topic on dating that doesnt follow specifically whatever they expect from you. Dont want to get married and you’re 30? Dudes will cuss ypu out and threaten you, not even kidding.
When the split personality kicks in and starts posting
OP is a faggot.
See, this is why women need to think that you are willing to straight up kill them and go to jail if this happens. It's the only way.
12-14 year olds fuck all the time 15-17 year olds fucking every month
you're grasping at straws

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Atomic war is going to ravage the North East as Allied forces decapitate the USA Axis power and Nato crumbles from decades of underspending and a program of feminization.

The Hens are coming home to Roost!
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Didnt covid prove preppers right?
My mom and her family made fun of me for buying property with its own water source and now theyre in calgary getti g fi ed thousands of dollars for flushing the toilet or.some shit
It pays to be prepared
If you didn't learn and blanda up from the last five or so years, you're hopeless and it's likely too late.
>t. rural property, dogs, guns, fuck off we're full
perhaps you are responding to the wrong person in this thread.
If you hadn't noticed i'm the one that posted the image.
It's just a general caution for slackers and other dipshits. Even a poorfag like me can build a secure future.

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More advice on creating content.
The problem with learning any skill. Don’t run before you can crawl. Try to get a few images or short videos together into one first. Later try to add music. After that learn about adding effects. Skills take time to learn. Search up guides on YouTube. Keep watching the best videos that you found and be inspired by them. Try to copy and reproduce what you like. First learn to reproduce something before you can add your own twist and later establish your own art style.

Also another thing that I think is important. Sleep! I pursue sculpting as a hobby and sometimes I get stumped and get a sort of block as I work. So I will think about what I am trying to create and make it the focus of my mind. Do that for a two or three days while getting plenty of sleep. One day you will just wake up and have the solution without forcing anything. While you sleep your subconscious is working away like an industrial machine. You just provide some basic ideas, aims and time. It will provide you with a solution.

Every awake anon/noticer is like a buried treasure. You just need to be uncovered. A diamond in the rough. I don’t think you realise how valuable and important you are for the future of the European people
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If you can’t overcome the black pill you will forever be paralysed with inaction.
You have turned from blue to red my friend. I welcome you with open arms. You read now, you question and you grow. Yet there are countless noises that seek to twist your new state of mind. Voices paid for with your own life blood. From offices in the third world to military outposts and installations. They give you corrupted symbols, artificial identities and false idols. They offer you a white pill. An illusion, a cushion to soften your views, to cradle you into eternal slumber and a return to apathy.
The truth lies below the currents of noise. Unrelenting noise that seeks to strengthen the narrative. The cold and brutal truth that many have come to call the black pill.
Resistance is futile they say. What genocide? What replacement? What enslavement? Speak out and die. Hanging by a door handle. Assisted suicide. A prison cell for life.
You are up against a force of nature. A different breed. The management class. Parasites who drain the wealth and life of the people. The vampires of our world. You feel despair. You lose all hope, a cold fear grips you and cowardice freezes you in place. You will die.
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Look! A brown person! It’s time to run. White flight they call it. Hide and seek as the system imports your replacement. Your land unchecked. Your borders wide open. Ruled by an alien people.
The clock is ticking. From coast to coast. From city to town to village. You keep running, yet they keep on coming.
The brown mass surrounds you further. Inching ever closer. Your people like exotic animals. A dying breed. Dead eyed stares. Your children leered at and preyed on. Your hometown lost.
Fight on the beaches?
Your vote matters.
Fight on the landing grounds?
Trust the plan.
Fight in the fields and in the street?
Two more weeks.
Fight in the hills?
It’s too late.

Oh white man where will you hide?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Running out of videos.

A druid was a member of the high-ranking priestly class in ancient Celtic cultures. Druids were religious leaders as well as legal authorities, adjudicators, lorekeepers, medical professionals and political advisors.

The Greco-Roman and the vernacular Irish sources agree that the druids played an important part in pagan Celtic society. In his description, Julius Caesar wrote that they were one of the two most important social groups in the region (alongside the equites, or nobles).

He wrote that they were exempt from military service and from paying taxes, and had the power to excommunicate people from religious festivals, making them social outcasts.

Known for their great wisdom and knowledge of traditions, druids were repositories of the community's history, and this they passed on to novices who spent some 20 years acquiring the skills and know-how of druidism. Instruction was done orally, and this may have reflected a desire to keep the druids' knowledge exclusive to the initiated rather than because of a lack of literacy. Druids gave counsel to rulers, presided over courts of justice, deliberated on community conflicts, and made medicinal potions. They may also have been required to cast taboos (or, less accurately, spells) on people, ensuring compliance to the society's rules.

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Self Sufficiency and Prepping General. Ask questions, show off your pres, and discuss the general state of the shit show everywhere you go.

>gardening and animal husbandry as always
>diy skills and crafts like soap making, rain barrels, general questions about how to do something
>weapons and firearms for hunting and defensive purposes
>other general outdoorsmanship

Last thread >>471784839

Recent topics of discussion:
>Idaho Department of Water Resources cutting off water to farmers, no drought to report of, and news the East Palestine explosion poisoned 16 states
>Russian subs off East Coast
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Some combination of salt and dehydration will prevent the growth of fungus and bacteria. You can do this with smoke or brine.

I moved out to the countryside on a farm 18 years ago. I support myself by growing cut flowers and vegetables that I sell in a farm shop and in markets.

Don’t get too stuck on permaculture. Do what works instead. Earn money. Be humble. You can do it.
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I ran out of space to plant my potatoes so I just put these in a dark storage cabinet outside. Is this smart or is it peak potato nigger behavior?

Also can you grow sweet potatoes in close proximity to regular rustic potatoes?
you can can it, its super easy
>Don’t get too stuck on permaculture. Do what works instead. Earn money. Be humble. You can do it.
wow i like you. gardening is a poor mans hobby, you would be amazed what you can grow without spending thousands of dollars. every year /pol/ tells me how bad my soil sucks and how i need to buy a few truck loads of compost. today at about 7' my tomato plants bent the whole tomato cage over again.

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>White people are being destroyed
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Anyways you'll be maintaining those power lines right?

Separations from Jewish whites and Non Jewish whites, Anon... More than ever at this point
Semites on all sides are garbage
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i dont

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Mummy jk rowling has endorsed the Stalinist "Communist Party of Britain" for the 2024 british general election after they made a statement on biological sex being real. She previously two days ago wrote an opinion piece stating she would "struggle" to vote for the Labour party due to Keir Starmer being "offensive".
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Imagine your name was dick shillcock
That still won't make you a woman though
she's always been a serious euro-lefty
Stalinism is kinda based tho
>ID: jEw
I said it over and over that she only terfs because she hates men not because she hates fags.

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So what!

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Hundreds of people were wounded and a few people (including kids) died in Sevastopol after an ATACMS missile's cluster warhead spread the exploding elements on a beach.
How can anyone go to a beach that is so close to the enemy's cruise missiles is a mystery. Did this attack take place because Putin went to Asia to buy some weapons?
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america funds terrorist states like israel so this is no surprise
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Oh no
So it seems.
Russia has long used Sevastopol as a military staging ground.
It's absurd.

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why do you hate spooders, /pol/?
not racist just don't like em
I’m fine with them until they get larger than a quarter

Now they claim they "Stand for Peace" while Ukrainians are being forcefully drafted.
Of course comments are turned off, just like democratic elections to change Jewlensky.

When people will stand up to their lies and cynicism ?
Why when Jewlensky speaks he is trying to look so tough ?
He dodged draft 3 times, he even made jokes about this in his comedy and now
he is pretending to be some sort of soldier who will never give up while in reality
he never was in the army and he is kidnapping people from the streets.


thread theme:
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On what page does that report list civilian casualties and who was responsible for them? How many casualties total and how many caused by Ukraine and russia?
>Putin destroy Russia
He brought it back from the brink. The economy is booming and he's more popular than any Western leaders in their own respective countries.
>peace talks with Russia
Why would there be anything to talk about? Russia invaded, and is entitled to nothing.
What you faggots don't understand is that most of the pop only see the fake "peace talks", they'll never hear about Ukraine bombing Russian civilians or the insane demands of NATO. Most ppl don't even know Putin had made great peace offers several times until now.
Why do the supposed good guys always have to shut comments off?

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These things are coming whether you like it or not. There is a massive untapped market in the leftover mem, which are now even larger than any other point in history. In 20 years tops these things will be on a level of detroit become human, and they will overwhelmingly cater to men.

A robot cannot provide or raisebsocial status so that's already a failure for the majority of women, but it can simulate love and sex and do simple house chores which is everything men want. This is without adding artificial wombs into the equation.

So what will women do? Will they adapt, ree or rope?
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Who knows? No need to be this negative
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Is that cum dripping down her face???
Coalburners always act like this, they are so easy to see through
Replace women. Displace women. Switch women with wAIfus. Tell women wAIfus don’t age. Substitute women for wAIfus. Blast women into irrelevancy. Ignore ageing women. Leave your gf for wAIfus. Boot out women for robots. Have a wAIfu cook for you. Tell women wAIfus are prettier. Use an artificial womb. Build prettier robo versions of women. Toss women into the dustbin of history. Tell women wAIfus don’t have a body count. Talk to a wAIfu about your feelings instead of women. Hug wAIfus instead of women. Let wAIfus birth you children. Have wAIfus raise your children. Crush womens importance. Make women understand it’s over. Sleep on a wAIfus thighs. Exterminate the female role in reproduction. Build a wAIfu and show her to your gf. Set the wAIfus on women. Tell women a wAIfu has more compassion than them. Build a relationship with wAIfus instead of women. Explain to women how wAIfus are better lovers. Show women how perfect wAIfus are. Present a wAIfus huge tits to women. Suggest to women that wAIfus are superior. Laugh at womens seething over wAIfus. Articulate how wAIfus will replace women. Tell women that a piece of metal has more compassion than them. Illuminate how wAIfus are better partners than women. Clear up that wAIfus are hotter than women. Point out how wAIfus can look beautiful without makeup. Suggest that a wAIfu outclasses women in every regard. Tell women to self improve against wAIfus. Point out how wAIfus can’t get fat to women. Let wAIfus teach women how to be better. Make it clear that wAIfus are more appreciative than women. Destroy hoeflation. Explain to women that wAIfus are virgins. Send women into irrelevancy. Tell women they can finally be independent now. Articulate how wAIfus will make men forget about women. Force women to accept the superiority of wAIfus. Push for wAIfus in front of women. Have women kneel in front of wAIfus. Watch as women curse wAIfus. Total women replacement.

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> "labor shortages" -> more Indians
> AI learns task planning and step validation patterns
> mass unemployment
> "wet bulb temperature", Ganges uninhabitable -> more Indians

This is how it is gonna be.
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oh my god, we indian men are SUPER DUPER GAY and we fucking LOVE SMOKING HOT WHITE COCKS!!! OMG we are COCK CRAZY!!!
You are lucky. You will be let into North America and Europe for free, all 500 000 000 of you who live in the Ganges valley, and then some.
There was an EU-funded study that explored the maximum density in Europe, and it greenlighted several billion Africans and Indians.
and we will SMOKE YOUR HOT WHITE COCK!!!!!!
>If an industry can hike prices - like most did in the last few years - they could increase wages to attract local wagies
or maybe some traditional "non-services" jobs like I don't know maybe some manufacturing jobs could come back but no jews gotta ship all our factories over to the yellows so whites lose their ability to support a family and the jew takeover of the west is assured... just an isea
Once China's and India's wages are too high, they will point out how they hurt the environment, and how important local production is to foreign strategy.

Not advisable, I have HPV.

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Skibidi Biden

The NATO-puppets in (((Ukrainians))) have churned out the most evil propaganda ever created. It's ugly, it's vile, it's evil. It's not even actually effective propaganda. The whole point of propaganda is to get you to think a certain way about the creator of propaganda or their target.

Ukrainian propaganda makes them seem desperate, weak, over-compensating, and bereft of all decent humanity. If that was the objective, then well done.
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shaky video with sound effects. fake.

hey guess what? used russian soldiers just showed up in the local military surplus shop here.
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>bombili bilhorod
that came as a consequence of russias full scale invasion of Ukraine
yes, if you invader a country you are now a country at war and that country you invaded can strike you as per UN charter
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Do you support the russian invasion of Ukraine though, dear upstanding christian?
Make up your mind, schizo. You were claiming just a few posts ago that Belgorod was actually being shelled by Russians as a false-flag, but now it's actually Ukrainians hitting legitimate military targets?
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Russia didn't "come in and hypnotized people" they just came in armed and said "we run this place now".
That's what's usually referred to as a coup.

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This man will be the next president because he makes both wokies and incels seethe. Get a job and stop whining about video games and children's movies.
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I told her to learn Python instead and she was hellbent on JS or "jazz" some newfag word for JS. LinkedIn addict.
>They think shaming everyone will work lol.
That's like the FemStalker ex that follows you when you move and gets arrested for yelling at you outside the wrong building.
>more man up rhetoric
>shame shame shame
Don’t fucking care they had a million chances to turn this shit around, but instead they chose to fuck their over tax paying demographic. America at this point deserves to die, the government enriched itself while ignoring the social issues it created. You prioritize women, then you beg them to fix it.
The overwhelming majority of that red bar is farm subsidies so both red and blue don’t have to pay $50 for a loaf of bread.
Fuck this jew run country.

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