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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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>registered Republican
>Democratic donor
>appears in Blackrock adverts
>attends weird Jewish ceremony/meeting
>described as "only slightly right-learning"
>bullied at school
>easily managed to get in a position to take a clear shot at Trump despite secret service swarming the area
The more info that comes out, the more this is glowing hard. No doubt more stuff will be found out in the coming days.

Just who the fuck was this guy?
>>attends weird Jewish ceremony/meeting
Link NOW
>attends weird jewish ceremony thing
Qrd? I haven’t heard this part yet
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Yeah it took 12 hours and now it glows bright like a diamond.

But wow look at the protection he got. That thing would stop a lot of bullets
CIA/Mossad at it again. The usual suspects. Allan Dulles would be proud.
He graduated high school in 2022. What has he been doing since then?
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they control both candidates and the rest is the show they create with their media
there is no peacefull solution to jewish problem
can someone sauce the blackrock ad?
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Just another insane sperg jew.
It's the inbreeding and if you look you can see it!
He was a never-drumpfer lolbert who thought Project 2025 was going to turn America into le christofascist theocracy like in handmaids tale
Hair isn't long enough
>registered Republican
Lots of Republicans registered as Democrats & vice versa for political reasons.
well well well
Recently I heard he got a job working in organic fertilizers.
Some mentally ill TDS retard who got roped into an assassination plot by the FBI?
Well pop my cork with a newt and call me Sally.
>Hair isn't long enough
>hair doesnt grow, it stays the same length forever
>Hair isn't long enough
What the fuck? He's right! We got em boys! His hair is shorter in this old picture than it was yesterday
So was he raised there, or a goy convert, or was he just showing up to test the waters?
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>she thicc
>boyshort VPL

Granted she's no hulking merc, but that is a physically strong woman
post blackrock video pls
im a oldfag schizo this is valuable info i need for my headcanon
He has to have had a discord account. It's only a matter of finding it and seeing what motivated him to do this.
Ok, so was he programmed, hired, or was this something else?
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Not him.
He was a Bushite or some kind of /k/ tranny Ukraine worshipper. That’s the only way I can explain his political inconsistencies as well as his apparent affinity for firearms. Although it’d be quite odd for someone so young to be a Bushite, young republicans typically love Trump. I don’t think he’s a groyper fuentes guy because they would never get involved in mainstream politics like that.

Or he could just be a mentally ill schizo which is also entirely possible.
That chin is REALLY fucking similar
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>this is the same person
Nose and ears are not even close.
How did rifle get that far away from his body?
This. It's literally explained in retard terms on the ACLU's website how to go about it.
The nose knows.
It's an existential supremacy problem in the cult. The Talmud insists that only Jacob is human, everyone else is a literal animal, to either be herded or destroyed. The problem is that since 72AD when the Romans sacked the 2nd Temple, the records back to Jacob were lost.
And Moshe and Ezra, afaik, only allowed those who were either direct sons of Jacob, or property of sons of Jacob, into The Tribe.

That means, inherently, X=1, Y=0, where X is trace to Jacob, and Y is no Trace, and everyone in modern 'Judaism' is a Y, claiming only X matters.
imagine the smell
Heard one of the snipers shot it to get it away from him lol
What's her secret?
I think it's a head position, try some rotation.
They register as Republicans because their choice, invariably an NWO dick slurper, will win the Democratic primary so they register as Republicans to support the weaker candidate in the primary.
you will perform interesting bodily movements in the throes of death
Completely different phenotype.
Already confirmed fake and gay
>that is a physically strong woman
Thought nobody ever. She's just a short fat dyke who couldn't fend off an actual opponent.
I feel like there's a million chuds looking more or less exactly like this
nose is not
He didn't vote in the primary. The only time he ever voted was 2022.
he was only a registered Republican because he was one of those faggots that registered as Republican so he could vote against Trump in the primary. He’s not a Republican.
no anal kevlar?
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>tarnished the family reputation
In other words they are ashamed he missed.
>registered Republican & Democratic donor
probably an infiltration attemp, i trust more in wath a person does than what they say
>appears in Blackrock adverts
no frigin way Larry Fink is gonna be able to wash his hands off this one
>attends weird Jewish ceremony/meeting
he's clearly an inbreed mutt, the jaw, the nose, the eyes, the forehead, all of them 100% talmudic jew traits
>described as "only slightly right-learning"
by who's standards? anything the left call slightly right leaning still looks like raddical communism extremism to me
>bullied at school
no shit sherlock! just look at that face!
>easily managed to get in a position to take a clear shot at Trump despite secret service swarming the area
not only that, plenty of people saw and even filmed him before the shooting, and there's also the fact that the DHS refused to buff up Trump's security despite numerous requests

whatever the case, the moment Trump get's into office he will have the perfect excuse to audit all the alphabeth agencies involved and either jail the directors for corruption or fire them for incompetence
You should add
>Best sniper position
>Is followed by a cop to the roof
>Seen by the crowd who alerted othes security
>Not killing Trump but slightly damage the earlobe
So many impossible things happened here! Sommany lucky things for the shooter to shoot and every odds were againtst Trump
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>Just who the fuck was this guy?
A patsy to draw attention away from the DeepState conspiracy to kill Trump.

I hope no one believes this scrawny kapparot chicken who couldn't shoot the buildings behind Trump let alone Trump was somehow the lone criminal mastermind and sniper behind everything.
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They weren't swarming the area that's the problem. Some fuckery happened with the FBI and the local police who were in charge of security that roof he shot from.
SS only covers inside the event and snipers were looking long range assuming the nearby roof was being covered by cops/fbi.

That's the fuckery that they didn't have guys covering every line of site
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The Rifle is a REALLY long distance from his body. I was wondering if maybe he wasn't alone, or was a patsy.
Who dis clone be?
maybe got invited to passover or seder.

>he shot trump because
very different pictures one is side profile, and super blurry

that could be due to lighting
He is making a different facial expression though. That chin is uncannily similar.
That chopper pic was taken after the cops went up there and checked him, they left him and the gun for forensics
He's making a different facial expression and the angle is different. It's really close, but there enough people in the world that you can always find someone who looks similar to someone else. Plus camera conditions.
nose and ears are different;

ears most visibly.

cousin? Brother perhaps?
does he have siblings?
There are primaries for almost all federal elections, which means Senate and any House.

Since it failed, that's as believable. There's some question immediately of intentional dereliction in the SS...
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Use your eyes retards
This isn't crooks

Fuck that cope. You can get expelled for saying there are two genders, but nobody does anything or even notices when you get slammed into lockers for no reason at all?

"Bullying" in the current parlance means one of two things - you get dabbed on in social media because you're just as insufferable there as you are IRL, which is a parenting issue and not a societal one, or you got beat up by niggers, which is a law enforcement problem.

This idea that the country is just full of Nelson Muntzes terrorizing docile, functional children into the next workplace or school shooter is absolutely absurd.
ears/nose could be due to the angle/facial expression. I don't see how you can miss that giant Jay Leno chin. How many people have that? It's very distinctive.
You know, just taking a gap year hiking in the Golan Heights.
Scottish Jewish is B'nai B'rith. Keep pulling that thread.
its a bullshit article, no source
Fair, but I'm still way too far down this rabbit hole to not notice his classmate wearing a 66degree north and looking exactly like him, only a bit older and clearly more jewish.
The problem is there is too much noise in the signal you are looking at. In closed primary locations your party registration doesn't necessarily match your beliefs. One single 15$ donation doesn't mean much either. It's possible a classmate was going around with a clipboard and he just agreed to donate to "a good cause" without even knowing what it was really for. Appearing in the background of an ad that was filmed at your school is pretty meaningless, it doesn't imply anything. It's pointless to keep hashing over those facts because they don't tell you anything.

I think most likely people are over complicating this. The kid was bullied and a loner. He probably felt angry and powerless and wanted to do something to feel powerful. Probably his bullies are Trump supporters and so now he has negative feelings towards Trump and wants to take him out to show everyone he's not powerless. He probably would even support Trumps policies but now just associates him with bullying. He goes with a simple plan and gets really lucky that the SS felt at ease in this small affluent suburb and were not paying attention and manages to squeeze off a couple shots before getting taken out immediately.
If alphabet agencies put as much time and planning into this as assumed they should have taught him to shoot.
I'm going to say that the local cops shot someone in the crowd by accident and there's probably going to be a coverup of that.
Allow me to enlighten you


head is too round, too, good looking
Yeah… unfortunately

They’re bred to be like that
Crooks had zero self esteem. He would never, ever, wear a v-neck. Also Crooks didn't have a neck mole. If the pic was legit someone would link to its source. The source is going to be some random person. They do look similar but Crooks is noticeably more dysgenic.
Well, I'm not stalking his family and background in some desperate effort to shoehorn whatever happened into some schizo narrative of mine, so I wouldn't know about when the fuck he voted or didn't vote. All I'm saying is that being registered to either party doesn't mean anything and if, as you say, he hasn't voted in a dozen years, it means even less than nothing in the context of yesterday's events.
>he hates Trump
>he hates republicans
>Not killing Trump but slightly damage the earlobe
Don god damn lucky, no fucking way this was staged
nobody has that level of precision shooting and a guy in the crowd got killed by a stray bullet so the shoots were real and aimed at the Don

for this to have been staged 2 sacrificial lambs were necesary, the guy in the crowd who got shot and the shooter who was taken down by security

Someone would have had to make sure the shooter had a gun loaded with blanks so Trump wouldn't be killed while another shooter kills the guy in the crowd and Trump would have to have injured his ear himself without anyone seeing him do it to complete the illusion

it's an impossible scenario that requires not only 2 sacrifices but plenty of hands and all of them with tight lips
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fucking reptilians trying to confuse us
>I-It was k-ketchup
You forgot the part where multiple people told police and secret service HEY THERE IS A GUY WITH A RIFLE GOING UP ON THAT ROOF.
Not saying it is definitely him. Those photos are very different. But that could be the same person. If you look at the jawline definition (not the chin to neck. The definition from bottom of chin to underneath his ear. It looks similar. Angle paints a different picture. Ear is suspiciously close. Differences can easily be explained by age difference and angles. There are a lot of goblins at 14/15 who almost look normal in their late teens. When was the original Black Rock video taken and when was the picture on the right taken?
While that shot isn't him both his parents are jewish people based on shit dug up.
>Just who the fuck was this guy?
A supreme gentleman
Secret cervix.
You're absolutely correct
If you look somebody up in the voter rolls, it'll tell you their party and the years they votes. The guy was only 20, He didn't vote dozens of times or change his party affiliation.
Blood would be visible between him and the rifle.

Lol not how things work.
>The Rifle is a REALLY long distance from his body. I was wondering if maybe he wasn't alone, or was a patsy
Good. People are thinking and not just arguing within the constraints of the DeepState disinfo narrative.

Next one might ask why the DS conspiracy to kill Trump would bet their future control of the entire fucking world on a scrawny kid who has no known record of being able to shoot anything at all.

The problem for the DS leftists is their sheep are easily fooled and completely believe their emotions. But we aren't.
it's called muddying the waters deliberately.
he was a TDS sufferer.
and a blackrock shill who was in one of their ads.
Another Mossad dupe like Tarrant
Whats funny is these "people", trump included see you and all the rest of us as chattle to be used and played with for their amusement. They legit might as well be lizardpeople honestly hat would at least make sense for how they could treat what is supposed to be the same species as them so poorly and with such malice.
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You could describe Nikki hailey the same way.
Thats apparently not him, his account posted that to make fun of it. Hence his user name on the left.
hey actblue, I've been watching you fucks try this on for half a day.
remember when sandy hook happened and you lot conditioned normies to reject the idea of staged shootings? yeah well, inertia is a thing.
I love it when your own shilling backfires years later when you try a new shill operation.
>biden and the democrats are at their most desperate situation imaginable
>they short staff trump's security detail
>suddenly there's an attempt to kill trump
rather curious, isn't it. Really gets my noggin joggin
someone in the crowd behind him should have seen him appliying ketchup to his ear when he ducked for cover if this was the case
there are to many variable for this to have been staged
false flags are already risky enough when there is very few people who could spill the beans, but for a stage of this magnitude there would be way more than just one pair of lips to seal shut
> demo donor
> jew
money talks, bullshit walks
that's all I need to see
self post out of pride is an easy explanation, are you telling me that years of videos of leftists videoing themselves melting down isn't relevant? fuck off shill.
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>they control both candidates and the rest is the show they create with their media
>there is no peacefull solution to jewish problem
fertilizer could explain the explosives
>Trump would have to have injured his ear himself without anyone seeing him do it

Like in professional wrestling?
Did you reply to the wrong post? I'm posting a video of a guy talking about watching the shooter with a rifle climb the building and you say somehow I'm a shill?
You gonna be ok?
Yeah you've got a weird thing where you project whatever you want on to people's posts. You should fix that.
Either that or you're trying to just stir mud and confuse people. But you would never, right?
he is extremely mentally ill, he was groomed and trained by the CIA under Biden's direction
Why did he do it, bros? What was the motive?
>n-no dude its fake blood and theyre all crisis actors look how nobody reacted to the shooting and how trump is allowed to stand up and stuff
Because Israel wants the US to fail, China is easier to bet on.
Tutunkan Olem doesn't' change. Between that and the necessity to have more warriors for the exepected fight against Lebanon, Syria, and Iran, the US jews who are well fed, need to be gungho to die on the fronts.
Just like Germany, you guide, disrupt, corrupt, and then destabilize until the "old jews" become their Zionist forms.
That's my guess.
PA is closed primary state - so if he wanted to vote against trump in the primary he would have had to be a republican...
The building is privately owned though. Water tower I'm not sure but could also be privately owned.
Planet Nibiru is about to pass by Earth
>Not him
Ok faggot then post the pictures from the real synagogue.
>inb4 don't have any
Then shut the fuck up bitch.
Did you see the interview with the guy I posted above in the trump hat?
People were letting ss and police know and they purposefully did NOTHING. Shit glows brighter than the jews and poos shilling garbage here since yesterday (and long before obviously)
Looks like the same deformed, up-turned nose in both pics.
Yeah jews really are nightmare creatures aren't they?
Crazy how their evil has legitimately deformed their bodies.
this is the most likely explanation. the photo is just too kino. they just wasted a couple innocent people for a photo op. like why would the secret service even let him pose for the camera. the girl secret service agent was bending down just so he could pose for the camera
It's become common for far-left Democrats to register as Republicans to interfere in Republican primary elections.
I almost have this exact same phenotype brehs FUCK
>Saddam Hussein
Fuck you got me
>Romans sacked the 2nd Temple
where are they now
was waiting for someone to comment on that juicy rump
it is indeed juicy and I'm sure she put it to good use to get her a coveted position covering a former president
From what I'm gathering the video for Blackrock may have been filmed in 2020-2023, and he would have grown older, perhaps to that like in the image on the right in 2023. He's 20, so unless he was the retared advanced kid, or he was asked to return, the film was probably from 2020-2021.
Giving the makers of the Blackrock video plenty of time to cook the boy.
Dude, that's the saddest cope I've heard in weeks. You're goy, the whole earth is goy now. Nobody on this earth can trace to Jacob, and while you larp around not following the Law, your rabbi tells you to give him a cut of everything you can rob from your neighbors who don't larp hard.
You were born in a cult. Your mother, probably born in a cult. You can love her, she's still human, but she's Goy too.
the last shot you hear in the videos is the snipers shooting his rifle away from him.
it is several seconds after the boy was gender-neutralized.
That's why the gun is away from his body. There is video showing the moment the shots were going on over where he was with him holding the fucking rifle ffs.

Russian Disinfo so blatant

Still fools 50% of this board kek
In jersey.
torturing schlomo
since everything in our government is getting ruined by ineptitude my guess it was cia since they like assassinations they're just shit at it now
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I want to believe everyone, but the BBC was there as the interviewer for the breaking of that tidbit as I heard it. So, even with a TMZ video that blurs out the supposed head shot, I want to be sure of it.
This guy is close to the edge, imo, but that may be a perspective problem.
Was someone on the other side of him?
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Were the people on the ground yelling part of his induction loop?
The first successful attempt at a MK-ULTRA successor program designed around gang stalking, actors and subliminal "pushing" to create a lone wolf soldier with no direct connections to any official sources
Every time
Entirely different nose
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>The more info that comes out, the more this is glowing hard.
He's connected to MST/Lula too and you can see by his cap.
Basically, this movement acts like Lula's military branch against farmers who vote against him, some say they also go around killing poor farmers and natives when rich farmers hire them to do it.
Do Jews pull their noses inwards and upwards among goyim?
Faceblind for the lulz?
jewish either way
ears dont lie nigga
Yes and the cops would have said
>relax we have snipers on every roof
>Was someone on the other side of him?
No no no! It was ONLY Oswald and ONLY his slow rifle from the Book Depository!

You wouldn't want us to mock you as a "conspiracy theorist," would you?
Nice try Shlomo but it's not my video
All recent mass shootings by troons look like AI generated fake people. Same vibe for this kid. Proof he existed is a black rock video and crisis actor testimonies. All they had to do was have a fed up there shooting people in the crowd who played dead while they took him off the room. Death photos are fake of a fake AI generated person. Easy
>registered Republican
pre-emptive damage control before killing the REPUBLICAN nominee
>slightly right-leaning
surely a leftist would never lie
>managed to get in a position to take a clear shot at Trump despite secret service swarming the area
a mixture of apathy an incompetence. take your meds
>attends weird Jewish ceremony/meeting
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this is not him
compare chins
[spoiler]I'm trying to bait the Hue MSM. Shut up![/spoiler]
I think their facial structure appears too different to be the same person, but ignoring that, remember what he looked like yesterday. You'd have to assume he went from clean-cut syangogue attending Jew boy to inbred Jesus in the space of less than a year.

Also, I don't know where the Jewish gathering image even comes from. Is there any information that this guy is even A Thomas Crooks, or did someone just look into their Jew folder and find someone who looked convincingly enough like the shooter to cause a stir?
some lady was afraid her husband was the target of the sneaky shooter and was yelling ROSS??? ROSSS COME HERE to protect him
no shooting is real unless it has women screaming unnecessarily
Very disrespectful. Fucking whore.
this is my last post itt
i only wanted to give you a BIG FAT 0 at reading and comprehencion
both my post are clearly stating it is statistically imposible for this event to have been staged
exactly the opposite of what your lacking intellect is implying
There are a few persistent zogshill Finn flagged posters around /pol/; they don't speak in good faith.
Big if true
It's looking like a botched deep state hitjob with an MK ultra patsy. I think people in the deep state are panicking right now, they didn't plan on trump surviving.
On the left, the ears are lower than the eye and the nose points up. On the right, the ears are level with the eye and the nose points down.
The problem we have is that the people reporting the name, are just as plausibly the shooters.
Trust nobody.
She's not big enough to defend a 6'3" grown ass man. What if they had to lift him? Have you ever tried to lift an adult who is passed out? Every one of those agents needs to have the strength to roll a Trump sized man onto them, get on their feet, and run 50 yards. Most firemen could do that in a jacket and helmet. That the Secret Service. Best America can do?
grim how low this place has fallen for the posters to not understand how greentexts work. Came here from reddit no doubt.
I am not sure if this was a planned assassination of Trump.
Or a sacrifice lamb false flag because this turned out very well for Trump.
Everything we see dont line up. There is so much luck or things happen by sheer luck that this looks like a Hollywood movie script.

Besides we dont saw the killed or hurt bystander yet. And the one that did first aid was a doctor. Thats again very lucky and what are the odds the one getting killed has a doctor not 10 feet away?

The shooter could be ordered to shoot a bystander. He just thought he will get arrested by the cop that followed him. Instead he got killed to hide that.
And you probably need not that many helpers if they are at the right positions. Especially when you plan on killing the shooter. You just have to sacrifice some agents as incompetent and they get sent into early retirement with a big paycheck.
Remote viewing continued.

I remote viewed the scene. The shooter could not see Trump from his vantage point because his view was blocked by the building lip on the roof. The shooter asked SS where he could position to see the rally, he claimed the gun had no ammo in it and he was using the scope to get a view of the rally. The SS watched the shooter the entire time as close as they could until the moment of the event horizon. I see in my remote view of the event, the shooter loaded the .22 Hornet bullet faster than the SS agents could see that he was loading the weapon, but the moment he fired the first round, the only shot he took, the SS peppered him with 9mm semi automatic rounds. Shooter tried to throw his weapon in compliance to make them all stop shooting him but before the rifle hit the roof the shooter was dead.
I am seeing a second shooter in the trees that nobody knows about and nobody even talks about. This tree shooter used the .22 LR in a tree stand that was outside the perimeter of the event. This shooter took the tree line to be able to see the 1st shooter and Trump and he used triangulation to calculate the shot. The 2nd shooter is the one that actually hit Trump. The first shooter was a distraction to hide the 2nd shooter.
2nd Shooter in the tree stand along the tree line, used a Ruger 22 LR
>described as "only slightly right-learning"
by who?
I don't understand why they didn't give sniper training to their patsy.
Problem is we have two eyewitnesses that describe him moving there. Alone.
You can't intentionally hit someone's ear from that distance. They meant to take him out. They failed. We're in a new timeline now.
different glasses. crooks had the same pair of glasses his entire life
prove me wrong
He was on his highschool rifle team. And it was actually a good shot under the circumstances
Which explains why the pictures/video show the bullet come at Trump from his left, not straight on (dwarf shooter was directly in front of him).
That's not a real problem, that's a narrative with substantial basis. But it doesn't mean the people speaking aren't biased to say that, because they were involved. Patsy is a normal thing for these kinds of events. If you don't know who the fall guy will be, it's you.
not only was trump unfathomably lucky with the bullets, he also got that thing on his face right after
there's no way in hell we aren't living in a simulation
This was a set up to judge the public opinion on political violence.
MK-Ultra Nigger (zoomer edition).
Looks like he got shot in the back of the neck, his spine would have shattered I think and he wouldn't have trashed around.
He finally snapped
We dont even know if the shooter was a real person, his entire past life story could be a lie.
Scented Service
If we go by the Republican scenario:
I dont think his ear was hit. He added the blood by himself. On pictures his thumb looks weird and reminds me of magician coin trick. He has a cap on his head to hide something which is later not on his head. The security is hiding him very long and give a good window to add more.
Another scenario, this guy is supposed to be seen, the actual shooter is supposed to be in the wings when this guy starts. Something happens and blocks the other shooter, this guy hits Trump, the other shooter sees Trump has gone down, and cleans up by removing the accomplice to be found.
Okay, will do, Sally
Yes the FBI will totally keep us informed unlike the tranny manifesto ordeal
Because he wasn't a patsy and they didn't need a patsy. The motive and intent were already there for some mentally ill loser to try something like this, the only thing the 'concerned parties' needed to worry about was providing an opportunity, whether that was by seeding Trump's security team with incompetence or with willing negligence. You don't need to groom a shooter when they do it for free.
Looks like he had a nose job, maybe to look less obviously Jewish.
They didn't though, they did nothing. For minutes on end.
>He was on his highschool rifle team.
can you sauce this?
>I don't understand why they didn't give sniper training to their patsy.
They didn't expect their plan to fail.

They thought they'd be celebrating and all eyes would be on saturation replay of Trump's head exploding. They didn't think there'd be anyone with any influence left to order an investigation. They thought their lapdog MSM would be absorbed in state funeral coverage, the patsy cutout would disappear into the memory hole, and their coup would be complete.

They fucked up. Bigly.
There are more Jews than any other ethnicity on Earth
>we will collectively ignore your post and continue bickering like faggots
Many such cases.
I know that they only hear one dead shooter and might only see that someone is moving there with something like a rifle. They could be biased by their own wrong perception.
But we also have these two roof pictures that support their story.
>>registered Republican
Does this really mean anything? I don't feel like it does.
There are zero Jews according to Moshe, and I believe him before I believe baby suckers.
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he almost glows too hard, I swear it's bait

do not let the Maxwell Yearick angle die, it needs to stay alive and in the wild because it's more probable and since it's more probable that means the Crooks angle is a coverup psyop
>one dead shooter
Klaven is on the phone
>G is for Gun
are his pants pulled down around his ankles too?

This makes the most sense, he’s been known to carry fake blood for years
A literal shit-stirer
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>>While July 13th is not a traditional Jewish holiday, it is closely tied to Tisha B’Av, a fast day that commemorates the destruction of both the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem. Tisha B’Av typically falls on the 9th of Av, but the 10th of Av is also a significant date in Jewish history.


>>One of the most interesting events in visual astronomy, and certainly the fastest, occurs when the moon occults a star. The moon's edge creeps up to it, seems almost to press against it for a number of seconds, and then suddenly the star is gone! It reappears just as abruptly on the moon's other side up to an hour or more later.

>>1650s, bright star in constellation Virgo, from Latin, literally "ear of grain, spike or head of a plant" (see spike (n.2)), corresponding to Greek stakhys. As the ancients visualized the constellation, she held an ear of grain. The star is noted in 1550s as the Virgin's spike.
Sounds not very to be like this. You dont need two people for this. And if one was a culprint corpse it would be on the pics that someone placed the corpse visible to the crowd while leaving the roof.
He fit right in at ground level.
I only see dried blood not sealed holes.

Yeah he was the perfect type to be groomed by the FBI/CIA and then given space/resources to attempt. There's no other way he would have gotten close.
>I am seeing a second shooter in the trees that nobody knows about and nobody even talks about
Some of us have been talking about that possibility all day! Glad the see the "it's a conspiracy, find the real shooter" chorus is getting louder.
Thread needs bumps/help >>474186328

who are the building owners
from which the assassin had his clear shot perch
so who was the shooter linked to?
He's not dead when he shows up. He may even think he's just up there to watch the show. And then there's the induction angle...
You're fucking retarded, you know a gauge earring causes deformation of the ear lobe right? The picture of the dead perp has no sign of ever having a gauge piercing in his earlobe.
Fuck off kike shill with your psyop deflection.
so, the SS failed at this assassination attempt, what do they try next?
I dont know this but after the storm of the capitol talk he seems to be ruthless enough to domt care for people lives.
The nose says it is
Just shut up and get out of the way for a few years. The US is pretty good at this. Maybe we fumble around and do too much education, maybe we have some immigrant riots to deportation.
But you don't NEED to script everything. We're a big country with a bunch of ambitious people. Stop fucking with everything.
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is that the weird Canadian goth guy who looks like a frog?
>the only thing the 'concerned parties' needed to worry about was providing an opportunity
just like 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Classic playbook: give them an opportunity and they will take it.
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Your lookin' at em'
the nose lifts when you open your mouth, its him.
Look at the ear idiots. You can get gauged stitched shut and there's a perfect scar where that would have happened.
You're a shill and legally retarded. You are literally trying to make the worst argument I've ever heard for why he isn't Jewish. Keep reaching kike.
Victoria Nuland's network trained him in Ukraine and brought him back here.
very sloppy work
Ok, thats an interesting idea. But this would support that someone indside plotted to kill Trump.
You lure a Republican kid, who didnt get a good seat to watch Trump than use him as scapegoat.
But the problem is why agree a roof that far away. And why did the kid stole his fathers rifle?
The supposed scar looks like dried blood. Not like a fold.
I mean it, I'm going to grab the first chicken leg I find and beat you like a red headed step child, spammer
Okay, that's definitely not a scar but I'll play your game for a minute. Look at the facial hairs, both are completely unshaven or groomed. The one on the left's beard pattern much thicker, fuller, and darker. The one on the right is light, and extremely patchy. You can tell he has been growing it out for a while by the length but it only grows on his chin and moustache.
Fox News reported it
Still no explanation on where that photo came from or how it got out so quickly.

Really think about it. What first responders that would have access to that body would be /pol/lacks? (Besides FBI agents, obvs)
I’m sure the spot between her asshole and vag-hole is the best smelling. It almost always is on a girl.
You get the nice sour scent from her front hole mixed in with that wonderful musky warm aroma from her anus, topped of with just hint of that salty goodness of her sweaty taint.
You know you’ve got a keeper if you can detect a bit of urine as well.
The back of my mouth tingles and puckers like I just sucked on a lemon when I smell this. It takes everything in me to not give it a lick so as to not ruin this symphony of a smell.
Shit was an inside job, they let the dude shoot.
...and? Are you whining because it's not muh well-established mainstream media outlet like WaPo?
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He was a kike.
>appears in Black rock adverts

Say more about this
>Popping shots were heard
This. Propaganda has rottened the brain of America. The gunman is most likely some hired organization's disposable asset. The whole thing looks like a movie set. It has happened before. Funniest part is the brainlet cattle in the background going apeshit when he raises his hand.
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It was some dumb Blackrock PR segment about how their 401k packages help the teacherz help the childunz. It was just a generic segment about some random AP econ teacher who loves teaching. You've seen the exact same add copy-pasted ad nauseum for years now, but the shooter happened to be one of the students it panned to during the ad.

I'm willing to believe it's sheer coincidence, but Blackrock pulled the ad off Youtube immediately anyway, kek.
Lol entire magatard army at the rally and not one of them can stop a retarded nutjob who wasn't even trying to hide what he was doing. Magashitters humiliated again just like on Jan 6 when they got outsmarted by a black security guard
>Hair isn't long enough
Then it definitely can't be him.
Ashes or lost to time, afaik.
They were paraphernalia of a violent cult of sand-niggers as far as the Romans were concerned. They had just killed Romans and rioted repeatedly. Why would you keep some shitty scrolls giving creedance to a religion you think is just another barbarian trash talk?
Sicarii descendants
>Just who the fuck was this guy?
false flag crisis actor hired by trump.
Okay, so what's the evidence that these records say what you say they say? 2000 years of esoteric hearsay?
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my wife is a medical liberal, she says it looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome or some genetic problem.
Random teacher teaching ECON? A random jew teaching jewish Gifted kids?
Like, maybe, teaching "advanced economics" aka Karlos Marks of Marks, Lenanon, and Mouse the comedy troop?
Yeah those are not even remotely similar features. Nose, ears, chin all different. Good god this board is full of the most unintelligent people I’ve ever come across. It’s actually hilarious how low IQ you all are. It’s why I love coming here though, you guys make me laugh with your retardation.

He was the perfect CIA MK ULTRA patsy, just like Oswald.

Dems were in hard desperation mode to get Biden out, but he wouldn’t go. So they decided to kill Trump.

The put the brain-washed patsy in motion. The SS sets everything up for him to get off his needed shots.

He misses my one fucking centimeter cuz Trump turned at the last second.


I fully expect them to try to kill Trump again.

Smartest thing Trump can do is get rid of the traitorous SS immediately, and get an army of super high level PMCs around him. Hard right ex SEALS, DELTA, GREEN BERETS, MARINES.

Trump can’t trust anyone in the FED government. If he wins, he’s gonna have to fire everyone and totally start over with people who are right wing.
Got me

Shooter was Yearick. The kid is just their patsy.
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Clear line of the weird point.
Are these "students" IDF he brought back in to get on film?
maybe they are at the Vatican necropolis
but yeah no reason to keep them unless for archive and studies purposes for the intellectuals of the age, but at the same time maybe they were kept alongside the rest of gold, statues etc that the Romans sacked, maybe there's another copies somewhere in the desert. it's the same shit as to why modern jews use the rhetoric of Yeshua not being the messiah because he wasn't descendent from David and the only proof of otherwise are records that are lost but it's also said the Vatican has them soo, if the world ever falls completely that place has to be search asap anyhow
also what about dna ancestry, are there not any dna samples from humans from the time of Jacob ?
In any case we already know most of the vocal and powerful kikes aren't even semite but khazars, literally mutts
Tranny had more than one up there, ready to go for him. To trick the Trump Snipers that he was "just a fan" walking around without a gun
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This kid in the video is 100% the dead guy on the roof.
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Reeks of Uvalde.
Crooked Pennsylvania Cops getting mysterious phone calls telling them to stand down & shit from Fed handlers.
100% not him
damn this vid was fake and gay
Yeah it was totally all staged for a photo op. It was a very simple plan involving someone taking a shot at Trump from 400 ft away and only hitting his ear. That plan would in no way have a 99% chance of having the shooter either miss entirely or spread Trump's brains onto the crowd behind him. This was in no way just crass incompetence from a DEI'ed lazy SS and the aftermath of brainwashing half the country into thinking that a second Trump term would be the literal end of American democracy. You figured it all out. Good job. Great critical thinking. The average IQ around here is in no way 85. You're all brilliant, especially (you).
Agreed. Also I agree with Alex Jones in that they need to look at the truck bomb threat when he travels to the RNC.

Threat priorities:
1. Poison
2. Truck bomb
3. Another shooter attempt
I agree. Secret Service mercifully released that pic of the ded shooter a la Osama Bin Laden because they knew the Deep State/Fake News would probably lie about the shooter's real identity.

Mainstream Media wants it to be the "registered republican" so badly but the pics don't match
That's why his glownigger handler stitched it up for him. He was in the "big boy leagues" now.
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If you were the cia how hard would fake blood, fake bullets and a fake victim be to create?
you have evidence of those phone calls my guy?
There's a pic of his sister on fb named katie
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It's going to come out that this guy did this to impress a girl he was obsessed with.
The girl is going to turn out to be a vtuber.
The vtuber is going to turn out to be a guy actually.
The Secret Service agents & law enforcement are fucking heroes for saving President Trump here.

Fake News & faggot Joe are just trying to make it sound like Uvalde FUBAR situation to keep the normies from feeling Powerfully Patriotic about it.
In reality this is Biden's American Situation he created.
It's just an ass. Normal shit comes out of it. Calm down. Women like that are always the village bicycle.
The nose knows
ear is the same
its 100% him
Is it? His nose isnt nearly sharp enough imo to match the corpse.
Either people are dumb or they are intentionally spreading this bad information
>literal hapsburg jaw
>starting to
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Better comparison here. Ears aren't even close.
kek, well played
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This. The first post for this photo should.be traceable
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shills arrived
>Just who the fuck was this guy?
a fall guy.
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It is in profile. There are dozens of them. >>474195252 This is one, the guy in the left. You can't miss the twinned bulbs.
I'm honestly wondering if the bullied angle has anything to do with anything other than this kid wanting to be tough. But this kid giving the interview, he's jewish too. Cracker Albert, I can't say.
There were moments in this interview where it looked like tattooine was trying to induce on big-boy.
how do you know a bullet actually hit him in the ear? which would be the crazier cohencidence a bullet just happening to nick his ear instead of blowing his brain out, oone of the secret service cutting him while down on the ground. there is no blood on his shirt.
there is film from behind Trump, find it.
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could have asymmetrical ears
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Lots of people register for the opposite side to try and fuck people over in the primary elections. I've thought about registering as a Democrat to do this.
Having one lobe attached and one detached is pretty rare since it's one allele that determines it.
Literally every time
Standard MK Ultra candidate. Not that suspicious really. Ticks all the boxes.
I absolutely love watching you fucking retards being wrong about every single detail with 100% confidence, and the massive cope that comes along as soon as it is debunked.

Honestly, it makes my day.
>registered republican
All the antifa faggots do this so they can vote for the most leftist Republicans
Shut it down
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Retards will really spread fake shit just to be able to claim they have a picture of the shooter with a Jewish hat... ffs I thought anons would have more integrity, I personally ONLY WANT THE TRUTH. And that does not look like the shooter guy, they are similar but it's not him
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The collective iq of nu/pol/ is probably in the low 80s
Extremely unfathomably based and checked
Khazar theory was invented by a Jew to fight anti-semitism, yes really, look it up. Also it’s been long disproven thanks to modern genetic science.

The Jew who made that theory did it so he could claim that European Jewry weren’t related to the semite Jews who killed Jesus, but alas they are. Ashkenazi are from Israel and they got to Europe after Hadrian destroyed their entire shithole country.
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Pro shooter inside the building under the patsy
Nothing ever happens
>Most firemen could do that in a jacket and helmet.

Why tf you lying? My friend is a firefighter and I know many people at his department. Maybe 10% of firefighters could carry trump "running 50 yards." Fire stations, like everything else, are over run with DEI quotas.
Literally sounds like your average /pol/ schizo
Khazar theory is partly correct.
Many Jews escaped to the domain of Aristobulus the last of the Herodian Costobarans (Herod's cousin). He controlled a valley in Northern Anatolia which featured all the towns called Izkenaz and Ashkenaz.

The idea is these Jews escaped there and were mostly Armenian genetically before long, and mostly converted to Armenian Christianity as rabbinical Judaism wasn't a thing yet.
When Islam invaded, they crossed the Black Sea to Khazaria, where the Turko-Aryan White Khazarians converted to Judaism and the Ashkenazim did as well.
The point is Khazar theory is partly true.
Ashkenazim are from Khazaria, they entered Europe after Rus defeated Khazaria.
But they CAME from Lesser Armenia, via Herodian stuff.

White Khazarian nobility became the "Hungarian Jews", though these are almost totally Ashkenazi by now.
Black Khazarians were Dravidian slaves and after the victory of Rus, they migrated to lands Byzantium had rights to over Rus, and they became called the "Roman Turks" because of this but are also called the Pechenegs and now are called Roma or Gypsies.
nobody does this other than 3 shitlib karens in long island, dumbfuck lmao

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