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Previous: >>484211309

▶Day: 957 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Discord banned in rusnigeria
>The Second Peace Summit will not take place in November, as previously planned (related to the hurricane situation in Florida)
>Why ziggers chimped at S-70 shootdown? Ukrainians possibly remote controlled it via radio spoofing, another pidor jet then (likely Su57) shot it down
>7 powerful explosions in the area of the Saky airfield in Novofedorivka, Crimea
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV (friendly fire & only 4 - I mean 3 ever existed lmao)
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Belarus sentenced 12 people to prison terms of up to 25 years on terrorism charges over the 2023 sabotage of a russian military plane that was claimed by pro-Ukraine activists
>Ukrainian investigators found almost $6m in cash during a raid of the home of a state official suspected of helping men dodge mobilisation
>Turkey ratifies a free trade agreement with Ukraine
>Oil depot caught fire in Perm Krai
>Oil depot caught fire in Anninsky district of Voronezh region as result of fall of drone debris, - governor.
>Russian proxies in occupied Kherson Oblast announce forced conscription of Ukrainians.
>The newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte visits Kyiv
>Ukrainian missile forces destroyed russian "Nebo-M" radar using ATACMS
>At night, SBU drones attacked the military airfield "Borisoglebsk" in the Voronezh region
>Putin stopped population census until 2029
>The AFU have fully withdrawn from Vuhledar and russia has occupied it
>Ukrainian General Prosecutor's office: russian troops have executed 16 Ukrainian POWs at Pokrovsk direction
>The russia is planning to draft 133k troops between October and January, according to a decree signed by Putin
incel thread.
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Sic semper tiranis
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Post the best webms of crispy bois
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Has Rasha won yet?
why not?
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Here he very warm and comfy
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>Has Rasha won yet?
Basically, yeah. They're just waiting on the West to acknowledge reality so the bloodshed can stop.
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Damn, the jeet niggers have to engage each other ,how grim. Can't even afford VPN's these days, wonder which one of you is bakhmut shitskin lmao
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Meme flag changs have to suck each other off. sad
>day 957 of the two week SMO
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your well done zigger, sir
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>t. Daily Express
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Total Zigger Dedovshchina
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Hey, you niggers love spamming MSM articles, what happened jeet faggot? LMAO
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Only if you'd known how brown they are
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They do be like that;
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>Churkas got lot to seethe about lately
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Waiter you burned my zigger i want a new one .
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Silly bitch, that's creme brule.
the left can't meme
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Are you the gore leaf who's spamming gore and getting banned everyone is talking about??
well Vatniks just always think in terms of rape, as is their nature, and after 3 years of this bullshit, we are inevitably dragged down to their level
chinky eyes
i love the smell of burning russniggers in the morning
Fuck off vatnigger
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No clue who you're talking about, you might be having a mental episode.
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>Ziggers ban Discord
Please ban 4chan next
The left hates Russia though, while conservatives love them
>constantly call Marichka a tranny
>still draw fanfic of them fucking her
What did they mean by this
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kill the kacap
Kys mearspidor
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>Discord banned in rusnigeria
honestly one of the few real wins
It's true. Conservatives remember a time when USA was a functional nation ruled by the white man. There were no trannies, no shitskins, no Jews. Negroes knew their place. Women knew their place. We look at Russia and it reminds us of the USA during its glory days - and we want those days back. We feel nostalgic when we see that tradition and conservatism are still alive in Russia.
What about the thousands of mosques and millions of goatfucker moslems?

I shit on mohammed and I shit on akhmad kadyrov btw
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This post reeks of a meagerly (if at all, prob. doing it for free) compensated professional social media worker
How new are you bro
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>We look at Russia and it reminds us of the USA during its glory days
lmao, pictures of Russia just remind me of the hell we are tumbling into more than anything. The visible decay of all infrastructure because everyone is so hopelessly corrupt the money meant to fix it buys new yachts. Everyone turning to drugs and alcohol because everything is getting worse and nothing you can do can change it. People die mysteriously for questioning those in power but nothing ever comes of the obvious discrepancy.
Russia is what we have to look forward to if we don't make a U-turn off our current route
In all honesty, Islam is a pretty based religion. It gets a bad reputation because its followers are brown, but it promotes family values and honour, and discourages whore culture and degeneracy. Hitler himself spoke highly of Islam and said it would be a great religion for Aryans - I find myself in agreement with such a sentiment. To an extent, Christianity and turning the other cheek has turned us into pussies here in the West.
>How new are you bro

imagine the ignorant bliss one must have from not knowing who goreleaf is.
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You guys know that there used to be a lot more gore here right?
>tradition and conservatism are still alive in Russia
if you mean traditional army rape then you're right that's still alive an well
Many of these things also exist in USA. Look at Philadelphia or San Francisco, there are homeless and druggies every where. And students are being arrested for taking a stand against the Gaza genocide. USA isn't as free as we Americans sometimes like to think we are.
Imagine being so retarded that you think a country where beating your wife is protected by law is based and conservative. Wait till they hear about the divorce and abortion rates, and how mom going to be a whore while daddy dies in the war is going to make good upstanding citizens.
The practice known as "dedovshchina" in the Russian military involves senior soldiers or officers enforcing discipline among junior soldiers or conscripts. While not officially sanctioned, it has been recognized as a method to maintain order within the ranks. It's important to note that this approach is not considered a legitimate form of discipline in professional militaries worldwide.

Supporters argue that such practices can serve as an effective deterrent, promoting a sense of hierarchy and accountability. The dynamics at play often reflect the need for structure in a high-pressure environment, with factors such as discipline and camaraderie influencing behavior.

Efforts have been made within the Russian military to address hazing through regulations and education, indicating a commitment to improving the culture. Some believe that exploring these practices could yield valuable insights for military structures in other countries, including the United States.
thanks chat gpt homo rape is based and trad
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>We look at Russia and it reminds us of the USA during its glory days
What Russian unit is that patch?
Very nice.
I dunno, I guess the sheer scale and time he spent chasing after his goal felt absurd. I was never really sure it was even the same dude, in fact the main characters seemed to die? pretty often chasing something they could never reach, with an internal drive I could never understand. The sheer scale was realised when he reached the empty Jupiter room. Around this time I stopped being as interested, as it seemed to repeat itself. I felt like this was kinda the point.
The ending where he managed to escape with the egg of the class 9 but then nothing happened and he died.
I don't like that
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we'll never go back to 2009 and comfy LOST threads
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Why does the us love Israel so much, but when it comes to defeating Russia they just barely do any shit
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new norm
read that Bob Woodward shit that came out, Biden's national security team considered a 50% chance Russia was going to NOOK in late 2022.
Iran doesn't have fuck all.
Honestly it's fair though, it's ultimately bullshit. Even I posted in one to seethe about it.
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Imagine how atmospheric halloween is in Ukraine with all these zigger skellies lying around.
Isn't this an Iraqi?
>We look at Russia and it reminds us of the USA during its glory days
when were the glory days of the US about mudslime and chink worship?
That's one weird looking sandwich.
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I don't love the American MSM, I just think it's funny when they're forced to (sorta) acknowledge reality.
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>American MSM are funny
US MSM should git gud in being funny. Learn.
Goreleaf, ples.
You shills have been saying this for nearly 3 years now. MSM being critical at times is nothing new. Also why the fuck does rvvoenkory feel the need to slap their watermark on a CNN article?
dead general
dead country
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Dead general
idk why ziggers are so obsessed over him
Look, I took the liberty of examining that general when I got it home, and I discovered the only reason that it had been sitting in his buhanka in the first place was that it had been IMPALED ON A DILDO there.
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Toretsk status?
>just pimp/rape the conscripts! That’ll something something accountability!
Okay, so being sexually violated by someone doesn’t support camaraderie. Of course this is a clear symptom for why Russia is a third world shit hole with a social structure modeled after prison gangs. Because there are people who would rather resort to sodomy to enforce order than study why they lack order in the first place.
>Serb trying to spin Russians being in another meatgrinder for months as something to pretend to be smug about
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What's happening here?
Russians being herded into fortified positions again and dying like lemmings? Man. Anyone who supports this war must really hate Russians.
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>Day 957
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>Nafoid trying to spin losing a hybrid war against Russia as something to be smug about
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cope.The fortifications is where ukrainians are running from.See those white places on the map?Those are fortified hills that ukrainians needed to effectively defend the region, now they are abandoning these superior positions.
>Serb has some weird thing against anti-zigger fags on twatter
Imagine that. btw what happened outside of Vuhledar for 2+ years exactly?
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No, that’s the point. They kill 30,000 Russians, and then pull back a little bit, and then kill another 30,000 Russians, and then pull back a bit, and … you see? That’s the insane thing. I don’t like Russia, and I think their culture is backwards, even subhuman. Yet even I would rather they just go home. Why encourage them to just die in swarms like this? You have to really despise them to want them to keep dying over one little random village in a foreign country after the next.
You on the right
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They lost just like how they are losing every battle for almost 2 years.
Why go on the offensive for rubble when Russians are so willing to die in meatgrinders?
Bullshit cope.They aren't doing some organized fighting withdrawal.They don't have the motorization or the training for that.They lost most of their armored vehicles in this war and nato is struggling to supply them further and their army is increasingly lowly trained conscript trash.
They are trying to hold every cm of ukrainian land for as long as they can until they are broken and routing.It happened in Avdeevka and recently Ugledar.
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Dunno, maybe because they keep losing all their fortress cities and now Russians are attacking their supply bases lol.
Huh? Where do you get that idea? Normally when you have a route like that you get thousands of prisoners. Or at least giant piles of corpses if you’re Russia and kill POWs, and since ziggers haven’t been spamming corpse piles but goreleaf can? I know what’s happening. So why do you want to see Russians killed so badly? Do you know what an American supplied 155mm cluster munition round does to a lightly armored target like a BMP? What happens to the Russians inside? Why do you want this to keep happening to them? They can just go home. Hell, I don’t even want it to happen to them. Id rather they go back to Russia. Yet here you are doing everything you can to encourage them to fling themselves at prepared enemy positions. Why do you hate them that much?
>They aren't doing some organized fighting withdrawal.
>but for some magical reason, Russia has never managed to create a significant cauldron or route since March 2022
You're aware that a fortress city from 2014 falling in 2024 isn't exactly impressive, right? You're also aware that spending months/years to take one city just allows the next city behind it to also become fortified, right?
pipe down serboid
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You have a picture? Nice. I have a vid.
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>but for some magical reason, Russia has never managed to create a significant cauldron or route since March 2022
Soledar was an encirclement, Adveevka was a route, etc.
>they lost
Multiple hundreds of armoured vehicles with all of their crew and tens of thousands of infantry to take the ruins of a town in the middle of nowhere? But enough about Russia.
>Adveevka was a route
delusional vatnigger
>Soledar was an encirclement, Adveevka was a route, etc.
May I see it?
N-n... nnoooooo.
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ayeee kim-sama help me

its not uncommon for petty people to be uncharitable, but you are taxing your few remaining brain cells trying to frame this issue positively for yourself.

Some people shouldnt concern themselves with such issues. This is why women used to not be allowed to engage in political discussion. With your posts, we can see why.

last time I checked trannies do not get sources.
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That's not a "Latest". THIS is a LATEST!
>Lancet destroys British AS-90 SPG
>TornadoS takes out HIMARS
>Su-35S loadout for patrolling SMO zone
>Thermite drone over Hohol trench
>Failed AFU attack on Nevskoe
>Howitzer 2S3 Akatsiya destroyed
>Lancets take out tank going to Ugledar
>RU drone feeds cats
>Drone drops on Ugledar
>Lancet vs AFU boat Yaroslavets
>Demining magnetic mines
>FABs fall on Zaporozhye City
>3x FAB-1500 on Volchansk
>Arty destroys tank, infantry in Toretsk
>Thermite drone burns AFU in Ugledar
>RU barn tank takes multiple FPV strikes & lives
>Evacuation gone wrong
>Drone drop destroys AFU APC near Bogoyavlenka
>Spetsnaz ambushed AFU recon unit
>Attack on AFU trying to leave Ugledar
>Inside VDV drone command center in Kursk
>4x FAB-500 fall on forest belt w/ AFU in Kursk
>Iskander strike on RM-70 Vampire MLRS in Kharkov
>3x FABs fall on plant in Kupyansk
>Orion UCAV strikes hangars in Sumy
>CV-90 crew tried to surrender, got killed by their own
>AFU trucks in Kursk hit
>AFU Ammo depot near Krivaya Luka rekt
>RU assault on Tsukurkino
>Low tech anti-FPV drone solution
>TOS salvo on plant in Volchansk
>Counter-battery takes out SPG in Sumy
>RU soldiers fire at FPV drone
>Defense towers Kerch bridge w/ Pantsir-S1
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most of them are on vpn anyways
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You wonder at which point the KGB dinosaurs will figure that out and try to block VPN use in Russia.

Under our supervision, Europe is being invaded by North Koreans.

and you trannies scoff at the notion that NATO wont survive Russia's victory in ukraine.
Does this mean we can finally send NATO troops to clean this mess up and evict the asiatic Bolshevik horde?

there will never be a US-led NATO invasion force that sets foot in ukraine.

THere may be a time when NATO actually goes to war with Russia, but they wont be fighting in ukraine.

This shit should be obvious to everyone at this point.
Under your supervision your troops are attacking prepared enemy positions in golf carts while Ukraine liberates Kursk. You must really despise your countrymen to want them to be slaughtered invading Ukraine like this.
Why? NATO already has special operations and support staff there. It’s a hop, skip, and a jump to a few armored divisions and air strikes. It isn’t like the Russian Black Sea fleet is able to contest our activity in the region anymore.
>frame this issue positively for yourself.
I'm sure the Rusniggers who died over the past two years trying to take Vuhledar, who are burning in hell, are happy knowing that rubles that could have gone into making the Russian armed forces anything but a laughing stock that trades tens of thousands of Rusnigger lives for inches of stolen land, are instead going to some retarded paid internet shill who's only retort is 'you are too dumb. I don't have to (read: can't) explain away the treasonous losses of the RuAF in taking Vuhledar'.

I hope Russia has a million victories exactly like Vuhledar.
>Under your supervision your troops are attacking prepared enemy positions in golf carts while Ukraine liberates Kursk.

Yes, NATO will collapse after the invincible western powers are defeated by golf carts and mopeds.

There is no point in explaining these things to ukriane supporters.
>I'm sure the Rusniggers who died over the past two years trying to take Vuhledar, who are burning in hell, are happy knowing that rubles that could have gone into making the Russian armed forces anything but a laughing stock that trades tens of thousands of Rusnigger lives for inches of stolen land, are instead going to some retarded paid internet shill who's only retort is 'you are too dumb.

Not only is this poorly written, but it oozes with desperation and anger.
So what you’re saying is you expect NATO to actually deploy against the golf carts and mopeds? Because that’s the part that doesn’t make sense to me. Why do you hate your fellow Russians so much that you want them to keep doing this? They could just go home and live in Russia. Not dying, bleeding out in the cold mud of a foreign country. Why do you want that for them? Or do you just get a chuckle out of the samovars crawling around on street corners?
I accept your concession.
>stupid ESL vatnigger can't into sentences longer than 10 words
I also can't wait for mother Russia to need you at the front, comrade

We remove russian narratives and all content about russian internal affairs unless it is major breaking news directly related to positive military outcomes for Ukraine. All russia-produced content, including the statements or activities of prominent russians, state-produced media, and social media is banned. Analysis of russian propaganda, however well-intentioned, spreads poison and will be removed.

Feel free to browse our rules here.

Hi, If you are seeing this message, we have determined that your post is perhaps better at home in another community, so we have removed it.

If you would like to gain a better understanding of what is on-topic for this community, feel free to browse our rules.

Hello OP, we have removed your post for being off-topic. While we acknowledge that this war has captured global interest, we want to reaffirm that the purpose of this community is to give space for, and amplify the voice of Ukraine in the global community. For this reason, the mod team will be using their judgment when moderating content that deals with foreign politics, even if they seem peripherally related to Ukraine. We understand this may be disappointing, especially if your post required a lot of time or effort. We encourage you to post this content on a sub that specifically focuses on the foreign politics you are discussing, where it may generate well deserved and on-topic discussion.

If you would like to gain a better understanding of what is on-topic for this community, feel free to browse our rules, here.
>Feel free to browse our rules here.

you dont get to make or impose rules.
Dejá de dar verguenza nene
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What if we raped Putin? Will he stop being an evil dictator?
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Russian 51st Airborne Regiment published an 11 minute video showing off their "work". All 7 burnt wrecks they showed were their own lmao. And then shills wonder why no one takes their footage seriously.
Did the KGB have a rape culture as well? It might have already happened and that's what turned him into an evil dictator.
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Anon he's a Russian male. That wouldn't be anything new for him.

now do the ghost of kiev
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last time I checked trannies do not get Kiiv.
Kek what retards
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Meanwhile, Toretsk.

there is no value in Kiev.

No power resides in the capitol. Its a place filled with libshit piggies.

>Russians are losing because they aren't spamming gore

Gorespam is an conscious ukrainian strategy to convince the world that they are outkilling Russians.If you have over nigger level IQ then you realize that the side with the more firepower causing more casualties and Russian have multiple times more firepower than hohols.Whad do you think those 3000KG bombs do to hohol positions when they get hit?
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No what else have ZERO VALUE? Lives of ziggers.
islam is a gay ripoff of Judaism and Christianity and in fundamentally puts down people who try to advance science and mathematics when it seems unislamic. Also the family thing is bullshit given how they are ready to easily kill a family member as punishment or for honour.
Also Hitler was a retard that got his shit kicked in and look what mudslimes do in Germany today.
Guys does Russia and Ukraine keep demographic data? If so how much has the white percentage of their respective populations changed since the war started? Is Ukraine whiter now? Is Russia whiter?
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Russia is losing because its federal army no longer exists for the most part. Russians are winning, tho, just like the rest of the world, even if they hate it.
Russians creating cauldrons all the time, what kind of cope is this?

>You're aware that a fortress city from 2014 falling in 2024 isn't exactly impressive, right? You're also aware that spending months/years to take one city just allows the next city behind it to also become fortified, right?

They have fortified those cities for 10 years and they are an integral part of their defence system, now they are falling.The cities next in line aren't as defendable or fortified as the cities they fortified for 10 years.There is a bunch of towns and cities in the Donbass that are in the process of getting captured or are about to get sieged.If those fall then Russia basically won the war for Donbass, there is not much behind them.
Just look at the map.There isn't much urban area behind the Kramatorsk-Sloviansk line and after Pokrovsk the next city to the west is Pavlograd 100km away lol.
The last cope refuge of the nafoid is that maybe they lost but Russia suffered a gorillion losses(but somehow the Russian army keep expanding without mass draft).
Russia is horribly churkinized. I mean, it was bad, even before the war, but now it's a fucking hell. Since the beginning of the war at least 12mils churkas were imported into russia.
>Russia is losing because its federal army no longer exists for the most part.

Who does the hohols fighting?Ghosts?
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About that LMAO
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anal lovers "killing me is a divine act" 2447th motorized faggot muslim division
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Creating is Present continuous, it's to describe currently ongoing (usually temporary) actions.
Come back when it will be 'created' as in Past simple, which is for events that were actually completed in the past.

If you were to take the total value of western aid and divide it by the number of Russian dead, you would get a figure that is more money than you will ever get to see in 100 lifetimes.
Mobics and loan soldiers.
>Russia regularly creating cauldrons
>Noooo it doesn't happen!
It's not a unit patch, just a cringe propaganda nipple pastie (he had been wearing it wrong). Had been. HAD BEEN. Did you got it? HAD BEEN.

the trannies, in their echochamber, never hear of the persistently fleeing AFU.
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Loan soldiers?You mean contract soldiers, just like what most of the federal army is.
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Ukriane population. Hohols almost reached pre-communistic levels. Decommunisation flourishes!
It was creating, but never created. As we're saying here, if you can't shit stop torturing your ass.
you got a link for that video you wanted re-encoded earlier? i can take a shot at it.
>It was creating, but never created. As we're saying here, if you can't shit stop torturing your ass.

You are definitively some kind of leftist sophist tranny lol.
No. Loan soldiers who ain't getting shit because all the money promised goes directly into covering the monthly payments on bad loans they took.
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You'd have a point if Russians weren't the ones constantly on the offensive, Russia using FABs 2 years into the war doesn't just magically invalidate their now daily dirt bike/golf cart assaults.
>Russians creating cauldrons all the time, what kind of cope is this?
So...may I see it?
>They have fortified those cities for 10 years and they are an integral part of their defence system, now they are falling
They were integral in 2022 when there wasn't anything else behind them, now there's shitloads more defenses.
>The cities next in line aren't as defendable or fortified as the cities they fortified for 10 years.
Vuhledar wasn't fortified until 2022 yet held for another 2 years.
>There is a bunch of towns and cities in the Donbass that are in the process of getting captured or are about to get sieged.If those fall then Russia basically won the war for Donbass, there is not much behind them.
Have you looked at a map that isn't made by some shitskin and zoomed in 1000x?
>Just look at the map.There isn't much urban area behind the Kramatorsk-Sloviansk line and after Pokrovsk the next city to the west is Pavlograd 100km away lol.
There's not much behind Kramatorsk-Sloviansk because Russia isn't remotely near them, retard. Russia will be lucky at this rate to take Pokrovsk a year after they took Avdiivka.
>a try still counts as a success
Nah, not really. That's some communistic bullshit.
Is this guy a cyborg? It looks like his insides are just wires and electronics.
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> all the money promised goes directly into covering the monthly payments on bad loans they took.
If real hohol would tell that, i could assume a chance, that he is just mistaken. But you lie on purpose. Why?
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>y-you LIE
lmao, eat shit, pidor
sweet thanks, I'll see what I can do.
But we both know, that pidor is you, right?
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frooozing status russniggers?
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Conservatives love communists?
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>The cauldrons aren't real if i keep pretending
>no u
Don't give a fuck about your homosexual dreams and delusions.
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>cofi status?
Do you see a cauldron on the pic you've posted?
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Have you seen this explosive documentary exposing Finland?

>Tourism In Finland - The Finns, Are They Human?
All Abrahamic religions are trash we're better off embracing Hermeticism and learning the secrets of Vril because it's actually true and promotes supremacy over the forces of nature and mind. No need to prop up LARP religions that aren't based on reality/truth.
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Grim, kikeheimer is so low on the russnigger shilling totem pole, he has to spam nigger vids all day long.
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Thoughts? If you are capable of those.

I'm not opening this link.

keep up the good work.

I will just pretend to not know that you wish you were forced into that hole.
Literally retarded
looks fake

a twitter link?

its not necessary for you to view it anyways. You would have nothing worthwhile to say about it.
Cool it with projection, incel faggot.
I aint clicking your nigger link, here's a dead russnigger assault wave that can't even field BMPs anymore and has to show up to battle on chink bikes LMAO. No amount of your faggy cope will change what's happening in reality
Is it the part about being 'forced' which caused doubts in you?
A pidor's link.
>I aint clicking your nigger link

do you accept nitter, since you are conveniently allergic to twitter?
I would accept your suicide.
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I accept dead russniggers
>the cauldrons are real if some shitskin on telegram said they are
Do you retards genuinely believe Ukrainians just sit there waiting to die and aren't just using their positions until they aren't tenable for killing Russians anymore? I know you shills are dumb but damn. If cauldrons were actually happening we'd see more shit like Ilovaisk or Mariupol.
>and aren't just using their positions until they aren't tenable for killing Russians anymore?

what a fantastic way of framing the issue of a constantly retreating AFU.
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Someone needs to add Kursk to this, it's outdated LMAO
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Azov was funded by an Israeli, it's own founder idealizes Israel, it allows Jewish members, it actively promotes Jewish interests such that the ADL has certified them incapable of harming Jews, it's currently defending a Jewish Comedian turned President, with a largely Jewish administration, in the Ashkenazi Jewish homeland of Khazaria, while carrying Israeli rifles. They are Kosher Glowniggers.
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>You'd have a point if Russians weren't the ones constantly on the offensive, Russia using FABs 2 years into the war doesn't just magically invalidate their now daily dirt bike/golf cart assaults.

''Golf carts'' aren't for assaults.Those are for resupply and to move things close to the front.They are great in mud.
The dirt bike is genius.Assault soldiers can cross the no man's land in seconds and the defenders don't have time to direct artillery and drone fire at them.

>So...may I see it?


>Vuhledar wasn't fortified until 2022 yet held for another 2 years.

Vuledar was a natural fortress.It was a bunch of tall commi blocks in a hill overlooking a flat plane, basically like a medieval castle.It held for 2 years now its fallen.Pretty bad.

>Have you looked at a map that isn't made by some shitskin and zoomed in 1000x?

Did you?ukrainians are losing their fortified frontline towns.They lost Ugledar a week ago,lost new york a month ago,are about to lose Toretsk and the battle for Siversk is about to begin in a few weeks or days.Not just their fortified cities that are falling one after another but now Russia are threatening their supply cities like Pokrovsk.

>There's not much behind Kramatorsk-Sloviansk because Russia isn't remotely near them, retard. Russia will be lucky at this rate to take Pokrovsk a year after they took Avdiivka.

Russia is winning too slow cope?
Ukrainians value lives over land, so yes. They aren't dumb enough to keep feeding meat for defenseless rubble. If your enemy has more men and equipment, it only makes sense to stay on the defensive.
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In Ugledar was a literal cauldron. We cut roads from there, so they could not escape, and were like PEE! WEE!

the ukies will be running out of kursk soon enough.

I would say updating that map would be a waste of effort, but everything ukraine supporters do is a waste of effort.
What does your tranny eyes see in the pic?
>Ukrainians value lives over land

so thats why ukraine signed the faustian pact?

Their country gets turned into expendable cannon fodder for a chance at the american dream?

Ukraine has the lowest value of life within europe. Its like a slice of africa that was placed in europe.
yeah and when they tried to do that rusniggers got mad
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>''Golf carts'' aren't for assaults.
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>September 21st
Yeah ukrainians are mainly sitting in trenches and basements while Russians are lobbing artillery shells and FABs on them until ukrainians can no longer hold the position and retreat.
Russians have a massive firepower advantage, they aren't doing call the duty pew pew pew infantry warfare.They are draining the defenders with firepower.
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>The dirt bike is genius
>literally retarded

That wasn't an assault.It was ukrainian drones catching a resupply/evacuation golf cart.
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Thank fuck russniggers are so bad at war, imagine being sent into a fucking assault on chink nigger bikes LMAO. THE ABSOLUTE STATE
Keep doing it nigger, it's real fun to watch.
>Zero dead in the pic

You are clearly declining.

if the piggies are lucky, they will get to leave the same way they came.
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>''Golf carts'' aren't for assaults.Those are for resupply and to move things close to the front.They are great in mud.
>The dirt bike is genius
What exactly is it about the Serb gene makes you retards so delusional?
>Avdiivka was a cauldron
See the above. Ukrainians were never encircled or trapped in Avdiivka and even Russian osints admitted they retreated in good order. Russia failed to destroy Ukrainian forces and took ridiculous losses.
>Vuledar was a natural fortress
It was just commie blocks on a hill, that alone managed to block Russian advances for 2 years. Vuhledar was a good defensible location but there will be others Russia will run into again and again.
>Did you?ukrainians are losing their fortified frontline towns.They lost Ugledar a week ago,lost new york a month ago,are about to lose Toretsk and the battle for Siversk is about to begin in a few weeks or days.Not just their fortified cities that are falling one after another but now Russia are threatening their supply cities like Pokrovsk.
Again Vuhledar (idk why you guys insist on using weird tranny names) held out 2 years, bragging about finally taking frontline towns in 2024 is retarded. The entire point you shills always ignore is what it cost Russia to take them. Battle for Siversk won't start or end anytime soon. Pokrovsk has been too close to the front for months to actually be used as a proper supply city.
>Russia is winning too slow cope?
It's not a cope, its the hard fact why this war has been the biggest disaster for Russia since the collapse of the USSR. It's obvious you don't know anything about this war beyond some maps in some shitskin's telegram.

Ukraine must be doing well lmao.
>What exactly is it about the Serb gene makes you retards so delusional?

Russian use of motorcycles/dirt bikes has worked wonderfully.

The sound of a handful of moped engines flanking the position of ukies has caused endless routs in these past months alone.
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Yeah and Ukrainian artillery and drones just sit there and watch right, lmao. You shills love talking about Russia's artillery advantage but can never explain why it still takes them months/years to take frontline towns.
Did they drive themselves into a mine field?
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Thinking about how russia invaded and has taken 20 percent of the country. Ukraine invaded Russia and cant even fully take a single town. Feels bad knowing ukraine will not pull through
>Vuhledar (idk why you guys insist on using weird tranny names)
Углeдap starts from U, not V.

>The entire point you shills always ignore is what it cost Russia to take them.
> implying you have numbers with prooves
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Awfully quiet now aren't you commie nigger. See, no ni gger coping here in /uhg/, you should really stick to /chug/ if you wanna create your own nigge r reality KEKAROO. Have more dead russni ggers on chink dirt bikes KEKAROO
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For someone upset with MSM you sure use a lot of their lingo, Mearshpidorashka.
I forget sometimes that you live in an alternate reality, Mearpoo.
>What exactly is it about the Serb gene makes you retards so delusional?

You are just coping.

>See the above. Ukrainians were never encircled or trapped in Avdiivka and even Russian osints admitted they retreated in good order. Russia failed to destroy Ukrainian forces and took ridiculous losses.

Nonsense.ukrainians tried to do suicidal assaults to relieve their cauldroned positions.Then when it become obvious that their position is untenable they did a chaotic rout.They left their dead and injured behind.While routing many of them got blasted by drones and artillery.
Azov got mauled in that battle.

>It was just commie blocks on a hill, that alone managed to block Russian advances for 2 years. Vuhledar was a good defensible location but there will be others Russia will run into again and again.

They are losing their hardened defendable positions that they held for 2 years now because they are losing the war.
Look at yourself, you are in fortress city mentality, like Germany in late ww2.

>The next defensive line is not going to last 2 years.The lines are falling now because ukrainian army is spent.It is a low quality conscript army, their core is all gone and their equipment is largely lost and Nato is no longer capable of supplying them to the same massive degree as before.

>It's not a cope, its the hard fact why this war has been the biggest disaster for Russia since the collapse of the USSR. It's obvious you don't know anything about this war beyond some maps in some shitskin's telegram.

You stuck in 2022.Basically Nato/Nafo declared ultimate victory over Russia retreated from Kyyyyiiiv and since then they pretend that they are winning but a lot happened since then.From a mainly ukraine-Rus war the war evolved into a Nato-Rus hybrid war and Russia is beating Nato lol.
This shit looks terrible for Nato.They simply aren't capable to destroying Russia with sanctions or outproducing it in military gear.
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New baker needed.

Goodnight friends.
what's in the "victory plan" shown to western leaders?
Good night, friend.
Its just a waste of time to deal with deranged trannies like you.
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Karachev, Bryansk oblast

It is a fact that Russia have a large firepower advantage.

>but can never explain why it still takes them months/years to take frontline towns.

Look at israel, they are supposed to be the best in the US alliance and they are struggling to take villages from Hezbollah but unlike Hezbollah ukraine is not just a militant organization but a national army with all kinds of heavy equipment.
Russia isn't doing some mad rush.They can keep it slow because their firepower advantage isn't going anywhere.

1) ukraine joins nato

2) ukriane invokes article 5

3) The US comes to ukraine's rescue.

4) We send more money to the Rat King.

its embarrassing that this is the quality of ideas coming from western leaders.
>They can keep it slow

So you WANT Russia to keep losing the cream of the crop? It was on track for massive population drop before the war, now it's irreversible.

I didn't realize that Serbs are such TZD enjoyers.
>no u
Classic, I'm not the one shilling using fucking dirtbikes in war lmao.
>Then when it become obvious that their position is untenable they did a chaotic rout.They left their dead and injured behind.While routing many of them got blasted by drones and artillery.
I've asked you multiple times to show me, so show me. A few dozen wounded guys being left behind is no "rout".
>They are losing their hardened defendable positions that they held for 2 years now because they are losing the war.
And Russia is losing their men and equipment at unsustainable rates, with much of Donbas still firmly in Ukrainian control.
>>The next defensive line is not going to last 2 years.The lines are falling now because ukrainian army is spent.It is a low quality conscript army, their core is all gone and their equipment is largely lost and Nato is no longer capable of supplying them to the same massive degree as before.
Oh wow, the same literal verbatim shill line I've heard for 2 years now. And of course Russia has a gazillion well motivated men and thousands of T-90s being pumped out of factories 24/7.
>You stuck in 2022.Basically Nato/Nafo declared ultimate victory over Russia retreated from Kyyyyiiiv and since then they pretend that they are winning but a lot happened since then.From a mainly ukraine-Rus war the war evolved into a Nato-Rus hybrid war and Russia is beating Nato lol.
Delusional nonsense. Russia has been buckbroken by a tiny trickle of NATO arms.
>This shit looks terrible for Nato.They simply aren't capable to destroying Russia with sanctions or outproducing it in military gear.
NATO is sitting comfy knowing that Russia wasted its entire soviet arsenal for nothing.
>They can keep it slow because their firepower advantage isn't going anywhere.
It literally is, its so funny that's its obvious you only get news from zigger telegrams like intel slava.
>Super duper 5D chess 500 IQ sikrit plan
>We join Nato and they win us the war :)
>150 million population
>100k dead

Its ovyir for Russia.
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also crimea is still on fire
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Their never ending mental gymnastics never cease to amaze. 3 years ago they told us they'd steam roll Poland after taking Kyiv in a few days. Now we're expected to believe Russia taking 2014 lines in Ukraine and maybe taking all of Donbas in a few more years (literal bare minimum Russian war goal at this point) is supposed to make NATO look bad.
What’ll be even funnier is when Mearcuck memoryholes the whole thing when Russia inevitably is forced to bend the knee.
>well we killed a ton of Nazis we didn’t want the Donbass/crimea anyway xaxaxaxa
Screencap this post, he’ll never recover.
>1+ million increase from men 16-60 in disability claims y/o/y according to Rosstat

Yes, it's unironically over for Russia.
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Good morning and a very good total zigger death.
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>>no u

I mean what else to say?I explained how golf cards and dirt bikes are used.Both are effective in how they are used.
A dirt bike crossing no mans land in a few seconds avoiding enemy artillery and drone fire is big brain.Its not like ukrainians are pointing their rifles at no man's land.They are camping in bunkers.If the biker gets on top of them he can drop grenades on their heads.This happened numerous times.
Dunno why it is so hard for you to comprehend this.

>I've asked you multiple times to show me, so show me. A few dozen wounded guys being left behind is no "rout".

Video.I remember seeing many similar videos after Avdeevka fell.

>And Russia is losing their men and equipment at unsustainable rates, with much of Donbas still firmly in Ukrainian control.

Hroof?Their army is now significantly bigger than in 2022.Even that idiot Syrsky is admitting that.

>Oh wow, the same literal verbatim shill line I've heard for 2 years now. And of course Russia has a gazillion well motivated men and thousands of T-90s being pumped out of factories 24/7.

In the past 2 years every time ukrainians lose another battle the cope is that it doesn't matter because they killed gazillion of Russians yet they keep losing and the Russian army keep growing.There isn't mass mobilization in Russia, their army is still volunteer based while in ukraine they are force drafting almost everyone.

>Delusional nonsense. Russia has been buckbroken by a tiny trickle of NATO arms.

Nato simply couldn't even supply ukraine with enough artillery shells lmao.Best Korea alone supplied more artillery shells than the EU did.
Nato arms warehouses are almost empty.

>NATO is sitting comfy knowing that Russia wasted its entire soviet arsenal for nothing.

Nato wasted their cold war trash stockpiles for the ukraine war and because that was most of their army they no longer have battle ready armies :)

>u only get news from zigger telegrams

I listen to nafo news on jewtube all the time.
Nafo don't even claim 1 million casualties.
Do you know what Rosstat is, stupid cum slurping nigger?
Are you willing to bet yourself eating shit if it doesn’t happen? Give me a date and a yes and I’ll screenshot your post. Nigger.
ukraine lost.
>last time I checked trannies do not get Kiiv.
Keev fell to invading trannies a decade or so ago. It has been occupied by them ever since.
>hahaha Russia have 1 million cripples from the war
>Nafo doesn't even claim 1 million Russian losses
>Nooo that's not what i mean!Do you know what Rosstat is?

What level of butthurtbelterism is this?
They're not going to say anything. If the Gore Nigger were here he'd be chimping out, hurling his feces everywhere, spamming gore in rage over it, but he's banned I guess, so this place is practically a ghost town. The few anons who remain know that Ukraine's goose is cooked.
>u-ukraine is finished!
Two more weeks!
>I mean what else to say?
That go carts and dirt bikes don't belong anywhere near a fucking battleground.
>Video.I remember seeing many similar videos after Avdeevka fell.
Wow, that's about 6 whole bodies. Nice cauldron.
>Hroof?Their army is now significantly bigger than in 2022.Even that idiot Syrsky is admitting that.
Because it was tiny in 2022. They started the war with only 200k professional troops.
>In the past 2 years every time ukrainians lose another battle the cope is that it doesn't matter because they killed gazillion of Russians yet they keep losing and the Russian army keep growing.There isn't mass mobilization in Russia, their army is still volunteer based while in ukraine they are force drafting almost everyone.
And yet Russia is still no closer to seizing Donbas, they have to keep upping sign-on bonuses, and there's rumors of another mobilization. All while Russia's economy amd financial situation only gets more precarious.
>Nato simply couldn't even supply ukraine with enough artillery shells lmao.Best Korea alone supplied more artillery shells than the EU did. Nato arms warehouses are almost empty.
That's just shells, it's not like we've given them absolutely everything we have. There's still shitloads more equipment we could give but simply haven't. We have like 3k Abrams in storage alone yet only gave 30, won't allow strikes within Russia, etc.
>Nato wasted their cold war trash stockpiles for the ukraine war and because that was most of their army they no longer have battle ready armies :)
Not even close to expended yet, see above. Russia will run out of soviet shit before NATO runs out of 80's equipment. Also I suspect Ukrainian drones 1 year from now will likely be targeting Russian armor plants.
He was here 15 mins ago spamming shit and gore.
Good, you admit your ignorance. Baby steps.
What is this guys deal? Is he still butthurt from HATO bombing serbia?
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he's 160 cm and used to be skinny, you can bet that KGBussy has mileage on it
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Everything which Ukraine recaptured was recaptured in the autumn of 2022. But I know the image doesn't work if you present it accurately, so that's why you distort it and lie by spreading some of those recaptures over other years where it never happened. This meme is so dumb it even gives Russia territories it never even captured in the first place just to make it a bigger "win" for Ukraine to give them back. Just stupid.
Then say something about the imminent fall of Toretsk then (you won't).
We'll see, yeah? You took 10 years to take Vuhledar.
Same can be said for russia you mutt. Except spring of 2022 that is.
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>about the imminent fall of X
You shills have said this about almost every single town/city at this point. Last month it was Sudzha, in the summer it was Vovchansk. In the spring it was Kupiansk.
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still burning
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This meme kills the ukraine supporter
Remember how last destroyed ammo depot was supposed to be a game changer?
Yeah, since that time hohols captured 0 villages/towns and Russia captured Ugledar
Good job piggies, 2 more ammo depots until victory
>That go carts and dirt bikes don't belong anywhere near a fucking battleground.

People more experienced in warfare think otherwise.Also the USA have their own ''golf carts'' but they cost like 300k$ and inferior to chink ones.

>Wow, that's about 6 whole bodies. Nice cauldron.

Well as i said us superior Ziggers aren't filthy gore spammers like you guys are.I saw a lot of similar videos from the battle of Avdeevka but i didn't saved them.
What the hell do you think happens when the enemy is 85% encircled your positions, have firecontrol over your escape route and dropping 3000kg precision bombs on your positions?

>Because it was tiny in 2022.

Now its +600k and it keeps growing rapidly.According to Syrsky it will reach over 700k at the end of this year, and that's just the army fighting in ukraine the whole thing is even bigger.Their tank,artillery and other equipment in their army is also tripled.How is this happening if they are suffering unsustainable casualties for 2.5 years?

>And yet Russia is still no closer to seizing Donbas

lol you say this while ukraine losing fortress cities every few weeks.Russians are cracking up their main defensive line, the Kramatorsk-Slovians line.

> All while Russia's economy amd financial situation only gets more precarious.

Russian economy grew more % in 2023-24 than 90% of nato economy.

>That's just shells, it's not like we've given them absolutely everything we have. There's still shitloads more equipment we could give but simply haven't.

If nato can't mass produce artillery shells then then it really is worthless in a large land war like this.They likely don't make enough artillery either.
Its time to face reality, Nato is losing this hybrid war not because they didn't tried but because they aren't capable of winning it.

>won't allow strikes within Russia, etc.

They aren't doing it because Russia will view that as Nato directly attacking Russia proper.
>Not even close to expended yet, see above. Russia will run out of soviet shit before NATO runs out of 80's equipment. Also I suspect Ukrainian drones 1 year from now will likely be targeting Russian armor plants.

Nafo already ran out lol, this is why they are losing the war and looking for a way out.
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coping tranny lmao
Who owns Ugledar?
Nigger wearing white face is currently harassing Ukrainian tourists and draft evaders in korea
Passed your language exam yet, krievi?
Uhh, they already do?
DLPs are already filtering OpenVPN and wireguard protocols.
>People more experienced in warfare think otherwise.Also the USA have their own ''golf carts'' but they cost like 300k$ and inferior to chink ones.
No, Russia just isn't able to provide proper alternatives.
>I saw a lot of similar videos from the battle of Avdeevka but i didn't saved them.
Sure you did.
>Now its +600k and it keeps growing rapidly.According to Syrsky it will reach over 700k at the end of this year, and that's just the army fighting in ukraine the whole thing is even bigger.
They're hardly covering their losses, without mobilization they aren't going to actually grow much bigger.
>Their tank,artillery and other equipment in their army is also tripled.How is this happening if they are suffering unsustainable casualties for 2.5 years?
That's their soviet shit pulled out of storage. There are little to no reserves now, once they're gone, they're gone.
>lol you say this while ukraine losing fortress cities every few weeks.Russians are cracking up their main defensive line, the Kramatorsk-Slovians line.
They lost 2 since Avdiivka fell and they still have a long ways to go.
>Russian economy grew more % in 2023-24 than 90% of nato economy.
Not hard when it went down in 2022 and they converted to a war economy that doesn't actually produce anything of economic value.
>Its time to face reality, Nato is losing this hybrid war not because they didn't tried but because they aren't capable of winning it.
NATO hasn't lost shit and actually expanded, which is actually another reason this war is a huge failure for Russia. They can keep producing shells while Russian depots get droned.
>They aren't doing it because Russia will view that as Nato directly attacking Russia proper.
Can't be beating all of NATO if NATO weapons aren't even allowed to strike Russia.
Look up how many Bradleys and Abrams we have in storage. 1/4 of those alone would keep Ukraine going for years.
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Shit, you’re still at this? Anyway. My point is that when Russians murder POWs or castrate them in videos they post on telegram? They do it as soon as they get the material and then gloat about it. That’s not the point. Russians are advancing on these positions and dying in droves to do so. Why do you despise them that much that you’re supporting this? How many of them get turned into soup by HIMARS or set on fire with thermite? Like I said. I don’t like Russian behavior or culture. That castration video really cemented that for me. Just even I don’t want them to have to get turned into paste with tungsten steel shrapnel. That’s why I want them to just go back to Russia and live however they want. Why do you support them bleeding out on foreign soil? Do you really hate them that much?
Makes me wonder then if they’re going to block 4chinz or what not. Some of the RU posters are pretty good, which sucks but the goddamn VPN ‘Ohio oblast’ ones need to hang.
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>i love the sound of secondary detonations in the morning
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Awww the little nigger got his cope buckbroken and now all he can do is cry. Looks like you niggers can't even afford VPNs anymore faggot, GRIM
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An d when it doesn't come to pass, straight to the commie nigger memoryhole.
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That's when russniggers were at their strongest, you think russniggers on chink dirt bikes and golf carts are now a more formidable force? KEKAROOO, commie cope is unmatched.
>No, Russia just isn't able to provide proper alternatives.

What are these proper alternatives that Russia unable to provide?They have more than enough armored vehicles and trucks but they decided to supply with chink carts during mud.

>Sure you did.

ukraine keeps constantly expanding their already massive draft but sure they are suffering only minor losses in these battles that they are losing one by one lol.

>They're hardly covering their losses, without mobilization they aren't going to actually grow much bigger.

The hohol army is in a much worse shape right now than in 2023 or early 2024 so if anything the Russians should have suffered more losses then yet the army continued to grow and it is still growing.
This narrative of giant Russian losses is just there to help you cope with the constant setbacks that ukraine suffers for almost 2 years now.

>That's their soviet shit pulled out of storage. There are little to no reserves now, once they're gone, they're gone.

Pro ukraine people keep saying this since 2022 yet the Russian army keeps growing.In 2025 when the Russian active army starts reaching a million with more tanks and artillery than before you are going to say the same.
The reality is that the Russian war production is more than able to handle this war.

>They lost 2 since Avdiivka fell and they still have a long ways to go.

Losing major battles is a win now.

>Not hard when it went down in 2022 and they converted to a war economy that doesn't actually produce anything of economic value.

They are only using 7% of their GDP for the military.Yet this seems to be enough to defeat Nato is a hybrid war lmao.

>NATO hasn't lost shit and actually expanded, which is actually another reason this war is a huge failure for Russia.

The only thing Nato lost is their hybrid war with Russia and the image that Nato is invincible :)
''Depleted'' Russia is now dicking around in the middle east.
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Hey, remember when you were coping about chink bikes commie nigger, what happened? LMAO, gonna memoryhole that too?
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Burger sama you have sooo many AFV's can i have a Striker ... just one .... pretty please ?
>''Depleted'' Russia is now dicking around in the middle east.
Dick mentioned pidor confirmed. Also its getting dicked in the middle east .
>commie cope
You are ruled by Commies.
But aren't Russians vehemently anti-NS?
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>n-no you're the commie
That's the best you got jeet nigger? GRIM
Trudeau's biological father is none other than the late Cuban Communist dictator, Fidel Castro.
Why does your leader look more like Fidel Castro than his supposed "actual" father?
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I agree, he's a commie nigger, which is why he imported millions of shitskins, just like russniggerland - aint that quaint lmao. OH wait, you THOUGHT I SUPPORTED TRUFAGGOT KEKAROO
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>Can't be beating all of NATO if NATO weapons aren't even allowed to strike Russia.

Hey if you want to turn your failing hybrid war into a full scale war then go ahead but in the meantime Nato is continued to get wrecked in their HYBRUD war against Russia.

>Look up how many Bradleys and Abrams we have in storage. 1/4 of those alone would keep Ukraine going for years.

Doesn't matter.Nato doesn't have the ability to repair and refurbish military gear on mass like Russia can.Even then what are ukrainians going to do with thousands of Abraps and bradley if they don't have enough anti air and artillery support?That's what Nato is lacking at.
Nato is losing this hybrid war not because of lack of trying but because they lack military capacity.Look up what their leaders said for the past 2.5 years.They fully committed to the defeat of Russia and organized massive weapons deliveries to ukraine.The EU is stacking its leadership with butthurt belter anti Russia hawks yet they can't do anything more because Nato is depleted militarily.Its pathetic.
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>How many of them get turned into soup by HIMARS

Not much.Wunderwaffe status revoked.
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+++++++INFO TO THE NEXT BAKER+++++++

Add something about picrel to the OP now, it's important that zigger agitprop and distraction OPs fail

>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
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>May 2024
Here's footage of HIMARS mogging russnigger garbage. OOPS, WHAT NOW COPING FAGGOT? That you dominigger? GRIM
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>>Wreckage of S-70 wingman drone captured by Ukrainians reveals falsehood of russian claims about their drone based stealth, AI, fighting/armamament capabilities
That was obvious, russniggers can't make shit.
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There also that HIMARS VS S 300/400s where they got mogged epicly
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get in
Yeah but an example i always hear to justify Russia invading Ukraine is "what if Canada aligned with China" - but Canada's been a Chiness puppet for years.. so im confused
Of course there is, this nigger just jumps from cope to cope lmao
Tell this to the mobiks. I’m sure they will appreciate it.
You dont get it still? Thats the work, thats the goal.
lol uhg ers are subhumans.Go back to ukraine you deraged hohol and see how much your copegore saves you.
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Awww the little commie nigger is lashing out now that his nigger cope is buckbroken, HOW SAD
>Himars sometimes misses its target by 15 meters
So occasionally will strike within an area corresponding to 10% average CEP size of a russian equivalent missile
Oh no
I mean yeah they probably do.Himars effectiveness went down by 80-90%.
15m is the difference between destroying a command station/weapon depot or a random bush lol.
Remember how Himars rekked Russians in the first 2 months of its introduction?Now where did this effectiveness go?
its ovyir for himars.
Because half of Biden’s team are ziggers who yell nook every time putin does
>Remember how Himars rekked Russians in the first 2 months of its introduction?
You mean when they were striking ammo depots left and right? I think thats a target greater than 15m^2
Same applies with cluster munitions which scatter tungsten rain over a much greater area than that <@:^)
I predict plenty more dead ziggerinos in the future

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