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eepy gn bf cuddly time version
previously: >>78260038
taking this faggot thread'a virginity with my big straight cock
attractive imaginary men cuddling and they have a cat
they don't have to worry about anything because they are not real
i got a typo but at least i did it this time
it's okay my boyfriend is also imaginary
my imaginary boyfriend doesn't even like me rip
Time to wash 300 plates and glasses
I don't like being under pressure but I work better when I am
>they/them girl at the trivia bar asked me out and when I said I was gay she insisted that she was nonbinary and that I should try it
she was taller than me and was in great shape but I don't think I'd really enjoy a vagina
shes nonbinary that means shes like a ken doll down there
what the fuck exactly about this experience made you think that it needed to be shared here
don't actually answer that by the way it was a rhetorical question just fuck off
no it just means she doesn't subscribe to traditional gender identity you fucking mong
you don't get fucking gelded or something
ok mong
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Literally the same... I think. I just like being able not to do a thing for periods of time at work
That's the joke bakamoron. I always crack up imagining a boy using his feet to measure you
why are you so angry about someone receiving FEMALE attention?
you aren't just prisongay, are you? you aren't just faking it because you're lonely, right?
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I've been waiting for the dentist appt for almost three hours now and they still haven't sent the confirmation message fuck this shit man
Those were both me.. n.n

Slacking until noon, I am dying to death of hunger but no more carbs and sugar
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>tfw still no sho bf to be his butler and dog
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Boruto's father
I'll be right there with you tomorrow
Gotta love these big events
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He is so cute I should start grinding unist again
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Im becoming so lonely that im considering becoming gay or trans just to feel what love is like
I'm 5,3 so id have much better chances with guys
well you'll fit right in, this thread is 90% prisongays pretending to be into men while blogposting about literally nothing
bisexual is the correct term chud
Suffer not the straggot to live
>turned on the wrong stove
>melted anothet pan top handle
>becoming gay
spoiler: you were always a faggot
biscum all deserve death and dishonor
Whats a prisonfag??

Well im bi, but would never wanna date a guy
I just wanna fuck a girl man!!
what's the difference between prison gay and a penis fetish/fixation?
r9gay ragebait so easy
>prison gay
you jerk off to femboys
>penis fetish
you jerk off to futas
Who are the truegay of /r9gay/?
they're straight men that have convinced themselves that male companionship is something they desire or are interested in to compensate for their severe failure with women

honestly they're probably very similar and likely grow alongside each other
both seem like things straight men would develop or do after long stretches of loneliness and porn addiction
I would like to nominate myself as I am actually gay and have been romantically interested in males since childhood. The problem is, the last time I accidentally created some level of significance and recognizability around myself the thread panicked and called me an attentionwhore, so I just don't make myself obvious lmao
what if i fap to both (and the dick in straight porn) and still consider myself straight? i personally think most men are sexually attracted to dick but i am really picky about the ones i find hot. i also think irl gay porn is gross 99% of the time.

>both seem like things straight men would develop or do after long stretches of loneliness and porn addiction
i do agree that i am straight but i will admit i've never fapped to a vagina on its own but i can easily fap to a dick i find hot on its own. vagina is not hot visually.
oh geez i dont wanna end up like that, guess i gotta get a gf somehow
it's an immune response
My back hurts nooooooo ;-;
I might start drinking energy drinks to stay awake at night and game. Otherwise I'd be bored to death
If you post without punctuation your posts are not true. Simple as.
You are all crybabies or clueless. How much do haircuts cost? Don't tell me you're getting a buzzcut? There shouldn't be a big difference between them anyway unless you live in a weird place
So you're like a dirty little norseman? Is this your thing no
Pls understand Sweden has no barbers
would you date a guy with tiddies? not hrttits or pecs or moobs but actual d cup bazongas
no I think boobies of any kind on a male skeleton look horrible
Tits and vaginas are literally vomit inducing. It looks gross to me so that's a hard pass.
How would he even get them? You might as well ask if I'd date a guy with antennas.
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About 25-30 euro.
That's a lot of money man, that's like 80% of what's in my account right now.
No I am not getting a buzzcut I have (very) long hair and I enjoy it.
>So you're like a dirty little norseman?
What in the world did you mean by this? I get haircuts like every 6 months or so if I can and I wash it often enough, and it doesn't look bad according to the people around (my family) since they compliment me on it a lot.
The opposite is actually true, there are barbers everywhere. The town I used to live in like a year ago had so many barber shops it was unreal, I think you could find like 20 barbers shops if you walked around for an hour.
ok would you date a boy with antennas?
Under Sheets In-Bed
Nta but I would date a boy with antannae yeah they would be cute.
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Yes. I will gladly do so. I will also gladly play with his curly titty hair and firm manly nipples.
tfw the bug antenna boys and tv antenna boys are fighting again
You forgot they are all under 5'7 too, literal child height
I mean you're a poor crybaby it's not that deep
You aren't wrong yeah I complain here cos I have no one else to really talk to about these issues but if you bully me enough I'll leave here too.
Height is a meme
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Die to death ruotsi bitch meow
I actually thought about Shunsuimaxxing yesterday and today
why would I say that when I'm 5'6 myself lmao
Can't tell if this is the real meow or the meow imposter. Though if you want me dead you'll have to do it yourself.
I treat some people much better than I should. Wish I was more ruthless, that would really be a helpful mindset/skill.
Time to finish up the work for the day. Less than an hour left and I'm too tired to do any exercise today. I will however game quite a bit I hope.
>tfw no sweaty dishwasher bf
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I get my posstures offa telegram so they will never have a filename like that meow besides I love you ruotsi my dearest friend
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Hmm I figured the filename was wrong, I think a lot of people here dislike me though so I might leave eventually. I know how to recognise when I am not wanted somewhere, I know that feeling all too well.
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this is not a drill, this is actually really difficult to pull off with these more boutique hybrid varieties
it's a shame I have nothing to pollinate it with

take your suomi fag bf with you thanks
Hehe tiny plant dingdongs
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Noooo everyone loves you ruotsi don't let the lean poopyheads get to you
Thanks to the good wishes of you people, I didn't have dirty dreams. Also I hate this fucking word.
yeah I have no idea why tropical plants have reproductive structures that look so phallic
it is essentially the same thing to
pollen is basically sperm, seeds are basically eggs
Katen Kyokotso Karamastu Shinju
You should ask him yourself.
I am too sensitive to not let people get to me. It is what it is.
Ok what is a Ruotsi.
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>this thread is 90% prisongays pretending to be into men
For me, I am a late bloomer. Growing up in both a devout Christian home while living in a ghetto neighborhood can unconsciously make you repress your sexuality. I was always into tall and muscular women as a teenager, so the signs were already there (plus, all my classmates thought I was gay until I started thugmaxxing). I am most likely androsexual (masc-leaning attraction)
please understand, I do not mean to diminish the feelings of those who are legitimately gay or actually have complex and queer adjacent sexualities
they are the 10% afterall
it's the 90% that are posting the vast majority of the time, as they make up 90% of the thread
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mango tree day 3 update
sorry that was the wrong pic
how do i be real gay then mr expert
you stop consuming so much porn and learn to be a healthy functional human being and witness how your sexuality either reverts back to the hetero preferences you have likely carried your entire life, or you're actually gay and you'll know it
As long as I can cure the fag out for me, I dont mind the prison gay tag. I need to marry a woman for a normal life and all.
i jerk off to my imagination most of the time
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What are your thoughts on Crona x Kid? If not that
ship whom is Cronas otp?
Where are the fucking mangos
That's just a plant you liar
If I were God I'd respawn all the people I do not like in India
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very cool, it looks like you have a lot of different stuff in there
here's a picture of my little plant cooridor
Honestly crona deserves to be alone I don't like him
Kid and Blackstar were meant for eachother
Plants are so fucking nasty. How can you have this shit indoors. Also thats not very original.
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Not him but based on actual on page chemistry: Crona x Maka
Based on what I would want to be true: Crona x Free

I can't see Crona and Kid getting off that well
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bruh android gets so weird about rotating photos
slight crop to keep it vertical
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since you wanna be so mean about it here's a picture of my oldest plant
plants > pets
There, I said it.
Reminds me of the libtards from NYC that have panic attacks leaving their concrete jungle and seeing trees for the first time
You're mentally unwell
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Sunf lower yay almoste uhh blooming

I also meant getting along meow
How can you not like Crona? He is a sweet
innocent baby boi who needs lobe. Though I do
humbly agree Kid and BlackStar need to kiss.
Crona and Free???? Your Opossum brain truly showing on this take
You see, I identify with Chrona and Free is my favorite man from the series? You follow?
I really hope you're talking about vegetables and grains; otherwise, you are SEVERELY mentally ill, and that is not an exaggeration. Humans throughout history have cherished the beauty of nature, especially trees and birds. Please go outside and do forest bathing
Well I can't truly hate plants, you can eat them guilt free.
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I wish I had a garden
my parents have a massive backyard and it's like a jungle, but I never have the energy to visit and it's so hot
my inside pals help but I really want to doze off in a hammock surrounded by my green friends
here's my pilea moonvalley it's probably my favorite
>forest bathing
What the fuck is this? I'm not searching up this term. Just say go for a walk in a forest or a park.
Oh it's the jeet lol no wonder
They're only comfortable bathing in literal cow shit or they're out of their element
anyone wanna watch a movie? im thinking something david fincher
So self projecting self insert schizophrenic fan fiction delusion ship? Got it. I do like Free though
and I wish to pet him like the wolf he is.
Is it edible? People eat the most random plants here you wouldn't believe it.
This doesn't happen polfag.
I very much like nature. I just dont like faggot biomass.
>What are your thoughts on Crona x Kid?
Like meow said, I doubt they would hit it off. Crona needs someone who has a nurturing spirit, and maka fits that nicely
>What the fuck is this? I'm not searching up this term
It just means walking through forests without external distractions like headphones. I didn't make up that term lmao
I can watch anime, i was thinking Heaven's feel.
Oh you are the black dude. I just remembered.
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if being gay was a hobby
Honestly, what will become of me?
Don't like reality, it's way too clear to me
Illusion never changed into something real
No, I just take offence at the retarded live love laugh gwyneth paltrow vagina candle tier term.
Imagine being the founding members of gay lmao
Finished with work time to relax I guess
I take offense at your odor
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the leaves aren't, they contain heavy amounts of calcium oxalate which is a toxic crystal
the fruits are like corn on the cob almost, but they are very toxic until totally ripened
here's a tetrasperma leaf that's bigger than my hand
I just told you I'm not him, I just him and you equally.
How common is it for straights to be on grindr to get with the pooners there. I know it is a thing at least.
Fuck. I keep forgetting that I have to take shower. I love my manly smell.
Why do you have this plant at your home then? Also your fingers are thick man
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I can agree that otp wise Maka fits the bill but I like
the Kid x Crona fanart. I guess I am just mentally
unwell weeeee :D
Thank God for not making me a shotafag pedo.
You are correct. Have we spoken before? I only recall meow, a Hispanic guy, and that piece of shit "apostle"
you queers and your little discord circlejerk
I am the guy who spammed the thread. Not very specific and I am from India. Namaste.
Yeah, the aesthetics would be really hot. I am in the process of learning how to draw, and depending on how much I progress, I can finally post some Crona fanart and rule 34 (side action only; no anal because that is gross)
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because I like it
here's a great leaf from one of my adansoniis
my fingers are kinda thick but not really
a size ten ring fits loosely
Oh, I remember. Everyone hated you and I more or less ignored you. Take care
>tfw most of r9gay is brown
>tfw no bf that loves his plants more than you
I make one post calling out the Chronafag and you post this. Unfair. I dont even call out other identityfags.
>tfw no tan with beauty marks bf
You should draw lots of Kid and Crona making out and also show theirs souls making out. Meta and cute.
>tfw no white bf with good hygiene
Easy with the buzzwords pal I'm sorry I have a different opinion informed by my own preferences
Latinx continent is the mort zesty on the planet.
Same brah
Well alright. Who am I too judge. Mind if I read your palm?
if you can see enough sure
>seemingly well kept space
>able to keep a large collection of plants alive
meow is finally beat guys, we can finally move on
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What are you babbling about besides I am white too and can keep my plants alive
What the hell are beauty marks?
You didn't have an advanced education. You probably have some decent savings. You should watch your health.
just need to find someone with reading comprehension and we're really set
well I'm uncomfortable now
Don't worry I stupid. That's the left hand, it's about your life partner.
so my life partner is supposed to be like that?
Well if I know a thing about reading hands then yes (mostly not).
what's with all you anal haters itt wtf is this a bi thing idgi
I like wholesome children's stories with anthropomorphic characters c:
it's a prisongay straight thing
Going out in public by myself I remember how fragile I am and why my life is the way it is
Some things are just hardcoded
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I wonder if there is low level fgc communities in Finland I could go to
relative to who
>what's a sticky
niggerfaggot whores
are people's chest naturally that hairless or do you shave? Also nice happy trail, would follow.
It's a poo is not hot thing
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I don't have any chest hair myself
you need ozempic fucking piggie
I opened that pic. I dont think you are fat but you should cut those hairs in your armpits.
dude nice, however it cannot be determined if you're fat in this position. people look the least fat lying down.
Fatness is not a spectrum, you are either fat or not fat. You sound fat.
Mine is this way naturally. I am pushing 27 so I don't think I'll ever have chest hair.
bad opinion anon
You are probably right. I feel disgusting and grab inches everywhere all over my body. I really won't be satisfied until I am nothing but skin, muscle and bone.
I know I'm skinnyfat. all flab no muscle too.
I have a lot of hair on my body. I dont like it really. Lots of itching.
Doesn't sound good anon. You look alright.
>Fatness is not a spectrum, you are either fat or not fat. You sound fat.
Cope. I can clearly see on the image you are overweight compared to the average twink
Anal is largely why queer/gay men were disproportionately affected by stds. It's also largely why people think we are sexual degenerates. Frotting and oral are well known to be low risk. Anal is incredibly unhealthy
side view please, how far does your gut stick out from the main line of your hips?
I'd probably suck your cock if you take good showers and buy me comfy take out or something
Not trying to be a twink though, just want to be fit. I don't bottom.
'Demographers Larry Bumpass and James Sweet have found that not only are unions begun by cohabitation twice as likely to dissolve after ten years than first marriages, but that marriages entered into after a period of cohabitation are also less stable than marriages without prior cohabitation. This contradicts the popular assumption that premarital cohabitation is good for marriage because partners are better able to size each other up before making a commitment. Other studies have shown that cohabitation is also more closely correlated with domestic aggression and social isolation than marriage.'
Anal doesn't make you get STD's or be a degenerate, that's what whoring does.
men want to stick their pps in a lower hole and don't consider frotting or oral 'real' sex merely foreplay.
kill yourself
this thread is for real gays now
no more prisongays using this thread to blogpost for attention
Just because you say you are bulking it doesnt mean you are not fat
Fuck outta here nigger
prisongays are the ones who are replying to that to begin with
yeah ur just at the border of not being skinny fat. Don't stop being active and also do other things than just hiking and ull be good. Do stuff with ur arms a bit. u have plenty of mass there but by the way its just hanging there it's kinda obvious ur not doing enough curls or other arm shit. looking real cuddleable though. I like it.
cuz its neither too long, nor out of control. guys that are all smooth are freaky and childlike who wants that? bit of hair is sexy.
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We know you have anorexia that doesn't mean everybody over 15 bmi is fat
Made me kek. What's the cartoon ass post brah
Don't be racist.
piss off to >>>/soc/ insufferable idiots
you're the prisongay
kill yourself
you don't look fat to me at all but there's people here who think boys should be skin and bone.
I am sorry I don't speak slang, I need you to speak the queens english
I don't think you know what the term means at all, please lurk more Anon. It should be easier since you're likely already one-handed.
Doens't look very hygienic. This is the place where I keep getting rashes.
This wouldn't fly in my old /r9gay/.
it would fly for about as long as it'll fly here, he won't be back after today.
Queens? What are you some fag? Say King bro.
anon I do
it means that you're straight and larping in a gaygen for attention
go jerk of to transwomen and regret it for a few hours like you usually do
So it seems, so it seems
That is absolutely not what it means at all, holy shit you're embarrassing.
not really true anymore btw. not even statistically
yeah definitely just fine. sure things can always be better but I wouldn't even call you skinny fat or fat, but like I said, definitely at least maintain.
Please indulge me meow
attention whores attention whoring from attention whores.
I'm always right, I have been for years
The flavour of yeast works really well raw onion. Idk why would someone wants to minimize the presence of yeast.
Hi apostle
why not make an r9gay discord for real at this point
Either you don't take enough showers or your skin doesn't like whatever product you use when showering or deodorant or u don't rinse well enough when u shower.
He's a nigger too
South African? NIGGER
I need to take a better side pic, but my home is jam-packed with strangers atm.
How many years ago was old r9gay because I've posted my torso/body twice. The first time was years ago and this is the second time. So what exactly has changed? From my experience r9gay has literally been nothing except angry bitter faggots arguing with sissies.
why are you getting so upset about being prisongay? there are so many of you here, they're just like you!
Fuck off to /soc/, normalnigger tourist.
/soc/ was deleted by jannies, go look if you don't believe me
kiwi has a BFE asmr channel with 45k subscribers
historically there's probably been many that all fell apart because of moderation issues (to keep it short)

catty bottoms that don't get any/enough dick. ignore.
What is this guy smoking?
If you're not a virgin you don't belong here.
There's one r9gay discord that is still standing
Lmao whatever troll
and they refuse to go get the nearly endless dick on tap if they just download a dating/hookup app.
I feel like if you're hesitant on dating/sex then you're more than likely the prisongay
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start simping for story immediately
you realize people are saying >tfw no bf, not >tfw no cock right? everyone knows sex is an incredibly easy commodity to get these days, no one has ever argued against it
Chances are it's not actually r9gay though. How many people in it?
I wonder if r9gay has ever had a full roster thread
All the bots, all the schizos, all the personalities
Where the fuck is hue.. and wallposter jerseyfag
I understand you have fantasies of what having a relationship is like, but I assure you a lot of it is just sitting in the same room with each other minding your own business. The honeymoon is nice and all, but that shit is fleeting. This is why most relationships are short-term.
What kind of reply is that? These normalfags need to get checked by a doctor or something.
they still refuse even to use dating apps. you can go out on a date just make it clear that you are not looking for casual sex and won't have it on the first date or for a while. no they want le pure virgin just like them.
Taking daily showers sound like a bitch move. Don't you feel bad wasting all that water and also soft?
I went on the fagapp. I sent a cropped picture because I don't have much/good pics. The guy asked why is it cropped and why I am shirtless,then ghosted me. What to make of this.
You're a whore and the guy ran for the hills (rightfully so).
Ok but whats wrong with cropped pictures and being shirtless. It's was really hot that day.
this just sounds like an incredibly sad concession of how your relationships have gone
>why is me sending a half nude picture (possibly full nude pic from all the guy knows) bad
Retard. Maybe show some decency?
you know it just takes 3 clicks to make these posters go away for a while right, and no i don't mean hiding the post
I would definitely fuck you. You look healthy weight.
You actually make a good point but why wouldnt I take out the religious charm if I am supposed to be naked. He would have known that. Also nothing wrong with being shirtless as a man.
Is it narcissistic to shave and get all cute just to take pics and jerk off to yourself or is that based
You're retarded and a whore. I rest my case.
Hmm this thread is bad and shit I'll be back for the next one
I disagree
Sounds like some AGP thang
You can disagree but the guy that bolted agrees with me. Next time wear a shirt like a human being.
He's too fat for a shirt
How do fat jeets even exist lmao
I dont follow your logic.
I can agree with this much.
I have some things to share.
>Showed my sympathies to a girl on the TL who I thought had ED but I misread the post. Fucking embarrassing
>SUV drivers playing chicken with me on the roadside(how the fuck is this fair)
I hereby summon thee, schizoposter
May you reign for a thousand years
Normalfag blogs on /soc/ please, thank you.
Yeah sorry bout that but I can't do anything else right now.
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Had a long talk with my godfather about music (among other things) and didn't expect him to be a Lana del Rey fan. Anyway, played some music and while I liked the conversation I'm too tired now and I'd rather have spent that time gaming.
This is like 3rd day of unplanned no fap since I don't really have time or desire to do it when I could be doing better things
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I commend whoever reported me for camwhoring but that butthole I stole from soc for the record
Was only a 24 hour ban too.. weakling jannies
Good on ye lads
You can post it on /soc/ or any other place you dumb gorilla nigger.
I have nothing to do add to this conversation.
Yes. You are correct but I haven't used that board in a while. Also you could have said that without dropping the hard R
What is wrong with you, dumb nigger? Get out.
I mean between riding my motorcycle in summer which is hot as fuck and working out like every second day. I can't really choose not to, I don't wanna be sweaty and stinky at work. I do however take breaks on the weekend just so everything can kinda...rebalance and shit.
Would you eat this?
I am not blogposting now so shut up.
Oh yeah the job stuff. My bad. I would shower too if I had a job. Also bikes cool you off don't they?
I hate plant autists
God I wish this was true, but like ever walked on a street in summer? So you got
>heavy as fuck riding gear and a helmet
>hot air like a hair dryer blow at you
>a metal block full of exploding gasoline between ur legs
and ofc as mentioned first the heat radiate off the street back at you.
So by the time I arrive at home im pretty saucy. :d
Thank you. But I make exception for wild flower fields.
You make a good point. I have never wore a helmet while riding. Though I also don't know how to drive a bike.
/r9gay/ is a footfa general
B-babe no put it away aaaaaaa
Is this guy a Sikh or pretending to be a Sikh. I dont get it. Here he is not wearing a Sikh turban.
Here he wears a proper Sikh turban.
What you guys think? Yes there are Sikhs that don't wear those turbans but it's kinda wear he is wearing them at his convenience despite it not being mandatory in his sect.
Still trying to figure out why you post unrelated nonsense here nobody cares about
No one cares, Rakesh.
I think he is using the turban thing for baiting views. Also he keeps lifting the same old guy. 128kgs to 95kgs is impressive though. But a lot of his lifts are obvious ego lifts.
If you post yourself online and flirt with every anon you don't belong here
I hate things like that, tho I hate servers on principle, because it's never actual regular posters or lurkers: it's always just faggot attention whores using it as an esthetic. Teehee edgy 4kun incel uwu
But why would I go to a server when I can post and lurk here????
Talkin' about the server. There was an English speaking fag on one of those R9gay servers who was raped by his father. He used to cry on the VC. I hope he is in a better place.
you have to be as unpleasant as possible and gatekeep all the time to to earn your stay here
I knew an Austrian boy who used to browse r9k all the time in 2018-2019 and probably r9gay too
Most likely an hero'd :<
Shame it wasn't the jeet
its fun. real fun. but definitely not safe everywhere.
Nah he probably just got a university degree and a boyfriend.
He could barely handle washing dishes at work without melting down
I hope he's better but I doubt it
Updated latest worst posters list:
1. Poo
2. Filefag
3. Meow
4. Self posting whore
5. Plantwhore
Gardening is gay culture
I am actually very resistant to being suicidal. I have no will to die at all. Like any at all. Sometimes I feel guilt for this.
Well its not supposed to be isn't it?
Are those Kamala Harris crypto? Hahahaha
I've watched all of those on X2 speed, it makes the tunes better

oh I've fallen off the list, yay.
Everyone, post a random video with a random timestamp too.
No. You can't make me, homo.
Really? Those are good comfort videos so it's easy to not speed up or skim them. Idk about the music.
You're not prisongay or something are you? Real homos make no sense.
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It's not meant to be unsafe! Sure it isn't as safe as driving a car but its not like its super dangerous either.

why do bunnies do kneading, cats do it to show contentment+happiness is it the same for buns?
refreshing the page to see deleted camwhore posts, yeah that's a good fuckin feelin
What's with the exclamation marks? Idk this looks cool.
Wow animals are so fucking stupid and corny.
He's very excited about his bed, yes
I love when mine do the big happy hop and twist, precious creatures
That looks like fun, I love riding offroad. I mostly watch adam riemann cuz he's both skilled as fuck and also super handsome.
want bf and eat his foreskin
I genuinely wasn't expecting the cars to make it all the way up there too this looks fun as shit
Not really into motovloggin. I guess i prefer walking. Anyways I think all that looks fun.
They should add stupid shit there like crocodiles and running water.
I hate Fujoshits so fucking much it's unreal.
I knew one growing up and she was pretty cool she would recommend me neat stuff like owari no seraph when I didn't know much about anime or media in general really
Enough for today ig.
Well I guess i shouldn't have generalised.
alright, time to get drunk and play TF2 and wish I was younger and more attractive and more charismatic and try not to kill myself
Demo main?
Your daily comment quota has been reached. Please wait 23 hours and 58 minutes before posting again.
I don't even have the motivation or energy to play tf2, I'm gonna spend the rest of the evening watching hour long Rust videos to numb my brain.
Everything else is the same though.
Soldier or scout if I am feeling particularly retarded

Take it out of next week's

Also a good choice, feel better soon
I need to find money off the ground right about now
>luring a jew bf with a trail of coins
he still hasn't fulfilled his boyishness quota for the day...
shalom am jew bf
henlo, can u teach me hebrew?
Can you tell your rabbi to stop fucking my stocks up?
fuck me with your nose cause it's bigger than your dick
What can I do to fulfill it?
uhm uhhhh be cutesy-wholesome and zoomer-like?
My socks are so stinky from working all day uguu >.<
yes yes fine I will take the bait, hand them over
Can't wait for fall u_u
well well well time for another pizza to stuff my fat face with. I'm actually getting sick of pizza but I have nothing else to fix.
Did you clean the pan from yesterday? You did... right?

it was just a baking sheet, I never fully wash those just wipe them off+change the parchment paper if I used it. The skillet just has oil in it so I'll wait until the next time I use it to clean it.
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You have inspired me to play some tf2 even if I
suck ass at it
It'll be harder to clean when the oil is all gunky and old, less effort to do it now
That's my favorite season as well anon. Imagine spending your days at an old-timey british university campus while the leaves turn red :D
I want to live in a cosy dorm with my bf like that @_@

Do you really not have any friends anon?
Also what would you study at that hypothetical cozy college?

oil has always been easy to clean, just wipe it up with a paper towel. I rarely even fully clean the skillet and just wipe out the old oil.
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They're overrated
History(meme), realistically business or economics
Or magic..
>Imagine spending your days at an old-timey british university campus while the leaves turn red
I did this and it still fucking sucks if you're autistic
god, I should have bought more wine
Good thing whine is free, you miserable bitch
fuck you nigger I have the right to complain
>tfw no bf with gray eyes
Bunny nonce 1 and 2 please euthanize eachother as soon as you can. Mutual suicide is the only way for you two to get your child bfs in other life or so the creature that goes by gay god has told me. He looks legit.
My dick got bigger when you called me a dirty little nigger
Stop enforcing personalities perhaps
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>tfw no amber eyes bf
bars, originally
I'm only ashkenazi jewish by blood
Yeah that's how ethnicities work you goober ass kike
I meant I don't know any rabbis :(
my mother has these eyes
I will enforce my cock with your mouth. You have no say in the matter, so as big dicked sean said it: Watch your motherfuckin' mouth 'fore I go in it
Little bitch
Average gay guy be like "I want to fuck a man that looks like a women :DDD"
I want to fuck a man that looks like an anime character
Post it then big shot
Ermm why are you in that thread..?
>tfwywn have a tea party with your bf's plushy toys
Tea party? More like pitty party ayyyyyo. Imagine calling pitty sex w rizz what the duck
What the gay doin
r9gay bottoms want ugly old guys while r9gay tops are submissive sissies it can never work
Hello, I'd like one submissive top bf please!
We got got, exposed
I can manage a submissive top
r9gay just wants to be left alone to engage our vices sir
I'm not fucking reading all that shit
>tfw no short consise responses bf
>tfw no grammar checker bf too
maybe you need an ai bf
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The technology simply isn't there yet anon..
>ywn be born in the future as a digital human, sculpted by your fbf who created you the way he was created by others
>tfw no bf like this anon right here
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>tfw no bf who doesn't expect me to read posts from other threads or twitter
That's why nearly all my investments are AI related
There is a huge market shaping up
My ai bf can live in my head rent free like cortana and john halo and talk to me all day giving analysis
>tfw no bf that doesn't post shitty 3d images
>dominate this dominate that
He sounds like a bad person.
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>tfw no bf to watch ATHF with
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Bradley Cooper as Donald Sterling
Who as who in what?
Frylock's voice is unironically hot he's one of my favorite characters ever
It's gonna be peepee pants city here real soon
>Don't go around tonight
>Well it's bound to take your life
>There's a bad moon on the rise
I like giving them a fighting chance. It's no fun otherwise *unsheathe mai blade* happy hunting!
the AI bust will rival the dot com bubble when it pops.
On no it's not
You're gonna pee in my ass mister and you're gonna do it now
poppin bussy till i bust
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His voice is pretty sexi. So does that mean you
want to cuddle and watch ATHF together????
I never watched adult swim stuff besides the odd episode of robot chicken. is it really that good?
Eat your boogers America
For your children's children, when the mucus men take over
While I doubt the people who made this would at all approve of this place, I also think some of you would enjoy this
Is r9gay pro or anti ira
pro during the rising and war for independence anti during the troubles.
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Currently working my way through a bottle of Cherry Amaro. Tastes pretty good and isn't too weak
I had a stomach ache and didn't get my pizza. Still time to get it now though but I wonder if I should. I have nothing else to fix for dinner other than a frozen pizza maybe some frozen chicken strips which are never that good.
>tfw no bf who isn't a drunkard or completely socially retarded
That's asking a lot from this place desu
Maybe just go to bed and sleep until I'm not hungry anymore? Wish I thought to grab some burgers at the store yesterday.
People who can just casually handle their drinking in a social situation are fucking psychopaths with abilities far beyond that of the normal human being and I refuse to associate with them out of distrust and fear
>tfw no straight-edge bf
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Story can you get me a cs skin for my late birthday gift.
Paul Brady is from Northern Ireland, I consider it more of an anti-war song than an Irish nationalist one
>fighting for your country bad
My country ain't give me no bf, fuck 'em all

I told you no. If I start buying people things everyone is going to want some. It'll be like having gum back in school. I hope you zoomers can understand my reference
Ermm wtf is gum sorry I'm a zoomer I do not understand this arcane knowledge for which you write of
>state mandated irish nationalist bf with curly red hair and freckles from a small countryside farming town
God please PLEASE
Well shit negro, that's that.
I don't know why I bother asking it here, but does the average "Northern Irish" want to be part of the UK? I've never really studied the subject
Evidently so otherwise they'd be unified right now huh
I guess that's how it works
Just like how the average Donbasnik wants to be part of Russia
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Northern Ireland is split, Catholics want to join the rest of Ireland and Protestants are pro-UK. The nationalists will likely win out in the end
>ireland is the last place in europe where wars of religion are still a real threat
I guess they aren't white
>tfw somali ireland will never unify with paki uk
the west.. has fallen
>ireland has somalis
Nevermind, everyone knows that Somalis only move to the whitest areas they can
It'll be 3 weeks on Sunday and I don't think this hemorrhoid is going back in. Imagine your asscrack constantly wet and feeling like you need to wipe only if you do it'll be dry for about 30 mins at most. Oh and if you do it too much the skin of your ass crack because very inflamed and painful.

That is what I'm dealing with right now.
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this is normal in [current year]
>i derail the thread by bringing up the irish
>still don't get a single (you)
It actually feels better this way
I hate you for posting and saying this even sarcastically.
It's impolite to give (You)s in my culture
That means I'm doing well then?
so pizza out, frozen pizza, chicken or go hungry? decide my fate.
I looked into my orb and I foresee internal bleeding of the anus no matter the meal
me (dean) and my nonbinary amab long distance bf jean who still talks to his bisexual ex that dumped him for a girl (twice) therefore engendering intense dysphoria and jealousy of females we're working through together as a couple (dean & jean forever)
Eat the frozen pizza I guess. It seems like it would be the most fun for the least pointless expense out of your options.
I don't know I just finished my last leftovers and I also have no idea what I'll eat for dinner tomorrow but it will unfortunately probably consist of canned chicken.
I've been doing well on spending and haven't gotten fast food or takeout in over a month now, I want to try and keep it going
There is no anus
How are you LDR but also nesting partners wtf
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My god Story is about to break out of the Matrix
can't go wrong with bean and cheese quesadilla
If this is real I want to give props to the 100% for sure white nonbinary motherfucker who named themself Kimchi
Could you imagine some Korean dude naming himself Grits or French Fries
we weekend together twice a month (alternating travel) and for 3-4 days each
This is about what I expected
>(You)less replies, confusing
>bait always gets attention
>i get mistaken for namefags
Goodbye faggots

are you saying I should go to Taco Bell? I think that's the last thing I need considering what it does to my gut.
Goodbye faggot we hardly knew ye
i played cadence of hyrule with a girl. she's not very good at video games but she's played several zelda games. maybe i'll let her explore on her own. she was aimlessly fumbling around and constantly dying. i've been going every day of the week just to see what people show up when. invited someone over but i don't think he'll come. and he's straight.
I'll probably come back to stir shit up now that I see how it works, I am a faggot after all
I'm gonna kiss you on the lips and tongue rape your sissy mouth
make it yourself dummy
taco bell doesn't even serve black beans
wow another tale of normalfaggotry, be sure to keep posting them
what's her letter and age 3ds?
Erm, are you replying to me? Sorry, I have autism
Would you bf someone that had a name that rhymed with yours for real? I can only think of two names that rhyme with mine and they're both inferior
I can't think of any names that rhyme with mine
If there was one it would at least then be unique or foreign I guess and that could be interesting

I don't have beans or tortillas.
John, Sean, Lebron
if i had to guess, probably L, and she's in her 20s. i was eavesdropping on talk of an all-boys party and after inquiry i discovered it was a "sex party" and i politely declined

one of the employees there with a girlfriend said she thought this boy was "cute" and she said my hat was cute. it has a picture of a chicken on it.
how many minors groomed yet
i saw some teenagers today. they were sleeping or watching tv. they kind of just sat quietly by themselves. so far the tranny only appears on mondays so i'll definitely make a note to NOT show up on that day. i also didn't see the boss's kids so the switch was free the whole day. i beat octavo's ode permadeath in under 1 hour.
Well, I'm definitely out after that. Truly, only the worst prosper here
I typed lgbt community center in google maps on miami and got a ton of results. miami truly is very gay.
I don't really buy the spic normalfag adventures desu
It's fantasy, made up
Oh shit I figured this was just some thing 3ds had found I didn't realize this was so common
There's one in my city too I might check just once
if i knew of any non-lgbt places where i could just sit and game FOR FREE i'd much much rather be there.
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oh yeah also i got an hiv test and signed up for prep. they said they'd buy me a game.
I really don't appreciate this repulsive person blogging about his lgbt space escapades.
how does it feel being bought and paid for like a whore
letting a strange men inject you with penis chemicals for vidya
latest attention whoring meta
3ds is just one step away from normie. if he wasn't hung up about virginity and open to sex he would be.
i am allowed to choose to not actually take prep
glad i'm not a normie then
he's basically being bribed to get it so then they can give the pills instead to minors so they can slut around safely.
keeps getting rejected by straight guys is all
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>over halfway through another year
>still a loser with no bf in sight
I'm actually starting to hope that a job materializes and the meds work otherwise I may go hollow
i haven't asked out any boys, straight or not.
Is this the one
like i'd tell you the name lmao
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choose your class faggots
Every day I thank the universe I'm not American.
Both MTF and FTM are translated as de Mujer a Hombre
Spanish speakers don't give a fuck lmao
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Some bad hombres in this thread..
End the end I think I'll just go hungry. I need to lose some weight. tomorrow is a grass day I think since it'll be somewhat nicer out.
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Spanish is such a nice sounding language and its cool to think that its mostly bastardized latin
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>saw myself on the internet today
at least the quality was too low to see my face
elaborate mayhaps
Some normalniggery, no doubt.
I'd kms without hesitation
Spain was a mistake though
was at a public event a few months ago. normalniggers and their phones recording everything. it is what it is.
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I want a united Iberia, I crave it with every fiber of my being
I want to cleanse the p*rtuguese, fucking portnigger rats carving territory that looks like a log of shit out of the world's most beautiful peninsula and justifying it by speaking Spanish with a retarded lisp
p*rtuguese is a fake culture and p*rtugal is an illegitimate nation, and all p*rtuguese should be forcibly relocated to Brazil.
every day i thank the universe i'm an american with a foreskin
being american still isn't much better though
why oh why did the doctor have to multilate me as a baby? I could have maybe had a chance with 3ds...
>Buy my first ever pair of briefs
>Wear them for the first time
>They're comfy
What the fuck? I thought the reason so many people changed to boxers in the 80s and 90s is because briefs were apparently uncomfortable? Like the reason everyone says they prefer boxer-briefs is "Oh they're so much more comfortable than both boxers AND briefs"
I wore briefs when I was a kid and I hated them, I think its just a different sensory thing for different people
Also I think they look silly and I would prefer my fbf also wear boxers
>anything but boxers in summer
also agree briefs look weird
only children and old farts wear them
briefs are tighy whities right? I remember switching to boxers after changing for gym in middle school for the time and everyone giving me shit.
This is why I don't go outside origgy
Got another pellet gun in the mail to larp with, epic
Baggy boxers or tigher one?
briefs are basically just mens panties
at least I finally got that fly that has been bugging me the past couple of days. I hate evenings. It's too early to go to bed but my leg is hurting and I'm too tired to play or enjoy anything.
I wear baggy boxers but I'm also super autistic about fabrics and looseness around my lower body
Denim makes my skin super uncomfortable and khakis are too confining so I've only worn sweatpants for the past decade
I wanted to date a gay guy for years now but I never meet anyone with whom I would fell in love and now I'm on HRT and I'll never get to experience that without dating a bigot. I know it's not the end of the world and I always have a chance at dating guy who mostly dated other men but it still makes me sad that I never found a love with a man
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I totally forgot about my pyromancer. When I wake up I'll have throwing fireballs at a blind dragon and giant skeletons to enjoy
quiet nights like these remind me just how alone I am. Not sinking, not swimming either just treading water but I know I can't do it forever. If I didn't have the cushion of the money I'd likely be dead right now too.
it's okay. if you're balding you still wouldn't have had a chance
Oh are you autistic? Not in a mean way genuine question, cause they can often be specific regarding fabrics and how it feels and stuff.
Pyjamas are comfy simple as
I haven't worn pajamas since I was a kid.

>tfw BJs in PJs bf.
Yeah I think I've mentioned it before in r9gay but basically when I was a kid the doctors told my mom "yeah your son has 95% of the indicators for autism, he's severely developmentally delayed, but we don't want to diagnose him because the stigma around autism might make it hard for him to integrate with his peers" and I only found out about this in high school after years of getting bullied and not fitting in regardless of a diagnosis.
I'm not autistic mom you just bought shitty Kmart pants you fuckin bitch -_-
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Bringing this back. Tag which ones you wear and if its correct.
I wear the vers top ones
Oh you should get the diagnosis now then you'll be able to get some stuff and advantages perhaps. Probably not, autistic adults don't really get much help, but worth a shot.
I wear vers top too
I really don't like wearing any period

top but I'm a bottom in spirit. They're falling apart and I need new ones but I'm too why to buy them.
I wear vers and top, I dont really see the difference between the two? I guess top has the traditional "y" design on the front and thats meant to be the difference? Or is it the branding? No idea.
I wore some toxic boxers for a little while (I have to squat a lot at work so my boxers got holes in them pretty often) but I've been getting better about buying new underwear more regularly and I feel pretty confident in being a top or vers top
That said if I ever started working out I would absolutely wear a jock strap from time to time just to show off my glutes (but only to my fbf on date nights)
I'm eating chocolate icing with a spoon. Bad idea, almost certainly but it tastes so good.
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>Figure there are probably multiple high traffic NSFW discords
>Decide to join a large number of them even though the idea of even talking to random strangers on the internet paralyses me
>One Discord after another all do the process of saying you're 18, what you're interested in and so forth
>All of them ask you if you're gay, st8 or bi
Is the most popular choice on these discords devoted to the sexualization of men populated by self described gay men?
Is it mostly a bunch of self described "str8" guys?
No, but funny enough they do outnumber the amount of guys who identify as gay.
So what outnumbers every choice by a gorillian?
Bi times a million.
I somehow listen to women talk again and again about going on dating apps, finding a guy who works out and the guy openly bi and they freak the fuck out.
As much as they may be devoted to repeating performative progressive trash, just the idea that he may have or even just thought about rearranged a bussy with his meat mallet disgusts them to their core.
The irony being they are often a fat mewling hole that no self-respecting guy should ever touch their dick to.

Before I just assumed there are a lot of narcissistic guys who want to fuck themselves and at best guys who take care of their bodies and women who actually do that and actually appreciate a man who also does that are few and far between.

But now I feel like bisexuals vastly outnumber homosexuals especially if you include women who admit to being bi
(and get not a modicum of flak for it.)
It stands to reason the spread isn't normal guys and then guys who can't get hard for even the most attractive women and then apathetic guys who enjoy putting their dick into warm holes.
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sub bottom wearing the top's ones, I like underwear that is comfortable and looks alright too
I think I would wear panties if my bf wanted me to, does that make a troon?
Haha yeah
*caresses your cheek*
Yeah that is a bad idea
*licks the spoon in your hand*
You definitely shouldn't just be eating the icing
*sucks a stray spot of icing off your cheek*
What are you even doing anon that's such a bad idea
*fingers your butthole*

watch the hemorrhoid!
The amount of straight men who are closeted as bi is NUTS. However I think the majority of them are just prison gay, or just desperate. They wouldn't actually go through with it, its more they're just that horny and touch starved they'll take anyone. Or its a fantasy they've gotten into their head of trying to fuck some femboy bussy without realizing the majority of gay men don't look like that at all.

But yeah the massive amounts of men I've seen on grindr and shit who I've also seen as "straight" on Tinder, or hell who am acquainted with IRL and claim they're straight is WILD. A lot of people have double lives it seems.
If I had a nickel for every nigger I heard say "eww I'd never date a guy but mmmm cock is yummy" I'd be as rich as story by now
Cliche faggots
femboys are amazingly cute though and I would give anything to be able to fug one.
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yeah, I'm thinking it's time for adVanced sex
fat neet bedtime, I hope I die in my sleep. I'm so pathetic and worthless. 34 years old, fat, ugly, no family, no friends, living in my own filth with 9 cats. There's nothing good or redeeming about me.
i feel this way but im 24
>tfw yawn and hearing returns to normal
Oh yeah oh yeah
>tfw yawn and something incredibly painful pops in your jaw and you have to suffer for the next ten minutes
Oh yeah oh yeah
You guys've been quiet lately. What's up with that, hanging out with bfs?
is it bad I wanna top bottom twunks as a femboy

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