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When did you realize incels were right and that everything said about them was a load of normie horseshit? Gaslighting, shifting the blame, moving goalposts and complete misinterpretation of who they are. Married men in so called dead bedrooms, men admitting they're virgins and alone but feeling the urge to mention how they're not incels, as if was a dark secret club you join.

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What were the early 2000s like?
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Playing the game 'nervous ' with the emo girls on my estate was awesome. Essentially just take turns running your hands across each other's clothed bodies. See how many seconds you last before you say nervous.

After a few white lightnings, you'd be pinching nipples and clits...they'd be gripping your cock. Usually ended up with mutual masturbation. The best of days.
No one was even remotely interested in black culture, if you saw a white girl with one everyone automatically labeled her as trash and avoided.
You could still see movies and tv shows with majority white people
Music was multiple multiple genres of white artists and bands
You could browse /b/ and not a single thread about “bbc” and if some one posted it they got told to get that nasty shit out of there
It was a far better time
Looping 1992 to 2001, right up to Sept 10th, before starting back on Jan 1, 1992 would be a great way to live the rest of my days.
Rich people could buy stuff and exploit people.
Poor people took it up the ass.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
It was the sudden popularity of Slim Shady that made rap "suburban safe" and cool. All those dumb whores that fucked black guys back then, their tyrone jrs are in their 20s now wreaking havoc. How many of them were murdered eventually by their negroid son?

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Is it time to deprogram the Left?
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Anything else we can do for xer and xerself?
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>Signed AI art
I love this comedy of a future.
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don't be an enemy of the jew, goy


>'From the river to the sea': Labor senator breaks ranks to accuse Israel of genocide

>Cross-dressing drug dealer bribed teenage girls with meth then sexually assaulted them

>Aboriginals are 3.2% of the New South Wales population but 31% of the adult prisoners and two-thirds of those in youth detention

>NSW Police blasted after force reveals tourist who wore 'October 7' soccer jersey won't face charges: 'Tolerating public support for terrorism'

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This is false. The British took the land from the Ottoman Turks, with the help of their Arab pawns, who they eventually backstabbed later (this serves them right for trusting alien foreigners). The Jews, who are never grateful of anyone, took a shit on the British after saving their asses in WW2, all while giving them a country. There was nothing contentious about the formation of Israel.

With friends like these who needs enemies?
The Arabs deserve the hell they've created for themselves since they're all Godless sodomites.
Everything I said is based on archaeology and genetics: yours is based on silly, dumb memes and thinking that a few garrison troops changed a populations genetics. Total memes
You even think whites are from the caucasus, when in reality they're yamnaya/middle eastern farmer/NHG mutts. Please don't embarrass yourself and waste my time again.
massive cope,
see >>468153429
jews need reparations from their british colonisers

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France has declared a state of emergency in New Caledonia following deadly riots over a new voting law.

Four people were killed as indigenous Kanaks protested against allowing long-term French residents to vote in local elections.

PM Attal announced a curfew, and the deployment of troops to secure ports and the airport, and a TikTok ban.

The government has invited pro- and anti-independence groups for talks in Paris.
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It was in that RHCP song
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imperialism is based, expel all jews, conquer muslims and pagans

Cristo REX
France is constantly rioting but nothing there ever changes. What gives?
pagans want to kick out French they need to get kicked to the ground

say no to decolonization
French confirmed revolting

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Jesus, are we back to 2015—16 happenings? When‘s the next ISIS Bataclan CIA false flag event? Or has Biden stopped the ISIS psyop program.
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>When‘s the next ISIS Bataclan CIA false flag event?
The upcoming Olympics.
The best Jews are the ones who look like Greeks
This woman is so fucking disgusting unironically lost my boner, even with make up shes disgusting
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>the more people worry the more happenings happen
Its almost as if the mere act of worrying brings about more things to worry about

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What is the hidden secret this fact trying to reveal?
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It's natural pair bonding, preparing the child for when they'll become an adult and look for a life partner who matches with the parent.
Children who do not have this bond, or whose parent tries too hard to be "a friend" to the child, those kids always develop promiscuous and/or antisocial behavior.
Ngl I never had such a tender relationship with anyone past the age 6. It's over
wish i had a slav daughter
That's correct, both parents are examples to boys and girls, but in different ways. Men look to their mothers for cues on what they should look for in women, as daughters look to their fathers for what they should look for in men. Boys look to their fathers for examples for how they should behave as men, women look to their mothers for examples for how they should behave.

A girl with an overly strict and unloving father will seek to rebel against his rules (promiscuity) and seek out degenerate or weak men. A girl with overly lax wimpy/friend fathers will seek out "bad boys" and get dragged into that whole thing. If daddy is absent, she'll be starved of male affection and attention, and even if her mom tries to keep her from being promiscuous, she's going to be.

Nothing is worse off than fatherless males though.
Sounds interesting. Please share if you remember more details.

Robert Fico is in an artificial coma.
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Fico is having NDE right now. the spirit of the depths is telling him what to do when he's back
>h-he was associated with this paramilitary group that's friendly with russians! t-their leader even trained some russians!!
I know you are lulzing but Russia isn't a part of Nato.
And I'm sure you have the proofs to back that up?
the pouty-lipped slutbag in front of the protismer sign can kiss my dick any time.

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Battle for Kupiansk, day XXX. A Russian T-90A shot some Ukrainian men hiding among the trees. The Russians used a drone to make sure they hit the mark.
The Russian in a Punisher cap said that the Ukrainians were digging trenches right in front of them, thus they were easy targets. Either Ukrainians were high on some experimental combat drugs and they didn't think straight, or they wanted a quick way out of their mortal coils. The Punisher also complained that the Ukrainians are using a lot of drones - up to 10 per drone wave - and the Russians have to buy and instal EW counter-measures.
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>Shhh, things will get a lot worse
but for ukraine, not Russia

ukrandian children first!
>no refunds!
Europeans are becoming browner than the US and they think Ukraine is their problem lmao
This is an old photo. The boys are young adults today. The girls live in the EU today.
>The boys are young adults today.
the boys were killed in the first weeks of the war, 100% guaranteed, and at best, got azoged in azovstal debacle
>The girls live in the EU today.
they work in the eu too!

Why are you still a cop? Don't you know when shtf real soon you will be hunted along with the rest of the shabbos goys?
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>Why are you still a cop?
>6 figure salary
>4 days off a week
>badge bunnies
and you wont do shiit
Because I have a strong sense of justice.

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As Mr. Seinfeld, who has recently been vocal about his support for Israel, received an honorary degree, dozens of students walked out and chanted, “Free, free Palestine,” while the comedian looked on and smiled tensely.

Many in the crowd jeered the protesters. Minutes later, as the last of the protesters were filing out, he approached the mic. His first words were: “Thank you. Oh my God, what a beautiful day.”

In his commencement speech, Mr. Seinfeld was mostly cautious, opting for a tight comedic script interspersed with life advice instead of a full-on response to the protests against his presence.
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>Just season your rivers and shit out in the yard like a dog, bro.
I was just making a point, obviously they are..
Honorary degrees are either quid pro quo for donations, or a marketing stunt by the university.

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I will never forgive Putin for what he did to my boy Prigozhin.
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Das rite. I utter a gay slur in his memory every night before going to sleep.
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The fate of the guys with big mouths. At some point they end up with the wrong person. But was it really Putin? Didn't he just depose the defense minister, who was building his own mercenary force. Everything is very opaque. Above all, the entire leadership is said to have been on the same plane. Were they really stupid like the Polacks?
He was already a billionaire though.
What a retard.
>I’ll march on Moscow and when I then capitulate I’m sure all will be forgiven
Amazingly stupid
He shouldn't have chickened out at the last minute.

>France banned TikTok first
ironically China, the place of origin for tiktok banned it first
They banned it in new caledonia specifically, no?
no tikotk is not banned in france

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I'm starting to see a trend of conservatives and right-wingers afraid of academia and knowledge because they seem to actually fear intelligence. At first I always assumed they just disagreed with ideas, but it actually seems like knowledge itself is a boogeyman. There is an actual emotional fear. This makes sense in fundamentalist, religious circles, but in modern, technologically advanced societies this seems inherently stupid.

I've seen some really, really ignorant statements and it keeps coming back to either purposeful ignorance or lack of critical thinking. It really would explain all of the fear-mongering, book banning, xenophobia, etc. because "duh fire bad" is very primitive thinking. The attacks on experience, knowledge, expertise, etc. all start to make sense.
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I had an interview for a grad school program and the woman asked me why I wanted to take away a slot from a potential immigrant who needed it.
phd in gender studies doesn't make you intelligent mmkay
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>conservatove reporting hunting down plagiarism in DEI hires
>confuses boilerplate required for research paper/study as "original ideas"
Again, if you spent any time in university this would be obvious, immediately. This is included almost verbatim to "cover-your-ass" unless your professor hates you. This isn't just some random retard, but a journalist for the Free Beacon. Are the institutions of higher education such an anathema to conservatives that they refuse to even learn about them? You can disagree about ideas, but the repulsion of basic knowledge bewilders me.

He even thinks the dedication page can be plagiarized. It's all so fucking weird.
what do you even say to that
I was completely at a loss, just said something about wanting to contribute to the field. Of course the entire interview was hostile, so what I said didn't matter.

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bill clinton was america's last decent president
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lmao. Read about Gramm–Leach–Bliley Act and come back here.
Steady decline in interest rates.
Raised the social security fund
Enabled record accounting fraud
Cracked down on "militias" no matter how small or rural with jack boots.
Threw endless subsidies at Amazon.
Manufacturing moved to China (he was basically installed by Walmart for their benefit)
Same dirty military tactics abroad as during the Reagan-Bush era

But he played saxophone on late night television so he was "cool" and it was all okay.
All that was because of the internet boom. It was a new market that just appeared out of nowhere and created millions of jobs and billions of dollars. Clinton had literally nothing to do with it.
>Not even fucking close.
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You misspelled George III

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Haiti Revolution 2.0 is about to happen. The Kanak people are rising up against the French elite of the island.
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Something like this should happen in the "french" Guyana too
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More footage from the riots
Here's a simple idea. ARM WHITE PEOPLE and let them defend themselves. no holds barred.
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>ARM WHITE PEOPLE and let them defend themselves. no holds barred.
They are

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Dont pay whores, fatty.

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If your country is smaller than 5m km2 you're not relevant
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I love this. It’s clearly Asia - just WHITE Asia.
You mean 100+m
Only exception is Israel and only because they own the US
A turked tax haven for kikes
>5m km2
I don't understand, do you mean 4 gorillions football stadiums?
>Not for much longer

>kikes congratulating other kikes
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Israel and the US have a unique relationship, they're bros
We exist solely to protect and provide for the Great State of Israel. It’s a fine existence but I’m a little irked us gov hasn’t started drafting people to go boots on the ground for Israel. There is a lot of work to be done. Honestly I wish we had a Jewish president and that entire govt was composed solely of Jewish people. That would be a step in the right direction

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