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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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A Military H60 Helicopter intentionally flew low over a volunteer supply drop zone at Roses parking lot in Burnsville, NC because the volunteers REFUSED to let FEMA confiscate their supplies and take over their operation!

>pilots wore full masks
>No markings on the Helicopter
>There wasn't even enough space to land a helicopter in the parking lot in the first place

This was followed a few hours later by a Chinook (webm related) slowly hovering over a separate drop off zone for Hurricane Helene food and equipment aid. This Chinook destroyed tens of thousands of dollars worth of generator equipment and large tents that were going to be used as temporary housing.

>Previous threads

Damage control has now switched from "it didn't happen" to "it was just an honest mistake"
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Earlier that same day FEMA came into a NC town and started confiscating all the body bags (500 or so) and supplies given to the town so far. Sheriff Bill Beam told them to fuck off or he would start shooting them for directly interfering with the rescue, retrieval, and reconstruction efforts. The town now has no FEMA but is filled with volunteers who are doing more than FEMA ever did or would do. And to top it off FEMA is now denying the town the 2,000 body bags they requested (Yes, 2000 DEAD in this one town)

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Is this the q-anon general?
>I have rights!
Fuck off mossad, you've already exposed yourself.
I hope the governement drone bombs that carolina white trash. Good riddance to those lazy eaters.
why would you think that?
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They’re ISTJ storm nigger npcs following orders from their Zionist masters. Just shoot these niggers.
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"The lady doth protest too much, methinks"
the thread
You Jews are just sad you exposed yourselves again, you are so bad at this
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Obligatory picture
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Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust
Based Beam.
Really explains everything.
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NEXRAD Thread:
Chris Kraft will make you JUMP! JUMP!
Remember when that F-35 went missing in South Carolina? What was the theory one what took it down?
fuck you, threadsplitter
Is that related to q-anon?
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This was supposedly the chopper involved said an Anon in other thread.
Weren't people claiming it was done with .50 BMG? My memory is fuzzy.
>>484141053 >>484141261
Yeah hmm, we never got more info
they just can't help but kick a man while he's down. they see you in a moment of weakness and they're predators they have to bite you
Omg that looks like the one that flew over my house earlier
Owned by "INPUT OUTPUT MANAGEMENT LLC" according to that site. Out of Longmont, CO.
Chinks ejected the DEI pilot and flew it to Cuba via Xbox controller.
oh that was some retarded vets thinking they could do better than the government before fucking everything up.
theres a reason FEMA makes detailed plans to help.
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hmm, where is this detailed plan to help?
Can Americans see it?
Is this a signal
Send them to the hospital for what?
>/pol/ lying again
how unexpected
Opposite, it's a jew we caught earlier trying to disrupt our threads
where’s the lie?
>that carolina white trash
that's fed central anon, you obviously don't know, but nc and that whole area being hit is full of federal government employees, current and former, mostly military

if those are fema helis, they're full blown insane to do this
>Ignore every government warning before the hurricane hit
>ignore all the tracking data that showed what a threat it was
>Huh what does the GOVERNMENT KNOW? They’re overreacting, this storm is nothing they’re trying to get me out so I won’t be able to VOTE for Israel’s savior, TRUMP
Fast forward a week

Get fucked rednecks, listen to the warnings next time
Post evidence that western NC got any sort of hurricane warning.
If flying a helicopter nearby can "destroy aid" (it didn't), then maybe you're an unprofessional retard who should have stayed home and let the pros handle it.
why are they like this?
So people should stay home and not help because some retarded NG pilot decided to fuck shit up?
That's a CH47 SHITTER OP
Wrong, only pol projected severe damage that far north, pol was right again, it was a one thousand year storm, but pol is literally psychic and we knew it was going to happen, it must frighten you glow niggers to death that we can tell the future and spot you every time, it's like fighting an invincible enemy isn't it? Sweet dreams you bastards
It hindered an aid effort and could have potentially killed people, flyboy
The hurricane was on the news, and a hurricane warning wouldn't have done anything, since it was a dam failure that was responsible for most of the destruction.
i mean it could have just been a retarded pilot rather than outright malice. why they decided to hover there of all places certainly raises some questions.
Don’t you get it, anon? Civilians aren’t allowed to criticize the military and the government.
Milton is on the news, yet it doesn’t affect me.

Point is, NC didn’t get an actual warning because they didn’t expect the rainfall to force the dams to release water shed.
>”I live under a fucking rock and didn’t see all the coverage about this storm for a week leading up to it hitting”
Go pray to Israel more faggot, maybe they can help
Happened multiple locations, 2 men were seriously hurt the second time, it was intentional
Pilots fly, retard. If that disrupts your nigger-rigged recovery effort, then, yes: stay the fuck home.
Wind from a helicopter wasn't going to kill anyone, dumbass.

>too stupid of a nigger to remember the sheriff saying “get out or you will die” because trump loving rednecks are Nigger-tier and cannot be told what to do
aww looks like someone couldn’t find any evidence of NC getting warnings.
Better luck next time.

>pilots fly
they don’t fly very well considering they blew away a supply distribution center.
But I guess this is what happens when DEI gets to the military.
Pro tip, don't hang out under helicopters.
Why not throw rocks?
>Wind from a helicopter wasn't going to kill anyone, dumbass.
A tent post in the temple or fontanelle could kill, bootlicker
>Point is, NC didn’t get an actual warning because they didn’t expect the rainfall to force the dams to release water shed.
Yes, that was MY point. So a hurricane warning wouldn't have done dick.
And they did receive warning about the failure as it happened.
>evacuate immediately as the dam is at risk of imminent failure.
Yea fuck those rescue workers for setting up their supply center right underneath that helicopter!
Q-sisters...not like this...
It's called a rotor wash, it's used by the military as a weapon, pol knows about this shit dude, just stop trying to gas light us, we're literally psychic we spot you everytime, it's not even fun, because it's like pointing to a rock and saying that's a rock
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lol. I try
>ignores the constant coverage this storm had leading up to it
If you want to live under a rock and pretend that these tards had absolutely no idea this massive storm was coming up until the landfall, fine by me.
In a fly zone you have to secure everything. If you're not wearing a belt it'll likely knock your pants down too. Hell even the movies do a decent job of portraying it.
Honestly it’s sort of nice that the military rats inform us that they are conducting an information operation, even if they do so by accident.
You are too stupid to live, niggerbrain. The pilots flew fine. The people on the ground failed to secure their site and failed to inform authorities that their site was not helicopter secure.
A tentpole up your ass would probably put a smile on your faggot face.
looks like you couldn’t find any evidence to back up your claim!
Luckily someone did it for you. They had zero warning.

It’s amazing how you glowniggers love to celebrate human suffering.
Wrong location, only pol was telling people to evacuate Asheville 3 days before storm hit, one fren admitted he listened to us and got out and lived. Being psychic is amazing. Leave us alone, we know more than you can possibly imagine.
what makes you think it’s a fly zone?
>the pilot flew fine
Judging by the damage they caused, that’s quite incorrect!
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Sure it is, they are scared shitless, this is a worse fuck up for them then letting obama and fauci make sars 2 covid 19 in a wuhan lab and release it
> failed to inform authorities that their site was not helicopter secure.
The stupid excuses you fucking niggers come up with is absolutely insane.
>believing that in the modern day, in the US people had absolutely 0 (zero) idea this storm was coming
That might be the dumbest, nigger tier, victim playing I’ve seen

So you honestly believe this storm just snuck up on these people and they had no clue? NC was on every projected map of the storm since the start lmao
I'd imagine any collection of folks needing supplies is a fly zone. Considering both helicopters were going to land, the Blackhawk getting waved off.
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you dildo
>rotor wash
Dunning Kruger nigger.
>the damage
a rickety tent blew over. next time either tell FEMA and the national guard your relief site is made of toothpicks and prayers, or don't fucking be there.
it's bait
Still waiting on a single shred of evidence to your claim that the people in NC were given warning.
Look, I know that you hate human life but at least try to pretend yeah?
Why would you imagine that? That seems like a faulty assumption to make in a disaster zone.
Why are you making so many assumptions?
> next time either tell FEMA
Oh, so we have to inform FEMA in order to not have our supplies ransacked?

Remember, everyone! FEMA is here to help!
Now remember to inform them of everything you do or they might accidentally destroy your supplies!
People need supplies. Helicopters bring it in when you can't access by road. It's a safe, basic, and dare i say common assumption.
>still believing not a single person in Asheville knew a hurricane was coming
I mean, you are just agreeing me that these people are retarded
Yes indeed, FEMA made the detailed plan to prioritize faggots and niggers over actual people
I think FEMA is based in this instance, if i wanted to k1ll as many americans as possible, i would join FEMA immediately.
>it’s a common assumption
So common that the people receiving the supplies were completely unaware!
Guys a black helicopter just knocked over my toilet paper fort
It did you massive faggot.
Uh yah, that should be immediate Minecraft time. Americans are such pussies. I'm antiwar, but you gotta protect yourself. Jesus would have owned an AK.
They knew FEMA and the national guard is there flying helicopters. They knew they would probably land them near places that need relief, i.e., where they were.
They failed to inform them that the rickety shit they built would blow over easily and that they would then accuse FEMA of trying to wind nuke them.
It's the volunteers' fault.
Wrong, the first projections show it hitting florida much farther to the east, then later, florida up into Georgia with rain in sc, not 1000 year flooding in nc Carolina, but pol knew exactly what would happen because we're psychic and it frightens you
No anon, don’t you see? This is their fault for not informing FEMA of their exact location at all times.
>Sylvester Levay
We are through the looking glass here people!
>upset glownigger
just fly a $10 drone into these helicopters' rotors
do you have a single shred of evidence to back up these claims?
Because it sounds like you’re trying to shift blame to the victims.
TND, but for cianiggers like you
>A rickety tent is aid
It's not, retard. So sorry if some blankets blew over in the wind. I guess no one can pick them up. Like, you know, a volunteer.
That you need to bolt everything down if a helicopter is flying less than 250' overhead? No, most people are idiots and probably weren't thinking about that. Or that helicopters produce down draft, but to be fair they were more worried about cleanup efforts.
2020 white house rotowash used to clear rioters when trump was in safe room, oh yes pol has perfect memory too, we're also psychic, stop trying to gas light us, we're literally perfect information warriors, we know everything at all times
The absolute hate and disdain libs have for their fellow humans is the reason for gods punishment. We all deserve it for letting that filth grab hold of civilization.
> . Or that helicopters produce down draft
Isn’t that something the pilot should be concerned about when they are hovering over a camp of sorts?
In the span of 12 hours it has gone from
>It didn't happen
>It was just an honest mistake
>Actually it was the fault of the moronic volunteers who should all just die!
Rotors cut through tree branches with ease. Short of a heavy lift industrial drone carrying something it'll have next to zero affect.
>victim blamer!
you're like faggot lefties now.
>2020 white house rotowash used to clear rioters
Did they die, anon?
Tell me how many of them died to this "weapon", you fucking brainless, stupid triple-nigger.
>set up shanty town “Civilian militia supply depot fag center” right next to an helicopter airfield
>OMG FEMA is targeting us
These red state cucks have been doing nothing but play victim harder than liberals ever did
What if someone threw something at the rotor attached to a rope?
It baffles me that this amount of faggotry is still alive and kicking.
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You can't really turn it off (you fall) or reduce the cone of wind. You just do your best to glide in easy and land. Going in super fast has an even worse affect.
> you're like faggot lefties now.
Hilarious coming from a bootlicker like yourself.
Lol good. The more pissed off white people, the better.
Exactly. Oh, but if you notice this, you're with the CIA and FEMA!
I dunno anon, you could just you know. Not land?
Especially considering they obviously didn’t have a good landing zone prepared.

But I guess that’s too much for our DEI military to manage.
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I feel like I read something shortly after that disqualified this as a possibility. Nevertheless here it is.
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Regardless of the damage, what was the guy doing there? Not landing.
I mean if my job was to deliver supplies I'm doing it to the best of my ability. Hell if they're NG it was probably their orders, so.
yeah phones came back on and online day before yesterday and people finally started getting the alerts you're trying to say they got days in advance. fuck off, no one believes your horseshit
It’s “hundreds of thousands” now? The lies get more exaggerated every time they’re repeated until they’re “eating pets” goofy lmao

You know nothing about aviation, and you can do nothing but hate. Middling demons jealous of your masters projecting on your fellow man, you should be ashamed.
I’m still waiting on a single shred of evidence that they were delivering supplies.
A single shred of evidence. Anything.
Look at the little whore of lucifer, lmao
Exactly, thus proving kuntmalas poll numbers are far worse than they say, which is why buden declared a diaster zone for florida immediately this time days before the hurricane has arrived, he knows the dems have fucked themselves and unlike the pentagon he doesn't want to make their political situation worse, but the pentagon is driven by antiwhite hatred because they are niggers and jews still pissed we killed so many yankees so easily in the civil war it was like taking a stroll through the Appalachian trail.
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The evidence of Haitians and other migrants killing geese, cats, and dogs is overwhelming.

(Pic Related) Woman calls 911 saying Haitians ate her cat and its in their backyard

Here is a video from Dayton, Ohio the next town over from Springfield of a Haitian family cooking a cat on a BBQ: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bJDKcj3lSLM

There is police body cam footage of a woman eating a family pet on their lawn: https://youtu.be/9MxC8VQrH54

There is evidence of illegal Haitian migrants killing and eating geese and swans at the local parks
There is also a recording of the 911 call for the geese that were killed and cooked in a park in Ohio: https://youtu.be/ULXa31NiiDg
LINK TO POLICE REPORT ON GEESE: https://www.scribd.com/embeds/767911174/content?start_page=1&view_mode=scroll&access_key=key-FgAt6C3w3O2whVVHFZHL

Video of emotional local woman breaking down in tears as she describes seeing her dogs decapitated head in the street after illegal Haitian migrants slaughtered her dog and ate it on the asphalt: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kM2UtyVefd8

Video of a local man describing the Haitian problem in Springfield: https://youtu.be/dnRAW590Nvg

Video of Local Springfield man in his garage describing the Haitian problem: https://youtu.be/gZADwzk5D2U

Video from Sylacauga, Alabama a town with a population of only 12,000 complaining about the THOUSANDS of Haitians that are now roaming their streets: https://youtu.be/MZqWhNUAYmY

Also last year illegal migrants killed a beloved Swan who served as the small towns mascot, they killed it and ate it in the park: https://archive.is/dk24a


Why are they so desperate to gaslight the public over this particular issue??
Yes I am, because the only people who want to dunk on red state retards who make everything a massive complicated non-Jewish conspiracy to attack trump (Israel’s bitch) are government shills and agents. Im paid 14.88$ an hour to come shit on schizoid trump supporters and conspiracy retards
Why eles would they attempt a landing? That wasn't their base so they weren't getting fuel, cargo, men, or offloading the same. Unless the pilot needed to pass there's really only one reason you'd land.
It really is interesting how there’s such deep rooted hatred towards southerners dripping from every single post defending the helicopter pilot.
This. They move the conversation to "what harm was done"
Doesn't matter. What was the pilot doing, and why.
>Why else
You tell us
Provide sources by the way
Video evidence and photo evidence as well
Whose boots, niggerbrain? FEMA's? They don't even have arrest authority. Your whole accusation is that they're using rotor wash as a weapon when all they do in these videos is land or fly by.
If it's a weapon, wouldn't they just hover around and destroy everything for several minutes? Wouldn't they send multiple "unmarked" (they're all marked) copters to completely nuke these aid centers?
>you can do nothing but hate
Again, you faggots talk like lefties. "Don't victim blame! You're just full of hate!"
STFU, you whiny faggot.
Oh? Can’t find any evidence, eh?

Guess you’re just going to continue making assumptions that prove the pilot is incompetent as shit for trying to land in a landing zone that obviously wasn’t clear.
Who, you?
And it's not even your country, spic.
>muh left
>muh right
>who’s boots?
The governments, of course.
My eyes? Helicopters get close to land when they want to land. If they were doing damage they'd hover at ~100' and just do sky donuts.
>i mean it could have just been a retarded pilot
ANG Pilots are trained and have many hours of flight time. They're fully aware of prop wash and FOD. This looks like a fuck you, unless the area that they're landing was and is an established LZ for ANG and the relief orgs are not following rules, BUT, there is still no excuse.
They didn't try to land idiot, they rotowashed the encampment and left, they did this to multiple camps in purpose and now we've identified the helicopter they tried to conceal the identity of by not using transponders or visible markings. You must be scared shitless. We know everything. Nuremberg 2.0 is coming
Your not even worth my time. A used tissue has more worth than you, let that sink in.
>Helicopters get close to land when they want to land
Did the pilot not have eyes? Anyone with a brain could see there was no landing zone.
Provide a single shred of evidence
Photo and video as well archived sources that that helicopter was delivering any supplies
You can't
Because you are a liar
Why burn out fuel idling down then gooseing it when they get waved off? Just hover low and slow maintaining altitude and you can cover a wider area of knocking shit over?
Isn't it though? That's the pentagon for you. Why do you think they murdered our boys in vietnam? It was a meat grinder on purpose, they would have raised conservative children, instead they were murdered by top brass.
That’s it, the FEMA controlled Nazi-Democrat pilot saw a group of country bumpkin retards and thought “I’m gonna land this million dollar piece of equipment to fuck with them”

Eternal victim once again
Lmao you can clearly see the helicopter is loaded

Prove it
Provide a single shred of evidence
>let that sink in.
Fucking plebbit niggers and boomer Q-tards like you shitting up what's left of this site.
They didn't land so who's to know? Can't really toss a pallet out from the air.
>Government continues to be evil
>Americans continue to cope online while doing literally nothing to stop it
Fair point
Does it bother you that there isn’t a single shred of evidence to back up the claims that they were delivering supplies?
>I concede
I know, liar.
Empty parking lot was probably the best bet. All the roads are washed out and it's not like building roofs are the best option.
So they don’t have a record of the supplies that didn’t get delivered?

You niggers are stupid.
2020 white house, they did the exact same thing to the rioters, it's how the military uses a rotowash as a weapon
>FEMA's? They don't even have arrest authority.
then why are they armed?
Air dropping supplies is a good way to ruin them.
why would you care if homeless people build tent shantys on a airfield
So you’re suggesting the pilot has vision issues? Because clearly anyone could see the landing zone was not clear.

So why did he try to land?
Why would I have the flight manifest?
>Rotors cut through tree branches with ease.
Bird would be grounded on the spot if it impacts tree branches or even a bird strike. Rotors would be removed and sent for inspection, it's a SOP. You are correct though, a drone isnt doing shit to stop them.
They didn't have any supplies
Because they weren't trying to land
They were intentionally destroying equipment and supplies
zogbots and qanon are the same thing so yeah
According to the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), aircraft must fly at a minimum altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a 2,000-foot radius when flying over congested areas. This is to ensure that the aircraft can land safely in the event of an engine failure.
The minimum altitude for flying over non-congested areas is 500 feet. However, the aircraft must not be closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.

>must not be closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
>must not be closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.
>must not be closer than 500 feet to any person, vessel, vehicle, or structure.

If the helicopter was within 500 feet of the camp, it is directly violating national airspace rules and would be in deep shit for doing so. There is no exception for military operations. Whomever did so will likely face having their wings ripped off and court marshaled. Unless of course it was a classified op, at which point the whole gov't is fucked as they opened themselves up to lawsuits that civvies would win hands down in court.
and how do you see that glownigger?
Could have been his only option to set down. People need supplies. Tents are cheap.
You’re such a goy, the perfect little retard nigger cattle.
Jewish pedipalps typed this
So no one has the flight manifest?
Because surely the person with it could just clear up all of this confusion!
>What if someone threw something at the rotor attached to a rope?
You are not going to be able to throw shit at it due to the blade wash, you would have to be above it.
Glowniggers BTFO once again
They wont reply to you by the way
Laser beams are the solution to keep glowniggers helicopter pilots at bay.
But you yourself admit that he didn’t drop off supplies. So what was he thinking even trying to land in a landing zone that wasn’t clear, and then taking off?
My eyes. Cleary they were trying to disrupt aid efforts.
Why would anyone on here have them?
>This doesn't change how I feel about the military...

The eternal boomer.
Because they didn't land? You need to land to unload boss.
A trained helo pilot would have learned about the effects of rotor wash. This is a basic safety matter that is drilled into the heads of people who fly aircraft of any kind, especially with military-trained pilots, who would be expected as a matter of course to be operating in proximity with large numbers of soldiers and vulnerable temporary structures, like say, tents. So, there are two possibilities here, Jew: 1. A large number of shockingly incompetent personnel operating these aircraft in the midst of a crisis situation and making an absolute hash of things as they destroy civilian supplies, or 2. Their higher-ups are ordering them to do this for strategic reasons. Or out of sheer spite, because the victims aren't fellow tribespeople.

Who's the DHS secretary again? What church does he attend?
Considering this keeps happening and is filmed do you need more proof? Or are you one of those stupid reddit niggers who say
>muh hanlons razor!!!!!
Which I’ve only ever seen used to protect malicious niggers
If a US military CARGO helicopter is landing in a disaster area it is either to deliver supplies, receive supplies to take elsewhere, or refuel

I would believe that before any evidence that they were ordered by Nazi FEMA to fuck with 1 (one) tent set up by a bunch of mouth breathing, obese trump supporters
Eat a fucking dick jew.
who said anyone on here would have it?

You do realize this has been blowing up on Twitter all day, right? If this were a supply drop, the coordinators could have spoken up.

But they haven’t.
dazzlers like in Egypt. Or was it Libya?
They didn't land because they weren't attempting to land. They were attempting to disrupt and destroy relief effort and supplies.
assuming courts are still just and not just a political tool
So he chose to just wreck the landing zone, and then leave without another word?

Wow, this pilot is very incompetent and needs to be held accountable.
>people that make fun of Jew loving trumptards are Jews
Typical Canadian-pajeet logic
At first I considered it plausible that our govt was being useless and even was willing to entertain them preventing private parties from helping but these 'helo incident' videos are proof that this narrative is complete bullshit.
guess im adding a pilot blinding laser pointer to the bag, thanks for the headsup us bros
Do you have a single piece of evidence to back up this claim?
Because the military isn't keen on posting info like that and they need to go through their rounds of investigation? You expect a 5 start to go on FB live or something?
He got waved off?
The military isn’t keen on posting information to calm down the public during a disaster relief effort?

Thats insanely incompetent. Someone needs to be held accountable for this mistake.
What dam failed, you retarded nigger monkey?
Oh great, here's a sperg with fixed-wing AIRPLANE regulations.
Did you not read the whole regulation?
>A helicopter may be operated at less than the minimums prescribed in paragraph
Stupid asshole.
do you have a single piece of evidence to back up this claim?
FAAAAAK WTF FAGGOTS?! EVER HEARD OF GROUND FIRE? Fkn pussies. Feds could straight up butt rape people down there and you wouldn’t do shit.
The video?
>you expect a general to comeout and speak
You’re so fucking retarded it’s unreal. THINK NIGGER, there are dozens if not hundreds of times where generals have spoken on gaffs and blunders publicly, on the air. You disingenuous monkey
Nigger lover.
where in the video?

why did a civilian need to wave off this pilot to stop him from destroying their supply distribution station?
In this itt: meds not being taken
South america. Chilean protestors.
After the investigation is finished and a press release is drafted. That'll take a minute in a CF relief operation.
people should shoot at them if they do this shit again.
>this isn't happening but if it did you deserve it
The glowniggers aren't sending their best gaslighters.
You know what ill bite, you don’t have a real job and you don’t have a life. You’ve wasted so many years of your life chasing needless wants that ended up yielding nothing. This road led you to your current job. You peddle hate for a paycheck. Know that everything in life is tied to your eternity. If you think for a moment that your actions will not follow you into the expanse, then you best understand it now. I see through you, and trust in the fact that you and others in the like are easy to spot. Much like another anon said you stick out like a sore thumb. What’s truly funny is that fact that you get paid to be ridiculed day in and day out. Its why you are so spiteful in your posts. You are quite latterly a latrine, and you smile and just take it. You are nothing more than a joke to people. And you may say that it doesn’t bother you when you talk to friends and family, but deep down you know it does.
have you considered that a contractor was given a contract to get the place under federal control, and failed. so said contractor was just a dickhead that likes ruining picinics and doing fun stuff with choppers?
They would look like bugs to him. Pilots are fucking jerks.
>According to the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), aircraft must fly at a minimum altitude of 1,000 feet above the highest obstacle within a 2,000-foot radius when flying over congested areas.

It's a ANG asset, they are exempt from that rule. I can assure you that, but in all fairness, that pilot fully knew that the rotor wash was going to do just what it did.
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Good question JC. Perhaps you should ask jock or simmons about the majestic 12.
>i'm a big retarded asshole and i'm pretending like i'm not seeing reality just to spite you because i love choking on glownigger cock for peanuts
Yes, we know you're a gigantic faggot. You don't need to be so loud about it.
what investigation?
>Cargo chopper
>landing in a disaster zone
Occam’s razor nigger.

It’s pathetic that you think these red necks are worth that much effort to fuck with by the Feds
>You know what ill bite, you don’t have a real job and you don’t have a life. You’ve wasted so many years of your life chasing needless wants that ended up yielding nothing. This road led you to your current job.
Is this copypasta about you? Because I own a small company.
You retards get so butthurt when someone points out the slightest flaw in your idiotic conspiracy theories it's just fun to do.
Anytime there's a fuckup in the military. From losing a nuke to breaking a door.
Everyone knows what you did. You can't pull that African tier instigation on US citizens and not pay the price for it. This crew will be charged, it's your only way out of the mess you created. Faggots.
They used them in the "arab spring" too
need to get some
You have quite the imagination and you don't know any pilots.
Prove it's the same people.
Occam’s razor suggests that this pilot was incompetent and destroyed this supply distribution station through said incompetence.
Imagine giving government goons the benefit of the doubt in the year of our Lord two-thousand and twenty-four.
can you point me to any evidence that this will get investigated?
Why would people who think these people are “inbred rednecks” bother investigating this?
And who gave them the authority over an army chopper?
I get it you sell used dildos from your house and have an LLC bravo latrine boy.
So you agree that the pilot was intentionally trying to sabotage the supply station?

Because there really is no other excuse. You yourself admit that the civilians had little control or ability to prevent it from happening, after all.
>Everyone knows what you did. You can't pull that African tier instigation on US citizens and not pay the price for it. This crew will be charged, it's your only way out of the mess you created. Faggots.
Charged with what? Knocking over a cheap tent?
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They do this to disperse crowds in cities. If they are just flying low, they can't claim it is a hostile attack on innocent American civilians, like they did Blair Mountain. They want to provoke while staying plausibly deniable. So they can deny that they were trying to harm innocent Americans. These zionist traitor faggots are causing the direct deaths of innocent Americans by impeding rescue efforts.

The rednecks of Appalachia had no choice but to march in the thousands at the Battle of Blair Mountain, they sent in private thugs to shoot women and children in the strike camps. They brought out machine guns and war planes to fight the striking coal miners. It was a very different context, but these hills have a long and violent history.

>The company kicked strikers out of company housing, but the union had anticipated this and leased land to build tent towns. CF&I then hired the notorious union busting detective agency Baldwin-Felts to harass and terrify the strikers. Baldwin-Felts snipers shot into the camps and drove an armored car mounted with a machine gun around the tent town.

>On October 28, Colorado governor Elias Ammons called in the National Guard to “restore order” and for the rest of the winter, strikers faced violent harassment from Guardsmen.
Nigger I know Tom Cruise, and you lack imagination, or even knowledge about how the federal government works
Assault and harassment of disaster recovery personnel.
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>the first thing I think of in a conversation is a dildo
Ok, faggot.
How about littering fuck face.
>disaster recovery personnel.
Trunptards in a Walmart parking lot? Lol. Lmao.
>Assault and harassment of disaster recovery personnel.
They aren't. They're random volunteers. And they weren't assaulted. Their tent blew over.

>On October 28, Colorado governor Elias Ammons called in the National Guard to “restore order” and for the rest of the winter, strikers faced violent harassment from Guardsmen.

That's the key here, they sent in paid thugs and then the guard to attack Americans. They were being fought against in a labor struggle, not trying to sabotage a rescue effort from a large natural disaster. People who are being fought against will defend themselves.
Ah, so this is political to you clowns.

Politicizing a disaster isn’t going to do you any favors when Trump gets into office, you know.
> They're random volunteers.
So that makes it ok to destroy their supply distribution station?
>Ah, so this is political to you clowns.
>Politicizing a disaster isn’t going to do you any favors when Trump gets into office, you know.
Pretending that this isn't exactly what all of you faggots are doing with these kvetch threads where you scream bloody murder over a tent blowing over.
>enter hurricane heli zone unprepared for wind
god all you do is fuck things up and then blame others is deflection all you morons have
maybe next time try not being a bunch of uncooperative performative retards idk
>charity being fucked by zogbots so zogs can get reflection points
Demanding that FEMA actually be held accountable for their incompetence isn’t political, anon.

Its justice.
Only if you're using golbermint wind weapons in unmarked helicopters for the reptilians.
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No it doesn't, that's why these traitors are spazzing out here. They crossed a major line with this shit and they know it.
Could've used a MANPAD for this. Pretty sure someone out there got a couple lying around.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) today reversed a policy of prohibiting firearm possession in emergency evacuee trailer parks – so-called “FEMA villages” – and other temporary housing provided by the agency. The reversal followed complaints by the Second Amendment Foundation that the original policy violated the Second Amendment civil rights of evacuees and that it was discriminatory as well.

“Victims of natural disasters should not be victimized a second time by FEMA or other relief agencies,” noted Alan Gottlieb, founder of the Second Amendment Foundation. “A citizen doesn’t give up his or her civil rights simply because a disaster strikes.”
They should've opened fire at the helicopter as it was attacking them.
So it’s ok to do it if you’re a NG pilot, then?
>Demanding that FEMA actually be held accountable for their incompetence isn’t political, anon.
A tent flipping over isn't incompetence on the part of anyone but the one who build the tent.
And make whatever grandstands you want, fag, you're still a hypocrite.
incompetence is putting a tent made of tissue paper next to a heli zone
this is on them
Incorrect. Its incompetence on the helicopter pilot who flipped the tent.
I can tell you are mad, whore of lucifer. Do you at least get paid? Of course not. Fucking morons like you don't realize who utterly fucked you are. But right now we are only going through the motions first. Then it's the unravel of all the work it took centuries for you whores to accomplish. For no matter how """"""illumined"""""" you think you are, at the end of the day you are just humans, imperfect. And the tools you have made like AI are also therefore imperfect. Even if you had access to everyone's brains there will always be a detail that you will miss.
Z0MG they crossed the line
>fema can't even arrest you
do you have a single piece of evidence showing it was a heli zone?
>cargo chopper, with cargo tries to land
>real AMERICAN PATRIOT ISRAEL LOVER thinks he’s in charge and tells them not to
>orders take priority over retard on the ground
>chopper lands
>shit tent blown over
Okay retard
So again, you admit that the pilot is at fault, correct?
They’re mad that NC had been leaning Trump….according to their OWN polls.
Could be retaliation, except that it seems to be backfiring on them.
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need some napalm here on the treeline
Hahaha you won't do shit lol lmao.
Their faggot shilling is definitely backfiring on them. Feel the hate niggers.
>reeee it's ok and actually good for government agents to intentionally destroy disaster relief supplies because it ownz le chuddz!
It suggests that a cargo chopper, in a disaster zone is carrying cargo and military orders take precedent over a group of Israel loving retards setting up pop up tents. Sorry.
just behave goys, ovey, be grateful with the help jews give to you
>People who are being fought against will defend themselves.
Is that why the guard shot up kent state students?
i read that they were illegally occupying a fema supply area. is that true?
Are you sure that those aren’t glownigger bad actors on the ground and maybe the military is disrupting their nefarious activities?
Do you guys want to be added to the list?
Lmao, reading is hard for niggers and it’s not my job to teach you. Go ahead, go on for the rest of your days screaming about FEMA targeting red necks in NC and how cargo choppers landing need to take orders from retard boomers on the ground with 0 (zero) affiliation or authority over them telling them where it’s good to land
> er, in a disaster zone is carrying cargo and military orders take precedent
Military orders to land in an un designated landing zone with their radio and transponder switched off?

Can you cite me where these military orders were issued? Because they are the opposite of what is standard protocol.
Probably. Rural retards think they can do anything they want, but it's only because they're such non-entities that the gov doesn't give two shits about them
The fact that all ways to identify the copter and crew were covered up proves that it was A) malicious and B) has support from top brass
Total and complete capture of every single institution.
hey, it’s not my fault that you are suggesting the pilot is at fault here.
can confirm. It wasn't even very dry land. they just wanted it to be defiant
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You mean this niggerfest FEMA?

It’s a bunch of lazy niggers that hate white people.
Is there a new one?
They won’t be charged lmao, when was the last time Republican retards cried victim and got their so called aggressor in trouble?
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>48 posts itt
You'd think you'd have a new line or two by now.
You're a freaking whacko, Mexican. I have nothing to do with Lucifer or the "Illumanati" or whatever. But I guess it's easier to just assume that everyone who disagrees with you online is a Satanist rather than use whatever passes for a brain in that head of yours.
is 48 a big number for you?
>went from crying about no cargo to “well it’s the pilots fault that this 1 single pop up tent with toilet paper fell over!”
We will rebuild…not really though, red states and republicans hate public funding to rebuild, they’ll live in squalor for at minimum 10 years now
It’s always cute how you niggers always reveal your complete and total disdain for the American people.
Probably why you’re trying to cover for your boy who ruined the supply distribution centers.
>see look this agency is full of incompent niggers!
>a-actually they just totally destroyed all of our supplies and killed 246 people with their communist helicopter blades pls halp me daddy gobermint ;_;
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You two tranny's in the same room aren't you?
Can you cite me where this was not a designated landing zone with their radios turned off?

I’m sure the patriotic red blooded American republicans at the depot are believable while they bitch and cry “I’m being targeted boohoo” at everything that happens to them. Maybe they’re retards making retarded decisions and getting in the way of procedure. Nigger.
>America's Chernobyl moment
yes, it's totally the same as a radioactive disaster area. thanks for sharing more proof z-niggers are functionally braindead.
nice bait have another you you fucking piece of shit lol now get into the ditch
You mean other than the fucking helicopter looking for a place to land in a parking lot that wasn't supposed to have people in it? I'm sure they're just wasting fuel for fun

do you have a single piece of evidence showing that these retards weren't intentionally blocking helis from landing??
Can you cite me where your back yard isn’t a designated landing zone?
The American people have a disdain for American people, they burned down every city in the name of a nigger fent addict and do nothing but support israel.
> that wasn't supposed to have people in it?
Surely you have a single piece of evidence to back this claim up, yes?
I'm in YOUR house
remember this emotion when the time comes, no excuses
>Can you cite me where this was not a designated landing zone
Tell us why you think the centers of camps full of people, tents, and vehicles are "designated landing zones."
ive asked you a question you dishonest glownigger >>484144458
he didnt communicate with anyone nor did he deliver any supplies after all
you are simply full of shit
So white people in NV deserve to have their aid fucked up because of niggers in another state?
white people worship jews

if you're standing next to a white you're in danger
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Kill your selves you worthless animal niggers.

You aren’t Americas golden calf anymore. Nobody is going to die for you.
>your backyard
>this is clearly a larger building with a lot of land around it
I get it. Retarded trump supporters need to feel like victims of the government in order to make them feel important enough to be targeted. Did it ever cross your nigger loving, israel supporting mind that in a disaster zone, areas that aren’t originally built for landing helicopters may be needed to land helicopters for relief? You’re dumber than Nigger, you’re Republican tier
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Says the nigger asking for evidence that something is NOT a designated landing zone.
It’s called being in the fucking way thinking you’re the star of some story where the community (a joke of one, being a red state) comes together and rebuilds. It’s like that retarded nigger complaining that “Muh redneck rescue aircraft is being grounded by FASCIST FEMA” as if they’re not just trying to clear the airspace to safely move
No, you fail to understand because you have low IQ. Helene revealed shortage of resources as well as the moral collapse of USA gubbermint.
I have yet to see any significant quantity of supplies be damaged in either of these incidents. Yeah they would want to maintain plausible deniability but they could have spent a few more seconds over the supplies and done a lot more damage. Either that or none of these people on the ground are any good at documenting the damage.
>You mean other than the fucking helicopter looking for a place to land in a parking lot
Looking for a place to land is done from more than 20 feet off the ground over an obviously inhabited camp, you disingenuous kike asset.
you can see moss growing in the constant shade
yea fuck those white people for trying to pass out supplies, it’s not their story!
>You aren’t Americas golden calf anymore. Nobody is going to die for you.
Just who the fuck are you talking about, z-tard?
I'm a white American living in the south. I used to live in NC and have no connection to the government.
You niggers have nothing but accusations and truly stupid conspiracies. I've been called CIA and Illuminati just for disagreeing that a tent blowing over constitutes a deliberate sabotage of $100k plus in aid, and for laughing at your post about this being "America's Chernobyl!" Kek.
> I'm a white American living in the south. I used to live in NC and have no connection to the government.
Why lie like this?
>noooo it's okay for government assets to destroy disaster relief efforts because it ownz le chuddz!!!!
Your hatred for american citizens is blatantly obvious, kike asset.
>I have no connection to the government.
You do faggot.
>no harm done
so you think the pilot was doing what? Landing?
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If you are anything but outraged by this bullshit,you are obviously just outing yourself as a glownigger feebly attempting damage control,or just a complete and literal nigger faggot,at this point there is literally no in-between and you should just go suck start a pistol.
It’s NC not NV retard, and no they deserve it for the support to Israel.
Large centers meant to be used by FEMA in disasters gets over taken by redneck retards thinking they’re helping, just like the airfields.
Says the retard who thinks these tents are worth the military diverting a multi million dollar chopper to just fuck with, say lol and leave
Oh no the pilot communicating via military radio didn’t tap into the redneck retards frequency to talk to them. Show me the source of this nigger oh go back to scrubbing the toilet
*Ah, my bad. I got you mixed up with the Gadsden sperg. You're not a z-tard, you're just a regular tard. My mistake.
>Helene revealed shortage of resources as well as the moral collapse of USA gubbermint.
ESL moron lecturing me about low-IQ lmao
Pretty sure he's just a democrat
Yes, those whites will sell out other whites for Jewish approval, as with all white Americans.
>13 smarmy posts by this yidd
>inb4 oy vey why do the goyim hate us so
>white people don’t deserve help because their jew government supports Israel
At least we got one honest answer out of you.
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You're shit it top notch funny as fuck. I understand you don't want to lose that girl boss, do nothing fedfag job, but you're simply irrelevant at this point. Sorry, it's back to that hick state to shop at Walmart with all the people who called you a faggot back in high school faggot. Might as well kys now loser.
kind of like what you’re doing right now, yeah?
>trumptardian schizo drivel
Yes yes of course, the entire world is out to get you etc etc
Shills working overtime again. We see thru you.
>25 venom spitting posts by this yidd now
why are you glowniggers so angry tonight?
If only someone had one of those paintball guns, they could fill the balls with permanent paint and shot the helicopters to be able to track them. They could use glow paint for extra keks
I’m shitting on Israel loving trump supporters and strong anti-racists who love niggers.
>implying government military satellites would not have mapped out potential landing spots.
We like to pretend the government is omniscient and omnipotent but reality shows they are incompetent and inept.
>their Jew representatives that they consistently vote for no matter what
By defending the same zog government that sent troops and funds to Israel?
look how this glownigger suddenly pretends voting matters when it suits his argument.
What connection, retard? Show it to me. Prove it.
Fucking moron.
In the webm? Certainly looks like he was trying to.
In the other videos? They just flew over. Big deal. Secure your rickety shit or gtfo of the disaster area.
60+ posts by zZNnrpZG. Oh, but that doesn't count because he agrees with your dumbass helicopter conspiracy.
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Just keep on showing everyone your hate when there aren’t others who can check you and put the foot down.

Instead of love and caring for less fortunate you only preach and apply hatred, trying to kill of people when they’re literally without food or water and at deaths door without help.

Surely for demons who are trying this desperately to escape hell you’d do a better job of disguising yourselves.

Apparently not.
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It's funny when you ask them what the pilot was doing and why.
They ghost you, redirect to "what harm", move goalposts, etc.

Smart niggas need to stop falling for it.
Who, what, when, where, why
Even if representatives don’t do whit they still constantly flock to Israel loving candidates, retard.
After all that his solution is a phone call and a strongly worded letter. Oh and i still respect da military and da national guard. What a fucking faggot. You are under occupation. The govt is at war with you along with practically everyone else on the planet. What is it going to take for people to understand this?
If there’s 2 shitty groups being shitty, making fun of one doesn’t mean you’re defending the other.

Learn to read nigger
Your comments ITT are plenty of evidence towards your connection to the government.
There really is no other reason why someone like you would come defend the government on /pol/ of all places.
>They just flew over. Big deal. Secure your rickety shit or gtfo of the disaster area.
you don't care about the truth
again, you mean other than the expensive fucking business of flying helicopters out?? other than the helicopters clearly looking for a spot to land in that area??

Where's your evidence that this isn't MAGAts cutting off their noses to spite their face like they've proven to do for political points time and time again?

Lmao you're the one spamming up the thread like it's your job, Ivan
>Large centers meant to be used by FEMA in disasters gets over taken
Why wasn't FEMA using them if they're "meant for them" this long after the disaster?
Is it illegal to coordinate disaster relief from parking lots now because FEMA might possibly one day maybe think about eventually using them one day at some point in the future possibly?
You could try being a little more subtle, kike asset.
this comment makes no sense lmao.
holy shit you’re actually a retarded nigger, aren’t you?
Yes it does, especially when you defend the shitty actions of one side.
Not illegal, useless to try and wrangle a massive swarm of retards
Anon, it seems you forgot to actually post evidence.

Did you intend to do this or did you forget?
>retard doesnt understand that even if voting doesn’t do anything, what people vote for still says a lot about them, and in this case it’s never ending support and love for Israel
So you once again admit that the pilot was at fault.
Shills overuse the word nigger, they think they blend in this way. This particular shill is combative but clearly unexperienced.
>you don't care about the truth
I'm posting the truth itt because I do care about it. I have family and friends there and I'd like for FEMA to be able to do their jobs.
You're the ones jerking each other off over conspiracies without regard to the chaos it might cause on the ground there. And yes, more chaos than a tent getting blown over by the big bad helicopters.
>even though voting doesn’t matter they are still judged by the vote that doesn’t matter!
you're legit losing it and its fucking hilarious. Forcing you stupid niggers to contradict your own talking points is always fun.
They are always dedicated to the narratives they have to shill, so it’s really kind of fun watching them squirm when you force them into a corner.
Unless using nigger faggot tranny in the same post, i agree.
>words are like bullets. They go right through me.
Do you honestly think anyone is going to believe you after you called “your own people” inbred trash?
Can you not read? Is google translate not working for you? Am I talking with ChatGPT?
So it was not illegal for them to set up a disaster relief center in a parking lot in the absence of FEMA aid, and the pilot of the helicopter had no reason to intentionally sabotage their camp. Did I get that right?
Oh so the evidence is your own word?
Yes, that’s correct.
Again, what was the pilot doing? If you answer landing, you are an idiot, a shill, or willingly ignorant. No reason for him to be at that altitude over anything.
I don't give a fuck about your family or friends.
Stay on topic, defend your statements.
Anons, what are your favorite tricks for humiliating shills?
For me, it is to assault them with facts and data. It always turns out shills are clueless morons.
The cunts have to land somewhere eventually.
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where are the supplies he was supposed to deliver you dishonest kike?
why did you ignore it again you pathetic glownigger? >>484146973
>I have family and friends there and I'd like for FEMA to be able to do their jobs.
It's weird how suddenly civilian aid interferes with FEMA operations now only in this specific disaster so that makes it ok for them to steal supplies, sabotage relief efforts, and threaten volunteers with arrest.
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Wrong again faggot,I have no love for either party,the fact that you're even trying to pin any political affiliation to me being mad over a disaster being horribly mismanaged is laughable,your glownigger tactics dont work on me.
again with the "what harm was done"
that's yet to be seem. it may be immeasurable, qualitative rather than quantitative, fuckface.

what was the pilot doing? Not landing
wtf holy shit
I never called anyone inbred trash, you lying dumbass.
>Again, what was the pilot doing?
Depends on the video you're talking about. You retards seem to think there was only one, when OP has multiple.
The WEBM looks like the pilot was landing or dropping something or someone off.
>No reason for him to be at that altitude over anything.
Says you. Show us your military helicopter pilot's license and tell me about why FEMA shouldn't be in a disaster area.
OP should bake more
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Hmmm i guess it would be to expose their lack of humor or reference oldfag stuff that shills are ignorant to since they are usually newfags.
There’s always one question that stresses them out.
Find it, and keep asking it to them. Flip their tactics against them.
>again with the "what harm was done"
>that's yet to be seem. it may be immeasurable, qualitative rather than quantitative, fuckface.
Yet to be SEEN, retard. And it has been seen. A tent fell over. Get over it.
.. Have you been spamming this whole thread without even reading the OP or watching the videos? Don't worry GPT-san, I'm sure you'll be able to parse video content soon!
hahahah. you fucking... God luv ya
I dunno man, you pretty much implied it here

I mean, who else would those “unprofessional retards” be besides your friends and neighbors in NC?
>military helicopter pilot's license and tell me about why FEMA
you see what you did there? doubt it
I was at the beach yesterday and a little girl was missing, lost, the police helicopter was going up and down the beach at about 50 to 60 feet using a loudspeaker to the people on the ground giving her description, using minimum power, barely even disturbing the water underneath.
Is this a bot or something?
yep. m and n are right next to each other on a keyboard.
nice catch. I'm shamed
>A tent fell over
no harm done
>75 posts by zZNnrpZG
is that too many posts for you, anon?
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Is she okay?
Yeah they found her 3k's down the beach.
Uh yeah? 20% of a 400-post thread is a lot even for a shill
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Oh good.
Bet they didn't even fuck up anyone's picinic
>I dunno man, you pretty much implied it
You're a fucking moron. I never called them inbred. I called these specific people retards for going there, refusing to coordinate with FEMA and then blaming FEMA for doing their jobs and flying near their rickety tent.
The only one I see itt talking about inbreeding is you. My guess is you're an inbred moron yourself, which would explain your 75+ post spergout.
anyone baking?
are you everyone? no
>Says you. Show us your military helicopter pilot's license
Military pilot training tells you that you do not hover that close to anything you don't want to damage. You take a landing approach toward camp so you aren't flying over it, and you touch down minimum a hundred feet away from any people or soft structures because your wash *will* tear things up.
The wash of a chopper in travel is significantly less than one in full hover.

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