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ANIME edition:
>Your mbti type
>Type any anime character
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.G. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology


Explanations of functions:

Turbie-Wurbie's Cutesy Test Link Compilation! UwU:

A proper introduction to MBTI from Patchyanon:

Exploration into Enneagram:

Syntax of Love:

Myers Briggs Files:

Jungian grid test thing:

Previous Thread (Subjective): >>78196818
Fi, Te, Ne, Si, etc are not functions
>Clears throat
Read Jung
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>mfw I'm an INTP and I sit like L all the time
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Basically I'm just not gonna read it (the Jung!!)

I'm sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know..... UGH I know.....

It's just that I'm not reading it is all!!!!

>he laughs and take joy in his own willful ignorance of himself
Here we have a prime specimen of the undifferentiated individual, who is afraid to take responsibility for his own actions and identify his own unconscious motivations.
He would rather be told who he is or what is he to do with his life by the external world, never accepting the weight of his own actions, constantly blaming the external world for all that goes wrong in his life.

And the associated complex with this type of individual is often the inferiority complex, which he projects onto the world.
wew ENTP is based
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too much to read in the OP. i'd rather go down my own rabbitholes.

>Straw Hat
ExFP truly are the ultimate anime protagonist archetype uh
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>be INTP
>Fe dom female coworker
>she's older, maybe early 40s telling me about how she is divorced and bitter about it
>listen to her, she's nice and energetic
>claims she's done with men and very celibate in a joking way
>she points out there's another female coworker that is literally stalking me
>suddenly brags about talking to male coworkers and he's buying her flowers and this and that gay shit and i just make fun of him
>leave to go do my job
>see her and talk
>repeatedly make jokes about how she should consummate her marriage with her newfound husband in the broom closet and get some cock already
>hehehehe i don't know
>leave to go do my job
>see her around and she wants to talk
>start telling her she should make him buy her food and more flowers because that means she has to finally go on a date with him
>she never goes on a date with him because we both know she won't fuck him
>leave to go do my job
>she's asking me if she can do things for me like keep water in the fridge and various little things
>tell her nah i'm good
>occasionally catch up and stuff and then say bye to do jobs
>tell her i occasionally stay at some womans house and jump in her pool
>starts asking me about some past relationship i had that i'd never told her about, she's clearly asking around about me and someone told her something
>give her vagueness about and go ehh idk
>she keeps trying to take more time to vent about things as i listen and retain, but just leave
>she will probably keep escalating
older women make it so easy.
>Your mbti type
>Type any anime character
Cory from Cory in the house is ENTP
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
Cory in the house
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
Cory in the house
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
Cory (from Cory in the house)
INFP who doesn't watch anime here, please give me a quick rundown of all the characters in the INFP quadrant
>>Your mbti type
>>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
Urusai Yatsura
>>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
I've been compared to Noelle from Tenshi ni Narumon.
Sasuke and Eren are ISFP? I didn't know ISFP were so based. Retarded maybe never knew they could be based.
ISFP is the only type that matters
An ISFP is just a gay(er) INFP
ISFP is INFP if they were passionate about themselves
>older women make it so easy
yeah but its like an annoying dog that you know you will get attention from, no reward. you are chad why not just go for 7/10 women or above wtf
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i'm not really interested in chasing younger women. they really put up so much bullshit that it's honestly not worth it.

one example:
>coworker about 22 expresses interest in me, she's black, literally always on her phone shopping while she's ignoring me talking to me about inquisitive stuff, but asks me to go out with her and she's kind of cute and seems smart
>take cab to a bar, it's packed to the brim like can't even move beyond people, can't hear shit or say shit or understand shit
>standing outside for 40 minutes smoking cigarettes and having shots before she decides her hair was did up enough to show up
>she just goes to her friends and hugs them, talks
>i order 2 beers alone and drink them while she talks to her niggas, already drunk
>get drunk as shit, eventually find her again and buy her 2 shots
>ask if this is her idea of a date and take her to go walk and talk alone with her to get more personal
>she just smokes weed and talks about nonsense and i try to ask her about herself
>i end up pissing on the side of a 7/11 before having her drop me off
>texts me she enjoyed the night, respond me too
>forget she exists because it was a fucking retarded pointless night and she doesn't hardly even look at me when we talk anyways
>she apparently complains to other female coworkers she has no idea what she did wrong, she really liked me and i'm a dick for not talking to her afterwards
>Your mbti type
>Type any anime character
Let's go with someone not pictured. Echidna the witch of Greed. I'd bet she is an INTJ.
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
I can't remember the last time I watched a "classic," what counts as classic these days? I would recommend that no one ever watch Grave of the Fireflies unless you want to go into a major depression. Some old ones that I liked are Planetes, and Irresponsible Captain Taylor. The Beserk trilogy was pretty good. Besides that it's hard to reccomend anime without knowing what someone has already enjoyed. But recently I've really liked Konosuba, Jobless Reincarnation, Solo Leveling, and Friendren.

Some things that are older but maybe not classic that I can recall that were also pretty good are
Gai Rei Zero
From the New World
Golden Boy
Cromartie High
Girl who left through time
Apparently I enjoyed these when I used to use Mal.
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
Ping Pong. No one ever seems to have watched that and I think it's a really solid anime.
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
This is tough. A lot of them are pretty close but the one that captures the swings in my personality closest is too pathetic to mention. I'd hate to be seen as someone like that person. Especially when they're at their worst.
INFJ-T in a new thread~! ^o^
>Your mbti type
>Type any anime character
It's astonishing how blatantly wrong so many of those are in the pic.
Kiru is an extroverted thinking type
Vageta is an extroverted thinking type
Yugi is an extroverted intuitive type
Kaiba is an extroverted thinking type
One Punch Man (whatever is name is) is an extroverted sensing type
L is an introverted intuitive type
Ichigo is an extroverted feeling type
Kamina is an extroverted intuitive type
Alphonse is complicated, because before he lost his body he was an introverted sensing type. Now he doesn't have senses.. You know, on account of not having a body. So I'm not sure how that works.. He's probably a pure intuitive type because of that.
Naruto is an extroverted feeling type
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
Maybe Inuyasha or Eureka Seven, two top tier classics.
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
I don't remember the name of it since it was 1000 years ago.
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
L. It's pretty funny how many people from my real life who watch anime have compared me to him.

>L is an introverted intuitive type
That's exactly what he's labeled as. INXX.

Introverted. Intuitive. That's what he is and is labeled as baka. There's no way you are smart like L. Maybe as socially awkward but not brilliant.
No, INTP is an introverted thinking type. They have auxiliary intuition and sensation. In incorrect letter theory, he's actually an INTJ, because that's the type that incorrectly has dominant intuition.

If letter theory was correct, you would be right. But letter theory is incorrect, so...
INTP = Introverted thinking type
INTJ = Introverted intuitive type

Not all INxx types are dominant intuition.
Except L is mostly an introverted Thinker who happens to be intuitive. Take the L, like L did.
If L was an introverted thinker, he would have lived.

We have a prime example of L being an intuition dominant, it's right before he dies when he hears the bells ringing. He knows he lost, but it manifests to him as something completely abstract, church bells ringing, like a funeral.
The whole L arc is him trying to prove his intuition right, and his thinking is always in support of his intuition, not the other way around.
If you pay really close attention to L, you can see he's clearly an intuitive dominant.

Also, L didn't lose. It was just a delayed victory. He was right at every single turn, he just lacked the objective evidence to prove his intuitions.

L and Light highlight the J/P dichotomy quite well, though. Light being a judging type, with dominant judgement, and L being a perception type with dominant perception. L can only follow Light, because Light is always in acting, he's in the drivers seat, archetypal judging type. Always has to be acting and doing something. Whereas L is watching, and waiting, as a perception type does, waiting for all of the things to line up.
Some of the facts about L are the most ridiculous caricatures of inferior sensation. So I agree.
*switches gear into thinking type* Zoom zoom!
*intuitively fiddles with the ratio of your gears to throw off your shifting*
>Also, L didn't lose
Oh yeah, that's also a really good point. His inferior function is very, very clearly not feeling.
By contrast, Light's inferior function is feeling, and the Shinigami prey on his inferior feeling to control him with the Deathnote.
Which you can observe in the episodes where Light gives up the Deathnote back to Ryuuk to forget his memories after L captures him and whatever her name is. Everything that he did falls back into the unconscious mind, and he begins to wonder if he could actually ever be Kiru and commit those sorts of atrocities.

The Deathnote is just a medium through which one differentiates the unconscious, and the Deathgod's realm is a metaphor for the collective unconscious.
There are similar themes in Bleach.
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Gaara from Naruto is INFP and is literally me.
In my childhood I had a lot of problems at home and it showed at that age with me being an oversensitive time bomb. I was a bully to other kids at school and always getting into fights whenever someone touched the wrong nerve. With the friends I had I was viewed a lot like how Gaara is treated by the other sand ninjas in the early show. Eventually my dad became a lot more present in my life and I grew a strong moral code by myself. I still am very sensitive and easily prone to crying but I know better than to lash out fighting. I can't even do much physically anymore because I have a neurological problem that prevents me from making articulate movements too suddenly (punching). Being as sensitive as I am and trapped in my mind, and living in this world that we do, I have grow the stoic exterior associated with later Gaara. Despite my scary exterior people easily find I am a very caring and loving person. I also feel like I have become a good leader similar to how Gaara is Kazekage. People underestimate INFPs, especially in leadership positions. INFPs are very disorganized and aloof but it is overlooked how much of perfectionists they are (and how we are smartest non-xNTx). As long term leaders INFPs aren't very good at it, but as a crisis management temporary dictator (similar to Gaara being Kazekage over their council) we make amazing leaders that can kick it into high gear and maintain high standards for the group. I find myself good at taking charge of situations in crisis mode and I think its an understood phenomenon in INFPs. So from trouble youth to Kazekage, Gaara is literally me. Too bad he is forever alone :/
Jung seems like a cool dude but I'm not going to read his works.
If deathnote is so deep why is it retarded
You really should, anon. Jung has some amazing books and theories, especially if you're into more esoteric ideas. You can probably find audiobooks on YT if that's more your speed, it's way better than the mind-rot that plagues the status quo of YT content, and we both know you watch that garbage. So stop doing that, and put some valuable and interesting information in that big stupid head of yours.
Because that's just how things work, everything has a cost. Nothing can be perfect, at least not in a perfect sense. Trying to make one thing more accurate or clear, makes something else less accurate or clear. The deeper you go under water, the less light makes it in.
It's all the same thing as say.... a genius. Geniuses are retarded. Go find some aspie who is a turbo good pianist or something, doesn't matter. He'll be absolutely retarded in like a trillion other fields. The psyche is an echo of that concept, which is innate to the universe, and the very reason you are alive.
But it's so specifically retarded... Hard to believe
I didn't think it was retarded. It was a bit goofy and over the top in places.
Okay it wasn't that bad but light was definitely making obviously bad moves towards the end. And let's be honest L had nothing to lose by blasting lights head off when there was even a small chance he was doing it
Of course, he literally had to make bad moves, his death was preordained. And L did have something to lose, his humanity. By killing Light without being 100% sure that he was Kiru, he would be equally as immoral as Kiru himself. A murderer.
Even killing Light if he was 100% sure that he was Kiru would go against L's moral code, L believes in justice, just like Light's father. L's entire goal was for Kiru to be imprisoned, not for him to become a vigilante and take justice into his own hands.
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>Your mbti type

>(Optional) What's an anime classic you recommend
My favourite picks are always Black Lagoon and Spice and Wolf. The new remake of Spice and Wolf is airing and it is really good.
If you like phantasy in a modern setting I 100% recommend Kara no Kyoukai, Garden of Sinners. One of the nasuverse creations and one of my favourite movie series.
I liked Durarara! but I know a lot of people that aren't the biggest fans because it's a lot slower and dialogue heavy.
Amagami SS is one of my hidden pleasures.
Daily Life of High School Boys is a good comedy.
Hyouka is a light hearted mystery series.
Sankarea is about the undead and is also cute.
If you like air to air combat and dogfighting, Battle Fairy Yukikaze is a fun series with a shitton of aviation animation.
Now that I finished listing a couple I don't think any of these can be called classics...
Space Battleship Yamato is good sci fi and it has big battleship with big guns on it.
Ghost in the Shell does the soundscape so right I love it.
Kino's Journey is really good, the light novel is also really well written.
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you recommend
Oh god, Gunsmith Cats is a really fun OVA, it's maybe 3 episodes long.
And Yet The Town Moves On, is another comedy that I really liked
I never see Jormungand recommended so I'll toss that in there.
Area 88 is another plane anime, story's not that good but the plane bits are, I skip the story and just watch the fighter bits.

>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
Pick your choice of someone dense and depressed and you're pretty much all the way there.
But Light was the good guy. He was cleaning up the world and making it a better place.
Tyranny doesn't lead to a better place. L was the good guy.
Light was literally possessed by a demon.
Light was getting rid of the evils of the world while L wanted to masturbate to solving puzzles and standing in his way.
Forget Sigmond Frued and Jung.
There's a new intellectual tag team of the modern Era.
>lazythread dies on 50
>dies again on 100
I think the toastpepe.jpg thoughtform has outgrown its masters. They can't control him anymore. The true chaotic neutral crinkelonis shall prevail
>make lazy thread
>don't bother to hard carry the thread
what's the point of making it
>Your type
>Have you ever successfully lucid dreamed about or created a tulpa of your waifu?

>1st Q
>2nd Q
No but also yes. I once unintentionally created a waifu that I definitely would never have otherwise after exploring too far deep into my subconscious. As for lucid dreams, that's usually not what I want to create when I have them. Usually.
Would you care to eIaborate?
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Not unless you ask specific questions worth elaborating on. Then maybe.
Looks like it's emergency bump time
Light WAS one of the evils of the world
Doing evil to get rid of evil only creates an equal amount of evil. Or simply put, Light was the very evil he was battling against. And he lost.

Light was a representation of the archetype "The Tyrannical King" and the Japan of the show was an archetypal representation of an tyrannical authoritarian police state, similar to the USSR or something like that. Even speaking out against Kira was enough for him to turn on you and kill him.

You literally cannot make a worse bad guy than Light. He literally killed innocent people, and actual good guys, like the FBI agents and that one chick who was an ex-FBI. He also used his friends and family as pawns in order to further his own agenda. He also murdered one of his friends outright, L.
Light is the worst, and all tyrannies lead to the same result. The tyrannical king being taken by the people and killed.
>Doing evil to get rid of evil only creates an equal amount of evil.
Actual goycattle mentality, I'm not agreeing with light because he was fucking retarded but violence against something objectively evil is not evil.
Dude he was just killing petty street thugs
I may understand if he was taking down the political, economic and cultural elite that forces us to live in a liberal globohomo dystopia, but the stuff he did canonically ain't worth it, man
There is a difference between killing and murder. Killing someone is justified, murdering someone is not.
Light was a murderer, end of story. It doesn't matter if he also killed a few objectively evil people, he was still a murderer, and was not fit to be in any sort of position of power.

The real problem is that Light was not measuring "evil" in an objective sense, if he was, he would have written his own name in the deathnote. Because he was the most evil character in the show, even more evil and the Shinigami.
There is absolutely no reason to agree with Light, he was pure evil, and blinded by his own self righteous desire to be God, he murdered many innocent people to force the survivors to listen to his demands.
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He was just getting started before some uppity megalomaniac just needed to prove he was the best detective ever came to antagonize him. You really believe that Light getting rid of every pedophile or corrupt politician would be equally evil to those doing such heinous acts to children? Ask yourself if you really believe that. Because I don't think you do.

Light was a good person trying to do what he thought was best until some Jaded clown, made him focus on fighting for his life instead of cleaning up the world.
How do you strengthen Te and Fe? I really rely heavily on Fi and Ti, and to a lesser degree Ne and Ni, probably too much, and it can cause issues interacting with other people bc i find it's more important to stand up for what i feel is right or what i think is correct, than it is to keep the peace with other people
>getting rid of every pedophile or corrupt politician
Well i already said that getting rid of the liberal elite would make Light's actions more justifiable, but that's not what we see him do in the show, and saying he eventually would have done so if not for L is just speculation
As far as we've seen in the show Light was just a an angsty teen on a power trip
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>You really believe that Light getting rid of every pedophile or corrupt politician would be equally evil to those doing such heinous acts to children?

Light was anything but a good person, he was the most evil person in the show. That is why the show is so good, he's not an anti-hero, he's a villain. He's a straight up murderer who has deluded himself into believing he's the good guy.
But he literally murders the hero of the story, L, and countless other innocents or even other good guys in the story.
He even murders his own gf by using her as a pawn, and gets her to kill innocent people or even cops.
Read Jung, dispense with the garbage 8 function stack model, it's rotting your brain.
where's s*phie? he needs to be bullied endlessly
>Read Jung, dispense with the garbage 8 function stack model, it's rotting your brain.
ok well aside from the stack, how do i be less introverted in terms of not valuing other peoples feelings when they bump up against what i feel is right and wrong?
it sucks, and i don't even like that i care so much about "good" and "bad" when morality is just a fabrication
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WHY are ENFPs and INFPs so WEAK in the head. Cant speak for the males but the women who have those types are always sooooo fucked. And this is coming from an INTP.
What it sounds like you're trying to ask is not actually about introversion, or being an introvert.
What you're describing is inferior feeling, and it sort of sounds like you're describing inferior introverted feeling. Which would make you an ExTJ. Especially if you're saying that when people, "rub you the wrong way" for lack of a better term, that you say or do something that makes it clear to them that you disagree with what they are saying or doing. And that when you do these sorts of things, you're sort of acting on an impulse that sort of just takes control of you.

Do I got that right?
no not really
for an example
if i'm with friends and one of them refers to a transwoman as a lesbian, or says that women need to let transwomen into women only spaces, i care quite a bit about that and feel that women should be free to set boundaries and have spaces free from men. this leads me to feeling i have to say something, otherwise it's like i'm tacitly agreeing or supporting what the other person is talking about. This can cause friction between people, because it can be upsetting to receive pushback on something as emotionally charged as that, but I find myself doing it anyway because i value expressing and standing up for what i believe is "right". I'm normally a rather empathetic person, and even if someone rubs me the wrong way, if it's in a way that's not related to morality i can generally just ignore it. If it's something like seeing a father smack his kid in public, I have an extremely hard time not confronting him about it and have gotten to the point where i'm shaking with rage and having to use all of my self control to not say something because i care a lot about not hurting kids. but if they like say a slur or something i'll just think "oh he's a jackass" and maybe interact with him less, but i won't feel like i have to confront him about it. idk if it's inferior, since i base a lot of what i do on these sorts of feelings. For another example, I was in college and had to choose an internship. lots of my classmates in the same major were pursuing internships with federal agencies like the nsa or cia, or large corporations. I just could not even stomach the idea of working for them because i feel they are "evil" in my heart, despite being paths to handsomely paid jobs. I ended up switching majors to something that was more easier to reconcile with my moral values, before dropping out at least. hopefully that clears some things up?

INTJ do you think this is accurate?
he just seems autistic
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NTA but your example sounds like what >>78274939 is describing.
Your own sense of morality and your feelings behind them make you act on a sort of impulse to be "better" or do the right thing in your own eyes.
That's a woman. Friend.
idk though, when i do tests i get high Fi marks, and am definitely not an extj
i tend to get either intp or infp depending on whether i consider myself to be valuing reason or emotion more strongly on any given day
tfw my friend's mob psycho shipping manifested in my new relationship (with a g*rl) sadly
Pressing X hard
Okay, I thought the same thing, but I wasn't quite sure, if I explained it in the first post poorly.
Ignore tests, they're useless, that's why I say READ JUNG. I trust your description of yourself more than any test you've ever taken. You describe yourself as an extrovert with inferior feeling.
Getting "high scores" on functions tests don't mean anything, you could score really high on your inferior function.
im not an extravert and i will kill myself if i am
i feel deeply introverted even though i do utilize some extraversion i feel that at my core the main tools i use are internally sourced
>read jung
i've started but haven't quite gotten the momentum for it
i am either infp or intp, based on my reading of the types from a lot of sources and comparing against my own experiences
those experiences i detailed are just of specific things, not general patterns of behaviour
pls im going to cry
>Did the test

What does that mean?
you're a normie npc
>>You really believe that Light getting rid of every pedophile or corrupt politician would be equally evil to those doing such heinous acts to children?
- rep
? what this mean ?
reputation down
Everything is internally and externally sourced. All of your thoughts and perceptions come from within your own mind, duh.
The concept of "Fe" is your own feelings, it's your judgments in your mind.
The thing you described is more than just behaviors, you described your psychological process and your outlook on the world.

People really don't understand how much of themselves they tell when they describe themselves.
Evil is not a sliding scale, it's binary. It's either A, Evil. Or B, Good. There are no gray areas.
>my made-up bullshit is not a sliding scale, it's binary
you are some kind of ni/ti aren't you? maybe some fe with weak fi.

why do I know this?
>Give up and just play videogames all day
>Suddenly drinking a glass of apple juice is the best thing I have ever done
Hmm, interesting

It means he's a gamer, and he doesn't like you.

Never ever. Wish I had more to say but it's just not something I've ever managed.
>It means he's a gamer, and he doesn't like you.
you're goddamn right
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>Your mbti type
intp-t 5w4
>Type any anime character
haru nonaka, enfp because she is cute and quirky and a doomer
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
toradora is underhyped even though it is very hyped up, it's crazy how good it is.
i watched welcome to the nhk like 50 times but I assume everyone here has seen it
code geass is fun really liked it when I was younger
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
i dont watch anything that obscure... never seen anyone talk about The Great Passage which I liked. nice quiet anime about an autist doing something
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
Hikigaya Hachiman
>Implying that I made up the concept of good and evil
Weak functions don't exist, that's a made up nonsense concept byu nu-age post modern Marxists.
Oh no, the worst faction, Caesar's Legion doesn't like me! However will I recover from this!? With lasers.
I think I've shifted from an INTP sp5 to an INTJ sp3 over the last 10 years. I used to learn for learning's sake, but my priorities have completely changed, now I'm all about success and survival. I don't care about "useless" knowledge any more at all, and I focus entirely on practical knowledge. I've gone from being a video game obsessed nerd to being a career obsessed nerd.
you were never an intp
an intp would never say something this stupid
Stupid in what way?
>Weak functions don't exist, that's a made up nonsense concept byu nu-age post modern Marxists
But are you a Ni/ti user and why would I think so?
>>Implying that I made up the concept of good and evil
so it's ok to parrot bullshit as long as the blame of creating it is on someone else? interesting.....
the whole thing is stupid. you cant shift types because of environmental factors
Stop being me, cunt
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>Your mbti type
>Type any anime character
don't know any and even if I did I wouldn't know how to spell Jap names
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
Samurai Jack?
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
I dont watch
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
fucking none of them
Ni isn't a function
Ti isn't a function
Because you follow nu-age mbti which isn't even mbti.
Good and evil are inherent to the universe, it's implicit.

It's pretty shrimple, if you murder someone, you're evil. Even if the person you're murdering is also evil.
You know the old saying "two wrongs don't make a right"?

People who say morality is a spectrum are the ones making shit up. It's just their own subjective interpretation of reality. Even other animals under the concepts of good and evil.
You can mince words or twist the truth to make yourself feel like the good guy, just like Light did. Doesn't make it true though.

>B-but it's his truth!!
>Y-yo-you have to respect his truth!
No I don't, he's an evil bastard and got exactly what he deserved.
>Ni isn't a function
>Ti isn't a function
So translated into your language. You are a introverted intuition or perhaps introverted thinker type with some extroverted feeling and weaker introverted feeling.

Is this close?
I would just say I'm an introverted intuitive type, the auxiliary functions are relatively unimportant, since in most people the auxiliaries will be largely the same.
So I was right? How could I tell?
You were close enough to right that I can give you a point for it. But when you say "Ni user", as an example, you could literally be referring to any type. Because every type uses every function.

Probably because you're an extroverted intuitive type, they're good at sniffing out possibilities.
nobody is interested in these threads. let them die
>nobody likes chocolate icecream let it die
>he said to people eating chocolate icecream
Fi seems to have a problem with powerful things. Always afraid of losing their right to be pathetic subhumans
>Fi dom
>love powerful and domineering men
explain this
when I was logical atheist fedora teen I was intp
when I was trying to be a productive normie family man I was istp
now that I've lost everything and turned to spirituality and art I'm infp
If Light had wanted to solve evil he would have slaughtered billionares and corrupt politicians so that society is re-structured in such a way that the structures that create crime cease to exist, the fact that he only killed petty criminals means he really was just a narcissist going on a massive ego-trip.
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>I successfully lucid dreamed every other night some time ago because I was doing a lot of shit to induce lucid dreaming but I stopped doing it because I started to have bouts of de-realization and was overall feeling nigh-psychotic after a while. I do have tulpas but they're not based on any particular existing waifu.
Sounds to me like you should stop blaming Fi doms and put more effort into being the kind of person Fi doms are willing to be dommed by
Doesn't it get uncomfortable?
>solve evil he would have slaughtered billionares and corrupt politicians so that society is re-structured in such a way that the structures that create crime cease to exist
Why do you believe people with more wealth than you are more evil than you are? Which structures do you believe cause crime and how?

>Well i already said that getting rid of the liberal elite would make Light's actions more justifiable, but that's not what we see him do in the show, and saying he eventually would have done so if not for L is just speculation
Do you think it was possible if he wasn't busy with dealing with the world's top 3 greatest detectives trying to take away his life?

>But he literally murders the hero of the story, L, and countless other innocents or even other good guys in the story
If L was the hero he would have worked together with Light to make a better world. Instead he let his ego get in the way and just had to bring him down. Just to satisfy his ego and pride in solving the greatest mystery in the world.
>Your type
>Have you ever successfully lucid dreamed about or created a tulpa of your waifu?
No tulpas. I've had lucid dreams before. Started when I was young. First dream I can remember it happening, I was maybe under 6 and was getting chased by something. A lot of somethings that I can't remember any longer. I went into a house that was on fire and there was no where to go. I wanted to fly away like the giant bird in a movie I recently saw. Then I jumped out of the window and transformed into a giant golden eagle and flew away.
These days I hardly ever lucid dream, but I have these weird dream like events where I lay down for not even 30 minutes and experience really vivid dreams. It's usually something very exciting or other worldly. It also happens a lot if I wake up and fall back to sleep in the mornings.
Environmental factors? You're retarded. My entire way of thinking has changed.

I'm the upgrade.
>If L was the hero, he would have sided with the bad guy
That's some straight copium right there.
L went the true hero's route, and got the best ending. L was able to stand his moral ground and not stoop to the level of Light, turning himself into a murderer.

>Either you die a hero, or you live long enough to become the bad guy.
L was the hero Japan needed, but not the hero they deserved. Since the Japanese people, and even the police force were too scared to stand up to Light.
>My entire way of thinking has changed.
That's called growing up, your type has likely not changed at all.
>That's called growing up, your type has likely not changed at all.
Are you saying some people are just born with their type? Do you really think there are 10 year old ISTJ 1w9s?
Yes, you are born with a type, and yes there are.

That is not to say that your type cannot change, it does change but that is something that happens in the later stages of your life. Most of changes you will experience in the psyche from the ages of 12-25 roughly, will be you stepping into yourself.
Or, to be a bit more clear and concise, it's not that you're changing it's just that you're differentiating more of yourself, or that more of who you are is becoming illuminated to yourself. You're able to see more of the total entity that is (you).

The chances are, especially if since you're using online tests to type yourself, that you're massively mistyped and every type you think you've been was just a miscategorization of yourself due to an incomplete understanding of who and what you are.
Maybe I'm wrong and you're actually like 55 years old, and you've spent the last 20 years studying yourself, but I doubt that. Severely.
>Yes, you are born with a type
This is just astrology to you. Thinking that babies, who are essentially just blank slates personality-wise, are not affected by their life enough to shape their personality. Thinking that a 10 year old will have exactly the same personality type as a 20 year old, and then a 30 year old. Absurd.
>who are essentially just blank slates personality-wise,
You ever hear the phrase
>An apple doesn't fall far from the tree
What do you think it means and how do you think it came about?
>>An apple doesn't fall far from the tree
>What do you think it means and how do you think it came about?
NTA, but that phrase normally refers to parental influence.
Babies are not blank slates. Have you ever met a baby?
>are not affected by their life enough to shape their personality.
You need to learn how to read, no one said that.
All babies start off exactly the same. Feel free to post evidence to suggest otherwise.
>No, I have never met a baby, how could you tell?
Will you elaborate on how your two sentences connect? I'm also curious what inspired this observation, as that might contain practical example of an Fi having a problem with powerful things because of a fear of losing their right to be pathetic subhumans.
muh tabula rasa
babies have different genetics and environments, their brains are different, they are as different from each other as we are from each other
even experiences in the womb can affect a baby, from the mother being highly stressed to things like drug use. different hormonal levels at different stages can cause different outcomes
how can you be so out of touch you think babies are blank slates lmfao
jesus anon I have very similar taste to you, down to the aviation/soundscape/sol focus. Not that crazy, is just kinda weird seeing it. Will defo take a look at the stuff on your list I haven't seen ty

Steins gate
anything Patlabor (especially the movies)
Dirty Pair

>not super niche but stuff I dont see about too often
Blue submarine no.6 - OVAs, pretty strange esp CGwise but unique atomosphere and concepts
Oban Star racers - Racing on alien planet, fun characters, often comfy and cool world. was on telly early 2000s, is french/anime
Xam'd lost memories - cool

MBTI - INTP supposedly, seems pretty accurate, makes a nice explaination for me I guess
>how can you be so out of touch you think babies are blank slates lmfao
Because, anon, the internet is a real life, concrete example of Plato's Cave. And many of todays kids were raised in that cave, never experiencing the real world.
that doesn't mean they're identical to each other at birth
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>that doesn't mean they're identical to each other at birth
Blank slates can be different from other blank slates. A blank chalkboard is different from a blank posted it note which is different than a blank white sheet of paper
that's not what tabula rasa means...
That isn't what I was saying, it should be pretty clear.
I was saying why other anon is so out of touch.
i don't get what you were trying to say, so im instead going to decide you are stupid and disregard it
Classic low IQ poster
>Good and evil are inherent to the universe, it's implicit.
not buying your cult
inxp 5w4 sx sp
i think ciel is an infp who wants badly to be intj
a good classic anime is vampire hunter d bloodlust, it sort of gets passed over for the original but it's still enjoyable
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
i don't really have many friends or anyone to discuss japanimation with, but the five star stories movie is one i've not heard other ppl irl bring up so i guess that counts
also kaiba is great but again nobody irl talks about it so idk if it's popular or not
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
angelo sauper to some degree bc of obsessive love
ciel phantomhive i relate to in some moments but other times not as much
idk im bad at seeing myself in characters because i'm not the kind of person who would be in a story unless it's a david lynch film or a twilight zone episode or something weird
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>your mbti type
>if you could change the ending of one movie/book to improve the story, what would you change?
Some things are worth fighting for but why does it feel like I'm the only one fighting for us
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>Anime I recommend
Vinland Saga
>Anime i've only watched
Vinland Saga
>Name an anime character that is literally me
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What would make you assume that?
>I'm also curious what inspired this observation, as that might contain practical example of an Fi having a problem with powerful things because of a fear of losing their right to be pathetic subhumans.
More of a fear of the world not becoming what it could be.
youre a fucking idiot man.
your way of thinking has not changed, but you may have realized what was already there from the beginning. most likely you embodied INTP possibly from how you were treated (environmental factors) and possibly reverted to your true behavior after some time. but this is all speculation because you never provided any examples or context.
>babies all have the same personality
holy shit youre dumb man. just stfu stop with the larp
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>babies, who are essentially just blank slates personality-wise,
>babies, who are essentially just blank slates personality-wise
I just wanted to add to the bandwagon of calling you stupid.
>Alphonse is complicated, because before he lost his body he was an introverted sensing type. Now he doesn't have senses.. You know, on account of not having a body
read jung
>>your mbti type
>>if you could change the ending of one movie/book to improve the story, what would you change?
In Event Horizon; instead of Dr. Weir coming back, the captain's final confrontation should have been with Pinhead from the Hellraiser franchise.
Are you trying to imply that sensation isn't the senses? Because it is literally defined as such by Jung himself.
Every other interpretation of sensation is incorrect. It's your senses, touch, taste, hearing, sight, smell which are the concrete senses. And there are abstract senses which are things like the specific sensations that arise in your body which are completely subjective. An example would be the specific sensation you feel when you have an emotion. Like if your angry and your body feels warm, that's an abstract sensation.
The example Jung uses of abstract sensation is the sensation of giddiness, or the sensation of vertigo, which he uses as an example of the differences between an intuitive type and a sensing type.


>Whereas introverted sensation is mainly confined to the perception of particular innervation phenomena by way of the unconscious, and does not go beyond them, intuition represses this side of the subjective factor and perceives the image which has really occasioned the innervation. Supposing, for instance, a man is overtaken by a psychogenic attack of giddiness. Sensation is arrested by the peculiar character of this innervation disturbance, perceiving all its qualities, its intensity, its transient course, the nature of its origin and disappearance in their every detail, without raising the smallest inquiry concerning the nature of the thing which produced the disturbance, or advancing anything as to its content. Intuition, on the other hand, receives from the sensation only the impetus to immediate activity; it peers behind the scenes, quickly perceiving the inner image that gave rise to the specific phenomenon, i.e. the attack of vertigo, in the present case. It sees the image of a tottering man pierced through the heart by an arrow.
What anime is gif related from?
You are autistic.
original comment
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>You are autistic.

on same webpage jung says that intuitives use same senses lmfao
Where did I say intuitive don't use their senses?
Nowhere, that's where.

Literally every type uses literally every functions, literally all the time of every second of every moment. You're constantly thinking and feeling about everything you observe, and you're constantly having intuitions about those things you're observing as well.
You just don't know this because the vast majority of your psyche is unconscious.
Paprika, found it
>no Shinji
He's me
Pap>>78286668 ;'c poor anonie
>Literally every type uses literally every functions
intuition is based in senses just like sensation is

look at sense-perception word compound
i want to get peed on by a hot but emotionally unavailable man who doesn't think of me as a person
what type am i
do you think you're worth the effort of being typed
im not worth anythiing
i think im probably infp
I literally just said that.

I literally don't even know what you're trying to dispute.
Olympics gang get hyped!
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Being INFJ is hell, at first I was proud about it, but I can see how we're literally walking contraddictions and there's a war inside us 24/7...
>sometimes I hate people and I want the whole world annhilated by a nuclear bomb, I get frustrated at grandmas going slow and talking with a southern accent, I give the cold stare at kids and I hope some random clumsy people fail
>then, other times I feel absolute shit about ALL this and wanna care for all the people I had ill thoughts for, and I also feel like crap thinking at some random things I did years ago with people or living beings that never saw me or remember me but I feel like I hurted them, so I feel like absolute crap and I wanna save them and the whole world by sacrificing myself because I want to protect people's peace and harmony, smiles and stuff...

Today I'm feeling like the latter. Of course my Ni knows I'm going to get called a faggot or random shit here, post will get ignored, but I really need to vent so fuck it.
You are a faggot. Ni doms are the worst. you create these weird constructs of what reality is inside of your mind but if your premise or foundation is wrong anywhere along the way the whole thing comes crashing down and you never want to admit how you're wrong about anything ever.

But I still love you for everything else that you bring. Imo infjs have a lot to offer but it's like to get the best out of that build you need of support and help with how you view things to get a more accurate representation of reality to build from.

ps. I didn't read your whole post I just imagined what it could say
I beg to disagree, I am a little arrogant inside, but I trained myself to admit when and where I'm wrong. Sometimes I fail of course, but I tend to be very self-aware about my pro and cons. If I refuse to admit I am wrong, I tend to give a reasoning behind it. INTJs tho, those are the kind of people to never admit they're wrong, almost never. It's their Te, I live with one: most arrogant person I've ever met in my life. However, being less emotional than us Fe users, they usually get things right more and have better back up plans
>the whole thing comes crashing down
oh this quote is so relatable...and it hurts. It's terrible
>Imo infjs have a lot to offer but it's like to get the best out of that build you need of support and help with how you view things to get a more accurate representation of reality to build from.
I agree. I speak for myself but I do have lots of ideas (not as creative as Ne users tho) yet I lack foundation sometimes
>The fi-ggot thinks his feeling is intuition
nothing to see here
usually but it takes lots of practice
It doesnt get uncomfy you fuckin poser
>Your mbti type
>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend
hunter x hunter is the kinoest classic ever
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
Kilua ( have same view of friendship as him when i was younger, then i got doompilled as i got older, i imagine gon would get a gf and ignore him completely)
Can you explain your logic here?
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Haha, that's cool to hear. Planes and audio stuffs has always been close to my heart ever since I was a kid.
Based picks, simple as. Patlabor has so much good stuff jammed in it it's sick
Genshiken looks interesting, Steins gate has been on my list for fucking years I haven't even started.
>Oban Star racers
Looks comfy as fuck, I'll take a look. Thanks Anon.

Anxious Attachment
no, I'm agreeing that sense-perception is the source of the separate intuition and the separate sensation, and sense-perception is rarely unconscious
>What would make you assume that?
Assume what? That your two sentences were connected?
>>Your mbti type
ISTP-P(I dont even remember what it means anymore, this shit is astrology for men)
>Type any anime character
Obito Uchiha(my fav)
>>(Optional) What's an anime classic you reccomend.
Idk if death note can already be considered a classic, but here it is.
>(Optional) What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend.
Afro samurai
>(Optional) Name an anime character who is literally you
>Do you think it was possible if he wasn't busy with dealing with the world's top 3 greatest detectives trying to take away his life?
Again, it's pure speculation that he intended to do it, we never saw him make plans or even speak to anything to that effect, we only ever saw him take down petty criminals to stroke his ego
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I have returned.
I have come for my type.
Which is it?
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What mbti type does pic related sound like?

>You have a highly creative and imaginative way of thinking and you often see connections that others do not. You are uninterested in the dull facts of a situation, preferring instead to interpret its meaning and implications. You have unusual ideas and sometimes perceive things that other people are not aware of. You are easily absorbed by fantasy and enjoy envisioning alternate realities as well as possibilities for the future.
Can one of you lazy retards please tell me what type this is. I've already tried asking nicely and you retards don't like that.
Can't answer questions properly / INTJ
No, I cannot explain my logic, anon. Because it's not logic, it's intuition. I can't even tell you the specific things about his posts which made me think that. I read his post, and about half way through my brain just said "That's a feeloid".
Could be an Fe type, or an Fi type. If I sit and analyze the post, it seems more Fe than Fi.
But that could be the inferior Fe of an IxTP, and this is probably the most accurate assumption.
One thing I am sure of, it's not an INxJ.
Another thing I am sure of, any time anyone says "I hate my type" they don't understand typology, and they are mistyped.
>Can one of you lazy retards
I know someone who can help you find your type,
His name is Carl Gustav Jung,
And he wrote a book called Psychological Types,
Read it, and learn what the functions actually are,
Then learn that you're probably a sensoid,
And that the only reason you think you're an intuitive type is because it sounds hekkin cool, and you wish you were hekkin cool.
Just like every 20something year old who is obsessed over finding their type.


And if reading is 2hard4u,
There's an interview he did in the 50's where he verbally explains a lot of typology for the layman.

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You, you're smart. This is my post>>78289984

Type me.
>I know someone who can help you find your type,
>His name is Carl Gustav Jung,
>And he wrote a book called Psychological Types,
>Read it, and learn what the functions actually are,
>Then learn that you're probably a sensoid,
>And that the only reason you think you're an intuitive type is because it sounds hekkin cool, and you wish you were hekkin cool.
I'm just not gonna read some hundred year old book.
Thanks I thought so.
Why do intuitive types like their prophets like this? Genuine ideologues, you lot.
No one cares about knowing their 'true type'. What are you, a woman? Perhaps if types actually meant something.
Gus, Gus, Gus.
How many more times do I have to tell you that you're an ESTJ before you believe me? Could also be an ENTJ, your auxiliary function is less obvious than the dominant.
>I'm not just going to educate myself about psychology and my own psyche
Suit yourself. Enjoy your superficial type that will change every 2 weeks because you're relying on online tests.
Sense perception is the source of everything. And sense-perception IS sensation.


>Sensation, or sensing, is that psychological function which transmits a physical stimulus to perception. It is, therefore, identical with perception. Sensation must be strictly distinguished from feeling, since the latter is an entirely different process, although it may, for instance, be associated with sensation as 'feeling-tone'. Sensation is related not only to the outer stimuli, but also to the inner, i.e. to changes in the internal organs.

>Primarily, therefore, sensation is sense-perception, i.e. perception transmitted via the sense organs and 'bodily senses' [...]

Sensation is more than sense perception, but sense-perception is the very definition of sensation.
If you rub your hand on your desk and then pay attention to the specific feeling that arises on your hand, you are paying attention to the sensation function.
>and sense-perception is rarely unconscious
I'm not sure what you mean by this.
Because, anon, that is how knowledge is passed. If you listen to someone else who has done the work, you don't have to do all that work. It's not any different than listening to a scientist talk about gravity or anything like that.
>Bu-buh-but muh science is objective!
Types mean a lot, read Jung.
>read Jung
I have scanned the material ten times over by now, there is nothing that is compelling, sorry to say.
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intp reporting in!! lol xD xd
>Because, anon, that is how knowledge is passed.
It's how beliefs are passed.
> It's not any different than listening to a scientist talk about gravity or anything like that.
Exactly. You listen to an authority figure much like one listens to a prophet. You accept their convictions and beliefs as your own, despite the reality that you can not prove any of it with any true certainty.
The nature of an ideologue.
Jung isn't something to can scan.
I don't accept anything unless it's verifiable in some sense or another. I'm not a sheep, I don't blindly follow anyone. But when someone speaks the truth, you be your sweet ass I'm going to pay attention.
>I don't accept anything unless it's verifiable in some sense or another.
You don't even know what you're talking about. Every method of verification at some level requires an axiomatic assumption with no verification possible.
>I'm not a sheep, I don't blindly follow anyone
Not anyone, but your intuition.
Listen I'm not going to be rude if you like him that's great but a whole lot of learning has been how low the bar is and I'd rather do my own thinking than have someone else do it for me, thanks
>Everything requires an assumption
Okay...? Do you think that somehow changes anything or that I didn't know this?
Yes, I am assuming that the words you type are types by a human being. I'm also assuming that the words printed on the screen are the words you typed. I'm also assuming that my sense-perceptions of the world are accurate.
It feels like (intuition) you just got out of a philosophy 101 class and you're just parroting the most recent lecture your professor gave.

I also don't blindly follow my intuitions, I'm quite prone to disbelieving, or even not understanding my intuitions. But the more things that convene (confluence), the more I will believe an intuition.
I mean, no one ever said don't think for yourself, but if you're thinking about the same topics he was, you're going to wind up in the same place.
Just like someone who was thinking about gravity.

Some things are just the way are, like the psyche, or gravity, or the speed of light; and until we evolve in a massive way, Jung's teachings will be spot on accurate.
>Okay...? Do you think that somehow changes anything or that I didn't know this?
You "knowing" it clearly has no significant influence on your actions and character, so it's entirely meaningless. Your intuition wins in the end, regardless of if it has any validity.
>It feels like (intuition) you just got out of a philosophy 101 class and you're just parroting the most recent lecture your professor gave.
Yes, you are stupid and ignorant and juvenile too.
>I'm quite prone to disbelieving,
No you're not.
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Because, anon, the change has already been made to my character. The information you are offering me has already been integrated into my understanding of the world.
But, yes, my intuition wins over your words. I trust my unconscious mind way more than I trust any word you could ever say.
>Yes, you are stupid and ignorant
I fucking wish, anon. I wish I could just ignore everything and be stupid. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. And I am severely lacking in bliss, because I am painfully aware of the world we inhabit.
>and juvenile too.
I can give you that one, that's just part of my character. People in real life love it though. People love when you can be uninhibited and just have fun like a kid. It's quite liberating, give it a try.
You know, I find it humorous that you try to use this as an insult.
>No you're not.
It's a mix of obvious observations and over simplifications, and that's the worst the contaminate your mind with.
Does the inferior manifest in dreams? If so, how?
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>But, yes, my intuition wins over your words. I trust my unconscious mind way more than I trust any word you could ever say.
And so interaction with you is quite pointless, as you live within your own dreamworld. Intuition triumphs over everything, and nobody or nothing can ever truly breach into that. Your posts are not an attempt at genuine discussion or connection or exchange of information, but rather an affirmation of your own arrogance.
>I fucking wish, anon. I wish I could just ignore everything and be stupid. Ignorance is bliss, as they say. And I am severely lacking in bliss, because I am painfully aware of the world we inhabit.
*tips fedora*
>I can give you that one, that's just part of my character. People in real life love it though. People love when you can be uninhibited and just have fun like a kid. It's quite liberating, give it a try.
I don't believe for a single second that describes you in any way or form.
>You know, I find it humorous that you try to use this as an insult.
You rather come off as insecure and posturing, but I'm sure that's not the case. Did you miss how your own post:
>It feels like (intuition) you just got out of a philosophy 101 class
was the one to suggest juvenility?
>And I am severely lacking in bliss, because I am painfully aware of the world we inhabit.
Bro, you're maybe 20 years old at best. You don't know shit about anything
>How many more times do I have to tell you that you're an ESTJ before you believe me? Could also be an ENTJ, your auxiliary function is less obvious than the dominant.

That's an interesting theory, I'm going to bed, but I would like to add that I am INCREDIBLY introverted in real life. Wouldn't that go against a type of ESTJ/ENTJ?
The worst thing to contaminate your mind with is lies.
You can think whatever you want, have whatever opinion of me you wish. Makes no difference to me. Your opinion is not valuable to me, sorry.
>*tips fedora*
>I don't believe for a single second that describes you in any way or form.
See above.
>You rather come off as insecure and posturing
See above v2.
>Did you miss how your own post:
Am I supposed to care? Am I supposed to be bothered by your opinion, just like you are bothered by mine? Anon, I genuinely give no shits. You can think I'm a toddler, or you can think I'm a literal AI, or you can think my IQ is 75, you can think I'm the devil incarnate, or the second coming of Jesus. It makes no difference to me.
Nope, you're off by quite a large margin.
Multiply your guess by 1.60
>but I would like to add that I am INCREDIBLY introverted in real life
What does that mean to you? When you say you're introverted, what exactly do you mean by that? Introversion in MBTI is not same as the common conceptualization of introversion. It doesn't mean "I like to be by myself".
>Name an anime character who is literally you
nana osaki
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mmmm.... well. In that case I might not be 'introverted' under the Jungian way. I simply meant, as you said, that I am very quiet and very much prefer my own company.
So you are dead certain I am a Te DOM?
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>It makes no difference to me.
That's clearly a lie. You wouldn't reply to me if you had no care at all.
Your actions disprove your claims.

Your pretense of being above it all is insecurity, pure and simple.
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Extroversion in MBTI and Jungian typology are the same.

In simple terms, introverts don't want to affect the world or be affected by the world, and extroverts do.
It's an oversimplification, but that's the gist of it.
You asking the thread to determine your type is you being an extrovert.

You're taking something from inside of your head, and putting it into the world. Which is the most basic definition of extroversion. It could be that you're just in an extroverted state at this moment, or it could be that you're just 51% extroverted. It could be a bunch of different things, but the thing you show most when you come around is your extroverted attitude.
>So you are dead certain
I'm alive certain.
>That's clearly a lie.

I'm talking to you, not because I care about your opinion of me, but because talking to people is fun. I don't care if people like me or not, or if they think I'm smart or not. Doesn't matter, I'll just keep doing what I'm doing.
I also never said I was above insecurity. I just said I don't care if you think I'm insecure. You remind me of a woman being like:
>"What, just because I've had sex with 1,000,000 men, you don't want to wife me?!?!"
>"You're so insecure!!"

Feels like (intuition) you're projecting your own insecurity onto me, just like those women. If feels like you're bothered by other people's opinion, especially when their opinion relates to you, so you're trying to make other people feel the way you feel to gain some sort of power over your own emotional state.
It's not like you would ever admit to that, either.

This song is for you.
INxP is the peak of human psyche, all the other types cannot comprehend such humanity
Yugi Moto is literally me. I am a complete wallflower until I start playing board or card games, whereupon everyone becomes terrified of me and tries to work together to take me down.
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Every INTJ wants to create a better world, but their inability to admit when they are wrong is why they always become genocidal tyrants.
>Every INTJ is actually a mistyped extroverted judging type (ExTJ/ExFJ)
Yes, we all knew that already.
are you the anon saying every introvert is secretly extraverted
As an INTJ I'm always the first to admit when I'm wrong, all these Asperger's and normalfag must be compelled to drive off cliffs, I hate every one of them
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>It's not like you would ever admit to that, either.
Everyone cares about what other people think about them. That's a completely normal human experience. It's something any social animal can relate to. You pretending to be above it only showcases how insecure you are.
yayyy I got Izaya and Edward
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>Are you the only anon that understand the difference between introversion and extroversion?
Two of the three people in your picture are extroverts. One is an ENTP (Marx) and the other is an ENxJ (Lenin). Hegel is the only potential INTJ.
Wanting to have influence (control) over other people is prime extroversion.
>Everyone cares about what other people think about them
That's called projection, anon. YOU care what other people think about you, and you assume that everyone feels the same way. Not everyone feels the same way.
If you care about what other people think about you, that's cool. I'm not trying to say you're wrong for caring, and I'm not trying to change your preference. But I don't care about it, and I genuinely don't understand why other people care about the opinions of others. I've also met plenty of people in real life that don't care either.
It's especially true if the other person's opinion is incorrect. Like, if you think wrong things about me, I could not care less.

Me caring about someone's opinion of me is like me caring about someone else's taste. Why would I care if you like chocolate icecream or not, or if you think blue is an ugly color? Doesn't make any sense.
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>Your type
>Have you ever successfully lucid dreamed about or created a tulpa of your waifu?
I have tried the tulpa shit while incredibly bored and lonely, it was fun for a bit and I didn't take any of it seriously but eventually I dropped it. Nowadays I never would do it no matter what just cause of newfound beliefs. I did dream about my egf last night though. Holy fuckin crap that dream had me pent up at the risk of maybe TMI.
>Doesn't make any sense.
Because you are a social animal to whom that is a biological trait and necessity for survival in the kind of environment we evolved to live in and still haven't evolved out of. The more you claim to be above it all, the less believable it becomes.
If shamelessness is a permanent attitude in your life, I'll just assume you're cluster B personality disordered and simply cut off from those natural feelings as a defense.
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Are you seriously trying to tell me that I have a biological imperative to care about the opinions of anonymous strangers on the internet....? You're weird.
I'm not claiming to be above anything, I'm merely saying I don't care about your opinion of me.
>cluster B
You seem to project a lot. Probably a narcissist yourself, since you cannot stop caring about other people's opinion of you. Narcs live off that kind of stuff, other people's opinions are extremely important to them. That's why they're always doing grand gestures, like flashing their fancy watch to capture other people's attention so they can garner praise and admiration.
Also, I'm not cluster B at all. I'm extremely calm basically always. I do have a fair number of traits from cluster A though.

I find it really, really strange that you are so bothered by me being unbothered by your opinion of me. What a strange dichotomy.
But, you're welcome to think that I care, if it makes you feel better. No skin off my back.
>>Primarily, therefore, sensation is sense-perception, i.e. perception transmitted via the sense organs and 'bodily senses' [...]
yeah, exactly like intuition
would it make you less of a genetic dead-end dipshit worm if I answer your poll, sweetie?
>Wanting to have influence (control) over other people is prime extroversion
it's irrelevant to functions or types
>>sometimes I hate people and I want the whole world annhilated by a nuclear bomb, I get frustrated at grandmas going slow and talking with a southern accent, I give the cold stare at kids and I hope some random clumsy people fail
>>then, other times I feel absolute shit about ALL this and wanna care for all the people I had ill thoughts for, and I also feel like crap thinking at some random things I did years ago with people or living beings that never saw me or remember me but I feel like I hurted them, so I feel like absolute crap and I wanna save them and the whole world by sacrificing myself because I want to protect people's peace and harmony, smiles and stuff...
this isn't even typological and it's pointless to get disappointed over yourself unless you act on that
Intuition is not your bodily senses. There are some similarities between sensation and intuition, but they are very different.
Intuition deals with the associations between things, rather than the actuality of those things, such as sensation.

>It is that psychological function which transmits perceptions in an unconscious way. Everything, whether outer or inner objects or their associations, Intuition has this peculiar quality: it is neither sensation, nor feeling, nor intellectual conclusion, although it may appear in any of these forms.
That is not correct at all, anon. It is the very definition of extroversion, and is related to the judgement functions (thinking and feeling), as those functions are the ones that push you towards action.

>With this concept I denote a manifest relatedness of subject to object in the sense of a positive movement of subjective interest towards the object. [...]
>In a sense, therefore, extraversion is an outgoing transference of interest from the subject to the object.

If someone's attention is focused on other people, that is extroversion. If you want to control other people, where is your focus? Hint, hint, it's the other people.
The more you are influenced by the external world, the more extroverted you are.
If it is your habitual nature to be influenced by the external world, you are an extroverted type.

There's countless passages where Jung talks about this. Introverted types don't want to influence the world, this is especially true for the Fi types.
>this is especially true for the Fi types.
>Idealistic and empathetic, people with the INFP personality type long for deep, soulful relationships, and they feel called to help others.
>help others
this is influencing others
>Intuition is not your bodily senses
what are you on about
this is irrelevant

do you even read my posts, or Jung, or the page you're quoting
>I am now speaking of sensation as the simple and direct sense-reaction, an almost definite physiological and psychic datum. This must be expressly established beforehand, because, if I ask the intuitive how he is orientated, he will speak of things which are quite indistinguishable from sense-perceptions.

>If someone's attention is focused on other people, that is extroversion
not if the other people are interpreted by the person as some archetypes and the like
>The more you are influenced by the external world, the more extroverted you are
the archetype world is an external world, too, isn't it
That sort of generic description of a type is exactly why people give to credit to MBTI, and exactly why people compare it to astrology. It applies to literally every type, and doesn't differentiate any two types. ENTJ's can be idealistic and empathetic people, who generally love to make deep connections with people.

Nothing is ever entirely one thing. There is no such thing as pure introversion. Reality is a duality, there is the external and internal. It is impossible to exist in the world and NOT influence something inside of it.
What do you mean what am I on about?
You said, and I quote:>>78293468
>yeah, exactly like intuition
In a reply to my quoting of Jung's description of sensation and sense perception:
>Primarily, therefore, sensation is sense-perception, i.e. perception transmitted via the sense organs and 'bodily senses' [...]
yeah, exactly like intuition
But, intuition is not exactly like that because that would mean that intuition is exactly the same as sensation.
And it's not.
It's pretty simple, I thought.

What Jung is talking about there is that the description of an intuition cannot be described in any other terms than by terms of sensation. "I can feel it in my balls, something bad is going to happen." Is a really good example, "Something smells fishy" is another. Jung gives an example of an intuitive patient of his who sees a black snake in her stomach. This is a sensation, but the thing she is describing is an intuition.
These are the conscious manifestations of the unconscious. Intuition itself is unconscious, you cannot actually observe it, so you can't describe it.

>not if the other people are interpreted by the person as some archetypes
Not sure what you mean by that? People ARE archetypes, that's what typology is talking about.
You mean the world of archetypes exists outside of the human psyche?
Archetypes exist, they are real things. The collective unconscious exists outside of the human psyche. You exist INSIDE of the collective unconscious. The collective unconscious is the water your psyche swims in. Without the collective unconscious, it would not be possible for your conscious mind to exist. It would be like trying to draw without paper or a pen, or hands or eyes.
Not possible, mango.
Anyway, I'm going to sleep to convene with the collective unconscious.
Have fun.
speep tide pubber
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>Night night narcissists
hope you said your prayers.
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holy shit buddy
ironic schizo duder to possibly NOT joking about being gangstalked duder..
you have got to be fucking smarter in any/either case

if i ever respond to or engage with you in this thread from this point on it's unknowingly. saw collective conscious mentioned and thought it was INFJ-A
>What types make the spodermoonElsaGate YouTube MKOften/Ultra trigger cartoons?
>What types are the sleeper agents most likely to come online to them?
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>your mbti type
>what's do you believe is the most offensive thing you could do to each mbti type?
>what do you think makes each type the happiest?
awaken, my threaddies
cum on centy and lilac while they sleepie weepie
>Your mbti type
"I", every other letter is always 50/50 regardless of the quiz I take
>What's an anime classic you reccomend
>What's an anime only you've ever watched that you reccomend
idk, maybe Night Wizard
>Name an anime character who is literally you
pic related

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