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> Florida rapper Foolio was shot and killed in a Tampa hotel parking lot early Sunday morning.

>Charles Jones, who went by the rap name of “Foolio,” was celebrating his 26th birthday, which was Friday, and staying at an Airbnb, according to Police.

>Police are urging the public to provide any videos or information they may have to assist with the investigation.

When will America fix its black-on-black crime spree?
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Dat boi never gonna play monkey dunk agan
fiddy also got shot multiple times and seems leagues more intelligent comparatively by how he turned it around.
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Thank god that trash is dead

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such a rich fantasy life, it must be utopia inside your head amirite?
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your move chuds
Unfortunately two retarded counties represent our entire state
bahahahaha look at the biden "crowd"...if you're gonna make a photoshoop then at least make it believable.

In honor of niggers pol I ask you for your filthiest nigger pictures, I'm talking the lowest of the lowest black nigger monkeys, they can be alone or in groups but I'm converting them into shitty cartoons that look funny, here are a few examples
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if you were a sailor from europe and youd find this in a market in levant or north africa rubbing hands would you ever trust it in business?
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GET IN HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tD4JfRJEKoU
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See you tomorrow.
Ok coomer
Buy an ad you fucking shill
God I fucking hate you people and your E celeb Gods. Where did this faggot come from? Who funds him and promotes him?
If you were smart enough to ask these questions we wouldnt be having another wasted thread consuming yours and mine precious time.
I suggest to all people who are fond of Charlie Kirk to commit suicide, as that will be the most useful thing you've ever done with your life.
it's honestly baffling how retarded those women are. no wonder chuck would rather debate them than nick fuentes.

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Hundreds of people were wounded and a few people (including kids) died in Sevastopol after an ATACMS missile's cluster warhead spread the exploding elements on a beach.
How can anyone go to a beach that is so close to the enemy's cruise missiles is a mystery. Did this attack take place because Putin went to Asia to buy some weapons?
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Kys petrolhuffer
If it’s only Russians there it should be part of Russia
This is why Russia will win, they understand probability, appreciate that in life there is always some risk, and are not pussies like western faggots.
>nukes 2 cities
>firebombs hundreds more
>muh moral war
>muh white culture
Fuck off faggot
I'm from the Detroit area, where are these beautiful new constructions? It's still a shithole.
the eternal russian

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>Day 852 of the 2 day special operation
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>open /pol/
>multiple threads w\ putin's picture

yeah, they're still winning. Worse even, "NATO" has tricked Ukraine people and those sympathetic to Ukraine into ignoring NATO's own culpability in the war.
NATO is using Ukraine to attempt to harm Russia. NATO has effectively got 100s of thousands killed in Ukraine for their own goals.
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Kyiv in 2 weeks comrade!!! Now suck this Russian COCK!!!!
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Soo how many furfag gods do you have?

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We are so sick of it. It makes no sense how a small minority can conquer half the planet and still get away with it.

Don’t ever think Asian people like you. Because that’s far from true. Don’t ever think Asian woman will date you because it’s not true. They are simply paid to do so.

But seriously life is bullshit and I want to kill myself living here. Everything revolves around Australians. I can’t do this anymore. I wish Japan fucked this place up in WW2
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Asian women have paid me to date them. We're objectively superior to you. Your hair is filth colored(black) like grime and grease. We are white like snow. We have golden sunshine and red fire hair as wel as green forest and blue sky eyes. Anything you post about us is coping and seething jealousy because you are 5 feet tall and can not do 10 push ups. In south korea women prefer masturbation to sex with korean micropenises. This is actually a documented fact. You are an utterly failed race that will go instinct long before any other even indians who are preserved only by their ability to rape one another.

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If you don't like us go back to your own country. Faggots beg us to treat you as our equals then demand we are stepped on when they are let in. You're nothing but chimpanzees chestbumping and desiring our land and resources whilst inventing fancy excuses for it.
shut the fuck up fucking chink piece of shit. REEING at white people won't increase your dick size. Your women are laughing at you you pathetic commie bitch.
You are clearly unhinged and psychopathic. I bet a white person walked past you in a shop or something and you're so autistic and hateful that you assumed they were nasty to you. I'm nice to every non White I meet yet still you faggots go online and claim our women are sluts and we deserve to to be broke and dead. Go fuck yourself

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>women: “patriarchy demands we follow XYZ beauty standars to appeal to male gaze”
>man: “akshullly us guys don’t care about XYZ beauty standard”

has anyone noticed how schizoid feminist messaging is?
The beauty industry is run by homosexual men and jealous women. If you want to know what men want, look at porn, you're more likely to find natural girls there because they have categories for it.
These delicate flowers are 10/10 in bongland

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Jews hate weed btw
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It deteriorates your short term memory over time
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i bought 100g of delta8 oil, might invest in a 1kg. im high all the time and motivated
There’s worse things.
Depends anon. In here we use weed for cooking, hmpsh taste good man.
If you’re using tap water in your bong you’re aerosolizing the PFAS and huffing it into your lungs. Use distilled water in your water pipes to avoid huffing bacteria and all the PFAS.

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At this point you'd have to literally be brainwashed or a paid shill to still support Russia.
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Burn marks from the fake drone spot.
Ahh you see explosives do not disintegrate things they attach to. Especially when it could disintegrate the guy it ran into. Fucking retard finlander. I know it's crazy but yes they do leave remains.
I'll do it for free
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why would we ever support Ukraine tho? what's in it for us if Ukraine wins? will it suddenly reverse the genocide of whites in Europe by the tribe?
Have you heard of jews yet?
You have a train to catch.

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gay weakling
Putin has fucked you niggers to death
Again? This is the definition of insanity

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His behavior started early, many such cases.
>McIntyre landed himself in trouble on January 1, 2016 when a fellow member of his Daytona Boyz rap group, Eric "Santana Sage" Johnson, shot and killed University of North Texas student Sara Mutschlechner while he was in the car.

>Tay-K was not charged in the case, but Johnson was sentenced to 44 years in prison despite his not-guilty plea.
Then it (of course) escalated to a full chimpout.
>Tay-K was among a group of seven who were arrested on capital murder charges in July 2016 for their involvement in a botched home invasion that led to the death of Ethan Walker in Mansfield, Texas (via NJ).

>Megan Holt (19) and Ariana Bharrat (20) planned to seduce 17-year-old Zachary Beloate to let Tay-K and several friends into his home to steal drugs and money. During the armed robbery, Beloate's friend Walker was shot and killed.

>Tay-K pleaded guilty to two counts of aggravated robbery in the Mansfield case in July 2019 (via NBCDFW) and was ultimately found guilty by a jury of murder and one further robbery charge, as reported by Fort Worth Star-Telegram.

>Fort Worth-Star Telegram later confirmed that on July 23, 2019 McIntyre was sentenced to 55 years for murder, 30 years for one count of aggravated robbery, and 26 years for two further counts of aggravated robbery.
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He's where he belongs, should be running around the serengeti as lion food rn
I wonder if you have huge lips like that if there is trouble with keeping them moist? If your mouth hangs open all the time, wouldn't that dry things out and cause dental issues?
This is him protesting that his accomplice is in jail unjustly.
so nothing of value was lost then?
He planned a home invasion which happened to result in the target’s death.

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The filthy terrorist supporters attacked the sacred Jewish neighborhood of Pico-Robinson.

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> Jews Beaten by based anti-kikes in Los Angeles
> The gigabased gigachad freedom fighter supporters attacked the Jewish ghetto of Pico-Robinson.

I fixed your editing and grammar issues. Now it's correct, and much better
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>pRedditor spacing kike shill
>If you are going to terrorize and intimidate psychopathic genocidal "people" for being kikes, you need to gather more supporters and make them # 110

I fixed your typos and grammar issues
> Picrel: Who must go??
there were other jews there who weren't helping her at all and they also weren't getting attacked by "antisemites".
means it had fuckall to do with the eternal victim being jewish and more to do with her behavior. whatever she said or did it earned her an asswhooping.
Stop trying to make this my problem because it isn't for the first time in a long time not my problem.
why is he still alive? should of been beaten to death for genocide, fuck what you think ugly bastard.

Eating pussy is literally the worst humiliation ritual of our time

Society shames young men into being submissive to a whore.
No, being a dominated slave does not make you an “attentive lover”
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This guy is 100% right
Sometimes I feel bad for them missing out but it’s not my problem they made their cloaka a fucking Petri dish
I make women eat my butthole.
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You're correct. This day men decided to lick the snatch a threshold was crossed.
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The word clitoris means key that unlocks the door.
I only lick East Asian women, they're the only ones clean and tasty enough

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“NATO and EU expansion” is always a reliable sign of someone who thinks countries between Germany and Mother Russia aren’t real places, with real people, who have real preferences and real agency.
Eastern European countries voluntarily **chose** to join the EU and NATO because Russia is a corrupt, warmongering, criminal shithole that invades its neighbors.
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1. Did it helps smaller countries like Serbia, Libya, Iraq or Afghanistan that were bullied and attacked by NATO? Don’t think so.

2. NATO disrupts regional peace and stability by existing. Without it, smaller countries would have rather negotiated and talked to their neighbours. They only make reckless decisions because they think they will never be held accountable.
>Russia disrupts regional peace and stability. They only make reckless decisions because they think they will never be held accountable. Unless it's a NATO nation.
How is Greece 97% european?
A true enlightened individual knows that the people have no power. The only thing that matters is who is in charge.
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>OP is a memeflag
jews are the enemy

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Our citizens are simpletons retards without class or sophistication.
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>Our culture is rotten. Our country is a joke.
>100 million niggers and browns
>wide open borders
Then CLOSE THE BORDES, retards.
Stop importing 100 mln classless lowest iq retards on the planet.
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Total idiocy
Look at that white nigger boomer. look at muh nigger hats.
Pretty sure hawk tuah is a year old now. It only became a meme over the last two weeks. The merch was already in production and everyone is getting played.
You have the same flag that I do, so why haven't you closed the border? Oh because you can't. You have the same amount of power to do that as I do. You fucking moron.

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The US has currently circa 340 million people. How many more can the land (especially mainland) support?
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Thermal imaging from a classified satellite shows the real population.
115 million Americans
What's left, the pandemic will continue to come back every so many years. Drugs will continue to used by people to escape the dystopian of the USA, the USA is not a leader but the same as other countries.
America can't afford to keep criminals in jail, keep drug from getting in, and sickness from spreading.
It's all because of a shadow war, and during war the USA doesn't have to give out certain information

california feeds most of the world. we export rice to asia. just wait until the rest of our state burns down and/or the US decides to use its resources for itself, cutting off everyone who lives in a shitty desert, tundra, or rocky-soiled region
Warren Buffet lives in Nebraska and Berkshire Hathaway is located in Omaha. This is just one of many examples. I can smell your semitic-ness from here kike.
What is being taught in highschool, is destabilizing the people in the USA. Tribal clans attacking for resources. There is no order or code of conduct just survival and generating money for government to be narcissistic.
Everyone who is doing drugs can be controlled by MK ultra to do violence, MK ultra was designed to make people violent not productive.

YOU are the majority of people, your birth was pure chance, there was absolutely nothing in your control that landed you in America, in a average or wealthy family, nothing, you just popped into fucking existence, the probability was 90% against you and you got lucky.

>We live in an age of immense prosperity, productivity, and efficiency but the wealth disparity is greater

That's what I said.

>More people, less people, the result will be the same

If you're trying to tell me that doubling the population and halving the population will both lead to an equal % of the population being fucked then let me remind you:
>There is only so much habitable space that doesn't suck
>Soil can't be farmed constantly and infinitely
>Nobody wants to live around unwashed street shitters, stone checkers and violent psychopaths
>Rats go crazy when packed in with other rats

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It's gonna be really funny when the election comes and Labour sweeps the whole country.

Between trying to turn all of England into TERF island and the fucking brexit catastrophe it'll be a miracle if any conservative party is ever allowed to run shit there ever again.
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>opposes trans rights agenda
>backs the communist party
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Communism!? She's taking things too far!

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I'm RH negative and we have a lower chance of getting it or having a strong reaction. I believe I briefly had it in early 2022. It was mostly tiredness, minor body ache and later temporary altered taste & smell. No trouble breathing, no coughing, no fever. Perfectly fine.
It's true. I got vaxxed and I'm dead now.
Lol retards.
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I've never met a single vaxxed person that didn't also get COVID. It never stopped people from getting COVID, never stopped people getting sick, and it did not stop people from transmitting it to others
It's like reprogramming the immune system to target 1 thing makes it less effective at fighting other things.
It's like the PCR tests can only indicate the presence of dead cellular material.
It's like if you run a PCR test 40x before drawing the results, all the cellular matter is destroyed, guaranteeing a positive result.
It's like as a consequence of all of this, the overwhelming majority (99%) of all covid diagnoses is completely false.

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kek it doesn't matter what atrocities America does since people will always distrust China more due to racial differences
>that flag

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