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Fight for the piglets
Full Oink
AEW Pig Business

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KWAB Hogwheels is malding
oh no no no
1 minute interval
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not funny
I disagree
fuck those are great and better than the AIs, i wasn't around back then and surely missed a lot of dimes there.
Now THESE are giga based and soulful
Oh man that Evolution guy did like 20 in that thread. It was fucking glorious bro.

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I pick Sarita
Ass pics?
best I can give you is current MILF Sarita
need to see her on MyDirtyMaid
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For me? It's Samantha Fiddler. Teddy was her manager, best fren, and part time lover.
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For me it's Heather Monroe

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Unban my best friend now faggots ass mods Tony Khan won't fuck you just because you stop the one man you fear from posting
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Look I appreciate it man but I found a work around. Thanks for letting everyone know we're gay together though
That's really nice
Tony Khan is a fag
One problem. I'm not banned. Never was.

So who is this guy pretending to be my best fren?

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They love the attention Sandy Hook got for their gun control propaganda.
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>Don't let the Reptilians or the Triangle Men in, they'll take over your home, they'll take over your business
Bray tried to warn Vince, he didn't listen.
The Wyatt “massacre” a couple weeks ago was fake. All the corpses were paid actors pretending to be dead. Chad Gable is in on the whole thing.
I see you understand that most conspiracy theories and theorists are antisemitic. Yet you still fall for their crap.

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Why is this being shown or even suggested on a TV PG kids show? What's Endeavor's problem?
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Straightest pdub anon
I actually do hate this unironically. WWE is for kids, parents and people who don't need constant titillation from random media. Get this trash out. Go watch Paige and the scissor gang in AEW if you like this in your wrestling. They have lots of blood and flips and cussing too which is also great if you're mentally 13
they advertise alcohol on the show
I've never cum from having something up my ass, but plenty of flaccid orgasm on meth
>Go watch AEW
Fuck you Tony. I won't watch your trash

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Next shows:
7/6 Osaka 176BOX (VOD)
>Utami Hayashishita, MIRAI & Mai Sakurai vs Miku Aono, Kouki Amarei & Chika Goto
>Nanae Takahashi & Nao Ishikawa vs Bozilla & Myla Grace
>Natsumi Showzuki & Misa Matsui vs Nagisa Nozaki & CHIAKI
>Victoria Yuzuki vs Zayda Steel
>Komomo Minami vs Momoka Hanazono

7/7 Niigata (VOD)
>Utami Hayashishita & MIRAI vs Miku Aono & Bozilla
>Nanae Takahashi, Nao Ishikawa & Mai Sakurai vs Nagisa Nozaki, CHIAKI & Zayda Steel
>Natsumi Showzuki vs Victoria Yuzuki vs Misa Matsui
>Kouki Amarei vs Myla Grace
>Chika Goto vs Komomo Minami

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blind retard
Hana-un isn't that ugly
Hostility Schizo makes an appearance.
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idk why but she's looking so much sexier more charismatic and more credible here
spiccy shoop?

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Bruh. Yeah bruh.
Yes, my troon friend, you may be right. That reminds me, last night the boys and I were feasting on some guinea pigs when we remembered that 2m+ tall wrestler that got raped by a pack of niggers and all had a good laugh. What was his name, Kevin Nash?
Nah that was me.
Si. Nash fue violada.
Is this true???

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>Was only the guy for 2 years
>Is the Rock's Janetty
>Only got over because of Brett Hart
>Only stayed over because of Vince McMahon
>Injury prone shitter
>Was a dogshit wrestler
>Bigger backstage cancer than CM Punk
>Refused to put Brock Lesnar over
>Refused to work with Jeff Jarrett
>Refused to participate in WM40 because he couldn't get Rock money
>Is a Simp Cuck
>Has Seethe Autism
>>Was a dogshit wrestler
I agree his star power is overrated and he ended up having like the 4th or 5th biggest legacy of the era in which he was on top, but you can't bait me with this brother. He was a genius wrestler that knew how to adapt not some lunkhead who couldn't work like that idiot Bill Goldberg
>Hurr durr lou thesz press then stomp mudholes xD!

Simp Cuck Seethe Autism is the most overrated shitter in wrestling history
Fuck-all Attitude Era and Ruthless Aggression era wrestlers were good at their craft. They just had good writing and were presented as a big thing, because that's all it takes.
I agree that this is bait. I'm not a fan of his Redneck Revenge Fantasy face character, but he was considered very gifted. Watch some of his ECW or anything during his Ringmaster run, he really was quite good.

This shit is going nowhere.
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why is adam cole in the background?
They're abuse victims and their spooky personas are their coping mechanisms. Their spooky selves are all powerful and can't be victimized. Even if you strike them, it has no effect because they don't sell


Apparently they see not getting booked as traumatic abuse
Explains the visceral backlash pw is having to seeing themselves represented onscreen. "noooo they can't just be a group of weird losers hiding their true identity who just sit around saying stupid shit no one understands or cares about for months on end & never actually work, th-that's so weak and pathetic.."
>Apparently they see not getting booked as traumatic abuse
This mean AEW will introduce a Brodie60?
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Uncle Howdy will kill Adam Pearce and Rock's daughter will be the new Raw GM.

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Fuck off, Dax
thought that was jeff hardy from the 'log
dax only likes boys
>soya schizo
>shitt schizo
gain taste asap
wat u mean?

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>OMG Evolution has returned!
This is why HHH is not in the goat discussion lol. Austin and The Rock and Hogan ALWAYS got crowd reactions no matter what.
It was because Flair wasn’t there
The only Evolution member anyone cares about is Flair?

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I'd to love to know what the Iyo retard poster thinks about iyo being to asuka what aew is to wwe
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Tranniexirs we didn't prepare for this in the cord

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Everyone, wish The GOAT a happy birthday.
>complains that’s he’s old
That's a fucking awful photo. Why doesn't he dress like an adult and get a haircut
>Thanks for all the birthday wishes. 67 years old, wow, and still going. I'd like to take this opportunity to once again remind everyone that I could have been working last year like Sting id Goldberg wasn't such a reckless person. He's screwed me out of my best earning years. So gee, thanks Bill
>Anyways hell grand pappy blow out these candles

You Got A Kiss For The Champ?
sure do campeon!
thanks for drawing the house btw!
nah i'll pass
Only if you put on lipstick Damien
>think Rhea will fuck me
>she smirks and leaves the room
>Damien comes out of the bathroom
>”ready to get zesty?”

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