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Welcome to /qtg/, a place to talk about quests.
Previous thread

>What is a quest?
An interactive story in which a Quest Master (QM) writes and provides the readers with options on how to proceed — similar to a choose-your-own-adventure book or an old text adventure

Questionably Useful links:
>QTG discord: https://discord.gg/6s4Xazmv
>Skirmish discord: https://discord.com/invite/DZCVvVU
>Evo Game discord: https://discord.gg/v55Xaaja
>Old pastebin containing advice for QMs:
Badly in need of renovation.

>Archiving guide:
Go to http://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/requestqstinterface.html
Fill out the request form to archive a thread.
Threads are also automatically archived by other websites, such as archived.moe.

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>QM question:
Do you live for the (You)s, or do you prefer a smaller playerbase that actually discusses the quest? Of course both would be preferable, but which would you choose?

>Player question:
Do you just copy the vote and post, or do you try to generate/engage in discussion, maybe with the QM? What would incline you to generate more discussion?

>General question:
Using a quest's characters, how would you pitch it to someone who isn't reading it yet?

>Lurker question:
Do threads with a lot of posts that aren't votes/from the QM scare you off or do you prefer having to scroll through discussion? Do you ever engage in that, even if you don't vote?

>Miscellaneous question:
If you could ban Souv, would it be permanently, or just temporarily?
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>Do you live for the (You)s, or do you prefer a smaller playerbase that actually discusses the quest? Of course both would be preferable, but which would you choose?
If I had to choose, I'd prefer the latter. Discussion makes me feel more successful. Like I have the players hooked more. Fuckin' love discussion.
>Do you just copy the vote and post, or do you try to generate/engage in discussion, maybe with the QM? What would incline you to generate more discussion?
A little bit of both. I'm also guilty of just lurking sometimes. It depends on how much energy I have in a given day.
>Using a quest's characters, how would you pitch it to someone who isn't reading it yet?
Blud is really asking us to start roleplaying in the QTG...
>Do threads with a lot of posts that aren't votes/from the QM scare you off or do you prefer having to scroll through discussion? Do you ever engage in that, even if you don't vote?
I love to read the discussions of anons as I read through a thread. Sometimes I regret being late to a discussion, reading archives means I can't add my two cents.
>If you could ban Souv, would it be permanently, or just temporarily?
Elevate Souv to mod status :^)

Read Lodestar!
Alright you two, fight to the death for the right to be the /QTG/.
>Player question
Depends on the vote and whether or not I can contribute something of actual value to that vote
>General question
Hot men
>Lurker Question
I only vote if I'm an active reader of a quest. If I'm stuck on a vote, I'll +1
>Misc. Question
I wholeheartedly support Souv's presence in the /qtg/.
Souv, buy 4chan if you are reading this.
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LATTER, because I know anons are engaging with what I placed in front of them. Their thoughts and theories are enough to color my heart.
FORMER, because I cannot fit many people into my narrow worldview. I only make SHORT engagements in discussion because I feel I missed out on a lot of earlier plans.
Pic related is the titular poster girl. I draw her myself. Now read my Quest.
Temporarily, Souv's little vacation will marinate his thoughts into even more hyperdetailed quests. He should run the moderation team, 100%.
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Are you named after Exxon, XOM QM? hehe

I think it is always difficult enforcing rules in online communities, someone actually made an interactive text game that demonstrates this, you may have seen it:


Basically if you play this game (no login or signup required) it shows you how inevitably personal judgement and bias in decisionmaking / choices creeps more and more into what appears at first to be incredibly clear and unambiguous rules. This game was fairly thought-provoking for me
I remember reading about how in Dishonored 2 (NOT the first one), if you shoot a crossbow bolt into the food in the game, then eat the food (with the sharp bolt embedded in it) the food actually damages you lol, I tried this hehe.

Dishonored and also Prey made by Arkane, or the deus ex games etc are all in the immersive sim genre, I sort of want ttrpgs to emulate this idea of interaction / attention to detail, even if it is some unbelievable ridiculous fantasy sci fi world, I would want small intricate features grounded in real world interaction similar to the Dishonored crossbow bolt in apple damage thing, this sort of immersion appeals to me. Kurt Vonnegut had some quote about "We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be."
Looks like you'll have a small heart to heart with your fellow Hogwarts teacher! whats your story?
vote now to find out!
(i dont know which general is the real one, so im posting this in all 3)
The name is actually the chaos god from Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup known as XOM. He's the Chaos Count, the Mad God, the Very Cool Guy himself (not to be confused with the Mad God Quest) and he makes runs full of !!FUN!! and surprises.
In Bcrawl, you get to play with him AND another God of your choosing, if you start as a Choas Knight. (“You'll never have a normal day ever again!”)
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ah I see, this
Thank you very much for that clarification!

>tension meter? threat
Reading that game wiki, I am interested by the "tension" mechanic from the Dungeon Crawl game, a calculation based upon threat of surrounding enemy monsters.

I have been thinking about including an element of that in ttrpgs, a visible "danger/threat meter" mechanic / item, showing risk of death.

It is sort of what HP basically is signifying in a crude ex post basis, lol those naked no armour dark souls runs / 1 hit instadeath, this idea of "telegraphing the threat" in ttrpgs, because the essential element is how believable / credible is any damage/threat in any fictional world game when you can just use your mind imagination to invent something make-believe to get out of it (I drink healing potion, all fine now etc).

I am interested in not the ex post HP damage (ie you get hit by enemy, laugh at the tiny sliver of hp shaved off, or it is Halo, you just hide for a bit, wait for your shield recharge noises) but the ex ante OMINOUS ENVIRONMENT IMPENDING LURKING UNSEEN THREAT type tension meter.

Usually I don't explicitly mention the threat in the text, I convey it through increasingly sinister images. So for instance in my most recent game UPYR, the Dead Mall sequence here:
This was me deliberately invoking a "Mines Of Moria" moment (when the Fellowship enters and the hobbit kicks a bucket down a well alerting hordes of goblins) I was wondering if any anons would notice the previous environmental images, ie these
and react in a more cautious / paranoid way hehe. I thought about the Dead Mall being actually not deserted at all, swarming with lurking hordes of hunters/looters but I guess I went slightly easier this time, I did a MATT MERCER hehe and did not spring any horrifying ambushes or instadeath type penalties nooo.

The sort of feeling I was going for, it is this hard to describe danger situational awareness thing, if you play extraction shooters like Arena Breakout you know this feeling of AMBUSH INSTANT DEATH, it is sometimes just a paranoid sense of incredible quiet / stillness (eg, all the AI enemies are gone... they were shot by high gear enemies with best tier armour assault rifles in full stealth mode with suppressors, they KILLED EVERYONE EVERYTHING, cleared out the whole area, now everything is peaceful and still and calm, they are just lying in wait, completely hidden, just to see who else walks past...)

The opposite of that is the "shock attack in safe area", I remember Dead Space had that moment where you get attacked in a lift (traditionally, elevator sequences are the hidden loading screens in games, you assume you are safe in them) or that dead body ambush near the savepoint in Dead Space, those were both very clever.

>pic related depicts ideal DM-player interaction in roleplaying games




Im pooping while I read this
Yer not me boss
Also, read Kaiju Mindjack Quest!
I like Thunderhead quest !!!
Also Warden one !!!
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Come play with the roaches! You know you want to.
My favorite conveyance of threat is very bluntly saying that the player is fucked. I assume that prior to this OHSHIT moment, the GM will have been plainly presenting the monsters in a typical dramatic fashion (ie. on even ground). In Vampire the Masquerade, there's a central figure called Cain and his character sheet in its entirety reads YOU LOSE. Just nakedly stating a number or showing an image like this (pic related is the Sa Matra assault if you are unprepared for it in Star Control 2 (I think you reviewing the game's writing would be extremely detailed)) is extremely good.

Also Souv, what Quests are you *enjoying* so far? Not just reading, but reading with expectation?
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hehe currently for fun I am mainly just trying and testing out various configurations of some version of winlator frost 7.1.V5 emulator for Snapdragon 8 gen III, I got Clive Barker's Undying working perfectly, Homeworld is working too hehe.

But in terms of quests I haven't participated in it but I was following BananasQM Black Ocean quest very closely, I made a small virtual tabletop diorama of the cool anglerfish scene, yay >>6059695 I really admire and enjoy BananasQM worldbuilding with the coral and the Death gods worship and the whales and pirate lore yay

For "threat meters in games / lurking / impending death warnings other than low health" etc the immediate notion I suppose would be something like the motion tracker from James Cameron Aliens (pic related is not from the film it is from Alien Isolation, but gives the same idea) I also thought about how you had that wobbly suspicion meter in the old Hitman 2 Silent Assassin game (it appears and fluctuates in the HUD if you were walking too close to an npc wearing the same disguise, they see through you) I think Hitman Absolution also had it, though it made the disguises near useless on the hardest difficulty. Splinter Cell also had that light meter, which showed how visible you were hiding in shadows etc. Probably another variant could be a sanity meter, or some sanity attribute, a bit like the videogame Cthulhu Dark Corners of the Earth etc.

So I think in ttrpgs there should probably be more avenues to explore for a "threat meter" beyond just low hp / near death etc. I think it would be interesting in terms of gameplay to move away from "health damage" towards these other types of threat, because the hp thing inhibits a lot of realism and believability (eg you have just leapt out of some car... every bone is broken... you find a bandage, everything cured now etc) there needs to be some way of conveying threat and recovery beyond wounds, hp, physical injury etc.
I'd definitely take discussion of my quest, if I had one, over empty (You)s that just copy-paste a vote.
It feels like people are actually interested when they ask questions or make speculations.
>If you could ban Souv, would it be permanently, or just temporarily?
I don't have an issue with Souv.
Now if it were Mojique, his ass would be permab& and deported back to Akun.
I think a cool threat mechanic in a TRPG was Lumes in the most stylish bestiary supplement called VEINS OF THE EARTH. There fuel for the lamp is measured in hours and fuel often acts as a currency due to how precious light is. The lightbearer is the one to declare the initiative for the entire group, the light gives you surprise over any unlit opponents, and if the flame ever goes out, the mechanics for combat, navigation, and climbing in pitch black caves become utterly hellish. Bad shit happens to you in general in the darkness, it's quite thematic.
Because Souv actually makes interesting posts from time to time.
Why would I want someone like that banned?
Imperium of Man Princess Quest is updated.

Stoy so far:

To get recognition from her dear (and absentee) father, The Emperor of Mankind, Pangea snuck into the Lion's Gate Spaceport to find any evidence of corruption. Pangea finds a Unification War artifact. She discovers the artifact was owned by the High Factorum, which he used on the serfs as his test subject. Now, Pangea is on the run to deliver her discover to her mentor, Malcador.

No, I meant why are yous till sticking to this silly bit where you try to fabricate a rivalry with Mojique for no good reason?
>fabricate a rivalry
You're reading too much into it.
He's just an off-site nonce who should stay off-site and run for his little Akun sodomites like the faggot he is.
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That Void Wyrm aint right, Sir. Do we aim for the machine or the creature?
Voidship Bridge Simulator needs command input.
What makes you think he is a pedophile?
That's the bare minimum requirement to being an Akun user.
Exalted: Dragon's Rise continues with a new thread
Baseless trolling confirmed. Opinion disregarded.
>ignoring all the pedoshit on Akun
Go back.
really missing that old “poke-pocalypse” quest. Only got one thread in that barely got anywhere but it was a very cool premise for such an overdone franchise. Not sure what the title even was, but it was posted within the last two years and centered around the Pokémon world and our real world colliding and immediately causing catastrophe. If I had more QM experience and more time, I’d probably try running something in that vein here if the original QM never returns.
oh yeah i remember that one https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive/2023/5674830/
i've thought about it recently, mostly because of the lucky spheal and me taking a liking for that line. I'm always looking for pokémon stuff and quests here don't always do it for me but that one I wish it lasted.
Hes not coming back, and if he is he wouldn't mind you taking his idea and improving upon it
Never been, unlike you apparently. Nonce confirmed?
What the fuck, how has it already been over a year since it was posted? I remember it showing up like it was yesterday. God I hate time.

And yeah, same. It’s a bit of a shame only the most generic Pokémon quests seem to gain traction; the usual waifuing or straightforward championship stuff. The only exception I can remember is that Pokémon chef one which actually ran for some time and was a pretty decent read.

Probably not, no. Again, though, I really wish I had the time. Maybe someday…
New update in UTUTU: A multiplayer Kaiju Quest!


Apologies for long long delay in update - I got BTFO by my life for a while.
Just as I say this my weekend clears up. Might as well give it a shot.
Here it is.


I'll wait on another vote or two before closing the polls.

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