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>"I'M GOD!"
Something seems amiss here.
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Son of God.
So Jesus didn't die for my "original sin" of being born White 2,000 years later? That's quite the twist.
Sounds like a scam.
He is risen!
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>discord jew thread
Christ is King of all nations.

What are the implications of you dying for Israel?
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35% of 30 year old Americans live with there parents tho…
Like 90% of 18 year olds
>epic maymays
can you please speak like a normal person you fucking loser
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their parents* lol
You won't do shit

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2% of energy in Germany comes from solar after 40yrs of solar subsidies. How could we ever get to 20% from solar… if we don’t path all our roads or at least create solar roofs.
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how do you guys use literally twice the amount a european does? AC?
That's retarded and it's never going to happen. How about we just use thorium reactors, which basically can't explode and have almost free fuel?
There are two you can see on the graph, batteries and ramping up hydro power production. Pumped hydro storage will probably be the most efficient form of energy storage, if they don't end up outcompeted by grid-scale batteries. Molten salt also shows promise as heat storage, might find applications in industry.

Shifting demand around the day would also be mitigating, it could happen as a consequence of fluctuating electricity prices. For example, a large commercial building could save on electricity bills by running climate control until the whole building is a bit colder than usual, then just letting it warm up through the hours when power is more costly. Electric vehicles could also prioritize recharging during cheap hours, and even sell power back to the grid when it's most expensive.

There are also some industrial process that'll be very electricity-intensive, when electrified. Hydrogen through electrolysis for one. It'll only be produced when electricity is at its cheapest, balancing the grid.
At this point, the reality is that China's pumping out solar panels like sausages, while new nuclear reactors will take a decade to start operating, novel designs even longer
Thanks. But while i like the idea of solar, The last 4 years told me, that we are living in a sick and dying world, so all this will not happen if its good and will forced on us, if can help to control and enslave us.

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I don't really care, but it you do it its a bonus

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Should sex for sale online be banned? What does it contribute to society beyond single motherhood?
they will do anything for the right price
this one time i made some colombian girl tear off the fur from her dog
shit was jokes
We all know how cucked the world order is to not distract zoomers from real issues.
Big ass mouth designed for BBC
i bet shes rubbing her cooch on a pillow

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RIP. We had a great run boys. Were being forced to die for Israel now.
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just a reminder to all the zoomers who are getting sent to the meatgrinder....the white replacement is real, the elites think there are too many whites in the US and your are being culled to make room for obedient third world workers. Enjoy having drones drop bombs on you while you sit in foxholes waiting to die
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this is because Biden signed an illegal treaty because the promised him ice cream
Do they really think it's gonna work in the times where a good chunk of the population hates gubmints for various reasons? Not to mention muh guns, despite bans in some states there's a lot of civvies in Burgerland who pack heat and who's to say they won't shoot draft glowies?
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>just say no
>foreigners will be excluded
The great replacement. Kids the govt wants you dead and to replace you with foreigners.

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Are normies starting to realize who's pulling the strings? It seems I come across noticing comments like these more frequently just recently.

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They have found 4000 year old mystery construct from a mountain


It is in island of Crete ontop of a mountain. For some reason it had been hidden unti just recently.

It was on a mountaintop and nothing had been built in there for ages. Nobody lives right next to it.

Now there are cars gathered nearby because they are digging the ruins out from material that has covered it.

They said on Tuesday (11. June) that they think it looks like Minoans might have built it from the looks of it.

When viewed from a helicopter the whole construct looks a bit like a car wheel in shape.

Greek archaelogists arent sure what the purpose of this construct may have been.

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Ancient Finns built this.
>they were never the chosen people in the Bible
I think you got a lot of angry replies because of this sentence
You've been lurking here too long if you can type a typical schizo nigger's fever dream verbatim just to bait someone
looks like a sunwheel

you might be interested in the book Forgotten Archaeology or its companion book "Our Hidden History"
You’re correct about John, but it’s well established that John is a totally separate source from whoever the writers of Matt, Mark and Luke were.
I could see John being an existing work of Hermetic/Platonic Greek philosophy and the synoptic gospels being shitty pseudo-Greek written by Jews that got bundled in with it. David Myatt identifies many parallels between the Gospel of John and the Corpus Hermeticum.

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And so it begins.

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>real estate is going down RIGHT NOW.
Market dependent, but yes. The biggest sign is all the RE baggies saying
>Well, sure, there is going to be a small correction, but that was to be expected.
the jews absolutely rugged that Surfside building and fled to israel.
jews have been selling out of florida condos tho - their population dropping rapidly. if whites buy up the units and take over the HOA board they can run things right. i'd avoid huge buildings but the smaller, older units less likely to have straight up structural flaws might be a good move. i don't know i dont really like florida.
How much would it cost to be build one of these things the right way where it'll actually last 50 years even as sea levels rise, can withstand hurricanes, etc.
Depends greatly on how in you are with the assorted unions cartels bankers and politicians, but it starts at $100M
Reminder though even billion dollar buildings are build like shit these days. (Just look at millennium tower or 1414 in NYC)
Better to stay conservative with design, aka hire Chicago architects.

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>ancient aliens are real
>the pyramids were alchemical spaceships
>the human genome has been designed by aliens
>we never went to the moon

Why is flat earth where all the kooks draw the line?
Because the fake space grift rakes in too much moolah
On 2 true items you listed:

We never went to the moon.
The earth is flat.

The Ayyyys is a bunch of BS. God only created life on earth. The "planets" are wandering stars.
Space is fake. Earth is surrounded by a giant ice wall.
Because you have got to be fucking retarded if you think the Earth is flat. Like seriously. Even the Koran mentions a spherical Earth.

A Jewess just increased the draft age by 2 years, from 18-24 to 18-26. So if you are 24 or 25 and war breaks out next year and you get drafted, it's unironically because of a Jew.
>The House of Representatives passed a measure on Friday automatically registering men aged 18 to 26 for selective service.
>Rep. Chrissy Houlahan led the selective service measure
>Her father, Andrew C. A. Jampoler, a naval aviator, was born in Lviv, Ukraine in 1942, to a Jewish family; he and his mother, who also survived the Holocaust, emigrated to the United States when he was four years old.
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You do realise that in a war there is nothing stopping you to go full Col. Walter E. Kurtz, right?
58. GenX. Fight bravely zoomer boys.
35 here not my problem
jew doctors give them a pass

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aw man someone on 4chan with a little bit of sense left in their heads
babylon system is the vampire, sucking the people dry
-Bob Marley
Sipple it down, down
Sipple it down, down
It's a rude bwoy town
It's Kingston town

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/pol/ is always right without exception
This predates the "in the coming months" pasta by over a year

/pol/ is always right without exception
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I’m just not gonna go, they literally cannot make me and will have to kill me at great cost to themselves.
who knows? anything could happen at that point really , stranger things have happened in human history
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>get out while you can.
That’s cute. We’re long past that. What kind of American are you?
>sunak stepped down, stating that he would not want to be a "wartime-PM", you know what's next, probably starting in september.

Per pleiadians its august 7th that is a decisive date.
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The powers that be have a new system, that has been in the development for decades now, ready to be rolled out in the coming years. It will operate in parallel starting sometime next year and by the next decade it will be fully operational as the Agenda 2030 goals are slowly being implemented.
There will be no collapse, no draft, no violence, no uprising, no world war, no revolution, no killing of jews or politicians or other such fantasies. Instead there will be law & order, compliance and total surveillance until the very end. AI will be at the center of it all.

The Great Reset is inevitable.

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What happens after everyone looks like pic related in a few hundred years?
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Me too, still pro whites only and anti brown migration, because don't want to pay for gibs and die in potential nigger moment happening in future.
how did you get a picture of me?
I don't know, but probably a lot more gobinos shouting "CRUSTY KANG!" on the internet.
>in a few hundred years

literally nmfp

>captcha: w0nt
Life goes on and people die, are born, feel moments of happiness, fear, doubt, hatred and sadness. People will continue to be racist and you will continue to be a racist virgin with rage while the Mestizos around you get that nice Afro pussy.

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I ain’t going
This pajeet run shithole company that kills hundreds of people just got even worse. They are using fake metals (chinesium) in crucial plane parts. How many more planes will fall out of the sky before Mr shekelberg retires with his golden parachute? (A parachute not made by Boeing because he wants to live)
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it would point at the ground because the mokeys at the controls dont understand the gs from acceleration.

when they accelerate they would be pushed back , in their mind its a steep climb, so they would nose down. this causes more gs so more nose down until too fast and too down and too late, with panic and ignorance of recovery, they crash
Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind it all
Someone needs to start building planes out of pure synthetics.
What a fuck is a pure synthetic? Things they pop out of thin air?

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Christianity would basically be the Jewish sect if not him
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it does say it. why dont you provide the reference since you claim to have read it?
>No, I am asking for a source for your claim.

I gave you an academic paper, you then accused me of writing the paper. This type of behavior is inexplicable and shows what kind of zealot we are all dealing with.
>it does say it I just won't quote it because reasons you need to quote it not saying it!111
So provide the source then, Kevin. Tell the class which book says 99% of the population of Rome disappeared.
face it - Acts says exactly what i told you it said and you dont know what you're talking about.

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Say something nice about her.
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>she had some sort of sort of reaction to all the Coke up her Hooter and that's why it's reckt

Fltr: vampire, human, ghoul.
Bulgaria doesn’t have a monarchy.

It did have infinite royal families. Every Bulgarian is some royalty. Some story. Some castle.

But Bulgaria is lead by anarchy. Because leaders are a weakness, and at best merely a crutch.
Progress is infinite dimensions.
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The man is 100% Spanish.
The woman is 50% Spanish
The boy is 75% Spanish.

Dick bros, not like this
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> if you honestly think that women don’t love cock, then you really are a kiss less virgin who believes everything you read about women online.
They like what you can do with it, but they don’t want to see photos of it. Most of the ladette hyper sexual image of women is media driven, they have always been more into romance. Nice digits.
Yes, it's retarded anyway. Just go for a run or jump up and down in nature. The fuck you need to go for that in gym anyway?
Ofcourse they like to see pictures of it if it's a big good looking dick. If it is, they don't give a fuck about your character or your looks either.

At some point i figured out it's a conplete waste of time trying to charm them or soend hours of talking with them and just get them by saying shit like:hi, you're hit, you make my dick hard... Then sending them pic :))) works better then talking with them for hours or days or taking them on dates... If they like your dick they'll want to fuck, if they don't they'll start bitching. But you save stupid amount of time
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Like this, saar?
fucking Ventress, I knew it
>inb4 soiwars

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kek, did he get a 1.5 billion fine?!
the absolute state of western civilization lads... it's been jewed beyond repair
>press F
at least he went down as a hero instead of living long enough to become a villain
How do you idiots keep falling for this theater?
Mr. Alex "I.... an jewish" Jones is not at risk of anything.
All this does is place the hesitancy to question events in your head.
It's odd how easily you morons overlook the simple gameplan.
>Provide the peasants a figurehead of rebellion
>Tear down the figurehead publicly
rinse and repeat.
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he did get that nigger with a sock over his head on his show tho, and the nog presented us with the most "witness ME!" moment of anti-judaism on video media ever.
which is cool
doesnt matter if its fake and gay, it establishes a precedent that allows infringement for the purpose of intimidation.

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Why is the alt right so fucking stupid?
You'd have to be a retard to watch Disney Talmudvision shit to begin with.
The alt-right isn't the one chopping off their cocks

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